ask me anything - N24 student with a 42 IB score

2025.01.19 10:19 Cold_Start126 ask me anything - N24 student with a 42 IB score

hello! as a recent N24 graduate I wanted to extend my support out to any newer IB students who are needing tips/study help/general IB advice from someone who has just successfully completed the program (and survived it!)
I am particularly qualified to answer questions about the following subjects:
- Psychology HL
- Biology HL
- English L&L HL
- Chemistry SL
As well as structural questions on the EE and TOK (3/3 points over here :))
you are all so capable, ask away <3
submitted by Cold_Start126 to IBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Public-Action-6541 g220 and g240

Hey so i got and e39 523i and i got an getrag 220 transmission but it broke so i was wondering if getrag 240 bolts on without getting new driveshafts etc
submitted by Public-Action-6541 to e39 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Xxxrasierklinge7 Bow and Longsword builds missing

I messaged the mods but no response... Seems dreamingsuntide deleted his account or something like that.
I know this is a great alternative for longsword but does anyone have one for bow?
submitted by Xxxrasierklinge7 to MonsterHunterMeta [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 svazam Nothing 2a display sucks

Nothing 2a display sucks I raised a feed back couple of days back to nothing via the feedback option in settings, This was their response When confronted they stopped responding
"We do understand your concern, we are very sorry to have caused you a bad experience. The OLED screens all have a green screen phenomenon, which varies in severity. OLED emits light through current drive, and when the screen current fluctuates at low screen brightness, it can cause uneven brightness. In dark environments, turning on dark mode may result in slight color deviation, such as green or red. However, this will not affect your use in normal brightness environments. We will continue to work to improve this phenomenon. If you have any other concerns, please contact us again."
Simply put they are asking us to live with it you pay 22000 and get such shitty hardware watching content is impossible, my 5 year old redmi has better picture quality than this shit .
Help me lodge a complaint in consumer court for the same.
submitted by svazam to NothingTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 leorob88 Sentinels not working?

I'm fighting some normal enemies around and i have a Sentinel monster. Only, even though the enemies are Provoked, they keep attacking Serah and Noel regardless. Is Provoke broken in XIII-2?
submitted by leorob88 to finalfantasyxiii [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Free_Professional386 What Is Your Favorite Nu Metal album in Drop B tuning?

What Is Your Favorite Nu Metal album in Drop B tuning? LD 50 is my favorite Nu Metal album in Drop B tuning. Greg Tribbett did such a great job on guitar. Death Blooms is my favorite song and the riff is my favorite riff from the album.
submitted by Free_Professional386 to numetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 palletwoodcamper I Truly Found Gold Music Video ( Country Folk )by pwc music

Can I ask you to support me as a creator on youtube by asking you to kindly watch this comment like or dislike and sub if you like on the youtube platform, your help as always is appreciate and of course I can do same for you as a creator
submitted by palletwoodcamper to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 SauravKumaR301 I am now sole developer in team. How to take advantage of this situation?

Hi guys, I work in an IT firm, I love my job and have no issue with it. But recently 2 of my colleague resigned within a period of months and now I am the only guy in the department. One guy left cause he found a better offer, another resigned due to what they say "management negligence". Now Since I am the only person in my department, all work and responsibility comes down to me, which is fine. But it's such a good opportunity to not use! But I just don't know how to go about it. I don't want to quit my job, I am just greedy and want better pay.
PS: I hope you guys wont tell me about morals : D
submitted by SauravKumaR301 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 IndependenceThen1335 Hey friends, if you’re diving into tech sales, check this out! There’s this incredible database that hasn’t aligned everything, just looking at all the funded startups with cash to burn. Plus, it even gives you verified contact emails of decision-makers. Perfect for kickstarting those conversations!

