Na Im a warwick main looking for friends to chill while i stream

2024.12.01 04:59 External-League1444 Na Im a warwick main looking for friends to chill while i stream

Hello! I’m Napgoofy (racconjrthe3rd on twitch because I got locked out of my Napgoofy twitch account working on it!!) I play jg Warwick! I do quick plays since I’m still a mere level 25. please addd me on discord napgoofy#0758 and I would love to play with you! ^ (idk what na means but it said I needed it here?)
submitted by External-League1444 to LeagueConnect [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Professional_Bat80 Savarna Feminism

Savarna Feminism submitted by Professional_Bat80 to atheismindia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Rude_Impress_2763 😂😂😂

Bird body
submitted by Rude_Impress_2763 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 GoMx808-0 Trump picks his son-in-law's father, real estate mogul Charles Kushner, as France envoy

Trump picks his son-in-law's father, real estate mogul Charles Kushner, as France envoy submitted by GoMx808-0 to HeadlineNews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 ZeGentleman [USA-KY] [H] Paypal/local cash [W] 2023 16" M3 Macbook Pro

Looking for the above. Must-have specs are 1TB of storage and at least 36GB of RAM. Color and chip don't really mind. Do not want a 14" machine. Looking to spend $2k shipped.
submitted by ZeGentleman to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 butterfly826 Fight with sister in law

I'm interested in hearing what others think. If you get into a fight with your sister-in-law (your husband's brother's wife) and she decides to uninvite you from her daughter's wedding, should your husband still attend? The kids will definitely not be going.
submitted by butterfly826 to family [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 satisphied89 Dalton 10 month CFP program

Thinking about joining the 10 month Dalton CFP course program that begins in January, but I’ve already booked a 2 month vacation in late May/early June. I’m curious how much flexibility there is in taking midterms/finals early, or for pausing a course?
They told me you can take exams at any point and read ahead if you want, but if I join this January cohort, the Tax course mid term review is on the day I leave for vacation and the midterm is scheduled 2 days later. I’ve heard the tax course can be the most challenging for some.. Is it a bad idea to try and cram this 8 week tax course in 6 weeks, could you have done it?
I’m also curious if I could start with the January cohort, but then take a 2 month break after completing investments course, then join the cohort that starts in March by starting the Tax class with them on 7/15/25.
Any thoughts or experience on the flexibility of their program is appreciated.
submitted by satisphied89 to CFPExam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Pretend_Art707 What are these two doubles worth :3?

submitted by Pretend_Art707 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 dirtyharryee Orientation became a shift

Hey all,
First time travel nurse here, so I'm.working on a psych unit have had 1.5 half days orientation on days , these days were kinda scuffed since epic, omnicell, gluc ect. So I go into my first night orientation (I'm hired on nights) and there's no other nurse I'm working. It becomes a gong show then settles down later, is this a big deal or no? I feel like working the week and then leaving.
submitted by dirtyharryee to TravelNursing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 EthanKironus Hidden Genius of "We are lightning / Straying from the thunder / Miracles of ancient wonder"

I noticed this a while ago but now I'm compulsively redditing so I'm commenting on it. I'm probably late to the party, but I wanted to say this:
It starts with the "story [that] will be told." That just comes across as a generic "Your name and deeds as a hero will resound through the ages" Achilles-style, right (I swear I am not trying to reference Pyrrha here)? At most it resonates with Salem's opening monologue about "Mankind is so fond of recounting exploits..." but that's still relatively generic.
But, "We are lightning / Straying from the thunder" deepens the meaning to a surprising degree. Team RWBY and their fellows are obviously the lightning, so what is the thunder? The stories that will be told. In other words, "This Will Be The Day" explicitly acknowledges that the stories and myths that develop around you will stray from the truth. Except it goes even harder than that, because it says that the lightning is straying from the thunder, not the other way around. The stories are simultaneously foretold and foregrounded as the present. This also brings to mind Ozma and Salem, because they are first known as their legends, so when the characters learn the truth, the truth is straying from the myth.
This even ties into Ruby's status in Remnant after her message in V8, as we see in the bonus animatic/epilogue episode as well as the "Boba" episode of Beyond. The story in this case is not, at least what little we've seen especially distorted, but it clearly seems to gloss over Ruby's status as a "normal girl with normal knees" who has just been placed in a particular position.
TL;DR - This Will Be The Day represents RWBY's subversion of its own themes quite well.
This is about as much detail as I can go into without repeating myself more than I already have. Thank you for indulging me.
submitted by EthanKironus to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 get-rick-rolled My pc fails to boot games such as cod and Fortnite

