2024.11.30 00:30 insegniah1 $KENDU - entry of a lifetime
https://preview.redd.it/cttlefylox3e1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=23445985b8820c6ddb6bbd391c211393da46e919 Do you ever wonder why you hear so many stories about people having been presented the opportunity of Shib or Doge that then soon faded and jeeted right before the run up? My $2000 went down to $1000 so I had to sell! if only I didnt it would have been worth 2.3mil! Do you think these people would have sold if Shib went up in only a straight line? ----- The key to success in this game is through having thick skin and being tough. It is about hanging on for dear life, through all the dips, through all the noise and not fading at the critical moments. An opportunity like SHIB was presented to so many people and yet they faded. It is important to look at the current market through an objective scope. Alt season has not yet begun, BTC.D is still peaking, and even now as of writing the market is going through a small correction. Barely any alts are moving, and those FEW that do are through insider trading and cabals. Ultimately, the only way to win in this game is with community. Here in $KENDU I know we have the best community in DeFi and that is just fact. I also know, the way to win is through work, time and effort. I know I do not want to be the person who looks back in the future and goes.. "I faded kendu, i could have had millions" Buy the blood, reap the rewards https://preview.redd.it/dq5p7x1lox3e1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7551020acb04bb9a5b9ce176563d87926c29de2 So why $KENDU? There is so many things in the future for KENDU. Events - Shibcon, Melbourne Kendu party. Listings such as the largest exchange in India, COINDCX, an OKX campaign that is currently occuring, an NFT platform that will provide passive $ETH to holders of the associated NFTs "Chads", along with a propping up of the actual chart through the platforms earnings. A bridging to $SOL via wormhole, and eventually $BASE for the maximum amount of accessibility and reach. We have so many things in the future for KENDU, but i feel it is unimportant to focus in these when in front of us we already have the key to our success; the community. Kendu is placing itself in pole position for the upcoming alt season in 2025. We are maximising our output, engagement and work through sheer organic dedication. As a community, we are closing in on the 50 000 certik votes completely organically. Yes, we could have paid for it, why though? We have demonstrated the capacity of how our community can chip away at any monsterous feat. Right now we are planting crops, we are sewing the fields and working. Showing up every day in every single way. We are out there as a community, IRL shilling, getting IRL branding, doing everything in our output to ensure the success of $KENDU https://preview.redd.it/zn2jl74kox3e1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=b952947e91554361990c456950b9a5f1a1b89acf We have things such as energy drinks, kendu coffee, jewellery and even protein powder / creatine on the whey. We have chads jumping out of planes, even tattooing their reproduction organs through the name of kendu conviction. This community is more than just a coin. It is a movement. A brand. An opportunity to learn from so many experienced OG Shib holders and long time crypto investors. A canvas that so many community members are using to propel their own initiatives forward, using the Kendu canvas as an opportunity to paint their dreams. We are running this up even better then Shib did in 2020/21. We are a perpetual, multi-cycle movement. There is no better chance in all of DeFi then here at kendu for 2025 at winning. So, will you join the movement anon? 0xaa95f26e30001251fb905d264Aa7b00eE9dF6C18 submitted by insegniah1 to AltcoinAdvisor [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 IllustratorOwn6900 Converting to christianity from atheism feels like cheating at life.
The search for purpose as an atheist is an endless one. The things that give you purpose as an atheist will eventually fall away. My purpose was to serve my girlfriend, and it turned out she was absolutely terrible. (Shes to blame for me reading catholic thinkers and early church fathers. She hates catholicism) Other purposes may be for pleasure, money, etc. But none these reasons are good. Being a Christian solves all of these problems of meaning. It gives you a group to identify with. It gives you a set of values to live by. It simply gives you meaning to live, if you know what I mean. I no longer have to look for my own meaning; I have THE meaning. People worship something, so why not put that worship toward someone who has historical precedence to be divine? My mental, physical, and spiritual health have never been better.
submitted by IllustratorOwn6900 to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 ThatBlueSquare Which tag season was your favourite?
View Poll
submitted by ThatBlueSquare to JetLagTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 sneks12345 Which trainees seem to have good chemistry?
