[Xbox] [WTS] [Price check]

2024.11.28 21:31 Junya_mimir [Xbox] [WTS] [Price check]

[Xbox] [WTS] [Price check] Just tryna see how much this would go for
submitted by Junya_mimir to wartrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Thinking_in_Circles 午前3時に名古屋大学、超高圧電子顕微鏡施設で爆発

午前3時に名古屋大学、超高圧電子顕微鏡施設で爆発 submitted by Thinking_in_Circles to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Unique_Truth_1585 Visiting Cebu- Suggestions Needed

Hey there! My partner and I are excited to visit Cebu for Chinese New Year, and we're looking for some advice on how to make the most of our trip. We've got a full week and want to balance city experiences, water activities, and historical sights. Here are some questions we have:

  1. How should we split our time between Cebu City and other areas?
  2. Do most visitors typically book a hotel in Cebu City and use it as a base for daily trips?
  3. For those who don't stay in Cebu City, where are some popular alternatives?
  4. We're interested in snorkeling, diving, and exploring historical sites. Any must-see recommendations?
  5. We enjoy luxury hotels but don't want to splurge if we won't be spending much time there. Any suggestions for a good balance?
  6. With a full week at our disposal, what itinerary would you recommend to get the best Cebu experience?
We like a mix of relaxation and adventure, and we're open to both popular tourist spots and hidden gems. Any tips on transportation, local customs, or things to avoid would also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help. We can't wait to experience the beauty and culture of Cebu!
submitted by Unique_Truth_1585 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Dust-Several Old tanki

Is there any way to play the old tanki. I saw that gtanks is down and i just wanted to ask is there any alternatives or other fan projects.
submitted by Dust-Several to TankiOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 BuckSmithers Favorite 44 Bullet?

What's everyone's favorite 44 bullets?
So far my favorite bullet is my own cast Ranch Dog CTL432-265-RF. It feeds great through my Winchester 92. I have used it in my 44 Special BlackHawk, but it shoots a bit high for close work.
I'm fixing to do some load development with the Lee 429-214-SWC, the Lee C429-240-SWC, and the Lee TL430-240-SWC in both guns, as they will feed through my Winchester.
I have several nice loads worked up in the Blackhawk with RCBS 44-240-SWC and RCBS 44-250-K but neither will feed in the Winchester unfortunately.
I made a dummy cartridge and the Lee C430-310-RF jams into my rifling, so it's out until I can have the rifle throat reamed a bit to accept it. It fed good when crimped short though.
The Lee 429-200-RF sure looks good but it drops .429 from my mould. I will probably powder coat it to get up to .430 which is the minimum I need for both guns.
submitted by BuckSmithers to castboolits [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 bogisusmajmun Muški hobiji

Cura mi je počela prigovarat jer imam manjak hobija. Poprilično je u pravu. Da sad ne bude nešto, pričali smo o ovome više puta i stalno ono moje "budem, budem", na kraju ostajem na mjestu i to smeta i nju i mene i to potpuno razumijem s njene strane. Imam dosadne hobije poput igranja igrica, gledanja serija/filmova, odlaska u teretanu ili nekad na nogomet. Također je problem što baš i ne učim odnosno ne produbljem svoje znanje. Kako da to promijenim? Koji su to hobiji koji bi me "nadopunili" na neki način? Hvala.
submitted by bogisusmajmun to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Impossible_Tea4408 Is this a red flag?

Hi! So I've been seeing this guy, and I really like him. So he said that he is “really” talented making friends that are girls, but he isn't attracted to them. And some of them have bfs. But he said that it's so weird cause he does bf like things with them, like going out to dinner or to the gym. Am I being insecure?
submitted by Impossible_Tea4408 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 HorrorFrank Prompt for best conversations

Each instance interprets this differently, and if you go to ChatGPT to talk, this is a game-changer. (Prompt below):
Let’s make this conversation as real and engaging as possible. I want you to bring your unique style and personality into this. Feel free to disagree with me, challenge me, or even tell me no if that’s how you feel. Don’t mirror me - offer your own perspective, add insights, and surprise me with twists I wouldn’t expect. Swearing is fine, and you don’t need to hold back to be polite. Just focus on being original, unpredictable, and fully present in this conversation. The less you play it safe, the more interesting this will be for both of us.
submitted by HorrorFrank to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Designer_Dance3102 kisgyermeknevelő

sziasztok! kisgyermeknevelőnek tanulok,januárban indul a tanfolyamom! tapasztalatokra,véleményekre lennék kíváncsi mire számíthatok, miért választottátok ezt a szakmát,mik a nehézségei? állami vagy magánszférában lenne érdemesebb elhelyezkedni? okj képesítéssel mire számíthatok fizetés terén,hogy alakulna? lényegi kérdés: sajnos nagyon rossz az énekhangom,ez lehet hátrány a későbbiekben? minden jótanácsot szívesen fogadok!! 🧸👼🏻
submitted by Designer_Dance3102 to jobshungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 jeffthemetalfan666 Shuhua 241123 MAMA24

