Link post title 160

Edit food delivery link: Edit some main business info, like hours and address. Edit phone number: Edit services: Create, manage, and publish posts: Add, delete, and edit cover photos and additional photos: Add, delete, and edit logos: Add, delete, and edit product: Respond to reviews: Download insights: Respond to Q&A You’ll lose all the data and content in that account, like emails, files, calendars, and photos. You won't be able to use Google services where you sign in with that account, like Gmail, Drive, Calendar, or Play. If you change or reset your password, you’ll be signed out everywhere except: Devices you use to verify that it's you when you sign in. You’ll get this message if the link you opened goes to a site with a slightly different name from one you usually visit. You’ll be asked by Chrome if you want to go to the site you usually visit. To go to the site Chrome suggests, select the name of the site or Continue. To continue to the link you opened, select Ignore. If you're having problems downloading Chrome on your Windows computer, you can try the alternative link below to download Chrome on to a different computer. On a computer connected to the Internet, download the alternative Chrome installer. Move the file to the computer where you want to install Chrome. If you change or reset your password, you’ll be signed out everywhere except: Devices you use to verify that it's you when you sign in. Official Google Translate Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Translate and other answers to frequently asked questions. Business owners shouldn't offer incentives to customers to leave reviews. You can also get customers to leave reviews if you create and share a link. Reply to reviews to build customer trust: Your customers will notice your business values their input if you read and reply to their reviews. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer. At the bottom of the page, under “Chrome Family,” select Other Platforms. Select the OS of the device you wish to install Chrome on. Click the link in the email and let Google know that you didn’t create this Google Account. Your address gets removed from this account’s recovery options so you won’t get emails about this account. If you click the link, and then realize that you had, in fact, created this account, you can choose not to remove your email from this account.

2025.01.30 14:52 lss_web_1444 Link post title 160

Link post title 160 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 zowyiscool AICE ECON

hey guys a couple of my friends are taking econ next year and they are curious on the course like what it is about and how hard it is, please let me know!!!
submitted by zowyiscool to AICEC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Defiant-Coast4820 Upated v2.5 results vs Ancestry DNA

Upated v2.5 results vs Ancestry DNA I have a mixed origin, mostly Polish and Ukrainian (Lemko). While waiting for this update, I decided to try AncestryDNA, and to my surprise, MyHeritage’s genetic groups are far more accurate than AncestryDNA’s regions. My ancestors are mostly from the Nowy Sącz region, which borders Slovakia, so that might explain why Ancestry mismatched these ethnicities
submitted by Defiant-Coast4820 to MyHeritage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Ok-Grape-747 Landkreis MKK Führerscheinstelle

Servus Freunde,
Ich habe hier mal ein kleines privates Anliegen und dachte mir ich nutze mal die Macht des Internets. Für den Kontext ich bin 23 und lebe in Bayern.
Es geht um folgende Sache. Ich habe im Dezember 2023 mein Führerschein aufgrund einer normalen Verkehrskontrolle abgegeben müssen. Dort wurde ein Blutwert von 3,4ng festgestellt und nach alten Regeln war der Lappen weg. Mpu wurde angeordnet und hab dann mit Abstineztests angefangen. Im April 2024 hat sich die Welt ja geändert und mir wurde geraten weitere Kosten zu vermeiden, da die MPU nach neuen Regeln nicht mehr rechtskräftig ist. Ihm Nachhinein hätte ich wahrscheinlich einfach durchziehen sollen und die MPU antreten sollen. Naja ich habe also einen neu Antrag gestellt und meine Führerscheinstelle hat mir folgendes im persönlichen Gespräch gesagt:
Ja wenn Ihnen das heute passiert wäre hätten Sie keine MPU bekommen, da wir Ihnen aber damals eine MPU angeordnet haben, können wir das nicht mehr rückgängig machen. Versuchen Sie es doch mal in Hessen die sind da lockerer. (Ja das wurde mir so ins Gesicht gesagt.)
Jetzt zur meiner Frage. Gibt es hier Leute aus dem Landkreis MKK? Wenn ja wäre es sehr lieb wenn sich diese Leute unter dem Post melden könnten. Ich würde dann gerne mit diesen Leuten das private Gespräch suchen.
Das soll laut Aussage meines Mpu Beraters der entspannteste Landkreis in Hessen zu dem Thema sein. Dort würde ich meinen Führerschein wohl einfach zurückbekommen.
Falls Leute vielleicht Frage zu dem Thema allgemein haben, können sich diese auch gerne melden. Beschäftige mich mit dem Thema leider seid 1 Jahr sehr genau…
Ich bedanke mich schonmal im voraus und hoffe das nicht so viele Leute wie ich (ich zitiere wieder meine Führerscheinstelle) „ein Fehler im System sind“.
submitted by Ok-Grape-747 to weedmob [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 SWA1987it Il ritorno di Atha Prime: il villain perduto di Star Wars debutta nel canone

submitted by SWA1987it to StarWarsItaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Additional-Okra-848 Hanji again

Hanji again submitted by Additional-Okra-848 to alexistonn [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 MrUncleBro Made some Carbonara for my friends! Plates destroyed

Made some Carbonara for my friends! Plates destroyed submitted by MrUncleBro to munchies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 justin_quinnn Russia withdraws military equipment from Syria's Tartous port, images show BBC Russia has stepped up its military withdrawal from Syria, removing v…

Russia withdraws military equipment from Syria's Tartous port, images show BBC Russia has stepped up its military withdrawal from Syria, removing v… submitted by justin_quinnn to Global_News_Hub [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 GreenWithEvil_33 Just how partisan are the candidates for the Wisconsin Supreme Court? Here are the details.