Unfortunately a lot of the pairs that have been pushed by production have been split up with the last eliminations :'( are there any remaining duos or generally ppl who seem to get along well? I think people like the idea of Kenshin, Atilla + Andy but that seems more of a concept rather than any actual filmed interactions.
I think both Hyunwoos seem generally charismatic and well liked among the trainees - they seem to be the glue for their groups. The Lalala team seemed genuinely comfortable around each other in their reaction video, same thing for Jealousy team. I love basically unfounded psychoanalysis - idk if anyone else has thoughts about trainee duos/trios etc.
submitted by sneks12345 to project7_jtbc [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 pelossii [German>English] from the book The Emigrants, WG Sebald
submitted by pelossii to translator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 MadMatt82 Ah700st resolution
I just got this today, set up a custom resolution of 1080x1080 on my graphics card but the projector isn’t picking up the resolution. Am I doing this wrong? How do I setup this projector to get a 1:1 screen?
submitted by MadMatt82 to Golfsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 Hefty-Calendar-4366 Zašto ne znam kako započeti odnos/seks s curama?
Procitajte do kraja!
Imam 20 godina i radim u firmi koja posluje u više gradova i većinu ljudi nisam nikad vidio.
Uglavnom išli smo na 5 dana u Češku (poslovno kao firma) i naravno nas 8-9 kupili alkohol i pili smo u hotelskoj sobi, ja sam zapazio da me je jedna cura gledala (mojih godina) i ja sam trebao nešto otići do svoje sobe i kad sam se vratio, kolega mi je nasamo rekao "ova mala je rekla da joj se svidas, jebi to..."
Nisam sramezljiv, samopouzdan sam medu curama kada smo u grupi, ali nisam samopouzdan kad treba zapoceti nesto sa curom nasamo
Istu tu vecer mi smo zavrsili SAMI u sobi i ja nisam znao sto da radim sa njom, bilo je pomalo neugodno, nije bila dobra energija, za 15 minuta se vratimo pred hotel gde su bili ostali i krenu nas podjebavati u smislu:
- "jeste obavili posao?" i slicno
A meni i njoj neugodno, a ja sam siguran bio da je ona htela da ja krenem - ALI NE ZNAM KAKO!?
Posle mi je kolega rekao: "samo je gurnes na krevet i krenes ljubakati i vidis kako se situacija razvija, jel zeli mozda vise"
Ovo nije prvi put da je cure moj izgleda privukao i onda im sam se zgadio kad vide da sam picka jer meni je jasno da cura nece bas prva krenuti
submitted by Hefty-Calendar-4366 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 Rusty_Brick Somehow got a run-through despite killing tagilla
submitted by Rusty_Brick to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 Jonathanwennstroem Changed resolution and monitor went black. Help.
Hey there was just using my pc, changed resolution and it‘s stuck being black. Not sure how to revert anything if I can not see anything.
Once of launches spamming f12 for boot mode? Doesn’t seem to do anything.
Any advice?
submitted by Jonathanwennstroem to bootcamp [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 KimberleyCrush New fave tights
submitted by KimberleyCrush to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 kzun54 What position would you fuck her in?
submitted by kzun54 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 bot_olini SE LANZA CONTRA CALDERÓN - shorts
submitted by bot_olini to mexico_politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 Angel_Asesino ¿creen que valga la pena hablarle de nuevo?
Contexto: tengo una amiga que la conozco desde de hace 1 año, ella me platicaba acerca de su vida, de lo qie le gustaba jugar y sobre su exnovio, qie para ese momento me contó que no le hablaba con el ya que le dijo cosas...bueno pasando los meses ella me dijo que volvió con su ex, y para el colmo, ella como que cambió, es decir, que ahora se aparta de mi o aveces no me toma la palabra. Pasando los días yo le mande mensaje para pedir unos apuntes de la clase ya que eran tiempos de exámenes, me los paso y como símbolo de gratitud le mande un sticker de perro con corazones. Luego de eso me marcó y resultó que era su novio; al principio pense que era un amigo que agarro su teléfono, pero no.
