Young Santa Novel?

2024.11.30 01:40 Jake4XIII Young Santa Novel?

I’m looking for a book about a younger version of Santa. I remember it being read to me when I was younger. A novel about Santa, although they may have called him Kris or Nicholas, becoming Santa. The one thing I distinctly remember is he had a friend named “Otto”
submitted by Jake4XIII to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 NamelessOneTrueDemon Who are you, baj?

Who are you, baj? submitted by NamelessOneTrueDemon to forsen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 TheBioethicist87 This man is on the alumni board of the university of Iowa and has expressed his desire to murder white liberal women.

submitted by TheBioethicist87 to uiowa [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 oopsie365 How much longer??

I’m mentally ill. Unfortunate but I mean it happens to the best of us. I’m doing what I need to do, I’m in therapy, I take medication and I stopped working from home so that I can have more human interactions.
IM DOING WHAT IM SUPPOSE TO BE DOING!!!! How much longer will I be like this?? I’m frustrated and tired.
submitted by oopsie365 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 PetMingau Drop your OC and I'll draw one of them interacting with them

submitted by PetMingau to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Warlocke1998 Texas gun sales

Sorry if this isn’t the right spot for this I just know where else to put it.
Does anyone know of a place where i can sell a gun in the San Antonio/ Austin area. I have a handgun I’m trying to sell but I don’t want to get like nothing for it a pawn shop or something like that. I’m looking for like a consignment place or something like that. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Warlocke1998 to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 stressinthecity Multiple worrying results 32M terrified. Any interpretation?

I just want to start off by saying, I know none of you are probably doctors, but I would really appreciate some thoughts on these results anyway and thank you in advance.
I recently had some routine blood tests done a couple months ago due to my chronic ethnic neutropenia. (I am a black male) Everything appeared to be normal. However my liver ALT/AST enzymes were extremely raised. So the doctor proposed to do more investigate tests. I have since discovered I have a very mild fatty liver. However we also discovered that there were other deranged results. Including IgG, serum globulin and serum protein. I also had highly elevated LDH which is extremely worrying along extremely elevated creatine kinase.
From the results, you can see that there has also been a steady progression in my globulin and protein. My calcium and renal profiles are all within range but I’m truly scared that I’m about to have a MM or MGUS diagnosis pretty soon. The last time I had an Immunoglobulin test was back in 2020 and my result was only .1 above range but my IgA was elevated at 3.96 g/L (at the time the upper ref rage was 2.80 g/L). It’s worth noting that I have had a negative test for Hepatitis. I’m due to take another blood test soon but I’ve pretty much convinced myself that I know what my fate is going to be.
Is the fact that my renal and calcium levels are good a reassuring sign or does the above warrant my worry?
I’ve also ready that being black and male also puts me at a higher risk category but I’m aware my age is on the younger side.
submitted by stressinthecity to multiplemyeloma [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Adalphe Our 5 month old puppy! Fox red lab 💕

Our 5 month old puppy! Fox red lab 💕 This soon to be hunter has brought us so much joy after losing our beloved 14 year old lab. Didn’t think I would love him like I loved our best boy that passed over the bridge. For anyone suffering from a loss- just do it. It helped heal our mending ours! How cute is the though.
submitted by Adalphe to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Any_Tax1320 Let's see your (Ron Pearlman) Hellboy displays!

Ever since I realized there were these types of figures out there I've been dying to get my hands on them!
submitted by Any_Tax1320 to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 GroundbreakingWay608 Sam literally just posted about an alternate ending it was never over

It’s never over
submitted by GroundbreakingWay608 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 cfinesin Never thought of this until now

Never thought of this until now submitted by cfinesin to farcry3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Unidentified_Lizard I found slime's true identity

I found slime's true identity Slime has been regularly using deepfake technology to appear like an average man to the rest of us
in reality his fan interactions are really nice, and his fans leave intimidated by his raw physique
submitted by Unidentified_Lizard to TheYardPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Impressive-Tale8515 What if it’s ALL true?

