WTS/WTT: Vintage 80’s Big Box Deluxe Memory Man, Strymon Volante, Moollon Chorus, Keeley GC-2 Limiter, Vemuram Jan Ray

2025.01.29 21:41 Unsui8 WTS/WTT: Vintage 80’s Big Box Deluxe Memory Man, Strymon Volante, Moollon Chorus, Keeley GC-2 Limiter, Vemuram Jan Ray

Analogman modded Big Box DMM V2 with 7850 C board and original two prong cord - Excellent condition. $865
Volante - Excellent condition with box, booklet and power supply. $295
Moollon Chorus - Long discontinued and sweet sounding with a great set of controls to get some classic chorus sounds. With independent wet/dry controls has the ability to create lush vibrato, and I always love a tone control on a chorus. $225
GC-2 Limiting Amplifier - excellent condition, with box and booklet. $125
Vemuram Jan Ray - mint condition, with box, booklet and tiny adjustment screwdriver. $295
Shipping included to Conus and also available for pick up in the Los Angeles area.
TRADES: Not looking for too much, so feelers, and trade value dependent on pedals involved - Sarno Earth Drive (full size) Hudson Broadcast AP-II Erica Synths Zen Delay CB Mood MKII Light Bright Analogman ARDX20 Keeley Rotary Nocturne El Pescadoro
submitted by Unsui8 to Gear4Sale [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 katie_nicolee Theralogix Ovasitol vs Ovasitol Plus

Has anyone looked into the new Ovasitol Plus? I was going to order another tub of Ovasitol and saw they come out with plus this month.
The Ovasitol plus contains chromium and alpha-lactalbumin. It does say to stop taking once pregnant but it seem interesting for fertility and pcos symptoms if Ovasitol isn’t working for you
submitted by katie_nicolee to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 StorageOld1417 Which Squid Game 2 guard would you choose? 😎

submitted by StorageOld1417 to fursona [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Fnaf126 Question about the upcoming dlc

Will the upcoming dlc and any further dlcs be released on the Apple Arcade version? (Btd6+) or will they all be og game exclusives?
submitted by Fnaf126 to btd6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 YellowOraange Doctor said my genetics are stopping me from lifting heavy.

Hi, I've been dealing with an on-and-off elbow injury for the past six months, but after tweaking my shoulder (and I guess also my elbows) on muscle-ups, I'm at the point where I can't bench 95 lbs without pain.
I went to an elbow and shoulder specialist, who diagnosed me with elbow tendinitis and said that the numbness I was feeling in my forearm was from a weird nerve placement (genetic?). He also stated that some people just aren't genetically built to lift heavy weights and that this "condition" affects 10-15% of patients. To be fair, I was training like a maniac and probably pushed myself too hard, but I think he was implying that I wouldn't really be getting any stronger due to joint limitations, and that I would basically be dealing with this for the rest of my life if I want to continue lifting.
However, I'm not sure if that makes sense. I benched 225 previously, and now I can't do anywhere near that due to my injury. I've already been resting for two months and have regressed massively, and I'm unsure as to what I should do now.
I'd really appreciate some input from people who have experienced something like this. Thanks.
submitted by YellowOraange to askfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Tooly23 Finally received Oxnard! With one small issue though...

submitted by Tooly23 to Nendoroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Imaginary_South_9139 Molluscum on labia

Repost because I needed to crop it . But how should I treat molluscum on my labia? Should I just soak the entire thing in ACV? I’m just scared since it’s a sensitive area. They are so hard to even get a photo of .
submitted by Imaginary_South_9139 to molluscum [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 adddaamek Is Casio aq 230 safe for showering?

Title. Thinking of buying them.
submitted by adddaamek to casio [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 bklyn007 FINALLY level 100

FINALLY level 100 I made it to level 100. Idk how many gold treats later haha but yay c:
submitted by bklyn007 to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Pitwolfer My Aglaea experience from Creator Experience Server, hope you'll like it!

My Aglaea experience from Creator Experience Server, hope you'll like it! submitted by Pitwolfer to AglaeaMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 lingonpower Question

First time playing Rogue and currently level 22. I wondering if it is possible to put fiery weapon enchant on the dagger that drops from SFK (Meteor Shard) and keep the weapon chance on hit-effect?
submitted by lingonpower to classicwow [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Entire_Swimming_475 Found along bay in Western Washington what is ittttt!?!

