Take 2 Interactive (TTWO) DD [GTA6]

2025.01.29 21:32 DogOnTheLeash Take 2 Interactive (TTWO) DD [GTA6]

Take 2 Interactive (TTWO) DD [GTA6] Take 2 (abk. T2) wird in den Augen der meisten verpöhnt. Es ist alles schon eingepreist, blabla. Hier ein paar Infos die ich für euch zusammengestellt habe.
Taketwo veröffentlicht dieses Jahr GTA 6, Civilization 7, Mafia: The Old Country, Borderlands 4, ein Herr der Ringe Game, neues WWE…
T2 wurde heute im Vormarkt mit $208 und $193 gehandelt.
Im Nachmarkt wieder $193+ (Tageshoch war $191,61)
Erhöhtes Optionsvolumen
Nächste Woche am 06.Februar 2025 sind T2 Earnings. Die (letzten vor Release) Trailer für GTA V und RDR2 wurden am Donnerstag vor den Q1 Earnings releast. Zeitpunkt dafür wäre morgen!!!1!.
Außerdem wurden in den letzten Tagen / Wochen immerwieder die Preisziele erhöht:
GTA San Andreas scheint auch ordentlich Geld gemacht zu haben
ps. keine finanzielle Beratung. kauft T2 und GME!!!1!
submitted by DogOnTheLeash to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Infinite_Contract_55 What cartoon character you wanted to punch like this ?

What cartoon character you wanted to punch like this ? submitted by Infinite_Contract_55 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Interesting-Secret70 https://www.reddit.com/r/clectomana/s/4NAhr9LqQC I invite you to go to this link where you can watch Anna's videos 🫦

submitted by Interesting-Secret70 to sabritas [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Negative-Treat-6443 No IT experience. Just took Security+ (and failed). Scored a 710

Hello, My only experience comes from my educational background. In my late 30s I have mad e a drastic career change and went back to school at the height of covid to get my bachelors in cybersecurity. 2 years later, still no job in the field and am struggling to even hear from anyone for an interview. With no experience I decided to take this Comptia exam. Studied Messar’s notes and Dion’s as well. Took a few practice tests. But didn’t really dedicate too much time as I have a 1 year old at home and still do work a full time (retail job). Scored a 710. Planning on taking it again (soon). Any tips? Also any job recommendations as well would be appreciated! TIA
submitted by Negative-Treat-6443 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 SpiffyArmbrooster Thoughts on 20-year-old lead extraction

Hi all!
I just had a follow-up with my cardiologist today and I wanted to hear some thoughts from people who have either experienced something similar or work in the field.
Long story short, I had a pacemaker put in 20 years ago at the age of 10. There is one singular lead that has two small loops in it. (This was to account for my growth as I got older, but I didn't grow enough for it to matter, LOL.)
Fast forward to the present, the doctors agree that it the pacemaker was implanted unnecessarily. It only ever fires when it does a nightly maintenance test. Now we're having the conversation of "do we leave it in and or take it out?"
Basically, my doctor told me there's the slim (he said "1%") chance of the lead extraction going wrong and leading to open-heart surgery. The other option is to disconnect and remove the generator and leave the lead in. This increases my risk of a blood infection over the course of my life.
My plan is to get a second opinion from a different cardiologist group, but I wanted to throw this out there to anyone who may have experience or knowledge on the subject.
submitted by SpiffyArmbrooster to PacemakerICD [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 TzilacatzinJoestar I'll be the Matriarch in this life Memes (Novel Spoilers)

Imagine cheating on her. What idiot would?
submitted by TzilacatzinJoestar to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 niamarkusa Abusive work environment does that...

submitted by niamarkusa to transformers [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 TRILLMAGICIAN I’m feeling pretty floored right now.

So over the past week Miss Stella here hasn’t been feeling too good. It started with soft poop that gradually became liquid. So I brought her to the vet and they gave her some probiotics to help fight any bad bacteria in her gut. Flash forward 24 hours later and she’s running a high grade fever and is so lethargic that she could barely move let alone eat or drink. So again we rush off to the vet for some fluids and another check. This time they took a blood sample and she came back FIV+.
I lost one cat due to heart failure so I waited until I felt like I was ready and brought home Stella Bean about 6 months later and she’s been a happy and loving kitty who had me by the heart strings on day one. Now I get this news and it’s like the nightmare is happening all over again.
I know that FIV can be treatable, but I can’t help but worry about my sweet angel. Maybe some individuals who have/had a cat with a positive FIV diagnosis could give me some advice and tell me about how their little fur babies thrive with their diagnosis and how I should start preparing to make sure she has a proper and safe environment for her life to come.
Thank you ❤️
submitted by TRILLMAGICIAN to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 EntertainmentHeavy23 Jan LSAT easy/ hard?

