2024.11.28 20:49 Dimitriemeyer20 What’s your opinion
submitted by Dimitriemeyer20 to GarageBand [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 Brainy_Skeleton Lord Zufhor almost ready to lead the Skulltakers!
submitted by Brainy_Skeleton to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 randomuser553 Protestele trebuie sa fie impotriva CCR si PSD pentru o democratie sanatoasa, nu impotriva unui candidat anume.
Dragi romani, redditori, domni, doamne si anything in between.
Vin in fata voastra cu un punct de vedere asupra protestelor actuale, indreptate impotriva unui anume candidat si grup de votanti.
Situatia acum s-a schimbat, PSD prin proxy Cristian Terhes (ex PSD) folosesc CCR pentru a le face jocurile si pentru a manipula si sterge pe jos cu votul democratic al romanilor, incercand reintroducerea lui Ciolacu in turul 2 si eliminarea lui Lasconi.
BEC si CCR au refuzat filmarea renumararii voturilor propusa de USR si au acceptat sa fie renumarate voturile chiar si din sacii care nu mai au sigiliul intreg.
Nu trebuie sa uitam de faptul ca in urma cu doar cateva luni, cand am iesit in strada pentru a cere renumararea voturilor din Sectorul 1 si Sectorul 2 si de la Europarlamentare, noi am fost ignorati total si nu s-a dispus nici o renumarare, desi frauda era cat se poate de evidenta.
Doresc sa va spun punctul meu de vedere cu privire la protestele actuale.
Este parerea mea ca ele nu mai trebuie indreptate impotriva unui candidat anume, ele trebuie indreptate impotriva PSD si CCR (practic tot PSD).
Pentru a avea succes, noi NU trebuie sa ne divizam si impartim in categorii, votanti Lasconi vs votanti Georgescu si vice versa, noi trebuie sa facem un protest COMUN, TOTI impotriva PSD si CCR.
Trebuie sa ne aliem cu toti romanii, indiferent de alegerile facute in primul tur pentru a ne apara democratia, si pentru a nu permite scoaterea lui Lasconi din turul 2 si reintoarcerea nedreapta a lui Ciolacu inapoi in cursa.
Organizand proteste doar impotriva unui candidat specific, noi practic refuzam sa avem alaturi peste 2.100.000 de oameni, din care, cu siguranta, multi din ei, ne impartasesc parerile si doresc sa protesteze impotriva a ce se intampla.
Pentru a fi eficient si de succes, cu un numar cat mai mare de participanti prezenti si pentru a ne aduce rezultatele dorite, protestul trebuie sa fie, pentru moment, STRICT impotriva PSD si CCR, ca sa se poata alatura lume din toate taberele.
Eu cred ca doar asa putem avea succes real si doar asa putem sustine cu adevarat democratia si votul corect in Romania.
submitted by randomuser553 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 Remarkable-Jump-140 Traditional body disposal methods
submitted by Remarkable-Jump-140 to NotTimAndEric [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 IggieReilly Those teeth…..😬
submitted by IggieReilly to dontputyourdickinthat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 ReaperTheWolf656 Team had a really rough start but we managed to catch up and win just in time
submitted by ReaperTheWolf656 to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 senorphone1 The secret bellar Josef Fritzl imprisoned his daughter and the children he fathered with her for 24 years.
submitted by senorphone1 to creepy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 ShawLichaYoroDalot Half Time Thread
Utd 2-2 Bodo Glimt
submitted by ShawLichaYoroDalot to reddevils [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 JKREDDIT75 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament 2023 Semifinal: Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue, "AEW Dynamite #197", SaskTel Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, July 12, 2023.
submitted by JKREDDIT75 to RubyRiott [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 TheGoldenBoyStiles Thing growing on leaves in SoCal
Unsure on tree species but it was growing at a dog park
submitted by TheGoldenBoyStiles to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 -IntoEternity- (from r/funny) actual menace to society, squirrel stealing pizza
submitted by -IntoEternity- to squirrels [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 deedougie Will Bruce Arena move the needle for San Jose Earthquakes? Oakland Roots, Bay FC, Inter SF and more by Hella Football Podcast
submitted by deedougie to SJEarthquakes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 ChinoPE-Lim ¿Efecto Chancay? Mientras tanto en Argentina.