Pues hable con el y en un momento me dice de que queria con su morra y le dije que nomas era su amigo y el siguió de que no quería que le mandara esos mensajes y pues al final me amenazó. A la mañana siguiente cuando fui a la escuela pensé que me iba a decir algo mi amiga pero no dijo nada ni se acercó. Y ya lleva varios días y ni me toma la palabra, ni siquiera me dice algo, ya nada. Así que tengo esta duda,la vuelvo hablar o dejo esa amistad de mi amiga para siempre
submitted by Angel_Asesino to VivimosEnUnaSociedad [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 takingolvl SIM-RMIT business management major
Hello! I am seeking insights from anyone pursuing a Bachelor of Business with a Major in Management who would be willing to share more details about the curriculum.
Having recently completed the four core foundation modules, I will be commencing my major next semester. I will begin with the four major foundation modules: Work in Global Society, Organisation, Managing Change, and Leadership.
Could anyone provide information regarding the number of individual assignments and group projects for each of the modules stated above? While I understand that there will be three assessments for each module, I am specifically interested in the breakdown of these assessments.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
submitted by takingolvl to SGExams [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 yannideppp Attack Attack - Someday came suddenly
submitted by yannideppp to VinylReleases [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 Ok-Strawberry1501 A rare occurence for the old girl indeed
Barely anyone on lol submitted by Ok-Strawberry1501 to 2b2t_Uncensored [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 serrozeven Need help!
Where can I install smapi for 1.6? Please hrelp me😭
submitted by serrozeven to SMAPI [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 GeraldKutney Synonyms for climate deniers
Synonyms for climate deniers: - fossil fools - oil apologists - climate unrealists - crackpots - cranks - ultracrepidarians - deniosaurs. What others would you add? https://preview.redd.it/ilvz06vlox3e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c4480e645cb6c540edf9dd0867337053df1571c submitted by GeraldKutney to ClimateBrawl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 nuntokev Positive drug test at meps where to go from here
A few weeks ago my recruiter got out of the military so I got switched to a new one at the same station.me and my previous recruiter were waiting for me to get clean and schedule me a date for meps.my new recruiter that same week of me being assigned to him asked me to come for a urinalysis I took one and him and all the recruiters at the station and even the commander looked at it and said it was good enough to send me to meps.I was hesitant but I went last Tuesday and passed everything signed my contract and swore in.the day after meps I triple checked with my recruiter to confirm that I passed my drug test he assured me and said they wouldn’t have let me swear in if I didn’t pass then 45 mins later he said he checked the system and confirmed that I passed the drug test.I’ve been clean since September 23rd of this year today I got a letter from meps telling me I tested positive for delta 8.I’m super confused and have no idea where to go from here
submitted by nuntokev to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 Electronic-Comb-5161 Collection is growing🕺🏽got the over lord in mint condition😮💨
submitted by Electronic-Comb-5161 to Ninjago [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 No-Fox9516 Did I set a record with 0/71?
Couldn’t even cop bricks. Maybe next year :|
submitted by No-Fox9516 to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 CloudCodex ChatGPT is very stupid today?
It can't view any images. It can't view any files. My character limit for messages is suddenly shorter. It doesn't know what canvas is (even tho i use that model). It can't seem to access its memory. It forgets the request I ask of it in the literal next reply. Basically, it can't do anything. Which is odd because earlier today, it worked perfectly. But now the several six hours have been awful (nothing have changed otherwise on my end. still got premium, still got the same models). I'm assuming maybe it's bugs with some new update? Anybody know?
submitted by CloudCodex to ChatGPT [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 ls-no-assets Match Thread: CR Vasco da Gama RJ vs AC Goianiense GO Live Score | Brasileiro Serie A | Nov 30, 2024
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ls-no-assets to testCountryLanguageCo [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:30 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - Canadian PM Justin Trudeau visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago amid steep tariff threats: report | FOX
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:30 wyhivska The toad doesn't want to wash the dishes, acrylic on canvas 25x25 cm
submitted by wyhivska to painting [link] [comments] |