2024.11.28 23:59 thedarknight03 Am I the only one that can't find "some minds" on spotify?
If someone has a link / explanation I'd love one
submitted by thedarknight03 to Flume [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 rennistry Coop Home Goods Black Friday Sales 2024
Visit this page for Coop Home Goods Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 After-Drummer614 Melhor build gamer até 800€
Preciso de opiniões de build pc gamer que rondem os 800€ com melhor performance possivel para jogos mas se desse pa ter futuros updates era o ideal
submitted by After-Drummer614 to gamingportugal [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 Clear-Leader-3360 Posted 12 videos now, are they dogshit? I want everyone’s opinion. Good or bad.
TikTok is @adamfleisch83
Please be completely honest.
submitted by Clear-Leader-3360 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 SnooComics5927 Can you annotate or highlight on the Boox Go Color 7?
I can't seem to find the answer anywhere and i want to make sure as it is a pretty important feature to me
submitted by SnooComics5927 to Onyx_Boox [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 StatisticianNo2981 Yall be having me crying😂😂
submitted by StatisticianNo2981 to TheKM [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 PsgRodrygoJr the most underrated redbull flavor i never see this can getting any love or respect on this reddit group it truly has a special place in my heart i washed down my thanksgiving dinner with this and it did not disappoint 🥰🦃
submitted by PsgRodrygoJr to energydrinks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 amillionways2be Choosing HDHP in DC area: GEHA, CareFirst, or United HealthCare? I'm single & healthy
I'm single, healthy, early 40s Fed in the DC area & taking the HDHP leap this open enrollment season so I can take advantage of an HDHP. How are folks choosing between the GEHA, CareFirst, & United Healthcare HDHP? I rarely go to the dr, so mostly looking out for potential emergencies, and if I could find an affordable plan w decent dental/vision coverage that would be great, and coverage for mental health/therapy appts would be even better, but I'm prepared to pay for most of those costs from the HSA.
Anyone else also trying to make this choice and have recs?
submitted by amillionways2be to HSAPros [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 edmonddantesofficial This past year, I grew obsessed with self-hosting. What's missing from my setup?
submitted by edmonddantesofficial to selfhosted [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 CubanLinx23 The Quezon City Broadcast
submitted by CubanLinx23 to frenchrap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 snark1977 What happened to her menu? Couldn’t hunt a Turkey so had to use Elk?
And why are so many people asking her for the Brussel sprout Caesar Salad Recipe. Google exists. It did for her to make it and as per usual she missed the mark. submitted by snark1977 to SarahBowmar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 Emily--V I don't understand this quote from Rick, is it a meta thing? (S5E6)
"I don't know, Jerry, how many years have I been here? Careful how you answer that."
submitted by Emily--V to rickandmorty [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 gracelesspsychonaut Thank you for being a place of cheer
This picture helps me see how I can rainbowize my bookshelf a little better! I’m having a rough day and scrolling through all these rainbows 🌈 made it a little better. Made me get up to take a look and what I could move around my shelves. Thank you all for being here :) 💜 submitted by gracelesspsychonaut to RainbowEverything [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 ZDubbz_was_taken Am I the only one who thought DRA 1 was just all around better than SDRA 2?
I honestly just had a lot more fun with the characters in 1 than I did in 2, and I feel like the art style in 1 is very charming
submitted by ZDubbz_was_taken to DanganronpaAnother [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 OwnBad5311 Flappy bird ipa
Does anyone have an ipa for flappy bird that doesn't have all the extra GitHub buttons that works on iOS 15? Please put it in comments
submitted by OwnBad5311 to FlappyBird [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 victoriacarrell From US to You.Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 #jensenackles #spnfandom #spnfans #s...
