2024.11.28 22:30 Expensive-Raccoon I added lights.
Simple, not to extra. Ready for the holidays around town. submitted by Expensive-Raccoon to KiaK5 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 Top_Set_7776 confused newbie
hey! i just got into performing just at local bars and stuff and Im working on just absorbing everything i can, i play guitar and i sing, i just have a basic thrifted mic and a fender sidekick and im looking into how to sound better because its all wrong and pitchy and harsh when i sing in the mic, i wanna get into all that gear with the in ear monitors (because i recently developed some tinnitus and hearing issues) but theres just so much information on youtube, do i really have to learn how to do this all myself? do local venues have sound mixing systems? do i really have to learn how to be a sound engineer and all that jazz? like is this just how its done or am i trying to buy what people already have and do the jobs of 3 people or do all performers just know how to do everything and own all their own stuff, all advice would be helpful, or if this is the wrong place for this question id love to be directed, thanks so much
submitted by Top_Set_7776 to vocalists [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Hlly- Open minded woman here to answer any questions or curiosities you have!
Hey all! Thought it could be fun to answer any questions and curiosities you have, wether they're about women, being nosy about me or just something more general!
Feel free to send over a chat if you're interested an I'll get right back to you!
submitted by Hlly- to CasualConversation [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Illustrious-Delay551 Comment for comment? L4L?
Trying to boost algorithm, anyone wants to comment for comment and like for like?
submitted by Illustrious-Delay551 to FollowForFollow [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Ramona00 Do I have to do something for refund?
Hi Everyone. At 20 october 2024 I receveid a message. Do I have to do anything now? Or just patiently wait for a message?
I have found my DogeCoin walled and it shows transactions till 2013-12-19, did Cryptopia excisted then?
ConfirmationWe will be in contact about the next steps of the process.
Thank you for adding your Identification documentation, your reference number is XXXX.
https://www.grantthornton.co.nz/cryptopia-limited/submitted by Ramona00 to Cryptopia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 a_constant_rewinder Ginger Evil - Flames (Official Music Video)
submitted by a_constant_rewinder to NEWMUSICVIDEORELEASES [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 FullRouteClearance Anyone have feedback on Silver Fern products for leaky gut?
I keep seeing their ads on my social feeds and am tempted to try. They seem to have many products so would be interested to hear any positive or negative experiences for any of them.
submitted by FullRouteClearance to Microbiome [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 axumite_788 Grifters will find any reason to complain about black characters
Grifters are extremely miserable people. Even if a black character is well written, they will find something to complain about, such as them being the most feminine in the series, or a black character having the best relationship dynamic with a white female character is all somehow woke. submitted by axumite_788 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 Revolutionary_War443 Katy Perry - Diamonds REMASTERED
submitted by Revolutionary_War443 to katyheads [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 Double_Recipe4333 I want to leave my studio but HEELPP
Hello girls! I want to leave my studio but I don't want to lose all my progress they now take 35% of my earnings and they don't help me at all so I already want to leave, do they give me the possibility to keep the account go home and take away 15% or start from 0 with another account? What do you think? I need help, please
submitted by Double_Recipe4333 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 AngelLK16 Can anyone gift any star cards to my album I just started?
Hoping to complete an album for the dice and money before it ends. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Add me in Monopoly GO! My Friend Code is MGO2955ENW73 IGN DelicateCougar99 submitted by AngelLK16 to MonopolyGoGiving [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 LeftHandLuke01 Animal tracks in the snow. Umtanum Creek Falls, Washington state US.
This tracks came out of the creek at the top of a waterfall, climbed up over some rocks and then down to the creek below the falls. This is a tiny creek that feeds into the Yakima River 7-8 miles downstream. I'm thinking these have to be otter tracks? submitted by LeftHandLuke01 to animalid [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 berdsetcetera Telescoping Ladder 🪜
submitted by berdsetcetera to MakeMeSmile [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 phatrise La Senza Black Friday Sales 2024
Visit this page for La Senza Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Initial_Garage_6833 Happy Thanksgiving as
So great to see so many people come out for the Turkey Trot this morning. Help neighbors - Add a seat at your Thanksgiving table by visiting Shfb.org. submitted by Initial_Garage_6833 to SanJose [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 Weak-Cake380 Hol keressek rovásírásos dekorációt?
Sziasztok! Külföldön élek és dekorációs ötletnek beugrott, hogy szeretnék pár magyar vonatkozású tárgyat a szobámba.
Eszembe jutott a rovásírás, csak nem találtam semmi nekem tetsző dolgot. Esetleg egy képre gondoltam a falra, ami rovásírásban van. Ezen felül kalligráfiára (=díszes, művészi kézírás) is gondoltam. Csak magam egyáltalán nem vagyok művész lélek, így nem igazán jönne szóba a házi készítésű műalkotás.
