Is there currently any game mode where is easier to get 5 wins in a row?

2025.01.18 12:31 Huicrox Is there currently any game mode where is easier to get 5 wins in a row?

Just the title
submitted by Huicrox to FallGuysGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Puzzleheaded1337 Tür öffnet nicht mehr

Moin, ich hab gestern Nacht meine Tür von innen zugeschlossen und heute morgen bekomme ich den Schlüssel noch ein halbe Umdrehung gedreht und dann sitzt er fest. Jemand spontan eine Idee was da genau defekt sein könnte ?
submitted by Puzzleheaded1337 to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 IHadToChoseAUsernam3 Hey, new scarlet witch main looking for content creators to watch.

So i recently decided to otp Scarlet witch(Atleast until emma frost is released). pretty much deciding that whatever tier she is in i wanna make her work. And since i will have a week without playing i wanna try to find a few content creators to watch to improve decitionmaking and cd usage since that seems to be the difference between good and decent scarlet witch players. Is there any content creators to watch to learn and see in practise how they play, what decitions they make and how they use thier skills?
submitted by IHadToChoseAUsernam3 to ScarletWitchMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 iiDutchboyy Registeel 278556924532

submitted by iiDutchboyy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Withoutloopsiwilldie Big John eats up everyone’s votes like the lard arse he is. Now, who’s a character who is morally grey, and divisive in the fanbase?

Big John eats up everyone’s votes like the lard arse he is. Now, who’s a character who is morally grey, and divisive in the fanbase? Runners up for 4th square:
Tara’s Sister - 2nd Place
Tara - 3rd Place
Neil’s Dad - 4th place (Unclear whether or not opinions are divided on his sexuality or his likability)
submitted by Withoutloopsiwilldie to TheInbetweeners [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Ok_Loquat9149 Meu setup depois de muito pesquisar e garimpar!

Buenas musiconautas! Depois que decidi iniciar no hobby do vinil eu simplesmente entrei em um hiperfoco tremendo pra encontrar um aparelho pra rodar os discos. Pesquisei no marketplace do facebook, google, etc. Os aparelhos mais em conta são ruins e não tava com grana pra comprar uma vitrola moderna! Montei meu setup com um preço absurdamente baixo.
Perguntei pra uma porrada de gente se tinham algum som guardado pra vender e, depois de muito sondar, encontrei uma colega de trabalho que tinha um 3X1 MS-100 da gradiente parado em casa e simplesmente me deu o som! Cara, que maravilha.
Infelizmente ele tava com defeito e veio a busca pela manutenção, depois de muito sondar e pesquisar também, indo em lojas e através de indicações, encontrei um senhor que me cobrou míseros 50 reais pra fazer a manutenção, que era um ajuste no prato, agulha e braço! Gastei 80 reais com duas agulhas, que se mostraram péssimas. Ele acabou por adaptar uma agulha de maior qualidade e ficou excelente, não me cobrou nada por isso! Rodei o som em uma caixinha chinesa até que esta semana comprei um par de caixas da gradiente em uma loja de antiguidades.
Basicamente montei meu setup completo por menos de 350 reais!! É muito satisfatório ver esse som e sua história tocando todos esses vinis que tenho comprado por 10 - 15 reais de um vendedor que tem um pequeno sebo aqui. Já estou com uns 20 discos de música brasileira, internacional, jamaicana (que infelizmente, meu disco mais caro e raro, se quebrou hoje ao escorregar da minha mão...)
É um hobby maravilhoso, nos conecta com a história da música, nos ensina paciência e a apreciar música, diferente desse consumo rápido e entediante dos streamings. É incrível pensar que discos de 40 - 50 anos atrás estão animando minhas noites após tanto tempo parados ou esquecidos, assim como o som.
Eu sinceramente recomendo isso pra todo mundo, é um verdadeiro contato emocional com a música! Depois que começa não quer parar mais! Não podemos deixar a cultura do vinil, da boa música brasileira morrer! Viva o vinil!
submitted by Ok_Loquat9149 to Vinil [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 AlyKosta WB Deoxys: 8537 5675 3401

submitted by AlyKosta to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Davidnkt Anyone else marketing to cybersecurity teams? Need advice on reaching them

Fellow SaaS marketers,
We've built an AI tool 'GrackerAI' specifically for cybersecurity marketing teams. Early feedback is great, but reaching this niche audience is tricky.
What we've tried:

