Aio fans not spinning

Linux 自己其实也有 Kernel 级的 AIO ABI(io_submit),不过跟 Posix AIO API 不兼容,而且还有很多问题,比如:只支持以指定标识(O_DIRECT)打开的文件,不支持 socket 句柄等等。相信未来 Linux AIO 进一步完善以后,glibc 应该会基于这组 syscalls 实现原生 Posix AIO 接口。 我想大部分和我差不多年龄接触系统编程的朋友读书的时候了解的都是 POSIX aio,那个东西是 glibc 在用户态用 pthread 实现的,用回调或者 signal 通知(记得是这样,回头去查一下)。 后来的 kernel aio 没有跟进,我想像我这样普通程序员也不太会有机会用到 linux aio。 家用All in One主机系统的选择指南。[END]> <|ipynb_marker|> Markdown## Test Input ReasoningIn this test case, I will use a webpage that is in English language. The webpage content is about the "Best Laptops for Students". I will also provide one related webpage which is also about laptops for students.The main webpage has the following information:- Target Url: ... mxi的pump-fan是可以调整转速的,但是aio pump我这里任然建议满速,因为水流不同于气流。 华缩的aio pump接口是默认满速不可修改的。 过多的机箱风扇我建议去购买一个风扇集线器,例如酷妈那个,不然调速很麻烦也不利于理线操作,让风扇的负载挂在电源上面,让集线器输出pwm控制信号到主板来调速 ... CPUopt和AIO_PUMP,都是用来接水冷的水泵接头的,AIO_PUMP默认全速,优先级上AIO_PUMP高于CPUopt,两者都有肯定接AIO_PUMP,如果没有AIO_PUMP,也可以cpuout, 其实SYS_FAN、CHA_FAN、CPU_OPT都可以接,一般效果我们不做如果只要达到散热效果,可能也区分不出来的 Salve. Che velocità impostare alla pompa di un sistema aio e perché? Io personalmente ho la pompa che ha l'attacco a 3 pin, come conviene impostarla? Velocità fissa? Variabile? E una pompa con controllo pwm 4 pin vale lo stesso? Inviato da ASUS_X00TD tramite App ufficiale di Tom\\'s Hardware... 用卡片把机器下边和左右两侧缝隙出都划开些 再直接用双手手指抠住缝隙 向下用力抖动主机 会听到卡扣松动的声音 (此机型如果像拆笔记本外壳一样用划卡拆壳是很费力的 且容易损坏屏幕 请务必注意) 没有明确标记出aio-pump水泵接口,并不代表没有,水泵插头接在主板上带有CPU_OPT或CPU_FAN、SYS_FAN标记距离CPU插槽最近的一个就行,这些插头都带有温控测试,可以控制风扇或水泵速度达到精准降温的目的。 一个是 Microsoft-Activation-Scripts ,另一个是KMS_VL_ALL_AIO。 但我也只敢保证在github下载的没问题。 你一搜名字,搜到国内某下载站,或者某论坛给个网盘链接,还要注册回复花积分买密码,下来的是什么东西我就不保证了。有这功夫还是去淘宝买key吧。 知乎是一个中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,帮助用户发现问题背后的世界。

2024.11.30 05:50 Kazushlge Aio fans not spinning

Aio fans not spinning Booted up for the first time. Super excited until realized that the aio fans weren't spinning.
Originally thought it was because plugged the aio into the aio_pump header. So moved it to the cpu_fan. Still nothing. Then tried unplugging my rear exhaust fan that I plugged into the cpu _opt header. Still nothing.
I think for a brief moment when the liquid temp was above 40, the fans were spinning. But I'm not sure. Do the fans only turn on when the liquid gets too hot ??
In the bios, it shows that it's spinning. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Kazushlge to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 djd32019 Will the postal strike in Canada affect shipments from LTTstore?

