2024.11.30 00:50 SmilessTV Does my PC have a Virus???
My basically brand new PC is freaking out and I have no idea what to do to fix it. I've ran Malwarebytes virus scan & it came up empty handed, I tried adwcleaner and the only thing it found was a preinstalled WIndows 10 update that I quarantined (in case it was bugged out), and nothing else seems to be working.
My computer will randomly crash (no matter how many things are open. I've had Discord and Palworld, Discord and Google Slides, sometimes just Google, etc...) and go to a blue screen with a frowny face. Then, it'll switch off really fast and try to reboot itself. It's happening more and more frequently, now happening 5 times today, and I'm worried as I'm typing this it'll do it again.
I'm not sure if this is related either, but I keep losing WiFi and I have to reboot my PC to get it back. When I try to go into my WiFi options, it says nothing is there and I can't find it anywhere. I have Adblockers so I haven't clicked on anything sketchy that I know of. The only two things that I've recently played / downloaded that I haven't before have been Pokerouge (on browser) and Vencord.
Please someone help 3 I have no clue if it's a virus I should be really worried about and if my computer's at risk or if it's just something similar.
submitted by SmilessTV to antivirus [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 TraditionalHoney924 Bathroom subfloor and joist repair
I had a nasty leak in my spare bathroom two years ago. There were several factors, some of which in still discovering, but the primary one was a blockage in my septic that I quickly resolved. My partner and I tore up the bathroom to help let everything dry, and I recently decided it was time to finish the repair and restore the bathroom to full function.
I've just finished ripping out most of the subfloor I intend to replace and have found a few complications I'm others have insight into fixing:
1) The previous owner cut a joist in two to add the toilet into place, is like to cross brace the joists so that the toilet is supported while in use.
2) The toilet flange is inset and degraded, can this be carefully cut out? Or twisted free?
3) There's a small copper supply line with a pinhole leak in the exposed crawlspace, I'd like to address it before I seal the floor. Is this a simple soldering fix or would it require something more? It should be the original copper from the 70s.
submitted by TraditionalHoney924 to DIYHome [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Anonymouswaffior Why is he watching me? (25M & 23F)
So, here’s a bit of a wild story from the past few months. I met this guy at the gym, and we instantly clicked. There was a lot of flirting—playful banter, lingering eye contact, and even some touchy moments when we were working out together. It felt like there was a strong spark between us, and we started texting a lot outside of the gym. It was fun, flirty, and honestly felt like there could be something more brewing.
But here’s where things take a turn. One day, I found out through mutual friends that he actually had a girlfriend—or rather, a fiancée. I was shocked. His boys even confirmed it and apparently told him off for getting so close to me. When I found out, I immediately removed him from my social media and tried to cut contact.
A little while later, he noticed I’d removed him and sent me a message apologizing for "anything" he might’ve done. Honestly, I knew I should’ve left it there, but I ended up adding him back two weeks later. I thought maybe we could keep it casual, as just gym buddies or acquaintances. But almost immediately after I added him back, he started liking all my stories and being overly attentive again—even though his friends had already called him out for his behavior.
Finally, I confronted him. I messaged him directly and said, “I know you have a girlfriend, and this is really disrespectful.” His response? He claimed he didn’t "mean it like that," but come on—we both knew he did. I called him out again, and that was the last straw. He blocked me, and I blocked him back.
Here’s the twist: I still have him on LinkedIn (of all places), and for the past two months, I’ve noticed he’s been checking my profile regularly. Like, why is he even keeping tabs on me? He has a fiancée, his friends already told him off, and he knows we’re not in contact anymore.
I’m genuinely curious—what’s going on here? Is he just being nosy? Trying to keep the door open for later? Or is this just some weird guy thing? Any insight would be appreciated!
Side note our chemistry was 10/10 it felt as if he liked me, but no one is to be trusted after hearing the truth..
submitted by Anonymouswaffior to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 OldNefariousness7665 Got a mauler from my first titan pad
Should I switch out my rook? I can always grind for platinum since I’m cheap to play. submitted by OldNefariousness7665 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 Financial-Regret2768 Should I be concerned?
Had an ekg show some disrythmia a week after I passed meps, went to a cardiologist and they did a stress test and echo gram and said everything is perfectly normal and that I should be fit for service. Recruiter is telling me to keep my mouth shut at receiving. Should I be concerned?
submitted by Financial-Regret2768 to USMCboot [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Darklex___ Mando PS4 o PS5 para Pc?
