Ready for substrate

2024.11.29 01:51 mycellium420 Ready for substrate

Ready for substrate submitted by mycellium420 to COpsychonauts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 InformalPresent1 Relocation reading

Relocation reading European currently living in Japan. I want to spend more time here but I don't think it will become my home, I wonder if from my birth chart is possible to understand where else I could move.
I would also like to know about my love life, because it's always been non-existent and I'm tired of being alone🥹 I have friends, but when it comes to love I'm as unlucky as it gets. Thanks in advance!
submitted by InformalPresent1 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 the_skyyee skeletons, playset, sunset [SINEAU Kid Cam01]

skeletons, playset, sunset [SINEAU Kid Cam01] submitted by the_skyyee to DigitalToyCameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 Patient-Software6504 Tecnicatura Diseño Grafico UDE. ¿Experiencias o comentarios?

Buenas, alguien que haya cursado la Tecnicatura de Diseño Grafica en la UDE y me quiero comentar su experiencia, que le pareció la formación en base a relacion calidad/precio?
Cualquier data que tengan me es muy útil!
Desde ya, muchas gracias!
submitted by Patient-Software6504 to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 Adzy7777 Which wifi booster is better to get

I’ve been looking at wifi booster for my 2 storey house and granny flat.are these any good or is there better ones I can get
I’ve found these 2
TP-Link AX3600
TP-Link AX3000
submitted by Adzy7777 to wifi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 positivesource Study asks: what can we learn from cancer ‘super-survivors’? - NHS centres are involved in the search for patients who have lived much longer than expected, in hope of developing new therapies

Study asks: what can we learn from cancer ‘super-survivors’? - NHS centres are involved in the search for patients who have lived much longer than expected, in hope of developing new therapies submitted by positivesource to Positive_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 nerdy2point0 Amazon Reps & Colorsofts

So, I requested a replacement Kindle Colorsoft on November 2nd like most people who didn’t want the yellow band nonsense. I was under the impression we could still use the current kindle Colorsoft we have until our replacements arrive which is Amazon themselves aimed we could do.
I find out that I can’t download any books from Kindle Unlimited and that I can’t even sign into kindle unlimited on my colorsoft so I factory reset it.
During the registering process it keeps timing out and telling me my amazon account doesn’t exist.
I call Amazon and they tell me that the kindle won’t allow me to sign in with my Amazon credentials because the kindle is registered as lost/stolen because of the replacement and that I’m permanently locked out of my kindle Colorsoft until I receive the replacement.
So you’re telling me a defective product that Amazon themselves put out before it checked the quality of devices they shipped, that I now have I to wait for the replacement that won’t arrive for another MONTH, I can’t even use anymore.
So, Amazons default solution is to lock people out of their Kindle Unlimited on their Kindle Colorsofts. Label the Kindle Colorsoft as LOST/STOLEN while these same people are waiting for their replacement.
Amazon chose the DUMBEST way to prevent their own company from making money by locking their OWN customers out of the DEFECTIVE devices THEY decided to ship out and then claim that those same devices are LOST/STOLEN in their systems so we can’t use them until we get a NON-DEFECTIVE ONE.
The same company that said it was originally a software issue but it’s CLEARLY a cosmetic hardware issue You lock us out.
You know how Danny from the leadership team responded?
“That’s just how it is”
Customer service was garbage already. Now your customer service is shit even at the top DANNY.
submitted by nerdy2point0 to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 Hyde1505 Do you think in theory, it is possible for an NBA franchise to consistently be a contender or near-contender?

I know the Spurs were at that level more or less for about 20 years, but it was still largely connected to Tim Duncan, so it’s still mainly tied to one era, the Duncan era (even if Duncan wasn’t the main guy over the whole span).
But do you think a franchise could even be at that contender level (or close to that at worst) for maybe 30, 40 years? Without ever rebuilding? What would you have to do, what would have to happen to achieve this?
Or is this reallistically just impossible?
submitted by Hyde1505 to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 enigmaticjet 25 [M4F] Caffeine and intimacy

If you dont have any plans for tonight maybe we could get together in a cafe somewhere, talk about whatever, and cap it all off with a make out session in my car?
Coffee's on me, and I can pick you up and drop you back off naman so you dont need to worry about paying for anything.
About me: 5'7, slim, post grad student, wears glasses, from manila
We can exchange photos and sort out other details in chat nalang!
submitted by enigmaticjet to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 lunalondonn Test

submitted by lunalondonn to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 ItsOver320 Putin has something on Trump 100%

submitted by ItsOver320 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 TopTransportation695 [Highlight] David Montgomery was just happy to have his carrot

submitted by TopTransportation695 to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 pro2grow4 SRS 2nd run D35

SRS 2nd run D35 L to R Grand exchange, Terp sneeze, Slamberry. Somebody is trying to come to the party!
submitted by pro2grow4 to SpeedrunSeeds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 BetterThanYestrday H: pet rock w: sentinels and **STR mods

Looking for offers, need 5x sentinels and 3x **STR. Also have multiple other mods and rare faschnat masks.
submitted by BetterThanYestrday to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 PeaceHead8723 I have celebrity handles

Yearsssss ago from Instagram & Twitter, I heard about famous people/companies/rich people buying social media handles so I snagged some on BlueSky in hopes they’d reach out wanting it and I can pay for my cats dental procedure. I’m aware that BlueSky has many names blocked off but I got a few and haven’t touched the accounts at all as Ive no desire to impersonate.
Does this make me weird or smart? Any advice or should I delete the accounts? Guess I’ll update when/if asked!
submitted by PeaceHead8723 to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 Your_mom_likes_BBC OK now I just have to make sure that my counter is completely straight or use like a laser leveled surface… i’m trying to determine which of my screwdrivers are slightly bent. And I mean slightly, but I am going to be warrantying them.

OK now I just have to make sure that my counter is completely straight or use like a laser leveled surface… i’m trying to determine which of my screwdrivers are slightly bent. And I mean slightly, but I am going to be warrantying them. submitted by Your_mom_likes_BBC to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:51 Ok-Assist-9600 Need help with basic disc drives

Bought a prebuilt Pc off a friend about a year ago. I later noticed that my pc run on 100% for disc. I haven’t thought of it until I was thinking about upgrading my Pc since it runs so slow and noticed that my disc is from 2006. I wanted to know what type of disc I should put in place for the disc I already have and any other tips for this.
submitted by Ok-Assist-9600 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 MinivGamimgYT I'm sorry but from where is this new character designs from

I'm sorry but from where is this new character designs from submitted by MinivGamimgYT to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 casingproject Competitive play and tournament play

How do we go about entering tourneys? Are they only being hosted informally via streamers?
I'd appreciate any pointers on how to get involved.
If you have played in a tourney? How was the experience? What was the ruleset?
submitted by casingproject to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 yellowlime_des NYC photo dump 2 | ZF & 40/2

NYC photo dump 2 | ZF & 40/2 More appreciation for the scale and architecture of NYC.
submitted by yellowlime_des to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 Own_Objective_9310 A Clip From A Comedy Legend: Vanessa Hollingshead

submitted by Own_Objective_9310 to humor [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 CoffeeDue2333 I hope it's not a hassle to ask for help like this! I deal a lot with visuals and narrative style...

In general, how would you describe this type of voice? this arcane scene ended up providing me with inspiration for something I'd been looking for for a while, but other than the "dune" filmbooks, I didn't have many examples. -- given the setting I'm writing in, I can't describe her as "a robotic voice."
-- at the moment when "deserve to breaaath" is said, I really wanted to try to describe this little disjointed modulation of the voice, because it really sounds like a bug.
-- I would be very grateful if you could help me. <3
submitted by CoffeeDue2333 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 gunnnutty Found this nice fella next to bed, wanted to release him out but he did not hold on the wall and fell somewhere deep down under. It is among the biggest spiders i have ever seen naturaly living in czech republic. Seems like part of tegenaria genus to me.

Found this nice fella next to bed, wanted to release him out but he did not hold on the wall and fell somewhere deep down under. It is among the biggest spiders i have ever seen naturaly living in czech republic. Seems like part of tegenaria genus to me. submitted by gunnnutty to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 War-King85 LIGHTSUM - Yujeong

LIGHTSUM - Yujeong submitted by War-King85 to i_likekpopgirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:50 olOgynoTbhaM Who got the atg vs ebe shootout video

I wanna see it
submitted by olOgynoTbhaM to Bamaology [link] [comments]