submitted by ChinoPE-Lim to PERU [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 FunctionBoring5989 Who do you think is responsible for the escalating tensions between NATO and Russia? Is Russia really the villain?
submitted by FunctionBoring5989 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 -ENIX Zaun rise up.
submitted by -ENIX to wildrift [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 Logical_Base_8929 34 [M4R] - Chats at work
I'm solo on my shift today. Looking for chats to pass the time!
submitted by Logical_Base_8929 to snapchat [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 hahaimbuzzed thanksgiving argument already started
it’s only an hour into thanksgiving and my mom is already yelling at me. We were talking about the pie and it somehow led to her yelling and telling my whole family how I was crying over her throwing my food away.
Basically what happened was I made meal prep guacamole for work lunch and she threw my whole bowl away because it was “brown” . I continued to tell her that avocados brown easily and it’s okay to stir it and it’ll go back to normal. She didn’t believe me so I just started labeling my food so she wouldn’t throw it away. Now today she’s yelling at me with guests over and saying “She’s labeling her food like she owns this house. This is my fridge and my property! I’ll start labeling everything too!” I ran away to my room and started crying like a coward. I don’t know why she has to talk about drama on thanksgiving. I hate her.
submitted by hahaimbuzzed to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 davy_crockett_slayer Online Degree Recommendations for Mid-Career Canadian [Advice]
I've been in IT for just over a decade. I've done everything from data tech, network administration, help desk, macsysadmin, sysadmin, and cloud engineer.
I have a degree plus an IT certificate from a local community college. I also have a bunch of certs. However, I feel I'm hitting the ceiling in terms of my skillset. A relative is a Staff DevOps Engineer and what he does and what I do are two different things.
I want to ensure my computer science skills are up-to-stuff as I know I can't pass leetcode questions with tech companies such as Shopify, AirBnB, or Stripe.
To close the skills cap, it would be great if I could study at an online degree program that's respected in industry, that will give me computer science fundamentals in addition to the Devops/SRE fundamentals.
The closest I've found is the Computing Science degree at Thompson River's University in Canada. I know WGU has programs, but I'm not sure if that's respected by the tech industry.
submitted by davy_crockett_slayer to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 Emasraw Why is Sabacc treated like such an afterthought?
It’s so much fun! The wild cards dlc had a prime opportunity to let us actually play in a tournament, or at least work our way up by playing at tables. Make more use of that gaudy suit lol.
submitted by Emasraw to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 PositiveResort6430 Myscene Junglicious/Salon Safari Chelsea NIB
140$ USD + shipping (paypal g&s) She is SO gorgeous. Cardboard decorations have slight wear and tear, and elastics securing accessories inside have snapped. submitted by PositiveResort6430 to MySceneDolls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 JJACK-158 Help with my new build
submitted by JJACK-158 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 Sublimeon24s [WTB] black mlok emissary handbrake
looking for a black mlok emissary handbrake (not mini) in like new condition without stains or scratches - $30
submitted by Sublimeon24s to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 abso_arm In case you missed it, EPA case against EZlynk was dropped.
Well, surprised this didn't see any attention as much as it was talked about it a few years ago.
But the case against EZlynk was dropped and granted immunity. For some reason today I thought about it and I had TO HUNT for it's end result. 3-4 years for the case to be dropped. What a waste of taxes.
submitted by abso_arm to Diesel [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:49 Significant-Bed-3149 Roast my contact backup, get 1 year subscripton
I developed my own easy-to-use contact management app almost a year ago. It allows users to effortlessly export and import contacts, making contact management seamless and efficient. However, the app isn’t performing as well as I’d hoped, mainly because I haven’t focused on marketing it, and the productivity app space is highly competitive. To improve the app and better serve users, I’m giving everyone who comments on this post a free 1-year subscription. All I ask in return is your honest feedback. An App Store review would also mean the world to me. Thank you so much for your support! Here’s the link to the App Store page: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/contact-exporter-import-pro/id6737469299 submitted by Significant-Bed-3149 to iosapps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:49 HandAbuser Looking for someone to make me an artwork showcase for steam + avatar
Hi, I am looking for people who would make an artwork showcase and an avatar for like 20-30$ that is my budget. Not anime but realistic. Thank you
submitted by HandAbuser to SteamArtworkProfiles [link] [comments]