Recite this everyday

2024.11.30 03:40 Babysphinxx Recite this everyday

Recite this everyday submitted by Babysphinxx to Ihavenomouth [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 eltoshano Necesito un acta de nacimiento emitida en la CDMX.

Ayuda, hace unos días falleció el padre de mi novia, el nació en la CDMX y falleció en San Luis Potosí, al momento no contaba con acta de nacimiento original, en unos días iré para allá a sacarla pero no se en dnd puedo hacer ese trámite o si hay máquinas dnd imprimirlas. Me pueden ayudar con esa info? Mil gracias 🫂
submitted by eltoshano to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Available-Cap7655 Why do AC3 and Connor get so much hate?

I love the way Connor is written. He tries to spare most of his opponents, his dad is a Templar, he’s literally at war with his own dad, and he’s insanely strong. In the story they have the plot twist and you get to be a Templar.
submitted by Available-Cap7655 to assassinscreed3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 TitoLan Un bar bara en la noria

Qué bar está chido acá cerca de la noria ? Igual pa quien jale un viernes y conocer bands
submitted by TitoLan to Puebla [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Miserable_Original36 Player Three Prime PC Holder

Hey everyone getting a Secret Labs Magnus Pro XL desk soon and the mount for the pc doesn’t fit the width of the Player Three Prime. I’m asking if there is any good very secure way to mount my pc or put my pc on again it’s the Player Three Prime
submitted by Miserable_Original36 to NZXT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 mw0621 Tiny Fancy Chef Show

Tiny Fancy Chef Show Scrolling through Netflix while high, I came across this show and thought it was called “Fancy Chef Show”. Just realized that is not what it is called while making this post. Still wanted to share the inner workings of my mind
submitted by mw0621 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 trailblazersbat HWYB Feixiao?

HWYB Feixiao? She is skilled with all forms of weapons and martial arts, she's very fast, and has sort of a rage ability.
submitted by trailblazersbat to Howwouldyoubuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Ineedtherapyandhelp8 How do you guys think of my fan made avatar?

Just a avatar i thought was creative
submitted by Ineedtherapyandhelp8 to nocopyrightsounds [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 A_Zesty_Carrot What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by A_Zesty_Carrot to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 LowRecommendation490 Home cooked Indian food estimate?

I want to say 600 with each item averaging a little over 100. The only things notably oily seemed to be the egg curry and somewhat the turkey leg, but I tried to leave that portion out as much as I could. I feel like I might be severely underestimating home cooked food but I also don’t wanna give it up, so please tell me what you guys think!
submitted by LowRecommendation490 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 HachikoInugami TNA Turning Point Results - 11/29/24

submitted by HachikoInugami to ThePinAndTheWin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Short_Tea_5335 Negative reviews are insane for this game

The more I play Dragon age: The Veilguard the more I question a LOT of these super negative reviews of this game. There's no way they ACTUALLY played this game. It's by no means perfect, I have complaints about it. And yes mostly early on the dialogue is kind of "tutorial" like and simple but it started out as a live service game until they decided to scrap that and changed a lot of writers around so yeah it's kind of hit and miss for a bit but towards the end of Act 1 and on you can TELL that they found a groove and just kept getting better and better and better.
There have been legitimately funny moments, emotional moments, and just plain tragic moments. Even wholesome moments. The set pieces and environments are beautiful. The boss fights are amazing. Damn near all the main and side quests are worth playing and offer great insight into the world and it's characters. The combat is a little more on the basic side and can be mastered quickly. However, there is SOOO many different combinations, and buffs, synergies, etc. between the different abilities and geaequipment and companions that it offers a TON of customization. Especially since you can respec any time you want for FREE. And the gear and armor mostly looks great too.
Looting is damn fun in this and exploring will lead you to ways to improve your health and skill points with some light puzzle work. Gone is the awful open world bloat of Inquisition. I'm looking at you Hinterlands, you bogged down MENACE.I know a decent amount of the hate for the game is the typical anti-woke and anti-DEI nonsense but even the more "legit" sounding reviews seem to hone in on specific scenes or lines as proof of the "awful writing" and largely seems to be either misinterpreted or just flat out missing a ton of context. I fucking love this game.
submitted by Short_Tea_5335 to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 WOAduckingclue End of tonight’s manic posts about GRB

End of tonight’s manic posts about GRB submitted by WOAduckingclue to Woacbofficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 BlearyWall5179 do you guys think scootaloo can walk on clouds?

do you guys think scootaloo can walk on clouds? submitted by BlearyWall5179 to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 icantbreath_ Vénganse a echar unas costillas

Vénganse a echar unas costillas Que pedo mi bandita de reddit, ando como encargado de la Taberna la Monarca. Los invito a venir desde el 02 de diciembre para echarse unos drinks y cervezas artesanales. Si gustan más fotos del menú se los mando por DM 👀. Estamos en paseo alcalde de GDL
submitted by icantbreath_ to Guadalajara [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 FayeValentine_II Partial to shy piggies. This is your sign—don’t miss the chance ⏱️

submitted by FayeValentine_II to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 LushKisss_Angel I can let you have some fun with him

I can let you have some fun with him submitted by LushKisss_Angel to navelbeauties [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Little_Opinion2060 SW Business card!!!

Hello everyone, I have a Companion Pass for 2025. My question is how I get a business card to help get the bonus points if I don't have a business. What do I need to do?
submitted by Little_Opinion2060 to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 nobuesorca327 LC help!

LC help! Can someone help LC
submitted by nobuesorca327 to chromeheartlc [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Thundrbucket My wife drew her ideal relationship in therapy. How can I compete?

My wife drew her ideal relationship in therapy. How can I compete? submitted by Thundrbucket to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Hacomeback 齐心放屁中国梦?全网:还真是😹

齐心放屁中国梦?全网:还真是😹 submitted by Hacomeback to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Glitterflavoured Some art I did

Some art I did submitted by Glitterflavoured to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 ToonIkki I genuinely hope the December patch addresses Custom Battles in a significant way

I love the mode, hell I think I've poured more time into it than I have PvP (which is suprising, as I'm not much of an offline-content kind of player), but there are definitely things that I feel like ultimately need to be addressed

  1. The humongous elephant in the room: A search bar. Trying to actually add dialogue in this mode is genuinely so bad, it's gotten to the point where I'm either dedicated completely different sessions to add It in to the episode or just dropping a level completely because of how BORING SLOW IT IS
  2. CPUs are a bit too easy: you're rather limited in what behaviors you can select as some of them genuinely make the AI go limp even if they're level 20
  3. "Next episode" not letting us link to another episode battle: This would open up so many possibilities with the battle creator, I understand this wouldn't be utilized by a majority of the playerbase but it would give the more dedicated creators endless possibilities with what stories they can make
  4. This doesn't have to happen in the December patch but PLEASE ADD CROSS-POSTING: Simply put, a lot of people are putting our fun and interesting custom battles but they're usually on different platforms, hell I'd gladly have to go through reposting my levels if that meant having this sort of feature.
Please Spike, this is such a fun mode but its borderline bare-bones right now... Just cook it a bit longer with a few updates, it's all I (and many other people) want 🙏
submitted by ToonIkki to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 tlp500 Liv Johnson-fox5

Liv Johnson-fox5 submitted by tlp500 to hotnewsanchors [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:40 Expensive_Cry_1800 First raid today after doing 20 already finally got this!!

First raid today after doing 20 already finally got this!! submitted by Expensive_Cry_1800 to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]