I took my first LSAT in January and I was terrified. For personal reasons I cancelled my November LSAT because I didn’t feel ready. I. That time I joined 7sage and started to prepare. I was actually pretty zen the whole way through, I jotted a FEW questions down to go back to if I had time ( who ever has extra time?) but I thought it was going to be harder? Prob means I did horrible and I’m really stupid. Did anyone else feel that way? I heard November was really awful.
submitted by EntertainmentHeavy23 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 SandyBlunts618 Public Atv trails

Public Atv trails Are there any atv trails accessible to the public in southern Florida. Near Englewood or Cape Coral area? Any suggestions welcome having trouble finding areas to ride; except at peace river campground and lazy springs.
submitted by SandyBlunts618 to florida [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Stunning-Sky5084 When did you start letting baby sleep through the night?

Asking here bc I think EFF and BF baby sleep varies. My baby is 12 weeks old, 13 lbs and on track. She can do really long stretches - at least 8, when we’ve woken her and think she’d go longer if we didn’t wake her. Messaged our ped but only the nurse got back and said 5-6 hours max? My friends had different responses from their peds and Taking Cara Babies, which my ped originally told me to follow, says at 10 weeks, sleep through the night.
If the 4 month regression is coming soon, would love to take advantage of the sleep now 😂😭☠️
submitted by Stunning-Sky5084 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 moonissa SMAPI/SVE help?

SMAPI/SVE help? https://preview.redd.it/jlo3yj6r30ge1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b585da4e6052ed23983f7cbfdd2e5fb33a363b3
Hi all! I'm trying to download SVE for the first time on macOS and every time I try to run the program this is the screen I get. I've checked my security in system preferences to see if I can bypass it, but nothing comes up. If anyone else has experienced this and knows how to get past/fix it I would appreciate the help!!
submitted by moonissa to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Wvyern can anyone tell who i dressed up as?

submitted by Wvyern to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 YaNiBBa Nothing but a glorified crew

Nothing but a glorified crew submitted by YaNiBBa to Sopranosduckposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 TheBeesKneesShow Can you beat Asheron's Call without Asheron?

I've had this stupid idea bouncing around my head and it's sent me down a lore rabbit hole. Can you beat Asheron's Call without Asheron?
Let's set an arbitrary end goal: Kill the Olthoi Queen Is this "beating" Asheron's Call? No, but lets pretend.
Let's define "Without Asheron" Avoiding any game mechanics that are directly influenced by Asheron. I will say in my readings I do not believe it is possible to avoid Empyrean direct influence.
Now, please understand, I am very far from an expert on lore so I may be inaccurate or even flat-out incorrect on some or all of these assertions.
The first obstacle is character creation. For Heritage we won't be able to choose Aluvian, Gharu'ndim or Sho as they were summoned by the call. While Empyrean are natives, they were shunted into portalspace by Asheron during the Olthoi Invasion, so they're out. This leaves us with the Aun Tumerok, Lugian, Undead, Gear Knight, Pen/Umbraen, and Viamontian. It is possible we must exclude the shadows as they were originally varying Isparian heritages.
For Profession we'll only be taking the Custom role.
The skills is where it gets pretty messy. Personally I think it's safest to avoid magic all together, however, I think it's one of the more interesting aspects of the challenge.
Magic Void should be a relatively safe pick all together. When it comes to all other magics there's just a bunch of questions. Which magics were pioneered by Asheron's research and what aspects are developed by others of the Empyrean or even other factions? Is creature magic safe? Who developed Foci, is it fine if you don't use Foci? If you're using spell components, who did the research on the Talismans? Should summoning be excluded all together or is Necromancy allowed?
The next big obstacle is travel. Asheron didn't create all the portals but he did stabilize the portal network. Are some portals safe to use while others would be off limits? Are all portals off limits? DO I NEED TO WALK EVERYWHERE?! Can I enter dungeons? Can I enter only Olthoi and Viamontian dungeons?
Anyway, I'd gladly take any thoughts from the community. The only thing I've learned so far is that I don't know anything about the lore.
submitted by TheBeesKneesShow to AsheronsCall [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 RaspberrySuitable216 Help with understanding

Help with understanding Just curious! Anything would be helpful and appreciated. 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹
submitted by RaspberrySuitable216 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Otherwise-Lake-9741 Just connected with a wealthy young woman in Powai Hiranandani.