Recomiendan mas el mando de Ps4 o el de Ps5 para pc?, y de que lugar me recomiendan comprar para asegurar de que sea original, en muchos lugares encuentro el de Ps4 por 450 mil para arriba y eso que tengo que pagar envio otravez... Aclaro que el de Xbox no me gusta ite pero si recomiendan mas ese podrian explicar el porque
submitted by Darklex___ to PyGaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 li3ma [For hire] Commissions Open! I can draw whatever you can think of! nsfw/sfw
DM for pricing!
submitted by li3ma to HungryArtists [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 ComprehensiveTwist66 Who would win: 61678 vs. roomba?
Spoiler: 61678 wins.
submitted by ComprehensiveTwist66 to lego_ [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 OathkeeperOblivion Home Theater over a soundbar, convenience issue.
I need some better sound than my current vizio soundbar. I enjoy HD650 headphone setup on my PC, but when it comes to a home theater system I just don't have the time to research receivers and speakers in my price range, it seems much easier to just buy a good soundbar and be done with it.
However this sub recommends against soundbars so excessively that I figured I'd ask if it's worth it. For beginners, I'm sure everyone is refered to the massive novel of Home Theater 101 page, but like I said I just don't have the time to familiarize myself with the perfect setup.
Is it really worth spending the hours to figure out all this? Or should I just buy a soundbar and move on with my life.
submitted by OathkeeperOblivion to hometheater [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Matrix014 I made my first base in 5 years
I have yet to see it in action. I am looking for tips to improve it and weaknesses. Please ignore the defence levels 😂 submitted by Matrix014 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 TuckShop13 Brothers I need suggestions
Hey guys I love the night lords as we all do I need more night lords and recommendations I have read any other books I should read
-the nightlords trilogy -prince of crows -the long night
submitted by TuckShop13 to NightLords [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 DougDante Adult, teen arrested for alleged car thefts in Chesterfield Township, Michigan
submitted by DougDante to Detroit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 Fluid-Inspection-146 estou mostrando n0v!nhas da minha escola la no zangi 1078143593 incluindo fotos e vídeos
submitted by Fluid-Inspection-146 to sodeliciosas2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 safeinurskinn diamond!!
this drawing took soo long but i’m proud of it!! submitted by safeinurskinn to LandoftheLustrous [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 archonVm Our time will come!! 🌕🚀🐸
submitted by archonVm to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Give_me_soda Posting my PVZ human designs until I forget day 4 - tall nut
submitted by Give_me_soda to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 mygoddessmia21 You love it when your secretary wears pantyhose
submitted by mygoddessmia21 to Pantyhose_Daily [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 Substantial-Bad7202 ¿Qué etnias han pensado que eres?
Panamá es conocido como un crisol de razas, lo que significa que podemos tener muchas apariencias y características diferentes. Con eso en mente, tengo curiosidad: ¿por cuáles etnias te han confundido? ¡Compartamos y comparemos experiencias!
submitted by Substantial-Bad7202 to Panama [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 BigChief39 Cant seem to use quantum drive
I'm very new to the game and I can't seem to use the quantum drive. Only time I've used it was in the training after that I haven't been able to use it. I did manage to use it once but I only went like 20-30 km before it cut off again. submitted by BigChief39 to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 Ecc3ntric_studios Recent Knicks poste
Recent effect I’ve been trying to get down sort of like a painting effect, let me know what u guys think!!
submitted by Ecc3ntric_studios to posterdesign [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Colorado_love Fire TV Won't Connect, Totally MIA From Network.
We brought a Fire TV less than a year ago. It will not connect to the internet and is MIA from the connected/known devices list.
It's like it isn't communicating at all with the router. I've tried resetting the TV, and the router, multiple times.
Is there a way to rest the IP address on the TV?
Our ISP's "tech help" was completely useless. They can't seem to get us to the correct person.
If I reset TV to factory settings, will I lose everything I've paid for and downloaded? Or is that tied to our Amazon account?
submitted by Colorado_love to fireTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 cheeky_me21 Sunshine selfies are my favourite!
submitted by cheeky_me21 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:50 kindredchaos If I jumpstart an adventure, can I cast the main card?
