Final-Noel's Sweater

2024.11.30 01:50 CitizenSmith2021 Final-Noel's Sweater

What in the world is on Noel's sweater......
submitted by CitizenSmith2021 to GreatBritishBakeOff [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 itsover9000dollars I honestly want to quit my job.

Everyone I work with hates me. I just want to work remote or change into something I don't have to be around people.
submitted by itsover9000dollars to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 HighlyRegardedSlob87 What’s supposed to be the whole joke about Loch Ness Monster?

I’ve heard people say “Tree Fiddy” since childhood. Why does the monster mispronounce “Three Fifty?”
Why does the catch phrase sound more like “Cream Filling?”
submitted by HighlyRegardedSlob87 to southpark [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 AlterYume If you wonder picked from someone from Japan, you'll get the Japanese version of the card.

I am not sure if this is intended.
submitted by AlterYume to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Lima8Tango Apron TAR-21

submitted by Lima8Tango to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Several-Aide5784 Rijke mensen moeten ophouden met zeuren dat ze het zo druk hebben.

Weet je waar ik mij de laatste tijd dood aan erger? Mensen en dan vooral bekende (rijkere) mensen die het oh zo druk hebben en dit moeten uiten. Jade Anna vind ik een perfect voorbeeld.
Meis.. als je zo moe bent en zulke lange dagen maakt, doe dan wat rustiger met alles wat je aanneemt en doet.. Dan verdien je wel wat minder, maar alsnog meeeeer dan genoeg om rond te komen. Ohnee dan word het laadje niet genoeg gevuld. Prima, maar hou op met zeiken en zeuren.
Geld niet alleen voor Jade, maar voor zoveel mensen. Je hebt mensen die 24/7 werken om van een scheintje rond te komen en mensen die 24/7 uur werken een kanon van bedragen binnen harken.. Heel leuk dat laatste... maar is het je teveel? Doe dan wat rustiger en neem genoegen met iets minder (samenwerkingen) en dus geld. Nee dat wil je niet? Niet gaan zeiken. Wat me ook stoort is dat deze types echt volledig het zicht op de realiteit kwijt zijn. Totaal niet kunnen relativeren en ook weinig gewend zijn.
Het betekend natuurlijk ook niet dat als je veel verdient je niet mag benoemen dat je het druk hebt, maar als je vanuit allerlei laadjes geld verdiend, dan kun je zelf kiezen hoe en wat je aanneemt. Zeggen dat je druk bent of haast klagen en oh zo oververmoeid doen.. daar zit een verschil in. En dingen uitbesteden betekend het geld delen. Je hebt meer tijd voor jezelf.. Ohnee dat is niet fijn, want minder geld. Prima, niet zeiken!
De oudere generatie die echt kei-keihard werkte en alsnog de dubbeltjes moesten omdraaien, die kunnen zichzelf wel uit ergenis voor hun kop slaan. Groot gelijk.
Nou ik ben reuze benieuwd of iemand mijn mening juist vind..
Groetjes tijgers xo
submitted by Several-Aide5784 to dutch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 TryingBest2023 45 [M4F] #NYC. Hey You! Are you Fun, Smart, a Bit Kinky, and Seeking Something with Long Term Potential? Let’s chat

nyc or local to nyc area please
I'm a 45 year old man here in downtown NYC. I'm in pretty decent shape, great career, mentally balanced, healthy, and looking for an ongoing connection that can blossom into something real. I am the type to start a little slow, as our busy schedules allow, and then see what unfolds naturally.
I feel that I have my life together, and my general disposition has always been to be a happy, curious person. I'm a clean cut, suit and tie kind of guy for work but casual otherwise.
I like to spend my time reading (esp public health, and the impact of social media on human connection), attempting to be health-conscious, pop culture. I like to think I excel at baking healthy snacks, I really like jazz, and I’m a huge film buff, pretty big music fan, like being a foodie, keeping up with current events. I like good conversation, snuggles, laughing. I speak a second language but... am pretty rusty!
Besides the usual hangouts, conversations, and I’d be open to going to events around the city, taking some language or cooking classes, biking, jazz clubs, and I recently started trying tennis and would be open to a tennis partner
You: Single, fairly balanced, intellectually curious, mentally grounded, have a few interesting interests. Open minded. Being pretty drama free is important to me too. Doing something productive. Able to laugh and not take life too seriously is important.
If you write please be sure to state age, location, a few hobbies or interests (a physical description is always helpful too), and we can start a conversation and see where it leads!
thanks ;)
submitted by TryingBest2023 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Frederickj4488 Packs are TERRIBLE value. Let me give you my money!

I am so ready and willing to spend money on this game, and EA refuses to incentivize me to do so. My first time playing since M20, and oh my god the pack offerings have completely dried up. This is insane!
submitted by Frederickj4488 to MaddenUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Max_4104 shugoki is so easy

i just won a brawl being the one with the most kills using shugoki, I have never used shugoki and I barely know his moveset, I just spammed his heavies, sometimes charged them, used his headbutt a lot and spammed his hug every time I had the chancd
submitted by Max_4104 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Dependent-Bath3612 Who is more Evil Grandpa Joe or Homelander?

submitted by Dependent-Bath3612 to grandpajoehate [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Existing_Studio3280 GTR Ornaments I made today 🎄🏎️

GTR Ornaments I made today 🎄🏎️ submitted by Existing_Studio3280 to SkylineGTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 AutumnChunk8575 which do you prefer?