Are there any bios setting I should run or system settings
CPU: 7800x3d GPU: 7800xt RAM: Klev fit v 16GBx2
submitted by get-rick-rolled to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 AGE-1EL G.E.A.S.S

G.E.A.S.S submitted by AGE-1EL to YDAFT [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 DuppyDon Quinton “Rampage” Jackson drops Wanderlei Silva with a left hook and follows up with super necessary punches to secure the KO victory at UFC 92, 2008

Masvidal would be proud!
submitted by DuppyDon to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Separate_Farmer_5017 I’ve been playing around with some new paints

I’ve been playing around with some new paints submitted by Separate_Farmer_5017 to painting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 mushuweasel Switch associated account?

My install of the app is somehow associated with my work email, and so won't let me do any purchases. I've tried reinstalling with no luck. Has anyone run into this or know of a fix?
submitted by mushuweasel to crackingthecryptic [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 rungmung Guys help just confused about 3rd one !!

Guys help just confused about 3rd one !! Last night placed these orders 1st Asics gel 1130 - flipkart *3780 2nd easy rider - puma app *3210 3rd ozmillen - adidas app 5419 How do ozmillen look in person, and are they worth the cost? Would love some feedback
submitted by rungmung to SneakersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 pashiz_quantum bar reply for 1 minute charts, which type of subscription ?

Hello There is a major discount on TradingView subscription and I wonder which type of subscriptions give me 1 min bar reply ?
submitted by pashiz_quantum to TradingView [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 MeanObjective7813 What font used in this album and vinil? I really need to know

What font used in this album and vinil? I really need to know submitted by MeanObjective7813 to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 HedgehogNamedSonic [Amazon] Day Wave - Crush [EP] - $7.66 (after $3.83 coupon)

Day Wave - Crush [EP] - $7.66 (after $3.83 coupon) | Direct
submitted by HedgehogNamedSonic to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Pleasant-Turnover371 Fiona is no longer vegan

I heard her interviewed on a podcast and she talked about eating fish.
submitted by Pleasant-Turnover371 to FionaApple [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Moist-muff First time !

First time ! Hello, my fellow enthusiasts. A friend went to the States last week and brought me back a treat. First time trying. So flipping good !
submitted by Moist-muff to Pickles [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Wooden-Landscape-617 How do Kanye and other producers flip samples?

2024 by Playboi Carti produced by Ye, first vid has user implemented samples
2024 with user-implemented samples
Official 2024 by Playboi Carti produced by Ye.
You can tell that the user sample sounds like "grah" idk how to explain it.
Example 2: Alien by Kanye West +3000 others (unreleased)
Alien Sample
The 2nd part shows it pitched up, making it sound way more like it but it still seems off.
How do I mix it to sound like this?
submitted by Wooden-Landscape-617 to FLStudioBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Toad5545 Baby Green Anoles

Sad topic but i would love any help anyone may have. My green anoles laid 6 fertile eggs, only 4 successfully hatched. 3/4 of the babies failed to thrive at different times, though one had a deformity. Last photo is “creepy baby” that is still alive. Im not sure what im doing wrong. Daily fruit flies, UVB, separate from parents, kept together, temps 70-85F, humidity 60%+. Two babies were healthy, had their first shed, and immediately became lethargic. Current baby has not shed yet. If anyone knows what i might be doing wrong, i would appreciate some help
submitted by Toad5545 to Lizards [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 ThinkLikeAWizard Spirituality Revisited Bonus Episode

Michaela and I recored an impromptu bonus episode of the podcast this week. We decided to revisit what spirituality is versus how it's perceived. Because of the conversation we were having when Michaela suggested the episode we end up starting the conversation discussing aliens 👽 and as per usual in this episode Michaela shows us why she is an indispensable addition to the podcast😁 Oh and we speculate on whether there's a technical issue with Michaela's microphone or not 🤪 Enjoy.
submitted by ThinkLikeAWizard to ThinkLikeAWizard [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:59 Significant_Wrap878 Limerence finally gone, but emptiness persists

submitted by Significant_Wrap878 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]