So, on scryfall at least there's a rules note under [[Niv-Mizzet, Supreme]] that states: "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it's countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
Casting an adventure exiles the card as part of it's own resolution. Does that mean it dodges the jump-start exile? Or does that count under leaving the stack in "some other way" which would mean it get's capital E exiled?
submitted by kindredchaos to mtgrules [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 MajmunMajmunkovic Dosta mi je, zelim da prijavim decka od sestre u socijalno
Živim u stanu s ocem i sestrom. Moja sestra ima 17 godina, napustila je školu i počela da živi potpuno neodgovorno i da se drogira. Događa se da je nema danima, a kada je kod kuće, često je drogirana ili naduvana. Naš otac je pasivan i izbegava da se ozbiljno suoči s njenim problemima, iako vidim da ga cela situacija pogađa.
Pre nekoliko meseci sam saznao da je moja sestra u vezi s momkom koji ima 23 godine koji uzima heroin, i što je najgore, tuče je. Odmah sam tražio od oca da reaguje i prijavi ga. On je kao njima tu pretio i oni su mu obecali da ce biti bolje, sto je samo po sebi nepojmljivo da otac pusti. I na kratko jeste postalo bolje, on je prestao da je tuče, a ona se pokušavala skinuti s lekova za smirenje i bupova.
Pre par meseci mi je njena drugarica javila da ju je opet pretukao. Kad sam to čuo, eksplodirao sam. Otišao sam u stan, uhvatio majmuna i poceo da mu pretim i da se derem, pokusavao sam da ga nateram da mi prizna da ju je tukao, ali on je picka i samo je stojao i pricao neku izmisljenu heroin pricicu gde je moja sestra ustvari bila sa 3 lika koja su joj davala spid a on je kao heroj dosao da ih pretuce, a lik nema 30 kila od heroina. Na kraju mi je bilo krivo picke i ostavio sam ga, otišao sam reci ocu. Naravno, moj otac je samo izgovarao prazne pretnje: „Ako je budes udario, odseći ću ti ruke,“ ali ništa nije uradio.
Pokušali smo da razgovaramo sa sestrom, ali ona negira sve, ne iz straha nego zato što ne želi da ostane sama, ali pre svega zato sto je maloumna. Štaviše, čak i ona ponekad njega tuce, cela veza je toksična i bolesna.
Kao šlag na tortu, sad čujem da sestra planira da prijavi našeg oca socijalnoj službi, jer „psihički zlostavlja“ nju i njenog dečka. A to psihicko zloostavljanje je kad se on dere na njih kad vidi da ne rade ništa korisno, on mamlaz koji nista ne radi, ona debilka koja je napustila i skolu a ni posao ne zeli da nadje.
Nakon ovog saznanja, on je pustio i njega i nju nazad kuci, kao pricao je sa njom, ovo je kap koja je prelila jebenu casu, pustao sam mesecima oca da "resava" ovo, sad je moj red da odem i uradim ono sto je on odavno trebao. Da prijavim i nju i njenog dečka socijalnoj službi kako bi ih odvojili jedno od drugog, jer osim toga sto je zrtva nasilja ona je i zrtva gluposti zato sto sebi ovo radi. Cilj mi je da je izvučem iz te veze i dam joj šansu da se vrati u normalan život. Ako odluči da tone dalje, neka to radi sama, ne mogu više da se nosim s njenim izborima.
Moj otac već mesecima zna da ju je taj dečko sekao nožem i da je kontroliše do te mere da više nigde ne ide kako je ne bi optuživao da ga vara a zatim je tukao. Zelim da bar nesto uradim pre nego sto odjebem iz ove porodice i odem svojim putem.
Šta da radim? Da li ce ista biti ako je prijavim socijalnom kad ona sve negira? Imam dokaze nasilja u vidu instagram poruka od pre gde se ona zali prijaateljima da je decko tuce i ima i sliku posekotine koju je poslala kao deo toga. Njeno objasnjenje za sve te silne slike je da je ona samo lagala te ljude i sve to izmislila kako bi im se svideli, deluzija ide u beskraj..
Nadam se da je tekst citljiv, pisem ovo jako besan uz pomoc gpt-a..
submitted by MajmunMajmunkovic to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:50 Outside-Passenger857 New Series
On my YouTube channel (youtube.com/@rileym2000) I have done a series like Pokémon Talk called Stuffie Talk. I’m not trying to just copy MandJTV’s thing but I know people liked it so yeah, I have this now. It’s not just Pokémon but one of the 2 co-hosts is Hoopa (along with Kitty Cat)
submitted by Outside-Passenger857 to pokemontalkseries [link] [comments]