Today anime games repack from CPGRepacks

2024.11.30 01:30 CPGRepacks Today anime games repack from CPGRepacks

Today anime games repack from CPGRepacks submitted by CPGRepacks to RepackWatchers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 beemerteam Crypto companies imitating the MSTR/Bitcoin model- CubeSatGPT: Talk with Satellites Orbiting in Space with AI Agents & Models, SBIO, FET, NEAR

Crypto companies imitating the MSTBitcoin model- CubeSatGPT: Talk with Satellites Orbiting in Space with AI Agents & Models, SBIO, FET, NEAR submitted by beemerteam to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 danithedestroyer123 Does anyone remember this unreleased snippet?

i saw it on youtube like 2 years ago, and i remember her singing it specifically, but i cannot find it anywhere.
the lyrics went:
"it's always the same, in this day and age. i know and expect for my heart to love, then break. the thought that you're different chains me to your bed, but it's my mistake, 'cause when we wake, you'll throw me out instead. and it's no surprise, you just want one night with me"
submitted by danithedestroyer123 to laufey [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 zmxv D113 hint

early experiences shape the course of a lifetime
submitted by zmxv to voggle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 _bohemianz_ Kochi Metro: Not being a language elitist, but just found to be inappropriate

Kochi Metro: Not being a language elitist, but just found to be inappropriate Shouldn't there also be Malayalam? Your comments?
submitted by _bohemianz_ to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Necessary_Ad_1877 What value exactly does Bitcoin provide?

Aside from being used by all sorts of criminals because that value is negative if anything.
submitted by Necessary_Ad_1877 to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Mallory_Knox23 What to do with Chutney?

I bought a bunch of chutney, I love it on cheese and crackers but I need more ideas on how to use it before it goes back. I currently have a jar of cranberry, and peach and red pepper.
submitted by Mallory_Knox23 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 2squaredJ [WTS] Trijicon RX10 Mount. Last one!

This is the last one I have for sale. It is new in original packaging. Never used or mounted.
$270 Shipped
PayPal Goods & Services (charge G&S to me)
submitted by 2squaredJ to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 the_man84 Erm...

Did no one see the problem with this?
submitted by the_man84 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 canyoureed Who's a famous person or character you've had a crush on but would never admit to people you know?

submitted by canyoureed to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 bestenglish Buying a backpack in Seoul?

Is Seoul a good place to buy a new backpack for travelling? I could wait until I get home but I wondered if there were any well-known, well-priced brands on sale in a particular store or location. I’ve seen a North Face Store. Any department store that has a wide range? Thanks.
submitted by bestenglish to seoul [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 chriskiji Oh Myyy

Oh Myyy submitted by chriskiji to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 ScarletMoonXO I hope you are into a muscular trans like me

I hope you are into a muscular trans like me submitted by ScarletMoonXO to TrapCuties [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 HelloLuvs How'd they get their character to hover over the bed like this?

How'd they get their character to hover over the bed like this? submitted by HelloLuvs to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 kahnikas Two Thanksgiving briskets and the best investment so far

Two Thanksgiving briskets and the best investment so far Made a 21lb and a 13lb prime on an 18" WSM. Despite never cooking two at once before, the results were great.
Buying a food vacuum sealer was a great choice for reheating. Simply place the bag in hot water until the brisket gets warm. Doesn't change the flavor or dry it out like reheating on a stove top, in the microwave, or even in the oven can do.
submitted by kahnikas to brisket [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Funny_Temporary_2589 Over a week in, but feeling tempted

I am over a week in of nofap, but I am feeling tempted to fall back into it. I know I need to be strong though. DMs open
submitted by Funny_Temporary_2589 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 ciaraunwilling How the h*ll did soda become the default drink for everyone… in like 50 years??