Spoilers for all 3 seasons…
Thinking out loud. What if Sara and Elgin were both right, in everything they thought/heard?
It’s presupposed that they were misled or manipulated by the town to do horrific things to its own ends, but what if the things they were told are true?
What if, in the grand scheme of things, Smiley baby did have to be reborn and Ethan does have to die in order to save everyone? Smiley has immortality and Fatima clearly wasn’t going to be okay, even before Elgin kidnapped her. The “baby” was already there and it was going to kill hedestroy her mentally at the same time unless it was “birthed.” I don’t believe there was another way to save Fatima, other than to deliver the pregnancy. I also think Smiley was going to be reborn, one way or another, because that’s how the curse works.
Also, there are plenty of theories that Ethan is the Man in Yellow (“Fellow in Yellow” lol) or that he plays a bigger part in the overarching story of this place. What if he is the BiW, or the missing sacrifice? Or some other explanation, such that he does need to die in order to save everyone…
It would be so tragic if the town tortured and exiled the people who really were saving them, because they couldn’t understand/accept the means of achieving the ends. Not saying I believe this theory, just thinking out loud…
submitted by Impressive-Tale8515 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Icy-Priority-2273 CHEATER ilovehitchhiker
This guy is making hell in the game, he is the devil himself, these cheats are getting more and more scary. Why wasn't it banned?
submitted by Icy-Priority-2273 to TexasChainsawGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Hellbilly_tactician Ranges?

Ranges? Anyone from South Carolina in the group, particularly the midlands? Wondering if anyone is apart of the “Take aim shooting range” in pageland or the black creek rifle club. Also for anyone with insight on Coleman’s Creek shooting range in NC that would be great it’s 30-40 more minutes drive for me than the other ranges but more choices for yardage to shoot from. Can only get 100-150 yards at my house looking to keep stepping out.
submitted by Hellbilly_tactician to longrange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Plebble1 How do I build a fat ass and wide hips

I go to the gym regularly, but they just won't grow.
submitted by Plebble1 to FemmeFitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Abject_Ordinary_7381 Uni Portal??

for each uni we apply to, we get an email to make an account for the uni portal whatever
is that mandatory??? i only did it for one uni a few weeks back but not the others
submitted by Abject_Ordinary_7381 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 QsAs_101 Boost 4 Boost

I have 4 left. $Emmy-Lewis You boost first or me. Leave your tag.
submitted by QsAs_101 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Tricky_Anteater422 Rate 43m single

Rate 43m single submitted by Tricky_Anteater422 to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 HoneydewFluid1076 Just cum rn 😩

Just cum rn 😩 It’s cum rn
submitted by HoneydewFluid1076 to BigBootyLatinas69 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 NewUnit3393 Is My IUD Causing High Blood Pressure, or Am I Just Being Paranoid?

Hi all, I’m looking for advice or if anyone has had a similar experience.
Last Wednesday, I had ovarian cysts removed and also had a Mirena IUD inserted during the same procedure. I have high blood pressure and am already on medication for it, but a few days after surgery, I started experiencing numbness, then three days ago I woke up dizzy. I checked my blood pressure, it was really high about 167/105, then 177/115 later.
I went to the ER, and they tried a few meds but it didn’t really come down that much. The next day, it was still up so I returned to the ER. I asked the doctor if it could be the IUD. At first, he said no, but then he looked into it and said maybe- and that high BP is listed as a side effect of Mirena. But that I have high blood pressure so it’s likely just that. They gave me Ativan and a diuretic, and it came down to around 138/97, but that’s still higher than normal for me.
I followed up with my nurse practitioner today and it was super high again. but she dismissed the IUD as the cause, insisting it’s just my blood pressure. I’m frustrated because this sudden high blood pressure started like a week after IUD placement, and it’s never stayed this high for so many days since being on medication. For context, the day of surgery, it was 158/90—high but it usually goes lower on my meds also they said peoples are BP usually up bc of nervousness)
Am I being paranoid, or could the IUD really be causing this? Has anyone else experienced high blood pressure from Mirena? I’m feeling stuck and unsure of what to do next. Also I know stressing out about it isn’t helping but I can’t help it.
Any advice would be really appreciated!
submitted by NewUnit3393 to Mirena [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Aggravating-Low-5991 Tf going on with anthony edward’s?

Bro please i put everything on it 😂
submitted by Aggravating-Low-5991 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 XbattlefieldX How would you feel about a TV show if it decided to drop an entire season on a saturday starting in the morning and ran all day?

submitted by XbattlefieldX to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 AkwardMess1234 Which car?!

Need help deciding between a 2015 Nissan Pathfinder and a 2020 Ford escape. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by AkwardMess1234 to car [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 oMaxwell_ Documentário Sítio do Picapau Amarelo - TV Tup9i

Documentário Sítio do Picapau Amarelo - TV Tup9i submitted by oMaxwell_ to BrasilLostMedia [link] [comments]