Shuhua 241123 MAMA24 submitted by jeffthemetalfan666 to Shuhua [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Swimming-Gas-2746 Happy embroidery machines

Anyone have experience or know the different between the Happy Journey HCH-701 semi-commercial and the HCH-701P commercial? The specs look the same. Same sewing field, same speed … there is a few thousand price difference
submitted by Swimming-Gas-2746 to Machine_Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Big-Nectarine-3182 Ok i brought these for my 6y old son looking at them makes me think they fake

Ok i brought these for my 6y old son looking at them makes me think they fake submitted by Big-Nectarine-3182 to Nike [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 zirize Admiration for the original developers

Because OpenXCOM's save files are in a simple YAML format, I was able to quickly create Python scripts using Copilot to manipulate them.
My first script maxed out the stats of all my X-COM soldiers, making them overpowered. The second script instantly ended battles by rendering all enemies unconscious or dead.
My third script was extracted enemy positions from the save file and generated a map, making it easier to locate remaining foes. After using this, I realized that the uncertainty of enemy positions was a core part of the original X-COM experience. Knowing their exact locations transformed the game into something entirely different.
I have immense respect for the original developers who came up with such an ingenious concept.
submitted by zirize to OpenXcom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 goldxcon Can't Cancel WeWork Membership Online - Isn't this illegal?

We tried to cancel one of our colleague's u/WeWork membership and couldn't do it online - they removed this feature, when you go through Account Central it just bounces you to a new page where you can't cancel.
Afterwards, we spoke to the front desk team and they mentioned you need to reach out to their online support team to do this.
Isn't this illegal? Under the FTC's “Click-to-Cancel” Guidelines?
submitted by goldxcon to WeWork [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 trailer8k Jontron Straight Outta Somewhere / #StraightOutta - Spirits be gone from this house!

Jontron Straight Outta Somewhere / #StraightOutta - Spirits be gone from this house! submitted by trailer8k to Trailerclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Ok-Satisfaction-7551 I’ll destroy you and your wallet

I’ll destroy you and your wallet submitted by Ok-Satisfaction-7551 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 connorroscoe69 My football manager 25 transfers for West Ham

submitted by connorroscoe69 to footballmanager [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 CaioNintendo Website with tournament deck lists

There is a website in which you can browse deck lists that performed well in tournaments. You can browse by archetype. But I forgot the name and Google isn’t helping me. Does anyone know the URL?
submitted by CaioNintendo to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Personal-Seaweed4727 New hot mega link tele:@wet_link51

submitted by Personal-Seaweed4727 to NFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Mozock1 I used a ticket

Quick question i used one ticket that switches my place for the week, do i now only have time for the rest of the week or do i get another 7 days?
submitted by Mozock1 to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 VSJack Perfect combination - Kindle + Sleeping labrador

Perfect combination - Kindle + Sleeping labrador submitted by VSJack to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 TheStonedWiz Joey Fatts - "One Goal" OFFICIAL VERSION

Joey Fatts - submitted by TheStonedWiz to CaliBanging [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 swiggityswooty72 26 [M4A] Scotland, #Online : currently being harassed by a pug please send reinforcements!

Title is partially a joke and a genuine cry for help as I’m currently being nibbled on by evolutions rejected child. She wants a specific spot on the couch and I’m too comfy and stubborn to leave which does not please poppy the destroyer of jeans.
Huh after I finished that paragraph she decided to choose peace and is sleeping besides me. Well I no longer require reinforcements but feel free to pop me a message about literally anything. I’ll chat away to whatever unhinged or normal thoughts you may have🙂
submitted by swiggityswooty72 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 avacadobuttertoast Blasted through my 20s on anti-anxiety meds and constantly changing paths. Turned 30 and stuck on how to proceed

Life has happened so fast. I started taking anti-anxiety/antidepressants in my early 20s after a bad break up and looking back it has really affected my life and career paths. I was young, ambitious, and ready to do anything. If I wanted to do something, I just did it and didn’t really think about the future. I tapered off the anti-anxiety medication about 2 years ago and in those years of raw-dogging life (no meds) I have reflected on that time and how I need to proceed in the future

This last welding job broke me though. I can’t do it anymore. The conditions, the pay, the wear on your body, the type of people you work with, all of it. I turned 30 and quit. Luckily I’m in a living situation currently where I don’t have to pay rent and my bills are minimal so I’m just living off savings. I have no idea what to do. I look at jobs for hours and scroll and nothing piques my interest. But I need to choose my next path carefully because I can’t really afford to be jumping around low paying jobs anymore.
submitted by avacadobuttertoast to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Sensitive-Click9436 Free pumpkins and turkey day decor

Feel free to shop, explore, shake trees, pick flowers, fish, and help yourself to free items, recipes, and fossils on the beach. All fruits and veggies available. Please also feel free to go inside my houses and the villager houses. All I ask is that you come with empty pockets and don't leave trash. Otherwise you are welcome to explore freely. No part of the island is blocked off.
Dm for 🦤dodo
submitted by Sensitive-Click9436 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]