Recently, I was able to pull my chase card (JP 151 Charizard SAR), but when I looked at TCGPLAYER, I noticed that the English Version goes for nearly x2 of the JP Version raw, and in PSA 10, the English Version is x3 of JP PSA 10, I love collecting but value matters to me too, so for you guys, which do you prefer? JP pokemon cards or ENG pokemon cards and why?
submitted by AutumnChunk8575 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 huggiedoodoo What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by huggiedoodoo to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Affectionate_Pea7252 Helping my mother through financial struggles

Link to the Go Fund Me:
Hello everyone, my name is Joselin and the woman in the picture is my mother. She is by far the strongest woman I’ve ever met and she made me who I am today. Sadly, I witnessed first hand how the struggle for money has affected my mom. Last night, I saw her crying for the first time in a while. While she thought no one would notice, I did. As her child, it broke me seeing the woman who gave me life fall into shambles as she cried desperately for not being able to give us everything. She always hides whenever she feels sad but I will speak on her behalf and our family to get her any sort of help. She has been fighting to keep our family strong and has always done every possible thing to put food on the table. However, as we all know, the price of goods have vastly increased and so have our bills. Just like everyone else, we are struggling and need financial aid. My older sister and I are currently in college and work in order to pay for our tuition as both my parents cannot financially help us. That being said, even by working long hours or during the holidays, we still struggle getting by. Additionally, I no longer have a job as they kept on paying me the same minimum wage but increasing my responsibilities that a manager would had, except without the pay. Therefore, I had no choice and could not bear being treated like that so I had to leave. Recently, my father has struggled getting jobs as his current position has not called him to work and because of that, all the bills come flooding to my mom. She’s always made sure to be there for us whenever, wherever. Even if going to our graduation or special ceremony means she would have to walk or take the Metro. Now that she is getting older, she recently got diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and has medical bills she needed to pay for staying at the hospital over a week. Even though she got out of the hospital and she is getting better, she still struggles by being under constant stress of the next bill to be paid and her blood pressure increases. I won’t rest until I can do every possible thing to help my mom even if I have to give up everything I own. This strong woman has carried me for 9 months inside her belly and now I want to have her back and help her by all means. The need for the $2,500 is to start by paying the rent and groceries as we are paying the rent little by little at the moment. We are currently looking for a new apartment that is more economically stable for us to afford. However, it would still need a down payment and that is another way we can use the money. This also includes money for groceries and for her to not having to be worried when the next food pantry will be. I also just want her to have some left over for her savings. Please any help is appreciated and may God bless all of you for listening and taking your time to read this.
Thank you for your time and consideration in reading my story.
-Joselin C
submitted by Affectionate_Pea7252 to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 shepherd_ds When is Uncle Samsonites Domain Rework?

Quick little question I wanna ask, because samsonites gameplay is pretty fun imo, but his rng luck in domain is the reason I don’t play him. Anybody have any news or any supposed ideas when the reworking is coming out?
submitted by shepherd_ds to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Lumi1017 Sorry guys, but I have decided to no longer make Danjin my main. I will become a Carlotta main when she releases. Here are some Danjin echoes I got while farming, enjoy!

Sorry guys, but I have decided to no longer make Danjin my main. I will become a Carlotta main when she releases. Here are some Danjin echoes I got while farming, enjoy! submitted by Lumi1017 to DanjinMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 TetraNeuron Upscaled Citlali Splash Art & Drip Marketing

Upscaled Citlali Splash Art & Drip Marketing submitted by TetraNeuron to CitlaliMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 aunsafe2015 Better to leave Thanksgiving day empty or wildly guess than I ate 5000 kcal (accurate kcal for the day could be anywhere from 4000-6000 I think)?

Question in topic! Would a guess that might be off by as much as 1000 kcal be better or worse than a totally blank day?
submitted by aunsafe2015 to MacroFactor [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Slayeerrrr Looking for suggestions for a build

I'm looking for a good Black Friday deal on a PC build but can't decide between going pre-built or custom. Currently, I'm considering this build:
Do you have any suggestions or know of better options? My budget is around $1500. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by Slayeerrrr to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 Honest_Management256 New addition

New addition Did the dreaded knee ditch yesterday along with a few others!
submitted by Honest_Management256 to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 the_tiger100 The reason why kids are not allowed to vote

The reason why kids are not allowed to vote submitted by the_tiger100 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 U-shouldnt-know-me Busy busy day

Got present for all my siblings for the first time!!! I've never had money to do that (there are five of us) and I know they'll be surprised!!!
submitted by U-shouldnt-know-me to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 No_Put_8503 The Missouri Boat Ride—A CountryDumb Investment Strategy

You can learn a lot from watching movies, especially westerns. And if you want to get rich in the stock market, it's pretty easy. All you've got to do is be patient, pick your shot, then concentrate all your firepower on a single target.
submitted by No_Put_8503 to CountryDumb [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 One_Wafer_7808 Empathy vs. Echo Chambers: Social Media’s Impact

submitted by One_Wafer_7808 to BloggersCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:50 NeonRockstar Divisoria to Robinson's Antipolo

Help please!
submitted by NeonRockstar to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]