Should I convince her to make out 🙈
submitted by Otherwise-Lake-9741 to mumbaicpls [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 papacsgo Rammstein Hoodie Legit Check

Rammstein Hoodie Legit Check submitted by papacsgo to VETEMENTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 JimCripe LIVE: MAGA gets UNCOVERED as Trump ENRAGES America ALREADY

On today’s UNCOVERED Ron and Anthony discuss Trump’s insane week of despot diktat, from freezing Federal funding, firing Inspector Generals, eliminating childhood cancer research, pulling security detail from Mark Milley and others. Plus, ICE raiding churches and schools, with Kristi Noem in tow. Ron DeSantis melts down, Trump lies about California water plus the latest on RFK Jr’s confirmation hearing and much more!
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Majestic_Courage2221 Code?

Can someone please give me a code? 😩
submitted by Majestic_Courage2221 to MovieBoxProCodess [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Bright_Show_8550 best 1440p monitor under 300 euro

so i want to upgrade my monitor to a 1440p, but i dont know which one is good, i have a 300 euro budget, i really want good quality if it is possible, can anyone suggest?
submitted by Bright_Show_8550 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Extremofire Just finished my first playthrough — All 110 buggy hours of it

Just finished my first playthrough — All 110 buggy hours of it Finally got this wonderful game as a Christmas treat to myself after years of making excuses to not. I am hooked, I love it, but I thought everyone might wanna hear the story of my first playthrough that just concluded. For veterans, I do have questions in my story!
First off, a quick preface: I did do a two hour practice run. This was on the lowest difficulty, but I did spawn the max number of AI empires (see first picture). I quickly learned what I now know as a common newbie mistake: surveying in detail without much exploring or quick colonizing. I was role playing as a curious future us, as I’m sure many do, and felt it premature to colonize a whole new world when Eartth was doing just fine. Naturally I found myself completely boxed in, hemorrhaging influence. I deleted the save. My friend who had played his fair share said I could’ve cut some treaties, developed tall, and waited for the crises, but… hey, I was new, and (still) relatively inexperienced in 4X games, I didn’t know what was in store!
I started anew, with what I should’ve realized was a very unoriginal idea, roleplaying as Super Earth from the Helldivers fictional universe. Here’s the first kicker: I tried to stick to all default settings for a more genuine experience, save for making the difficulty the one just under Ensign, but making the default mid-game crisis the normal endgame year (2500) and the endgame crisis 2750… and making the victory year 3200. Spoiler alert: I could not end the game prematurely to this. I also played on Ironman because, hey, achievements. The empire was authoritarian, fanatic xenophobes, and because “managed democracy” isn’t democracy, an oligarchic police state.
Realizing my mistake from the practice run, I expanded vigorously to new planets and explores widely. To my absolute horror, I had my first contact be a Fallen Empire that, of course, spawned very close to me. As you can see in the 2nd picture, I was able to expand pretty heftily before I ran into my other neighbors, but not knowing what a Fallen Empire was, I was horrified and nearly quit. Stations with strengths to obliterate my entire navy multiple times over… and their idle fleets? I thought I made a mistake again in progression, but I rolled with it. I saw they were a Fallen Empire, and my minimal exposure to Stellaris content in times past had me remember that this isn’t an immediate threat.
By this point I had established comms with the Galactic community and had a general sense of the nations (2nd picture). The Jehetma seemed nice enough, and I only learned after the conclusion of the playthrough that they were one of two selectable empires. They were friendly enough, and I could see that roleplaying as an oppressive regime could only get so far, so I began to make nice with them, which was pretty easy considering they’re fanatic pacifists by default. I thought to myself, okay, I think it’s time to make a play for some of this territory near me. I fumbled through the war system for the first time, declaring war on the Cynn. Only then did I discover (realize) that the Grollferps and them had formed a Federation. My pitiful forward fleet was absolutely crushed under their collective feet (claws) and I quickly jumped for a status quo peace deal (which I didn’t even realize was an option at first, what a great feature).