Found along bay in Western Washington what is ittttt!?! submitted by Entire_Swimming_475 to whatisthisbone [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Hot-Criticism-7395 Loan in chatt

What’s some apps you can take a loan out on or earn money on?? I tried cash app and it won’t let me borrow …. I’m in desperate need of a loan
submitted by Hot-Criticism-7395 to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 ThrowRAnadanada Would these behaviors be considered rude in Tennessee?

This is impersonal, meaning ive seen them around secondhand. Doing some research to see how different states percieve communication differences.

  1. Someone tries to stop you and says "hi, excuse me, can you-" and the other person goes "I don't have any money on me." And keeps walking.
  2. You complain to a friend about how your cat keeps meowing at night and your friend bluntly goes "your cat's fat." Or other very bluntly honest things without trying to make it sound nice.
  3. People don't use their turn signals, honk if you're driving too slow, use the shoulder to cut past traffic and go an average of 20-40 over
  4. Someone doesn't want you in a group so when you ask to be part of it they just say "no."
  5. You're at a counter service place and the cashier without a smile, and with his head resting on his hane goes "um...can I help you?" in an annoyed way
  6. You're trying to take a picture in front of a tourist thing and people keep walking between you going "excuse me!" And then someone goes "jesus fucking christ" and pushes through
  7. At a coffee shop, the cashier sees a customer acting dumb and instead of saying "can you please behave better" they scream "GET OUT!" Repeatedly in front of the other customers.
  8. People talking on their phone on crowded buses and trains, and not giving up their seats for elderly or pregnant people.
  9. You are taking up the entire sidewalk or escalator instead of staying to the right so instead of saying "please move." Someone shoulder checks you on the left and passes you without saying anything.
I'm from Chicago and see these things around pretty regularly.
submitted by ThrowRAnadanada to Tennessee [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Capital-Thought-3852 how many pages can I fit in my binder?

I wanna know how many pages I can fit in my binder each page is a 3x3, I wanna try and get the pokedex completed (btw I have to binder's to do this) i know the pages fit in the book and the book has 3 of those clipy things that hold the pages toghether (sorry i dont know what there called)
submitted by Capital-Thought-3852 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 cowkings77 Zdarsky Daredevil Omnibus 2. Preorders Cancelled

Did anyone else miss out on this book? My comic store got damaged copies and returned them but the distributors are sold out. Did something happen to this book in particular???
submitted by cowkings77 to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 lss_web_1444 Image post title 964

Image post title 964 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Green-Drag-9499 Fresh tactical cover for helmet

Fresh tactical cover for helmet submitted by Green-Drag-9499 to badtaxidermy [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 traveenus I'm trying to insert formulas into formulas and am getting confused.

https://i.imgur.com/jjo09f5.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/1pefUt3.jpeg
My Goal is the have AD7 to be a persons age that updates automaticaly. I have the formula {=YEARFRAC('TE DONT SORT'!G92,TODAY())}, which worked flawlessly but it took me some time to find each cell. So with my next group of names I Thought to combine this formula with XLOOKUP. Currently my xlookup is finding a static age, how do I add the YEARFRAC formula to the return array so the result changes in time?
To sum it up, I will be inputing a name into AB and hope to have his current age in fraction form that is continuously updated display in AD.
I hope this made sense.
submitted by traveenus to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 MayoGoblin3000 What's a single line of horror movie dialogue that chilled you to the bone?

submitted by MayoGoblin3000 to CreepyBonfire [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Alone_Friendship_719 SELLING EVERYTHING (MUSH ONLY)

SELLING EVERYTHING (MUSH ONLY) Offer on anything I'm currently tryna sell everything to get as much mush as I can
submitted by Alone_Friendship_719 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Science] - NASA Invites Media to Discuss PUNCH Mission to Study Solar Wind | NASA

[Science] - NASA Invites Media to Discuss PUNCH Mission to Study Solar Wind | NASA submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 cool_jerk_2005 Biz Markie: Biz is Goin' Off (Alternate Intro)

Biz Markie: Biz is Goin' Off (Alternate Intro) submitted by cool_jerk_2005 to KillerKuttes [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 No_Coach_7680 Help cottage cheese took my lava lamp over

Help cottage cheese took my lava lamp over I should just buy a new one huh
submitted by No_Coach_7680 to Lavalamps [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:41 Fishnerd3751 Would this work for halibut/cod?

Would this work for halibut/cod? I’m a 14 year old from Michigan who knows jack shit about halibut. A couple months ago I got these swim baits with 2 ounce jugs for musky/pike. Do you all think it would work for Alaskan ocean fishing it’s about 8 inches long
submitted by Fishnerd3751 to AlaskaFishing [link] [comments]