Hey friends, if you’re diving into tech sales, check this out! There’s this incredible database that hasn’t aligned everything, just looking at all the funded startups with cash to burn. Plus, it even gives you verified contact emails of decision-makers. Perfect for kickstarting those conversations! submitted by IndependenceThen1335 to TellThePeople [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 LampreyLimpr Parasitic Pig (Parasite Outbreak Addon)

Parasitic Pig (Parasite Outbreak Addon) Im used to drawing canid body types so excuse the legs being too long for a pig
submitted by LampreyLimpr to HorrorMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Ornery_Macaroon5592 Let's tell our favorite insta hotties and feed one another 05fe9dea7503d65038d859c245cad614d7af991fe27c75fea9cf66f15f7924ce4c

Let's tell our favorite insta hotties and feed one another 05fe9dea7503d65038d859c245cad614d7af991fe27c75fea9cf66f15f7924ce4c submitted by Ornery_Macaroon5592 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Scared-Gamer What are the most valuable potions I can make with ingredients that can be farmed in crop plots?

My character is level 38 atm an I've been neglecting my defesive skills till now, meaning I take alot of damage even from weaker enemies
And I wanna level up quickly, so Alchemy it is.... Again
submitted by Scared-Gamer to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 WaVeYgUrL Anxiety diarrhea?

Currently pet sitting for a black lab, she's 13 months. She has dog roll for breakfast and dinner and has kibble throughout the day. She has a lot of rope toys that she likes to shred and I'm worried she's got something going on with her tummy. She has been doing tiny watery poop farts and her tummy has been really gurgling.
She didn't eat her breakfast this morning but ate her dinner fine. I'm really worried about her.
It's summer here in NZ and diarrhea is common at this time of the year apparently.
What would your advice be? She's eating but maybe she needs some pumpkin and rice or something.
submitted by WaVeYgUrL to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Wuwa mommies in dongtan dress (by Ice_Bear)

submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to ChangliMain [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 v0x-n1h1l1 Saygısızlık olmazsa ceketimi çıkartabilir miyim?

Saygısızlık olmazsa ceketimi çıkartabilir miyim? submitted by v0x-n1h1l1 to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 No_Yogurtcloset_9118 planning to pursue a 1-year civil engineering program at Teesside University in the UK

Hi everyone, I'm planning to pursue a 1-year civil engineering program at Teesside University in the UK after completing a 3-year polytechnic diploma in Kerala. Could anyone share insights about the 2020 batch students? Are they still in the UK, or have they returned to Kerala? Thanks in advance!
submitted by No_Yogurtcloset_9118 to thrissur [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 OkUnderstanding420 Ho Oh Raid 996628798622 Need help

Ho Oh Raid 996628798622 Need help submitted by OkUnderstanding420 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 randomgdlover W or L animation?

W or L animation? It's my fan made clukr. Since I'm trying to make a mod named "sprunkimation"
submitted by randomgdlover to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Character_Fan_8377 Is there any movies related to Scipio or Hanibal ?

They are from rome and carthage from around 250BCE.
submitted by Character_Fan_8377 to questions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 veeraraghavan2008 Ok bie🥲

submitted by veeraraghavan2008 to kollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 JamesBKB Dia de Vasco em dose dupla

Dia de Vasco em dose dupla Hoje os nossos reservas enfrentam o Boavista no cariocão e, mais tarde, o sub-20 enfrenta o cortinas pelas quartas da copinha.
Obs: O jogo era para ser as 16h mas foi alterado para as 21h30.
submitted by JamesBKB to vasco [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 LieTechnical1662 Sunday chicken biryani and Buddha Cream Cookies

Sunday chicken biryani and Buddha Cream Cookies Had their triple chocolate cookie and brownie fudge cookie. Have had it before and loved it but in today's batch they messed up a lil so got a lot of butter in one bite
submitted by LieTechnical1662 to PuneFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Cavaggiu 11:12, a minute passed, seems forever

submitted by Cavaggiu to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 buckthefirst Realna satnica kao freelancer za USA? 7 godina iskustva, full stack

Pozdrav svima,
Imam sansu za jednogodisnji ugovor s jednim zanimljivim klijentom i pozicija bi bila senior full stack developer (Java + Angular), ali ne znam kako odrediti satnicu.
Isto tako, da li u ovakve ugovore ide godisnji odmor koji bi oni placali?
Prvi put bih usao u ovakvo nesto, pa imam hiljadu pitanja.
submitted by buckthefirst to ITPoslodavci [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:19 Adam_The_Car O-level locations.

Does anyone know if O-levels are typically in the same district or area? Do they just set them anywhere? Seems inconvenient if you live in the south and they send you to somewhere in the north.
submitted by Adam_The_Car to malta [link] [comments]