Ok so, from what I’ve read, sugary drinks didn’t really take over until the 1950s or so.
And now EVERYONE is drinking this stuff like it’s water. Like, how did we go from actual hydration to THIS so freaking fast??
And it’s not just the US—it’s pretty much every country out there. Seriously, what even happened??
submitted by ciaraunwilling to nutrition [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 No_Bullfrog5811 Charge 4 screen is black

My charge 4 has a complete black screen. It has been barely used, pretty much was in the box for about 3 years after a using it a little bit.
I followed the instructions multiple times to reset it and had done so but still no luck. Then after fiddling with it some more I realized that the screen does work but the brightness is extremely low. I can only barely see the screen after turning the surrounding lights off and being in a pitch dark room. Managed to get to settings on it and tried the different brightness options but still did not fix the issue.
Has anyone encountered this issue with their charge 4? Do you guys know any way to resolve it?
I am suspecting the lcd screen may need to be changed. Please lmk. Thank you!
submitted by No_Bullfrog5811 to fitbit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Agitated-Key-9188 Any Gut-Wrenching & tear jerker Tragedies with Twists?

Looking for suspenseful films with overwhelming guilt, inescapable pasts, and tragic endings.....or leaving no closure. something like: Incendies**,** Oldboy **,** Manchester by sea**,** Amores Perros **,** Burning (2018), The Hunt (2012), Atonement, dancer in the dark. Prefer non-linear storytelling, moral ambiguity, and twists involving lies or false accusations leading to irreversible consequences. These films should explore how unrelenting guilt and moral ambiguity drive characters toward self-destruction or irreversible consequences.

  1. if the main character spirals into a catastrophic downfall or if the villain ultimately prevails
  2. Non-english movies after 2010.
submitted by Agitated-Key-9188 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Live-Possession-4101 D.B. Cooper Unsolved Case Sees Possible Break With Recovered Parachute - Men's Journal

Just blowing my mind overhere...
submitted by Live-Possession-4101 to BizarreUnsolvedCases [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 Inside_Ninja4264 Could radiation be why every UFO video is always grainy…?

Didn’t know where to post this so I figured here would be a good start.
As we all know, it seems like every ufo video that comes out is grainy and extremely blurry despite the quality of camera phone being used. Regardless if it’s an iPhone or s22, the quality isn’t ever adding up to the quality we have today…which has me wondering, is it possible that these ufo’s admit some type of radiation or something (not a scientist, obviously) which is what causes the videos/photos to be so grainy and blurry?
This question occupies my mind far more than it should…
submitted by Inside_Ninja4264 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 evilackerman [FO] A season too late

[FO] A season too late My second project! Any modifications are due to my mistakes and being more willing to make them work than to undo entire motifs. Pattern by the popular MamaWitchCrossStitch on Etsy.
submitted by evilackerman to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 EstablishmentLow4027 Ng+

New to bloodborne and just about finished my first run but I need to do NG+ to fight moon presence for the platinum trophy. Would I need to farm gems to make the run easier? as I don't really want to spend ages going through the game again.
submitted by EstablishmentLow4027 to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 ellenn89 Opiniones sobre este presupuesto de reforma

Estoy en proceso de reformar un piso pequeño en la provincia de Barcelona y me gustaría saber vuestra opinión sobre si el presupuesto que me han dado es razonable. El detalle de los trabajos es el siguiente: - Cocina de 2,20 x 2 m: muebles de calidades medias, encimera, alicatado, fontanería y electricidad. - Baño de 2,40 x 1,70 m: sanitarios, mampara, alicatado, fontanería y electricidad. - Cambio de 5 puertas interiores. - Pintura de paredes y techos (unos 50 m²). - Renovación de interruptores y enchufes.
El presupuesto total es de 21.000€ y la duración estimada de la reforma sería de unas 3 semanas. Este precio no incluye el cambio de suelo en la cocina y el baño, ya que no lo he solicitado.
Ayer me dieron otro presupuesto por teléfono que era de 28.000 €, pero este solo incluye la reforma de la cocina y el baño, con calidades medio-altas.
Me gustaría saber si este precio es justo para la reforma que necesito o si el presupuesto de 21.600 € es más razonable. Cualquier consejo o experiencia será muy bien recibido.
submitted by ellenn89 to Espana [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:30 glitterhoneykiss time passes by

time passes by submitted by glitterhoneykiss to PetsareAmazing [link] [comments]