Consolidating my fleets and familiarizing myself more with planet management, espionage (which I discovered disgustingly late) and diplomacy, I noticed the Pallyrians above me were independent, and began the slow campaign of waging war multiple times with them via system claims. Now, throughout this, I did realize that there were multiple, separate “Cockroach” empires popping up throughout the other Empires’ space. I was really confused, and even in retrospect, not sure what happened. Apparently, there’s a chance Sol III spawns as a tomb system with sentient Cockroaches, which is cool, but they seemed to be making pretty big galactic plays while I was over here absorbing my neighbor. How strong is this empire if it spawns? Their empires spanned multiple systems by the time I noticed. Throughout this campaign against the Pallyrians, the Jehetma requested to become my vassal. I had zero idea what implications this came with, thinking I needed to fight them tooth-and-nail eventually, but trying to make sense of the slew of text that followed, I rolled with it. They became a vassal that would help me in defensive wars by default, and I gave them full unified sensors. I eventually eliminated the Pallyrians, integrating their species. I didn’t realize that an empire could be taken off the grand stage, and if you had no claims on some of their non-colony systems, they’d be open for the taking. So, the Jehetmans took the opportunity to take them, which you can see in the third photo or so. Frustrating, but I rolled with it. At this point I controlled half of the galaxy’s territory. Making do with my newbie knowledge, I realized that victory would mean dominating everyone via conquest.
Now, here’s where things begin to get weird, both as my fault and the game’s inherent bugs!
I happened upon the Limbo event chain and thus the (what I now know as the) famously buggy Awoken empire spawned, right underneath the Fallen Empire. There were three star systems in their space that was inaccessible to me but unclaimed, and the Awoken took two, see third picture. Cool beans, I thought. I made preemptive positive relations with them, and went along my way. At this point I reasoned, well, my fleet and territories are definitely powerful, as most empires in the diplomacy tab showed as inferior in all ways except the FE’s tech, so let’s relax and roleplay a bit. No major crises or anything yet. I began by making a big huge dumb mistake — mind, I minimized the content I exposed myself to just to keep things genuine and interesting — and made a few of the major non-human species in my galaxy undesirable, with displacement as the purge. As you’d expect, my resource stores plummeted, and I corrected that issue as soon as I could. Thankfully I had quite a frustrating surplus of some basic/advanced materials that I generously used to keep myself from getting into the deficit situation, but lesson learned. The important part, however… by then, a few hundred pops became refugees and settled elsewhere. The soon-to-be obvious target? The single planet of the Awoken.
Simultaneously, two exciting things happen. One, in the 27th century, the Fallen Empire awakens. I quickly bring my ~1.8M fleet to their borders and squash them, but not before, lo and behold, the Cockroaches of all species revolt against the Awoken. I didn’t even know about revolts yet, but I bore witness to the first right in this little enclave, which began to explain how I saw multiple Cockroach empires rise and fall throughout the game. I take them out as well, discovering the planet with the Awoken had more than a hundred homeless and unemployed pops, victims of my purge. No wonder the revolt happened. Here’s the issue, which from what I can tell has plagued many others’ games: the revolt, which technically erased the Awoken empire… didn’t. The Awoken existed entirely as a zero planet, zero system empire. I didn’t realize how bad this would be for my playthrough.
After some time, I waged war on the Cynn again to grab some systems. At this point the Kel-Azaans had, somehow, split into two empires (probably another revolt), and both the Grollferps, Cynn, and Kel-Azaans formed a federation. It was no issue for me; while the Cynn had a pretty well-developed gateway system (which I didn’t even think to do, myself), their combined forces were no match for my raw production power. In what was probably objectively an awful tactic, I just threw countless support fleets at my main fleets throughout the campaign, and of course, won a bit of their territory (5th picture). By this time, the endgame crisis came and went (the Contingency). Three of the four hubs were in my territory, but, unbeknownst to me, endgame crises open all borders, and all four hubs were swiftly quashed by the combined might of this very-advanced galaxy (mind, it’s the 27th century still, most games are done at this point). Following this, I bolstered my fleet further, renegotiated my Jehetman agreement to include offensive wars and integration, and began a final crusade against the last empires. Once only the Grollferp empire remained, I had integrated the Jehetma, and the last war was swift and easy. By the mid-28th century or so I had the entire map…
No victory sounded. Why? I was the last empire, nothing more to do. I was… tired. At this point I had looked at all Stellaris had to offer. SO much DLC, super exciting narratives, but… I wanted my victory trophy. Why wasn’t I being shown a screen to “continue if I want?”
Oh, right. **The Awoken still were, for all intents and purposes, “in the fight.”
Them still being a vassal, I tried integration. I t succeeded. Multiple times. Nothing changed. They were still available for diplomacy. All awoken were enslaved at this point, and toiling in my mines, but no, I could still “engage in diplomacy.” I thought I could release them, and wage war, but I couldn’t wage a conquest war if I didn’t have (and couldn’t) system claims. What do I do??
Well, the only thing I could do. Wait. My empire unfortunately slowed heavily by lag, I timed everything. At maximum speed, time was passing at less than half the actual max speed. This translated to a year passing over the course of 3 minutes and some change. I had 400 years left. At minimum, that’s 20 hours. Twenty godforsaken hours.
