What animal is smarter than they get credit for?

2024.12.01 02:01 Forsaken-Witch461 What animal is smarter than they get credit for?

submitted by Forsaken-Witch461 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 leeeeefeee Sad posting ☹️

Sad posting ☹️ submitted by leeeeefeee to discordVideos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 ladyleesh Molly Baz Pistachio Halva Cookies

Molly Baz Pistachio Halva Cookies Are the best cookies I’ve ever had. The end!
submitted by ladyleesh to bon_appetit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Bot-alex The flood-plagued street where no-one can get insurance

The flood-plagued street where no-one can get insurance submitted by Bot-alex to NewsOfTheUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 plasmamaniac How mod?

Bought the Steam version of the game because I wanted to try mods, but I don't see a community workshop like other steam games
submitted by plasmamaniac to REDCON [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 PerspectiveThat9527 Team help

Team help I’ve been thinking of replacing diabolus with evaris
as I feel like mater geneza does the same job
however my evaris is only level 110 so should I work on ranking him up and replace him with diabolus
or would it not make much of a difference
Or is this team option better than the evaris replacement?
submitted by PerspectiveThat9527 to MonsterLegends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Duckady Does anyone know if BlendArMocap still functions in Blender 4.0+? Even though it's been discontinued?

Does anyone know if BlendArMocap still functions in Blender 4.0+? Even though it's been discontinued? https://preview.redd.it/tj5k4n7e954e1.png?width=1545&format=png&auto=webp&s=16dfedf06ec9937e218c4e38a99ea70ee7770578
Unfortunately it seems like it's no longer getting updates, but from what I've seen it would be very handy for a project that I'm planning out. Does anyone know if it is still functional in the newest versions of Blender?
If not, could anyone kindly point me in the direction of another addon or software that can acheive similar results? i don't mind if it's paid.
submitted by Duckady to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Then-Fly-4762 Found these 2 out while walking. Ddint take them just wanted to share

submitted by Then-Fly-4762 to vultureculture [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Rob_Banks101811 OH LORD

OH LORD submitted by Rob_Banks101811 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Vince_Jr Guillotine: Winter Slayer limited unit

Guillotine: Winter Slayer limited unit submitted by Vince_Jr to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 fictillius New train fleet set to roll out on Central Coast line

New train fleet set to roll out on Central Coast line submitted by fictillius to SydneyTrains [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 LumpyGrumpySpaceWale Lancer Mech comparison (not exact but good enough)

Lancer Mech comparison (not exact but good enough) submitted by LumpyGrumpySpaceWale to LancerRPG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 balusnaidu It's 7.30am and my grandmother cameup with this

It's 7.30am and my grandmother cameup with this submitted by balusnaidu to MaaOoriVanta [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Cupcake974 Aggies lose and we’re in

We’re jumping ole miss and bama. H2H doesnt matter when they were months ago. They’re both coming off unranked losses last week. Bama’s was shockingly bad.
They both had close games with bad teams today. Meanwhile, we’re the hottest team in the country with a top 15 win.
submitted by Cupcake974 to Gamecocks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 pinkninja0007 Why would he lie to me?

I have an older guy friend at work. There’s a lady at work who always seems to look at him. One day my friend told me he saw her in the hallway and she asked him where his friends were (meaning me and someone else because we always eat lunch together). I asked him if he knew her because that’s weird she’d be saying that to a stranger. He said he didn’t know her name but she was related to some other lady we worked with. I happen to be friends with that some other lady, and she told me that my guy friend flirted with the lady in question and sent her emails because one day she smiled and held the door open for him. New user pass phrase: thank you for your answers. Somebody is lying but I don’t know who. And why would my guy friend lie to me?
submitted by pinkninja0007 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 AcrobaticTie6117 how do i gain control over my mind?

total beginner, meditated like once or twice in my entire life. id like to be able to get in direct contact with my subconscious easily and quickly.
submitted by AcrobaticTie6117 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 phraustyy Palm bruising from finger sprain?

Sprained my index and pinky laterally from sports. This is day 2, i have been doing RICE does anybody have advice on what type of injury this is? Or if i should see a professional?
submitted by phraustyy to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Holly_LoveYouXxx Rate me (M19)

Rate me (M19) submitted by Holly_LoveYouXxx to FaceRatings [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 McMullan84 Judgement weapon pack

Just bought the judgement weapon pack and redeemed it from my stash. Got the blueprint for the grenade but can't find the gun anywhere. What am I missing. Btw I've only unlocked the pistol so far in the main game
submitted by McMullan84 to dyinglight2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 RingsideNews_ The Great Khali Believes in Joe Hendry During In-Ring Moment at WrestleCade 2024

The Great Khali Believes in Joe Hendry During In-Ring Moment at WrestleCade 2024 submitted by RingsideNews_ to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Numerous_Pie7130 You can make creamy pasta without cream

Its really as simple as using a can of dop or whatever you want. Cooking them for a bit and mashing, pull out the magic bullet, blend them heavily until it turns orange with some peccorino, parm, butter and a slight bit of tomato paste.
Garlic, onions , shallots ect create a disgusting long lasting smell to your body . They are not needed. Some pepper flakes, oregeno, italian seasoning , black pepper, chilli flakes.
Complain about the tiny bit of butter but its not as bad as how much cream you have to add to tomato paste to create basically the same thing. And you really dont even need the butter.
Prove me wrong.
Ive tried 100s of ways to make "creamy" and cream is not needed.
submitted by Numerous_Pie7130 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 lemkowidmak @DelawareWBB: RT @CAABasketball: Saturday Night Hoops 🙌Wins go to:✅ @Towson_WBB ✅ @DelawareWBB https://t.co/fUq4qBQ4GN

@DelawareWBB: RT @CAABasketball: Saturday Night Hoops 🙌Wins go to:✅ @Towson_WBB ✅ @DelawareWBB https://t.co/fUq4qBQ4GN submitted by lemkowidmak to BlueHens [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 GreenWhite1999 Zacian raid on me 9468 5638 8540. Two local (level 48 and 50)

It's easy to beat it. Join us if you want to tag along.
Walk to the gym. Start in 7 minutes.
submitted by GreenWhite1999 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 whateveryy12 What's your best actor ???

What's your best actor ??? submitted by whateveryy12 to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 StitShain6969 What's the scariest moment yall ever had on this game? (Image unrelated

What's the scariest moment yall ever had on this game? (Image unrelated Mine happened LITERALLY RIGHT NOW. Basically im on Eclipse and up against a lvl 94 mimic. Im waiting to loop him and he appears out of nowhere and kills me. I deadass froze for a solid 10 seconds.
submitted by StitShain6969 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]