submitted by victoriacarrell to jensenackles [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 Gabri81 Duvidas sobre a ex, e um pouco sobre amadurecimento
bem, basicamente esse foi meu primeiro namoro, e foi incrivel, apesar de ter terminado, eu ainda tenho um grande carinho por ela, e acredito q ela tbm. nosso relacionamento durou 10 meses, e eu posso falar q tudo começou a desandar no ultimo mes, o fator de eu ser uma pessoa um tanto quanto imatura, (nos dois eramos) eu acabei cometendo alguns erros, como nn dar a devida atenção pra ela, alem de ter dito uma frase, q acabou dando um certo gatilho pra ela, e eu me arrependo muito disso, é foda vc so perceber q fez merda dps q leva a porrada kkkkkk. enfim tivemos um termino "saudavel" eu q tinha chamado ela pra cvs, mas nn queria terminar, estava querendo cvs com ela sobre o nosso relacionamento, coisa q eu nunca tinha feito, e isso tbm foi mais um erro meu, durante todo o relacionamento, sempre q ela fazia algo q eu não gostava (msm sendo poucas vezes q isso aconteceu) eu não falava para ela, pois na minha cabeça, se eu nn falasse era melhor, pois assim deixaria o relacionamento perfeito, grande erro. Bem, no dia do termino, nos dois ficamos tristes, ambos choraram (eu mais kk), ela disse que a gente deveria ter mais maturidade pra encarar esse relacionamento, e pra ter isso era melhor terminar, eu ate perguntei se tinha chance da gente voltar, e ela disse q tinha ss, so dependia da nossa evoluçãõ, logo dps ela me disse q gostaria de ter noticias minhas, e eu disse o msm pra ela, a gente se abraçou, e demos o ultimo beijo, logo dps ela me mandou msg falando q ja tinha chegado em casa e mandou um "eu te amo". bem isso ai ja vai fazer 2 meses a gente cvs mt pouco dps disso, 3 semanas dps eu mandei msg pra ela falando do enem, foi um papo bom de certa forma, nn durou muito, mas nn senti climao cvs com ela, antes da gente parar de falar eu dissse q gostaria de encontrar com ela pra cvs, ela disse q acha importante a gente ter essa cvs, eu concordei e a cvs morreu ai, nn mandamos mais msgs um pro outro. E bem, tenho nenhuma noticia dela dps disso, silenciei ela no insta pra nn me dar um certo gatilho, eu real nn sei como ela esta, mas eu posso dizer q estou bem, aprendi muito com meus erros e fiz consegui mudar, foquei mais na facul, voltei na psicologa, voltei a praticar violao e muito mais. Bem gostaria da opniao de vcs, acham q vale apena mandar uma msg pra ela? ela é uma mulher incrivel, q eu ainda tenho mt carinho, nn tenho nenhum rancor por ela nem nada, mas gostaria da opinao de vcs :)
submitted by Gabri81 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 UnderKovverWeeb Nephew Luck 🍀
submitted by UnderKovverWeeb to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 anthropozaen Figurat - Persha
submitted by anthropozaen to MusicUkraine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 Traphaus_T Building is complete
submitted by Traphaus_T to FractalDesign [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 Intrepid-Lecture-857 Can’t make rent
These past few months I have had extreme expenses that kept coming up, so much that it has basically ran me dry of my money. I'm unable to pay for rent this month and I truthfully feel completely lost on what to do. My landlord has been the opposite of helpful when I tried to express to him the urgency of the fact that I may not have all the money by the 1st of December, he gave me no alternative options but to have to pay half of my rent as a late fee which is just absolutely ridiculous, how am I supposed to pay that if I can't even pay for ONE month? I'm feeling extremely lost on what to do and I'm already working full time. I'm recently the legal guardian of my younger sister so now that I have her here, it's become even harder since I have someone other than just myself to worry about. I really would like some advice on what to do or if there is anything at all that could help me with the situation. My rent is $2100 and I have $1000. I've been on the hunt for a second job and reached out to housing assist centers but the process has been taking longer than expected.
submitted by Intrepid-Lecture-857 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 primetimesuspect 💯
submitted by primetimesuspect to MotivationalPics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:59 No_Psychology8360 Huh? More compliments than orders
I did 6 order today and got 7 👍 bagging, 7 communication, 7 replacements etc. How did i get 7 when i didn6 orders?
submitted by No_Psychology8360 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 RollsDownRocks Recently Diagnosed with Rectum Cancer, Need Advice Please
Hello All,
I am a 54 year old male in good shape and I recently had a colonoscopy and one of the three polyps they removed had cancer. The polyp was about 12cm into the rectum so it is high. I have had a CT and MIR which both came back with no evidence of the cancer spreading, which is good. The doctors feel it is necessary to remove the upper two thirds of my rectum and lymph nodes in case there is cancer in the rectum still. I have been reading so many nightmare issues people have with this procedure be it trouble with bowel movements, sexual dysfunction and bladder issues, that I am terrified of agreeing to this procedure. The alternative is that I get an MIR, CT scan and colonoscopy 4 times a year to monitor for cancer. Am I crazy for opting for the lets monitor it every 3 months approach? Has anyone done this with good or bad result? Also, anyone here have the top two thirds of the rectum removed with no huge side effects? Thank in advance for reading.
submitted by RollsDownRocks to coloncancer [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:59 MycologistBasic6485 What happens if miss circle sees this…
It would be so insane submitted by MycologistBasic6485 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |