Tinnitus suck

2025.01.19 11:12 AppointmentLower1650 Tinnitus suck

After 4 months i manage to down my tinnitus to level it only bother me in quiet.But now wake up after night shift and its worst then ever wtf is happening im going crazy.
submitted by AppointmentLower1650 to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Mxrshie AA F2F

Hey everyone, I want to say congratulations to all the new AA FA’s who attended F2F recently and got their CJO. 🥳✈️
I have my F2F in 2 days 😬 I am super nervous and anxious about it and I just want to ask for tips, I’ve read everything about “tips on F2F” but I just feel like that’s not enough idk I’m rambling at this point.
I get weird during interviews. When a recruiter asks me a question sometimes my mind with go completely blank. All I think about is how this is a life changing career and opportunity that is my dream so if I mess up I know it’s going to hit hard on me. This is also my first F2F with an airline company.
I’m not sure yall 😓
submitted by Mxrshie to cabincrewcareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 tasty_booze Pls help me

Pls help me Someone stole my supercell account and changed the email and i cant get the code to log in
submitted by tasty_booze to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Impossible-Cup-7455 Slight Sonic 3 spoilers

So, at the end credits when Amy appears. I’d absolutely love for Sonic and Amy’s dynamic in the 4th Sonic movie to feel like this: total besties, And maybe a little and big sibling dynamic. No awkward romance just besties
What do you think?
submitted by Impossible-Cup-7455 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 user0144 Welches Studium in Wien soll ich anstreben

Ich bin angehende Maturantin und muss mich jetzt entscheiden was für ein Studium ich im Herbst beginnen werde. Mein Problem ist, mich interessieren viele Studiengänge und ich habe Eigenschaften und Skills, die ich in mehreren Bereichen einsetzen könnte (zb bin ich sehr kreativ, kann gut präsentieren bzw. vor vielen Leuten reden, liebe Sprachen, liebe es mich mit philosophischen Fragen auseinander zu setzen, sehe mich auch in der Film- und Musikindustrie, uvm.)
Anfangs, hatte ich vor Marketing zu studiere, da ich sehr selbstbewusst darin bin, dass ich meine kreativen Eigenschaften sowohl wie auch meine professionellen Skills dort gut einsetzen könnte. Jedoch weiß ich nicht, ob das Wirtschaftliche wirklich etwas für mich ist und ob es etwas wäre, wofür ich eine Leidenschaft habe. Dazu bin ich miserabel in Mathe.
Dann dachte ich, dass Rechtswissenschaften auch etwas für mich wäre. Nicht unbedingt, weil ich vorhabe Rechtsanwältin zu werden, aber weil ich das Justizsystem mega interessant finde und gerne ein Teil davon sein würde.
Das Problem, was jedoch bei beiden Studiengänge entsteht, ist, dass ich nicht wirklich meinen Traumjob in den jeweiligen Bereichen sehe. Ich war schon immer fasziniert von der Musik- und Filmindustrie. Egal ob Musikproduktion, Filmschnitt, Filmproduktion, Schauspiel alles was dazugehört, ist einfach meins. Ich sehe mich in jeder Kategorie und allein schon wenn ich daran denke, spüre ich in meinem Herzen, dass das genau das ist, was mich glücklich machen würde im Leben. Ich hab zb den Studiengang Filmproduktion an der FH Wien entdeckt und dachte mir bei all den Kursen usw. im Curriculum, dass das genau das ist, was ich erlernen möchte. Nur stelle ich mir die Frage, ob ich überhaupt Chancen mit dem Studiengang habe, wieviel man damit ungefähr verdient und ob ich auch international Chancen damit habe.
Mir ist es auch wichtig, einen Beruf eines Tages zu haben, mit dem ich auch genug verdiene, deswegen ist mir das auch sehr wichtig und fließt in meine endgültige Entscheidung mitein.
Ich wäre sehr happy wenn irgendjemand mit Erfahrung in irgendeiner der oben genannten Bereichen mir seine Meinung dazu geben könnte
submitted by user0144 to Studium [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Accomplished_Echo713 rui5 predictions

i know it's probably WAY too early to say this+i'm not really a rui fan, but what are your predictions for his 5th focus event?
the reason i talk about rui specifically is because i've seen a good amount of people speculate that his 5th focus will be angsty as hell so. 🤷‍♀️🧍‍♀️
your predictions can be anything from the story to the cards to the song--go wild with it!!!!! personally i've seen people say that emu6 may be about her doing business stuff and finding places for wxs to perform shows at, then at the end she finds that arcland would be a good place for them to do so. if you've read rui3, then you know how this would set up an absolute BOMB of an event. extra damage if they somehow manage to bring in sakaki (aka the freaky mysterious guy from rui4/backlight lens flare) since he was kinda ominous
for the other factors, i really want this event to be a hakolim because wxs has not gotten a SINGLE limited event since. emu1. which was FOUR YEARS AGO. i'm not sure about the card theme but i feel like it'll be some evil gothic sad angsty stuff. bonus if rui is really sad in his trained card like he was in his curtain call card but WORSE. the song is a fun one. i think rui hasn't gotten a 3dmv in a while so we'll go with that. i think my producer predictions are less predictions and more wants but let's go. i kinda feel like guchiry or nulut would be nice. hiiragi kirai also came to me a few times. i would say slave.v-v-r but i really want him to do toya so. yeah. (accomplished echo try not to make everything about toya aoyagi challenge)
what do you guys think? i'd like to hear other people's ideas :)
submitted by Accomplished_Echo713 to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Acrobatic-Stress-75 I need to be cucked so I know that me little cock don’t have any right to please a girl

Little cuck needs to feel what I really is. Please let me know just how my gf should have huge cocks
submitted by Acrobatic-Stress-75 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 corpixis Yoox Sale Code

Go to this page for Yoox Sale Code. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by corpixis to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 dafteuan Can’t get enough of this guy

Can’t get enough of this guy After my last Spider-Man was a disappointment (“superior” spidey) I was hoping this guy would kill my disappointment and man he sure did. He doesn’t have drop down hips or pretty much anything that people dislike about marvel legends.
submitted by dafteuan to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 dallatorretdu Why it has to be 100% accurate to enjoy the experience?

Why it has to be 100% accurate to enjoy the experience? We should not go down the “100%” accurate path or we will end up in the same F-16 INS rabbit hole. Having the AFCS simulation bugs not ironed out because the developer was busy working on the INS and GPS drift characteristics seemed like a waste of resources to me. And now we are demanding the same for the F-35 that we don’t even know when it’s gonna be available. How can we even judge that thing to be accurate enough? And how are we settling for a simulator that doesn’t make us feel the G-Force?
I am a strong advocate that corners have to be cut in order to have an enjoyable experience and there are details that don’t matter, especially for that jet that will just be cruising and lobbing amraams and jdams.
See the Community A-4 Skyhawk: there is no INS gyro spool-up. the high-AOA characteristics are a bit different than the real plane and the autopilot is not accurate, yet it’s one of the most enjoyable module out there
submitted by dallatorretdu to hoggit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 abjinternational Twitter reactions: Sajid Khan shines as Pakistan demolishes West Indies by 127 runs in the 1st Test

Twitter reactions: Sajid Khan shines as Pakistan demolishes West Indies by 127 runs in the 1st Test submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Chun--Chun2 R2: How can I get to that platform? No glider seems to fly high enough, i arrive just below the edge

R2: How can I get to that platform? No glider seems to fly high enough, i arrive just below the edge submitted by Chun--Chun2 to remnantgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 No_Hope_Here_ Fix stretched out cotton under clothes

I have recently purchased 100% cotton undershirt tank tops and underwear and they are already stretched out at the legs for the underwear and the waist fir the tank top, how do I shrink them back to the original size and how can I keep this from happening again?
submitted by No_Hope_Here_ to Frugal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Lanky_Bid6949 Looking for this MC novel

Looking for this MC novel submitted by Lanky_Bid6949 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Former-Transition947 It's true

It's true https://preview.redd.it/6ikisuwnoxde1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a3bae123c13f6fc4a43877915102ef00e198030
submitted by Former-Transition947 to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Dismal_Animal9074 Another Portal Witch 5k

Another Portal Witch 5k submitted by Dismal_Animal9074 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 ceesaart Modern Scientific Controversies: The War on Food: Part 3 — UPFs: What Are They Measuring?

Modern Scientific Controversies: The War on Food: Part 3 — UPFs: What Are They Measuring? submitted by ceesaart to russiawarinukraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 One_Needleworker5218 TikTok is still usable in the US.

I recently found a easy way to “bypass” your way into watching TikTok’s legally.
Download a VPN, I downloaded one from the App Store called VPN, make sure it’s outside of the US of course.
Then, go to safari or chrome whatever browser you’d like, and type in TikTok, then press “aA” then request desktop website, remember to only browse guest because apparently if you created an account in the USA it’s a automatic ban and you can’t access it. If you want to create a account then please select another country to do so.
Please upvote this so everyone can have the chance to browse TikTok freely.
submitted by One_Needleworker5218 to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 BasedChadEdgelord Romans vs Goths

Romans vs Goths submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ChadsAndEdgelords [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Mysterious_Sort9999 My New Solo Album

My New Solo Album Hello,my name is Ue and I am a 16 years old solo guitarist/multi instrumentalist and I recently dropped an album that I played every instrument on it and did the Mix mastering. It would be cool if you’d check it out even if you like or don’t like metal. And I think you’ll love this album if you like bands like Children of Bodom/Dark Tranquility/Avenged Sevenfold etc. I’m waiting for your reviews. Thanks!
submitted by Mysterious_Sort9999 to MusicPromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 theviewhalfwaydown_ What’s a quality in your partner that you deeply admire?

submitted by theviewhalfwaydown_ to AskMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 mattisxd 4/3 ZOMG cards?

4/3 ZOMG cards? Hey guys, New to this subreddit, and I am not sure if this is common. Today I opened the 400 monkey money gambling pack, and I got my fourth ZOMG card. Is this an exception in some undocumented way or is this a bug? All other cards were duplicates and were compensated regularly.
submitted by mattisxd to bloonscardstorm [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 wasteij Fuck

Fuck submitted by wasteij to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 seto-19 Alguien quiere unirse?

submitted by seto-19 to Miraculosparahablar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:12 Gamercat201 A literal Spicy Monke meme

A literal Spicy Monke meme submitted by Gamercat201 to ape [link] [comments]