What channels have worked for you in reaching security/tech marketing teams? Any unexpected wins?
Appreciate any insights!
submitted by Davidnkt to SaaSMarketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Swimming_Put1506 Swapping Error code 2010

Hello! I recently had an issue transferring XCN from Uphold to my Tangem. It converted to Eth instead. I’d like to swap from Eth to XCN, but it’s giving me an error message of 210.
Does the swap feature just go down sometimes? I’ve used it a few times with no problem in the past. What would be the best network to use to transfer XCN from Uphold to Tangem?
submitted by Swimming_Put1506 to Tangem [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 TrafalgarLaw1986 Pokemon Rubin (GBA) #05

Pokemon Rubin (GBA) #05 submitted by TrafalgarLaw1986 to SmallYTChannel [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Virtual_Information3 Capital One's technical woes worsen, with more bank accounts hit with deposit delays

submitted by Virtual_Information3 to newsletter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 ImPro_0 [NFS Heat] - All For One

Hi everyone, I need support to get All For One trophy. To achieve this, I need to reach the maximum Crew level with my crew.
submitted by ImPro_0 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 MattMythLegend89 Homeless victim

Is CCTV footage enough evidence to prosecute if say the victim was homeless and could not be located to testify?
submitted by MattMythLegend89 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Hungry_Assignment674 Proof positive why it’s so dangerous to post your every move online

Proof positive why it’s so dangerous to post your every move online There are so many sick people looking for the perfect moment to take advantage. And these CT idiots hand it to them on a silver platter.
I don’t even know if this influencer has kids, or an older parent who lives with them. What if they were home? They post their routines and locations-and according to this influencer-the police TOLD THEM they studied their moves for at least 4 mos!!!! Why not just leave a sign saying “Hey! I’m at “the lodge!” Come rob me!” Oh! They even rented luxury cars while casing their home so as to “fit in”.
I guess I have common sense and a healthy ego so I don’t need validation from strangers online under the guise of “we are a family/community/WE are doing something special”
No-the only thing they want is your money. And they trade their safety and the safety of their children for it.
submitted by Hungry_Assignment674 to CTInfluencerSnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 ASGfan B-52s poster spotted in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" movie

B-52s poster spotted in submitted by ASGfan to B52s [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 YourMomSaysMoo 3rd Installment in my Rat City Collection! :)

submitted by YourMomSaysMoo to AmateurArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 flufings Сложная ситуация

Я обычно не распускаю слухи и не жалуюсь, но эти три дня весь наш район стоял на ушах. В нашем районе есть магазинчик в котором я работаю. Сегодня к нам пришла женщина которая в нашем районе известная алкоголичка. У нее бывают запои и когда они происходят о них узнают все в округе: она бросается под машины выпрашивая деньги и ходит по домам с той же целью. Очевидно что сегодня произошло тоже самое, она стояла на коленях передо мной прося дать в долг и конечно же мы ей ничего не дали. Она прыгнула под машину не подалеку от нашего магазина, к счастью все обошлось, но это не остановило ее и она продолжала так делать.
У вас возникнет вопрос хуле полиция не посадит ее. Ее уже много раз забирали в обезьянник, но она там отсидит денёк, месяц будет трезвая и все по новой.
Самое печальное что она мать троих детей и у нее наидобрейший муж, улыбчивый, работающий, непьющий. Когда произошла сегодняшняя ситуация в группе района в Фейсбуке написали про очередную ее выходку и муж ответил на пост( перевод с литовского могут быть ошибки): Мне очень трудно писать это сообщение. Но я вижу, что у нашей семьи нет другого выбора. Женщина, о которой вы говорите, живет на улице Она моя жена и мать троих детей. К сожалению, у нее зависимость, и она уже не понимает, что делает. Наши законы и юридические возможности ее лечения ограничены, поскольку законы Литвы не допускают принудительного лечения. Мне всем вам очень жаль, но наша семья сегодня исчерпала все возможные возможности (платные и бесплатные), чтобы помочь . Мы больше ничего не можем сделать. Поэтому, если она снова появится у вас дома, позвоните в полицию. Возможно, это будет твой величайший подарок , как бы жутко это ни звучало. Еще раз прошу прощения у всех вас.
Это разбило мне сердце
submitted by flufings to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 survivingbusiness Running My Keto Startup Isn’t Easy: A Reality Check