I scanned the past few hours of posts so sorry if this has been posted to death already but ..
As the title says .. I read reports that Canada post won’t allow any new shipments into the network as long as the strike lasts
Does that mean nothing is leaving Canada ?
Or is Ltt using something different than Canada post ?
submitted by djd32019 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ In a clip from Israeli journalist Avi Amit's Kan 11 report on Israel's plans to colonize Gaza, the daughter of a settler is asked about what will happen to the Palestinians: "I think he will go to another country, this is our land."

submitted by _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ to AskMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 scrimp212 BCBS at the barcade

BCBS at the barcade I love this time of the year.
submitted by scrimp212 to CraftBeer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Empty_Helicopter3209 STD check and status

I saw some old posts about being on a resident permit and getting an STD check. What if anything happens if you test positive for things like Chlamydia or gonorrhea? I've seen a range from nothing happens to you lose your residence permit and get deported.
submitted by Empty_Helicopter3209 to Chinavisa [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 AajTak K.P. Sharma Oli China Visit: Nepal के PM K.P. Sharma 2 से 5 December तक China की यात्रा पर जाएंगे. इस यात्रा के दौरान वे चीनी President Xi Jinping से मुलाकात करेंगे. यह Oli का इस कार्यकाल में पहला पड़ोसी देश दौरा है, जो भारत के बजाय चीन को प्राथमिकता देने का संकेत है.

K.P. Sharma Oli China Visit: Nepal के PM K.P. Sharma 2 से 5 December तक China की यात्रा पर जाएंगे. इस यात्रा के दौरान वे चीनी President Xi Jinping से मुलाकात करेंगे. यह Oli का इस कार्यकाल में पहला पड़ोसी देश दौरा है, जो भारत के बजाय चीन को प्राथमिकता देने का संकेत है. submitted by AajTak to AajTakHindiNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 SlideSalt2571 just ranting

is it true that ugly people dont deserve to be loved because they are not pretty
submitted by SlideSalt2571 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Open-Importance4303 Good books for birding?

Good books for birding? Ok so I found this ad on Instagram for a bird feeder camera but the book in the beginning of the ad caught my eye. It only showed one part of the book but does anyone know what this book is/ could be. Or another book similar I guess? Idk I just want a nice informative birding book, doesn’t have to be the one there I just want a nice birding book
submitted by Open-Importance4303 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Frankthetank8 Just lost power

Anyone else in St.Paul lose power tonight? Hoping this doesnt last too long, would t want that turkey to go bad ya know.
submitted by Frankthetank8 to minnesota [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 ADDpillz Why can I not complete phase 4? Contract not prompting after sending materials down the elevator?

I have 3 24SCU boxes full of the right materials for Tungsten, copper, and Titanium. I am at the pyro gateway station and every time I send the materials down the elevator, they just go straight to my warehouse with no prompt to donate the materials. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by ADDpillz to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Resident_Wish_6167 what happened to the content creator house?

hi! i watched the siblings like waayyyy back during covid and stopped around the time when ashley and charles broke up. i just started binge watching them again lately when andrew joined the jungkook contest. ive also heard about ashley living in a content creator house where she also started dating kelly and was making content about kissing her roommate and shi (i dont like it, it was cringe) but now ashley and amber are living together and that content house is gone. i feel like ashley's target audience changed when she went to that house and i dont really know if people liked that content but im not a fan of it lol. imo i like the family vlogs more, sibling vlogs and cooking with mom vlogs, so i stopped watching when ashley moved with people who are strangers in her channel (and probably for the viewers too)
TLDR: i wanna know whats the reason and the beef why the content creator house was gone cuz i stopped watching them after ashley moved into a content house
submitted by Resident_Wish_6167 to urmomashley [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 arabthot Kousha setup for engagement

ASA, a family member is getting engaged and i’m looking for inspiration, connections, resources, anything possible on how to set up a kousha for her engagement. we live in southern california/los angeles/orange county/inland empire area. please let us know of any picture inspiration, details on setup, or anyone near us who can help or provide services. JAK!
*note: not everyone knows what a kousha is? it’s the bride and groom area of a wedding or engagement, set up in libyan style with a bench for the couple and decorations
submitted by arabthot to Libya [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 EquivalentCoffee8549 Stop missing out pump this shit we own this reddit HOLD YOUR $GREYPUMP DONT BE DUMB

submitted by EquivalentCoffee8549 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Chrome2279 Kicked out of the creator rewards program due to “Security Issues” is some BS!