Well then. So we wait. Maybe we can roleplay as Super Earth more? I eradicated some of the species with less pops, with my production still holding, naturally. With the Jehetma fresh in my mind as strong allies, I gave them the Chemical Bliss living standard. While I had enslaved robots after the Contingency, I gave them resident rights again. I built robotic production facilities on every planet, intending to replace every xeno with machines. I forced a thrall world for the first time, resettling everyone off a tomb world, giving the 100-or-so Fallen Empire arthropods slave status, and easily filling up this world with them, having them be shipped off to anywhere that needed labor. I built transit hubs and dark sites on every starbase, and my galaxy was chugging along at perfect efficiency.
The year 3000 came, and I thought, well, lemme buy some DLC, and I decided on Utopia. I didn’t realize this would also enable features in my base game, so I built the Sentry, and discovered that Ultima Vigilis was STILL unexplored! Right next to me. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice; perhaps I just thought it was decorative. I easily crushed the caretaker fleets, and completed the storyline, and took the option to make the remnant surveillance bots a vassal. Of course I got the threatening message that would mean an endgame crisis, but I think because I selected the default “Random” instead of all, they never came. More weird stuff, though… I vassalized and integrated the machines. Now, when they were independent, yes, they had all the hallmarks and flavor text of a machine hive mind, inhabiting the Observation Terminal machine world. When I integrated them, though… their world remained uninhabitable and no non-machine pops could go there, but their jobs and buildings all reverted to the standard non-machine equivalents, and they were all affected by happiness and crime. It seemed that, to the game, my integration just erased all of their uniqueness. Their species then just functioned as a portraitless machine with restrictive habitability values, and get this, completely unable to return to their machine world if they left or I resettled them. Ultimately I sent a slew of robotic pops to their world and orbital, and settled the natives to various Gaia worlds. Big bummer… I was excited to help see the hive mind evolve. Strange, regardless.
I spice things up a bit by creating devoted vassals out of some of my lesser-populated sectors, with my empire joining in all conflicts and them joining in defensive, and giving me a significant research subsidy. Exciting! Guess what happened? My old anomalous nemesis, the Cockroaches, revolted in three of the biggest vassals, and surprisingly, the FE species did a peaceful revolt for independence against another. I wonder if the NPCs just had such awful situation awareness to not manage this? I dunno if anyone knows? Either way, these uprisings were dealt with by myself of course, and I reabsorbed the revolted territories, thinking it’d be obviously best for me to manage them myself.
The year eventually, after hours of letting the game run on max speed while I do housework or whatnot, is 3180. We’re finally getting close; only an hour or so remaining. All I could think of is how the cockroaches have been messing with the entire galactic community, as it’s developed, for so long. Of my about 2600 pops, they’re 1100 of them. I decide to initiate one final purge, who cares about production. We’re going to win. My vassals do not take this lightly… and they all eventually declare war on me for independence.
Uh oh. I thought we were on the same page??
My fleet, which I mostly scrapped following the revolts, and at this point with a measly million or so strength, is no match for the sudden crusade of multiple ~500K fleets each vassal had. They begin to sweep across my systems, disabling my citadels that I had begun to retrofit with shipyards. Multiple planets fall to their armies, nixing my production further. What corvette fleets I could churn out with my paltry alloy stores were crushed. All seemed to be lost… should I surrender? Status quo offer? I—
Victory. The year 3200. Achievement won. I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s over, finally. It’s goddamn over. The last picture is of the final state of my galaxy, from the diplomatic view. In retrospect I probably could’ve handily quashed their rebellion but… It’s time to move on. New saves, new content. I’m ready.
I had lengthened the victory year to give me some breathing room for my first time. Never again.
TL;DR: I made my first game with default settings but heavily expanded timeline, most notably, a victory year of 3200. The buggy Awoken prevented me from achieving early victory, and I had a fun(?) time learning to deal with how to pass the time/learn more gameplay features, lag and all.
submitted by Extremofire to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 Immediate-Hedgehog53 Cuckson looking for cuckson

Looking for long term jerkbuds willing for exchange pics videos , dares and new ideas
submitted by Immediate-Hedgehog53 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 cheezhead1252 When you see a million excuses blaming the left or protest voters for Trump but you remember this:

When you see a million excuses blaming the left or protest voters for Trump but you remember this: submitted by cheezhead1252 to ShitLiberalsSay [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 21:32 IntelligentChart173 Mons vi - Call me what you want

Mons vi - Call me what you want submitted by IntelligentChart173 to RedScarePodMusic [link] [comments]
