知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 树形图. 除了丰富的思维导图模板,XMind还支持在同一思维导图中插入多种结构形式,大大提升了实用性和使用感。 我把win10重置了就好了,重置大概花半个多小时,文件可以保留下来,但程序和浏览器的历史记录就清空了,装机自带的软件也会跑回来,上次我碰到过Uplay打不开,也是重置一下就好了 这个药膏很好用,是我姥爷推荐的,他一直用这种药膏,老牌子,认准扬子江药业(之前看评论买了黄氏真菌王,用了也有效果,但是停药一下子反弹,还有这个药膏的名字就感觉有点不正宗的感觉)。 我记得明明是注册的163网易邮箱,登陆的时候却显示136后缀,这是怎么回事 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 136-220(超无聊的原创,建议全跳) 疾风传:221-720(因原创回忆较多,评价不及第一部。涉及人物死的并不会标明。精彩对战会标明。) 风影夺还之章:221-251(我爱罗vs迪达拉,蝎vs千代&小樱,凯班&卡卡西vs鬼鲛&鼬) 1点转发出去还是1点 (这方法现在慎用,因为现在电脑版微信转发骰子后,别人在电脑和苹果手机端的微信上看你转发的骰子不会有转动的动画,所以可能会被看出来,但安卓的微信可以正常看到动画) 至于,136号段,有两种说法:一种是在1999年的时候开始发放的;一种是在2000年的时候发放的,都属于比较早期的号段了。 那么,136号段真的金贵吗?确实有些人会觉得它其中有个6字一定是金贵的!这种说法就错了。136号段其实并不金贵,现在还很多见。 综上所述,136-220这90多集的动画原创剧情,不仅质量不好,对主线剧情也毫无影响。 如果不想影响观影体验的话,完全可以跳过这部分直接开启疾风传。
2024.11.28 22:24 Lewd_Knight Day 136 (Da Rule)
submitted by Lewd_Knight to 19684 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Different_Ad7849 Caring what others think
I’m F (17) I struggle a lot with social anxiety and all I ever think about is what other people think of me as much as I try and tell myself not to it just never goes away and I’m scared I will have to live this way forever and be closed in and not be myself because fear of other peoples opinions I know not everyone has to like you or will like you but it’s just always in my head and it eats me alive I haven’t felt stress free in ages does anyone have any advice?
submitted by Different_Ad7849 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 Steelwolves Did the new update break MYSTERY? seeds?
Wanna do a mystery save where I get hard hits as my first badge, but when i input a seed for it, I got a new badge from the new update.
submitted by Steelwolves to BugFables [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 auldinia Android to iphone.
Anyone make the switch from android to iphone? I have an A53 and want to go to the iphone 16. Sim cards are not compatible. What are my options?
submitted by auldinia to mintmobile [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 iamfoxheh Uhh im stuck stareing at the exclamation point
In the canyon i folloerd tracks and now im stuck submitted by iamfoxheh to Paleo_Pines [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Soft-Hippo1147 People who were teens before all the digital stuff, what did you do with your friends that teens can still do with their friend now?
submitted by Soft-Hippo1147 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 Dazzling_Election484 Help
I just builded my first pc and I didn’t realize my cpu and motherboard are not compatible. Can i update the bios with (incompatible cpu) installed? My cpu is r7 5700x3d motherboard is b550 aorus elite rev 1.0
submitted by Dazzling_Election484 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 ashwms92 Help please
I'm a single mother, and my car is broke down at the moment. I am struggling to find work due to transportation right now, with that being said I am in need of a helping hand 🙏 I need help with buying groceries and also with bills. It's embarrassing to ask strangers for help but sometimes strangers are the best people to come across. ❤️ If anyone can donate to my cash app to help me I would appreciate it so much and be beyond thankful! One day I'll pay it forward to a person struggling as I am right now. Cash app is my only form of receiving funds to help. $ashleywms92 Also please say a prayer for me and my family. Prayers work better than anything! God bless you all and happy thanksgiving 💜
submitted by ashwms92 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 Songy_queen Good evening, ho you doin?
submitted by Songy_queen to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 KirbishOnkulis34 Farming seed and crop enchantment value
I don't really know that well how farming works in the game, but I've been trying to reap the best enchanted seeds to get better crops. Currently I have +5 seeds of tomatoes and wheat. https://preview.redd.it/ovto4vbmwp3e1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d5f23ba2125b4e65b87963033cc9b87ad2fdb48 When I try to harvest the crops from them as they grow up and mature, it only gives me +1 crops, why so? My farming skill is 9, which still pretty low if that might be the issue. https://preview.redd.it/7bl6l7dzwp3e1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=707b6ff4092d2541b96bff28980f3645e1ef27ee submitted by KirbishOnkulis34 to ElinsInn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Jaryd202 Thoughts on these two? Or other recommendations?
Egohome memory foam copper gel
Egohome memory foam mattress
It wouldn’t let me post pictures
submitted by Jaryd202 to Mattress [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 teamCuca FyI
Tip When doing lvp over tile. Just skim coat it. It will save you in the long run, I've seen too many installs where the tongue breaks off. Floor starts to gap a lot. So just skim it. I use mapei with primer.
submitted by teamCuca to Flooring [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 herenowjal Aussie family's heartbreaking decision after boy, 16, bitten by deadly snake
Tragic: Beau Horan, 16, has died after being bitten by an eastern brown snake in his Queensland backyard on Monday. submitted by herenowjal to snakes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 trailer8k Digimon StraightOutta - The Real OGs of the Digital World
submitted by trailer8k to Trailerclub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Vrazel106 GIGABYTE GS27QC 27 off color
Its like theres a yellow tinge to everything it displays like the saturarion is a bit too high, ive tried adjusting the monitor settings and graphics card setting but cant seem to get it right. Did i get a faulty monitor or is it just a bad model?
submitted by Vrazel106 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 TheLineForPho Pro Palestine protestors take over Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in NY
submitted by TheLineForPho to worldpolitics2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 juliunicorn314 Real
submitted by juliunicorn314 to AroAceMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 JustPoppinInKay Anyone else experiencing constant residual effects from trying to do psi stuff years ago?