Kicked out of the creator rewards program due to “Security Issues” is some BS! I joined the creator rewards program 2 weeks ago... and then got this out of no where?!? I have not done any of this that this "security issue" says I post all original content and I have no idea what the hell they're talking about in this notice... I appealed it and it got auto denied.. I look up on TikTok Fyp page that others are having this same issue! What gives?!? How do we get this over turned?!? This is some BS I didn't do any of these things the error says.
Also when I see my account health I have a score of “0” which means I have no violations and am in good standing. I have no idea why this strike would be against me and the appeal denied. It makes no sense! I could really use some advice from someone that's been through this if possible.
submitted by Chrome2279 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 string_p Chateau cote montpezat

Chateau cote montpezat Tried it yestersay, chilled slightly, poured through an aerator. Today it was chilled slightly but decanted an hour to breathe. This is my first time trying to decant, and I'm pleased with the results.
Has a very dark/red fruit taste, vanilla and oak on the nose, dry, but with the decant it is very balanced.
4/5 stars IMO.
submitted by string_p to wine [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Xample-S Com 1.400/1.600 reais eu monto um computador bom?

Com 1.400/1.600 reais eu monto um computador decente? Que dê pra jogar jogos, se sim, qual tipo de jogos? Red dead redempetion 2? Compensaria trocar um vídeo game(xbox one x) por um pc de 1.400/1.600 reais?
Quais os benefícios?
Quais desafios eu posso encarar montando um pc desse preço?
Qual a build que eu deveria usar?
submitted by Xample-S to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 AppropriateCloud5953 will a 2014 rear bumper fit in the car

will a 2014 rear bumper fit inside a 2014?
submitted by AppropriateCloud5953 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Full-Ad-8578 Who’s had success entering Canada with dui?

I was able to fly in no problem, dui dropped to reckless earlier this year
submitted by Full-Ad-8578 to dui [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 lavenderbirchtrees [Gijinka] Awoken from a 1000 year slumber

[Gijinka] Awoken from a 1000 year slumber submitted by lavenderbirchtrees to Kirby [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 mooseys_pencil I feel like an awful and terrible sister

My sister and I haven’t been talking because I told her she should thank our parents for the gift they got us. She’s really ungrateful sometimes—like, she never properly thanks anyone. For example, our parents bought us a Dyson Airwrap, something we’ve wanted for so long. She just said a quick “thanks” with a blank look and then went right back to her phone. I texted her afterward, telling her she should be more grateful and say thank you properly because it was such a thoughtful gift.
Instead of understanding, she got really upset and started saying I was mean and embarrassing her. She even said she wishes I wasn’t her sister. She claimed I was insulting her, and now I feel like the worst sister ever.
I really do try, but every time I want to talk to her, she’s always on her phone or ignoring me. I don’t know what else to do. It feels like no matter what I say, she interprets it as me hating her. Even when my mom and I tell her to help clean up, she accuses me of ganging up on her.
I know I can be mean sometimes, and I wonder if this is all my fault. Maybe if I were nicer, things wouldn’t be like this. I want to have a good relationship with her, like any sister would, but it feels impossible.
submitted by mooseys_pencil to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 stalkerofthedead Never seen this word before

Never seen this word before
Pretty sure this word is "valgo" or "velgo" it's showing up before every occupation or even abbreviated to just v. Never seen it before. If you want to see more examples here is the link: its on most of the fathers' entries.
submitted by stalkerofthedead to Kurrent [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Accomplished-Buy-147 Phone for sale

Phone for sale submitted by Accomplished-Buy-147 to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 OfficialC9 Liquid vs Cloud9 / Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024 Opening Stage - Swiss Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion

submitted by OfficialC9 to Cloud9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Centinuus This feels like something I should be paying crypto to watch in a seedy darkweb address

This feels like something I should be paying crypto to watch in a seedy darkweb address submitted by Centinuus to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Jazzlike-Debt-8038 What do you think?

What do you think? submitted by Jazzlike-Debt-8038 to selfierating [link] [comments]