Ryan days gotta be booted because of that game lol

2024.12.01 05:00 H30carter09 Ryan days gotta be booted because of that game lol

submitted by H30carter09 to MichiganWolverines [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator Weekly Free-for-All Discussion Thread | December 01, 2024

For casual discussions, shower thoughts, rants, half-baked conspiracy theories, or any other mind droppings.
submitted by AutoModerator to AsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 meloPamelo Cat sleeping under the tree

submitted by meloPamelo to cats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 JnnyJay Just trying red.

Just trying red. Went out for a morning walk with a red mini. I need friends lol
submitted by JnnyJay to Crossdress_Expression [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 babygerfiki Husband never home on weekend nights

Hi all. My husband and I have been together 10yr, married for 2yr. We just welcomed our first child last March. I’m feeling distraught that he is never here on weekend nights. He goes out with his friends Friday and Saturday nights. I’m here by myself with the baby. I feel upset and lonely, like he treats his life like he doesn’t have a family at home. When I bring it up he says I guilt him into feeling like he’s a bad father. I think he feels guilty because he knows it’s true? I don’t know how else to approach him that I’m serious about feeling like in the future I may leave him. What difference does it make to me that I am alone anyway.
submitted by babygerfiki to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 JafarJabolter Alright y’all have heard of boys kissing. Now let me reintroduce you to cat boys kissing!!!

Alright y’all have heard of boys kissing. Now let me reintroduce you to cat boys kissing!!! Sharpie was meant to show him grabbing the hoodie kinda came out like shit but hey what can you do.
submitted by JafarJabolter to better_half [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 NomadDaGreatR6 Playstation Giveaway 10k Fusion Cells RNG 1-1000 winner selected this Wednesday

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to VikingDEC2584F76GT [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 JonDoesRedd BN1 progress?

How close am I to beating the game? First time playing. I just beat Colorman with the runaway bus. It seems like there may be a couple more bosses. Am I right?
submitted by JonDoesRedd to BattleNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 ImEliasK Its currently December 01, 2024 at 06:00AMat GMT +2

Its currently December 01, 2024 at 06:00AM at GMT +2
submitted by ImEliasK to gmt2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 ItsJebbyN Triple Screens Settings?

Is anyone else not able to input their triple monitor settings. Every time I change a value and go to input the next it just goes back to the default dimensions.
submitted by ItsJebbyN to AUTOMOBILISTA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread - Dec 01, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the discussion thread! This thread is for accomplishments, simple questions, and informal discussion about cubing!
Not sure if you should comment here or make your own post? We have a full list of what does and doesn't belong in this thread on our wiki.
No question is stupid here. If you have a question, ask it!
Check our wiki for tips on how to get faster, puzzle recommendations and more!
Join the cubers Discord server here!
submitted by AutoModerator to Cubers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Educational_Bottle89 i think a client likes me when i told her about my boat, thinking of playing this next time im on site

submitted by Educational_Bottle89 to StructuralEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Pretend_Art707 What are these two worth? :3

What are these two worth? :3 submitted by Pretend_Art707 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 antena24ro Cum să-ți îmbunătățești viața digitală: Sfaturi pentru un trai echilibrat în era tehnologică

Cum să-ți îmbunătățești viața digitală: Sfaturi pentru un trai echilibrat în era tehnologică submitted by antena24ro to StiriRomaniaOnline [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 2009isbestyear When the old Professor sheepishly worries if the bonus material he prepared isn’t that interesting

When the old Professor sheepishly worries if the bonus material he prepared isn’t that interesting submitted by 2009isbestyear to memes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 DrewIC07 7km Eggs for Corsola… why so hard to get?

Can’t believe I only managed to get 2, 7km eggs from this whole event. Seems like when you don’t want them you’re guaranteed to get them and when you do they’re suddenly super rare. 😂😅
submitted by DrewIC07 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Mountain-Vacation-99 awesome Bumbo B10201 Baby Infant Soft Foam Comfortable Changing Pad with Restrain Belt, Aqua

awesome Bumbo B10201 Baby Infant Soft Foam Comfortable Changing Pad with Restrain Belt, Aqua submitted by Mountain-Vacation-99 to KeekarooPeanutChang [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Big_Daddy_1 8 pin PCIe supplemental power connector on MSI MAG X870

I've been building a new pc and and I've come to connecting this 8 pin pcie supplemental power connector at the bottom of the board. My question is does this just use a standard 8 pin 6+2 pcie cable that you would use to connect your gpu or does it use its own special cable? I've tried researching but have come up with very little other than one article saying it looks similar to a pcie and eps cable but it is different to both.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Big_Daddy_1 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator [Official] General Discussion Thread - December 01, 2024

Welcome to BoxingDiscussion's General Discussion Thread!
Discuss your favorite fighters, the upcoming card or something you forgot to bring up in this week's Moronic Monday thread.
Click here to message the Mods of /BoxingDiscussion
Custom flairs: here are three ways to obtain a custom flair:

The rules for the drawing or haiku are simply that it must be a ridiculous boxing-related scenario. If you would like a custom flair, send a message to us with a link to your drawing and your flair request. We'll probably grant it.
Check here for a list of upcoming fights
Be sure to check out Amateur_Boxing for discussion about boxing training and technique Be sure to check out ontheropes for dank boxing memes
submitted by AutoModerator to boxingdiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Electronic-Fig-2914 How do you guys feel about the current state of Cyno's non-dendro teams?

Personally, I've really been enjoying it. With the release of characters like Furina, Chevreuse, Emilie, Xilonen, and most recently, Ororon, I feel like he has more breathing room now for non-dendro comps, especially with the buff to EC and OL.
Yes, his dendro comps are still better, but I'm glad that I can run him comfortably in teams that aren't just dendro now.
submitted by Electronic-Fig-2914 to CynoMains [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 WeeJohn21 I'm tired of the negative fans

More often than not we are seeing so called fan's slating our player's even after good team performances. Such as the game against Nice and fan's are only caring about the Dessers miss. Yes we should be playing better than we are but all the negative comments can't be helping anyone. They can see our messages as well and a striker like Dessers can see them as well and he is already struggling with a confidence issue so can we start getting behind the team and show them what it's like to be apart of our club and show the other lot there is no surrender. We can't expect our club to perform at a top level when they have almost no support. And when it comes to the manager it might not be working but he is trying to push us into the right direction other than just trying to get over the line we need to plan for the future we cannot be a team that has one good season and then falls off, we need to have a backbone to work off of and build from there. (BTW I am steaming while typing this so I might be talking alot of pish but my main point still stands, fan's are being too negative even after good results)
submitted by WeeJohn21 to rangersfc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Muted-Attention-228 Conor’s comments. Can he ever come back from this? Will he be able to redeem himself?

Conor’s comments. Can he ever come back from this? Will he be able to redeem himself? submitted by Muted-Attention-228 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 HadenTheGayBoi Can I still stretch my ears?

When I was a baby my mom got my ears pierced but as I grew one of my piercings migrated and is closer to my face rather than the center of my lobe and I was wondering if this would affect stretching in any ways?
submitted by HadenTheGayBoi to Stretched [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 creative-license NEW 📹 HOTMD Stage Door, Nov 30/24

NEW 📹 HOTMD Stage Door, Nov 30/24 submitted by creative-license to adamdriverfans [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Professional-Clue-33 Kitty..

Kitty.. Senjuro my boy I love you
submitted by Professional-Clue-33 to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]