Long story relatively short I was bored in school a decade or so ago and stumbled on a website known back then as psi.wikia. "Interesting" I thought, and wandered the articles until I found a little tutorial under the energy manipulation section. Followed through with the steps, the breathing, the visualization, everything, and even felt the tingly sensation it said I would feel in my hands by the end of the first tutorial, and from then I was hooked for a few months until, well, teens tend not to be the most patient of beings and I wasn't getting anything concrete and practical out of it all so I kinda just phased out of that phase.
Problem is that ever since then I can't really get rid of the tingling sensation in my hands, and sometimes my forearms. Thought there might be something wrong and I might need to get it checked medically until I remembered this all started when I first discovered and tried all that psi jazz, and now I'm thinking I may have to see a psychiatrist to untrick my brain or whatever is going on here that I may or may not have unintentionally messed up. That's all assuming that psi stuff isn't real, which I'm not convinced it is but am not entirely convinced it isn't either. Reserve comment until evidence presents itself and all that. I'm not here to spark a real or not debate, sorry if I did, but I just had to ask somewhere if anyone's experienced anything similar.
Have you?
submitted by JustPoppinInKay to Psionics [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 theredalchemist Can I play GTA RP simultaneously with my brother if I share the game using the family feature?
Basically the title.
I had bought GTA on my steam account and I just gave my brother access using the family sharing feature. Can we play simultaneously on FiveM if he downloads the game on his PC?
submitted by theredalchemist to FiveM [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 Frosty-Paramedic-240 O…k 😂😱
submitted by Frosty-Paramedic-240 to DelusiveAngie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Spam_A_Lottamus How?!
461 points from a 7-point word? Had to be a cheat, right?
submitted by Spam_A_Lottamus to WordsWithFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 Specialist_Tea3471 Me siento infeliz
Hola amigos, es mi primera vez posteando en Reddit y en este foro Mi situación es algo complicada pero trataré de detallarla lo mejor posible Actualmente estoy saliendo con una chica que es la mujer más hermosa de todo el mundo y estoy demasiado enamorado de ella Pero hace unos meses ocurrió un acoso cibernético a niveles enfermos de una persona(la cual aún desconozco su identidad) hacia mi novia y yo El mandaba mensajes a mi novia afirmando que yo le era infiel, además de seguir hablando con mi ex, y que yo la tachaba a ella de una pta que no merecía la pena. Creaba conversaciones falsas con mi foto de perfil donde le mostraba mensajes los cuales nunca envié y sería incapaz de hacerlo diciendo que ella no valía la pena y solo la utilizaba para tener sexo. Junto con otras cuentas de IG que solo mandaban mensajes y capturas falsas sobre mí que después eran eliminadas después de atormentar a mi novia Llevamos la situación lo mejor que pudimos ya que a veces decía cosas muy certeras de mí u mi persona como gustos, cosas que únicamente le conté a mis amigos y sobre mi vida privada, además de saber la dirección de mi novia y amenazandome con irla a vil#r y diciendo cosas repugnantes y depravadas hacia ella. Además de enviarle fotos de mí, a la distancia, en la escuela El acoso fue tanto que llevó a mi novia a una depresión y ansiedad. A lo que intenté investigar quién estaba detrás sin tener éxito Mi novia me dijo que ella había investigado y me afirmó que eran amigos de la facultad, los más cercanos que tenía y que sus correos estaban vinculados a esas cuentas y la principal que es una de facebook, la cual fue donde se llevó el mayor acoso hacia los dos y era constante mandando mensajes casi a diario y de donde supo la dirección de mi novia. Sin dudarlo y ciegamente le creí y me alejé de mis amigos hasta cortar toda relación con ellos e insultándolos por lo qué hicieron. Ahora pensando y recapacitando después de mucho me siento insatisfecho con la resolución a la que ella llegó para afirmar que eran ellos y que debía creerle sí o sí, porque al principio me mostré incrédulo y ella lloraba con frustración y desilusión por no creerle después de todo lo que sabían de mí y como era que sabían tantas cosas de mí y dónde encontrarme Quisiera que alguien me ayudara a saber los datos de contacto como el correo o número de teléfono asociados a la cuenta para sacarme de esta insatisfacción e infelicidad que siento, no me siento muy a gusto con mi novia ni con mi vida social (la cual ya está muy muerta después de eso) y necesito saber si en verdad me dijo la verdad o es alguien más que está detrás de esto Agregando cosas extras, yo soy una persona algo conocida dentro de mi escuela y mostraba mucho sobre mis amigos y vida social en redes sociales Necesito que alguien me ayude a saber cómo o con quien debo ir para sacarme esa información y tomar justicia y encarar a la persona que me dañó a mí y mi novia
submitted by Specialist_Tea3471 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:24 _Vault_Tec_ Selling S1 Hoodie
I'm selling my S1 Gsupps hoodie if anyone is interested, its in good condition but a little dusty from sitting in my closet and print is very slightly cracking on the back submitted by _Vault_Tec_ to gamersupps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 loulouloopers From my grandma to mom to me..this ceramic turkey platter!
submitted by loulouloopers to vintage [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:24 Old-Office-1280 Can someone please help me out? Im out of dice.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/01Wdfg submitted by Old-Office-1280 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |