Dear Doug Ford, for the sake of your health, please consider cycling to work

2024.11.30 00:50 PedestrianCyclist Dear Doug Ford, for the sake of your health, please consider cycling to work

Dear Doug Ford, for the sake of your health, please consider cycling to work submitted by PedestrianCyclist to toronto [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 LingLing72hrs Kaplan Diagnostic FL1 Suggestions to improve?

Kaplan Diagnostic FL1 Suggestions to improve? My performance was pretty much as I expected, but the CARS and psy/soc scores are pretty glaring by comparison to my science performance. My test is in June. So far I’ve just been using Kaplan books, but have only made it through the first chapters. Suggestions for the greatest improvement?
submitted by LingLing72hrs to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 vilchur Propaganda CG: Apa are memorie! Mai puternica decat antibioticile! Presedintele americii foloseste aceasta apa pentru a omora infectiile de pe maini

Propaganda CG: Apa are memorie! Mai puternica decat antibioticile! Presedintele americii foloseste aceasta apa pentru a omora infectiile de pe maini submitted by vilchur to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Necessary_Escape_704 STOLITZ CANNON MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRR

STOLITZ CANNON MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRR submitted by Necessary_Escape_704 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Notjsb1983 Kratky Tomatoes not looking good.

Just checked the PH EC and sitting at 6.1 and 1.8
Roots all white and healthy
Should I cut off the diseased stems?
Any help appreciated.
submitted by Notjsb1983 to Hydroponics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Strict_Nebula_771 Who’s creating all these big coin?

I have seen some crazy coins that literally 50x In hours. How do I find these coins before they explode? Is there a huge telegram that everyone is in?
submitted by Strict_Nebula_771 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Hot_Relative_3868 My first watercolor painting with 5$ watercolors

So I bought some really cheap watercolors just to see if I even liked watercolor before buying good ones, So of course the colors are very muted and dull. I already ordered some winsor and newton half pans.
submitted by Hot_Relative_3868 to watercolor101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Narrow-Flatworm3321 ايش افضل لابتوب لتخصص الحاسب؟

احتاج لابتوب تخصصي تحليل بيانات وابغى شي يعيش معي لبعد الجامعة ايش احسن شي؟
submitted by Narrow-Flatworm3321 to UniKSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 SneakyMrd805 fishin photos I took

fishin photos I took Was in a nice vrchat world and took some photos of my avi ^
submitted by SneakyMrd805 to VRchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 HimalayaQuantum007A #量子快报·第75期(2024.11.28)🖍️ 📖 #### 本期要闻: 1.Kari Lake:中共政权濒临崩溃,芬太尼危机需追究责任 2.川普团队拟通过制裁和关税应对芬太尼危机 3.中共新任国防部长疑因腐败接受调查,政局动荡加剧 4.大众退出新疆业务 德企在中欧贸易战中处境尴尬 5.美国新制裁加剧中共AI与芯片发展困境 6.CDC被指隐瞒新冠疫苗与心肌炎的关联数据 7.NIH 高级官员疑虑疫苗安全性,直言防疫措施无科学依据 🌍🚀 量子快报 | 👩🏻‍🚒🛡️ 使命必达

#量子快报·第75期(2024.11.28)🖍️ 📖 #### 本期要闻: 1.Kari Lake:中共政权濒临崩溃,芬太尼危机需追究责任 2.川普团队拟通过制裁和关税应对芬太尼危机 3.中共新任国防部长疑因腐败接受调查,政局动荡加剧 4.大众退出新疆业务 德企在中欧贸易战中处境尴尬 5.美国新制裁加剧中共AI与芯片发展困境 6.CDC被指隐瞒新冠疫苗与心肌炎的关联数据 7.NIH 高级官员疑虑疫苗安全性,直言防疫措施无科学依据 🌍🚀 量子快报 | 👩🏻‍🚒🛡️ 使命必达 量子快报·第75期(2024.11.28)🖍️ 📖 本期要闻: 1.Kari Lake:中共政权濒临崩溃,芬太尼危机需追究责任 2.川普团队拟通过制裁和关税应对芬太尼危机 3.中共新任国防部长疑因腐败接受调查,政局动荡加剧 4.大众退出新疆业务 德企在中欧贸易战中处境尴尬 5.美国新制裁加剧中共AI与芯片发展困境 6.CDC被指隐瞒新冠疫苗与心肌炎的关联数据 7.NIH 高级官员疑虑疫苗安全性,直言防疫措施无科学依据
🌍🚀 量子快报 | 👩🏻‍🚒🛡️ 使命必达
submitted by HimalayaQuantum007A to HimalayaQuantum11 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Antony-Mizukami Grindr

O que significa sem histórico no grindr?
submitted by Antony-Mizukami to arco_iris [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 No-Shoe4521 please help!!

the first one is the first plantar wart i got a year and a half ago using a public shower for the first time while camping. i foolishly touched it with my thumb and pulled at it with tweezers without treatment and it spread to my finger. i went for 2+ months of weekly nitrogen liquid treatment on the foot before thinking the small bit left would go away. it did not, and spread to my right foot in multiple places. i'm currently over a month into weekly liquid nitrogen treatment after about a 6 month break from the starting treatment period. i have no previous pictures but would like to document this as i venture into ACV after months and months of salicylic acid and duct tape. more importantly im asking for any advice. i am 23 years old, this is my first encounter and i suffer from mental illness and a mild case of goldenhar syndrome. at 18 i endured 5 small kidney stones, 6 serious kidney infections which resulted in 4 surgeries within 6 months, a lengthy stay in hospital and the tearing of my unusually small ureters. these warts are driving me insane, specifically because i'm now getting job offers after 10 months of searching, but cannot take them up due to the treatments, the embarrassment and pain i'm going through now and 9-6 months ago. at this point i think it may be easier to chop the finger off and deal with the consequences, which in my mind would be lesser than the fear of spreading it to other places and continuing treatment. it feels never ending, like my 6+ month struggle with kidney issues. today i started apple cider vinegar treatment. it is expired by almost two months but i will be replacing it very soon and am applying it to each site. it is taking away the harder surface the salicylic acid is giving me, allowing me to dig deeper to the root without bleeding, like the liquid nitrogen. i think my best bet is to rotate the two substances between the nitrogen treatments? i feel desperate at this point, i just want to be myself again and have a job and not feel the throb of my feet/thumb. my poor 12 month old husky just wants to run and all i want to do is run with him again.
submitted by No-Shoe4521 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 SneakyTina Who else is playing rn?

I’m playing on my switch 😜
submitted by SneakyTina to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 SignatureUnusual9169 When is the 2024 campain trail?

submitted by SignatureUnusual9169 to TheNewCampaignTrail [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Ashamed_Intern_1913 i'm losing the ability to subdivide my filing system

so instead I get that glitch where windows open all over the desktop that is my life and open old, long since zipped folders putting their contents all over the desktop that is my life and im just tryna winrar this shit back where it belongs so I can actually can keep loading the pr0n that is my future
submitted by Ashamed_Intern_1913 to highdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 isakusami 431651972317 mega cloud dragon

submitted by isakusami to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 AffectionateCress929 Giant Instinct larger weapon

I can't understand these weapons. Are they different weapons from the standard ones we have, like do they increase the damage die or the range of the weapon? I looked on the website and couldn't find these weapons, as I understand that a large creature's weapon has a greater range and also a greater damage die. I got really lost in this barbarian instinct. Would you know if this question can be answered?
submitted by AffectionateCress929 to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 BroMandi [Target] Eligible/Targeted Bonus Coupon for Target Circle Members (Exclusions Apply) [Deal Price: $20 Off $120+]

submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 BandicootGeneral317 Ain’t no way

submitted by BandicootGeneral317 to WorstAid [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 kongdaking S2 Unplayable Since Getting to Garbage?

Game was working relatively fine for me in the lesser zone (About 11 hours total gameplay). Would get major FPS drops ever 10 minutes or so that was fixed by just waiting 10-15 seconds and it would be back to complete normal for another 10-15 mins. Ever since getting to Garbage, it just does not work at all. When I initially got to Garbage it was working fine. But now every time I boot the game up in Garbage its like 15 FPS and doesn't let up at all. I tried the optimization mods and they didn't work. Also tried typical advice like turning off Frame Gen / turning off V-Sync in game and enabling it in control panel. Even this recent update didn't change a thing. Playing on PC gamepass version
submitted by kongdaking to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 mrkane_5 My girlfriend is my ________

submitted by mrkane_5 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 UAS_SecretSales Hybrid Action Music Pack Vol.3 Giveaway : Add Hybrid Action Music Pack Vol.3 to your cart, then enter the coupon code EPIKTONMUSIC at checkout to get it. No purchase necessary. Ends December 5, 2024 at 7:59am PT. Affiliate link / ad

submitted by UAS_SecretSales to UnityAssets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 jj_thetwisted_jester Did you miss the double pump or never wanted it to return?

I'm going to be honest is it great og map is returning yes but double pumping I'm not feeling it lol
Idk I just didn't really care much for it and it was a nightmare back then but what do you think?
submitted by jj_thetwisted_jester to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 HarmonyDaisyGlow 21[f4m] #CT/Online - Lookin’ for someone to make life a lil' more exciting

Hi y'all 21 sngl moma heree, juggle work, life, & my lil' one...but heeeey, I’m also lookin’ to have some fun. I’ve got tattoos (yes, more than one) & a lot of sass. If u’re someone who can keep up w/ a busy, independent girl but still knows how to have fun, let’s talk. I LOVE Netflix binges (currently rewatching The Office... again haha), so if u’re down for that too, we could totally vibe. I’m all about the casual, no-pressure stuff, let’s just have some flirty convos (IF U REALLY WANT TO) & see if there’s a spark. If u’re mature, confident, and not into drama, send me a message. I’m all about keeping it real ;*
submitted by HarmonyDaisyGlow to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Antique_Bad_6028 I want my roommate to move out

I live with my wife and one other girl. Our lease is up at the end of the year and I would like my roommate to move out. We originally signed a year lease with her. she only wanted to stay for a year. A year went by and she wanted to stay another year. We signed another year lease and things started getting a lot harder with her.
Anyways my wife and I got married about a year ago and we are ready to live on our own and have the space to ourselves. We would like to stay in the house we are currently in and would like for my roommate to move out at the end of the lease. She wants to go month to month because she is maybe going to move in with her partner but hasn’t talked to them about it yet.
I don’t want her to go month to month because I don’t want her to stay another year. Because she is the type that would just keep pushing back their move out date. She’s also very hard to talk to because no matter what you talk to her about she gets defensive and argumentative when there’s nothing to argue about.
My uncle is the landlord and I’ve been helping out around the house and doing small repairs and upgrades for him to keep the rent lower. She does nothing which is fine he’s my family not hers.
Is it possible to not renew the lease with her but for my wife and I to stay in the house?
submitted by Antique_Bad_6028 to roommateproblems [link] [comments]