Esetleg ismertek olyan helyeket, művészeket stb, ahol lehetne kutakodni? Akár megrendelésre. Őszintén szólva ötletem sincs, hogy milyen szavakat írnék/iratnék egyáltalán oda, így ötleteket is szívesen várnék😊. Elsősorban viszont csak esztétikai célt szolgálna.
Olyasmire gondoltam, ha átjön valaki akkor rákérdezzen, hogy “oh ez micsoda? -ez a régi magyar ABC betűivel van írva”.
Kalligráfia példa (angolul, latin betűkkel):
arabul, a Mi Atyánk:
Nekem nagyon tetszik az arab kalligráfia, ilyesmi stílusban képzeltem el a rovásírásos díszt is.
U.I.: tudatommal a rovásírás szélsőjobboldali körökben is felkapott, ezzel egyáltalán nem azonosulok!
submitted by Weak-Cake380 to askhungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 minasyeetit Community note on bluesky
Hey,guys I was wondering if community note as feature is something the could be implemented on bluesky. Or is there weird copy right rules there?
submitted by minasyeetit to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Rabazzle what is this route? nato transporter
submitted by Rabazzle to flightradar24 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 Responsible_Moose171 Can an economist please explain
The RBA said unemployment needs to be at 4.5% or 75k people unemployed to lower interest rates. So how does this system actually work. 1. Unemployed people cannot stay unemployed, without work you can't afford to live and has emotional, financial, and social disadvantages. Plus the current system and society don't support unemployment people. Welfare is not enough to live on, centrelink forces the unemployed to be employed, and society treats the unemployed like they are all "dole bludgers" and "useless" broadly speaking. 2. Inflation is completely tied in this instance to employment numbers.
So how does this work? If you have to be employed to essentially live, but our economy is balances against employment how do we have stable interest rates, reduce cost of living and have everyone employed at the same time?
submitted by Responsible_Moose171 to AusPol [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 MeatyMagician Did not expect this!
Finally able to make a WiggyJiggy deck ! Just in time for the new promo ! Anyone doing the same, or have deck ideas?
submitted by MeatyMagician to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Fuzzy_Ad2711 I have to restart my PS5 every time I play the game or else the voice chat doesn’t work and I get party’s that show all other players at level 1. Anybody else experiencing this?
submitted by Fuzzy_Ad2711 to BO6 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:30 SadEnthusiasm6544 Majikoi/Umineko Doubts
Steam autumn sale and I plan to enjoy the games but I have a few questions regarding the patches:
1 - Is there no version without the licensing issues with the voices?
2 - Does Umineko also needs an uncensor patch?
3 - Are the fanmade voice/graphics patches safe? I saw that a lot of people recommend them but Im very skeptical so I thought asking would be the better choice (07th mod on github for Umineko and the voice restoration patch for Majikoi that I found a link on vndb thats on MEGA)
4 - Since Umineko has both the Question and Answer arcs do I need to patch it 2 times? Or just once if I have both already?
6 - Does Majikoi only has 1 translated entry atm?
This is a bit of a long post but I really appreciate anyone who can help me.
submitted by SadEnthusiasm6544 to visualnovels [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 extraterrestrial__ Combined BS/MS program in Electrical Engineering or Biomedical Engineering?
I am 90% sure I want to pursue biotech as a future career, and 100% sure I want to work in an R&D/Design position.
I know that general advice is to specialize in a core engineering field, but majoring in BME undergrad allows me to save a year for Masters through a streamlined BS/MS program(only available to BME majors). As an EE I would only have access to the EE BS/MS, which might not be favorable to eventual PhD programs I apply to.
From an academic perspective, I want to have a core of Physics, Mathematics, and CS courses while also learning biological applications for these skills. Right now I plan to major in BME with a specialized electrical track (more EE tech electives), while minoring in CS, but was wondering if I should major in EE and minor in BME & CS instead.
A big thing for me is also experience, in the form of both research and internships. As a BME major I get ample connections in my program’s network for lab and research roles but I worry about landing internship experience in industry.
Considering I am thinking of BS/MS —> PhD (not 100% sure), which path should I go down?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by extraterrestrial__ to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 Gamester1927 A dude used his calculator to call me a femboy
submitted by Gamester1927 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:30 jellysquishsquash What could this growth on my tragus be?
Like 15 years ago I got my tragus pierced but took it out as it was uncomfortable when wearing headphones. I seem to remember some irritation on my skin as well. But now I have this growth which I only recall being noticeable from about 6 months ago. Not sure if it’s linked to my previous piercing. Any idea what it could be? I will seek medical advice but don’t know what specialist to go to.. submitted by jellysquishsquash to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments] |