Just how partisan are the candidates for the Wisconsin Supreme Court? Here are the details. submitted by GreenWithEvil_33 to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 PoppaCherry- Got a question for ppl smarter than me lol

So I just started up my x1c yesterday for the first time in like probably a year to a year and a half. Did like 4 or 5 small prints, just little tools and test prints to start dialing my slicer settings back in and all is well no issues. Then I open up my ams after a print fails and it was the first print I had done since turning the printer back on that used that specific roll of filament and I smelled a like slight burning smell in my ams but I've used the other filaments since with no issues or smell and I'm assuming the motor on that specific bay of the ams is going bad/ maybe struggling cause it's a full roll of filament and is old and also the tough variety of pla, should I swap one of the rolls from the other bays to that one and try it or just go ahead and replace the motor?
submitted by PoppaCherry- to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 bitchesbrewmarx Is Trotsky’s ‘The History of the Russian Revolution’ any good and is it good for a beginner?

submitted by bitchesbrewmarx to MarxistLiterature [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Sorry_Phone1676 Should I go for it or wait for holi offer

Should I go for it or wait for holi offer submitted by Sorry_Phone1676 to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Umdeuter The megarandom taketh it, the megarandom giveth it...

The megarandom taketh it, the megarandom giveth it... submitted by Umdeuter to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 NoResolution2276 does someone know where i can find this 2025 sign ? it’s not in the decor shop so idk where to get this, can someone help ?

does someone know where i can find this 2025 sign ? it’s not in the decor shop so idk where to get this, can someone help ? submitted by NoResolution2276 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 nairazak Do you change the bedding? how do you make sure there are no eggs?

I was about to feed all the beetles to my beardie and throw away everything and I found out there were hundreds of babies (despite me barely feeding them). Do you keep the old bedding for some time just in case or never change it? at this point it is probably 60% frass.
submitted by nairazak to mealworms [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 ParfaitAdditional469 Hearing my anti-Harris coworkers whine about the Tangerine….

Hearing my anti-Harris coworkers whine about the Tangerine…. submitted by ParfaitAdditional469 to democrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Many_Chemical_1081 Is it true?

Most people in Schwabing (doesn't matter which one, Schwabing West or Freimann) are the richest ones - In the City of Munich, mean of course the Natural Income.
submitted by Many_Chemical_1081 to Munich [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 wastedyouth1991 Søstrenes far

Stiller op til kommunalvalg. Hvis man er i tvivl om hvorfor de er som de er så giver faderen, Palle et ret godt indblik i det på sin hjemmeside.
God læsning
submitted by wastedyouth1991 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 EmploymentKind6337 Need some insight on mph

Hello everyone
I am in my final year of DPT school and I'm looking into mph as my masters degree specifically health policy so can anyone tell me if it's a good choice ? I also have MHA in mind but I feel like it's too business related for someone that doesn't really have much insight on business stuff.
Is health policy a good choice or are there better niche than this like epidemiology or biostats ?
Please guide me I'm a noob to all of this
submitted by EmploymentKind6337 to mphadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Curius_pasxt Is it true that CM ia bad for F2P?

Is it true that CM ia bad for F2P? submitted by Curius_pasxt to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 misana123 Staff working in ‘brutal’ conditions at some of UK’s biggest festivals, union says

submitted by misana123 to union [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Nohan07 Conférence étudiante à Toulouse avec Jean Luc Mélenchon et François Piquemal

Conférence étudiante à Toulouse avec Jean Luc Mélenchon et François Piquemal submitted by Nohan07 to melenchon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 BumblebeeNo7761 srocrrsss

"Naquele tempo, Jesus disse à multidão: 'Quem é que traz uma lâmpada para colocá-Ia debaixo de um caixote ou debaixo da cama? Ao contrário, não a coloca num candeeiro? Assim, tudo o que está escondido deverá tornar-se manifesto, e tudo o que está em segredo deverá ser descoberto. Se alguém tem ouvidos para ouvir, ouça'. Jesus dizia ainda: 'Prestai atenção no que ouvis'" (Marcos 4,21-25).
submitted by BumblebeeNo7761 to missaoovnis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 Empty_Alternative_98 Two contracting jobs while you’re asked to come into office 1-2x day?

Hello guys!
I don t know if it helps but I m from eastern europe. I work as a contractor with an LLC equivalent. My current contract is fulltime but requiers little time invested as I can do my job with 2-4h/work a day. They requiere me to be one day in office, but I think I can negociate to start working remotley with the right arguments, so I d have to go into office only for the second job.
I just got an offer for another contract that requiers me to be in office 2x days. They pay a bit better and are way more alligned with how I want to develop. If i were to choose, the second option would be best for me, however I was wondering if there’s any way I could do both.
Has any of you done it? How did you manage it? Were you honest and open about it? How did you negociate it?
Thank you!
submitted by Empty_Alternative_98 to overemployed [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:52 anglaenan23 Capital - kicking garrisons?

I know as R5 can kick garrisons off capital, can an R4 do it as well?
submitted by anglaenan23 to LastWarMobileGame [link] [comments]