I wanted to share my experience of running my small keto business, which I started with so much passion. Initially, I ran a cloud kitchen alongside selling keto products, but after shutting down the kitchen, the business took a hit. Right now, my monthly profit is around ₹15,000.
Honestly, it's been a tough ride. The reality is, startups aren’t easy. You see all the success stories and think, “I can do that too,” but behind the scenes, it’s hard work, long hours, and sometimes disappointing results. For me, it came to a point where I realized I needed something more stable to sustain my lifestyle. So, I recently took up a job that pays ₹35,000 extra per month.
It’s not that I’ve given up on my business—it’s still running on Amazon, but now I dedicate about 15 hours a week to it, mostly managing orders and shipping products daily. I think it’s important to acknowledge that sometimes you need a job to keep things afloat while chasing your dreams.
If anything, this whole experience has taught me that startups are unpredictable, and balancing them with other responsibilities is key. I’m hoping I can push for more sales soon, but for now, I’m trying to stay grounded and realistic about the journey.
Just wanted to share this little vent—anyone else here juggling a business and a job? Would love to hear how you’re managing!
submitted by survivingbusiness to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 frizzlybear15 Come and experience the wonder of ARCADIUM! A close knit, neon-soaked haven for adults (25+) who want to chat, chill, and vibe on all things life. This is your social playground for quirky convos, random obsessions, and everything in between. Join us for gaming/movie streaming events and much more!

Come and experience the wonder of ARCADIUM! A close knit, neon-soaked haven for adults (25+) who want to chat, chill, and vibe on all things life. This is your social playground for quirky convos, random obsessions, and everything in between. Join us for gaming/movie streaming events and much more! submitted by frizzlybear15 to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 guyinhat24 IRyS Got Tormented By a Creepy Mascot

IRyS Got Tormented By a Creepy Mascot submitted by guyinhat24 to IRyS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 takaracards Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol

Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol submitted by takaracards to FreeGamesOnSteam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Critical_Character12 university help

someone kindly help me please. I'm an Alevel student I don't know where to start to prepare for university entry tests since they follow ics/FSC syllabus, kindly help, I want to prepare for fast ,air and comsats for cyber security
submitted by Critical_Character12 to PakLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 bobo_yobo Guys hear me out

Guys hear me out submitted by bobo_yobo to FortniteFestival [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Aenscar_ 2025 #5 - Kan Kitapları 1, Clive Barker - Komik Müzikli Korku Filmi

2025 #5 - Kan Kitapları 1, Clive Barker - Komik Müzikli Korku Filmi İzlediğiniz korku filmlerindeki etkileyici sahneleri düşünün. Hepsinde görüntü kadar ses de önemliydi değil mi? Yani o ses atmosferini çıkarıp arkaya komikli bir müzik koysanız o sahne muhtemelen etkileyiciliğinin tamamını kaybedecek. Yarı yarıya ses ve görüntü eşit önem arz etse de birini çıkarınca etkinin tamamı kayboluyor. Bu kitabın anlatım tarzını ben tıpkı o komik müzik gibi buldum. Betimlediği, anlattığı şeyler aslında ilgi çekici olabilir, güzel fikirler var. Fakat o üslup beni benden aldı, tüm havayı kaçırdı, korkmam gereken yerleri ciddiye alamadım, iğrenmem gereken yerlerde odaklanamadım.
Muhtemelen bir “lost in translation” (çeviride kaybolma) durumu bu kitap için de mevcut. Bazı üsluplar ne kadar iyi çevrilirse çevrilsin farklı bir dilde çok eğreti duruyor. Orijinaline göz attığımda o kadar rahatsız etmedi çünkü, fakat belki yine bir iyi olmayan çeviri nedeniyle bu kitap bana zor anlar yaşattı. Çünkü çeviri sadece orada yazılan şeyleri farklı bir dilde aktarmak değil, o tonu, doğallığı yakalayıp okuyucuya eseri o dilde yazılmış gibi hissettirmektir. Bir Clive Barker kitabı daha okumuştum, Cehennemlik Yürek, ondan da keyif almadım. Sanırım yazar bana gelmiyor. Yine de bu serinin ikinci kitabına da şans vereceğim.
Bu kitaba puanım maalesef yok. Herkese iyi haftasonları dilerim 🤩
submitted by Aenscar_ to secilmiskitap [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Minute_Bandicoot511 Zenvo

Zenvo submitted by Minute_Bandicoot511 to PixelCarRacer [link] [comments]