+3GB mit dem Code RAFC15

2025.01.19 12:20 Raffc6666 +3GB mit dem Code RAFC15

+3GB mit dem Code RAFC15 submitted by Raffc6666 to fraenkfriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 B1WITHYURI1558 Turn your favorite character from fiction into a Quincy. (Template by Haoroku)

submitted by B1WITHYURI1558 to bleach [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Own_Firefighter_1844 How do you solve these kinds of questions?

How do you solve these kinds of questions? They pop up in like every mock and I don't know how to do them. Can someone give me the strategy they use?
submitted by Own_Firefighter_1844 to HPAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 2K-Roat Please help identify Location Yangon, Myanmar.

Please help identify Location Yangon, Myanmar. submitted by 2K-Roat to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Key_Relief_8000 Which piggy is ready to serve?

submitted by Key_Relief_8000 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 lss_web_1444 Image post title 80

Image post title 80 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 adulthoodisnotforme تمرين العربية الفصحى

اليوم سوف اعمل بعض تمارين من كتاب مدرسي العربية الفصحى. توجد في الفصل الجاري نصوص عن البتراء وجامع ابن طولون ومسجد الحسن الثاني ومتحف الفن الإسلامي. كتمارين لازم جاوب اسيلة عن النصوص, هنا سجاوب الاسيلة بنصوص قصيرة.
البتراء تبعد حوالي 200 كيلومترا عن العصمة عمان. العرب الانباط بنواها في سنة 400 قبل الميلاد. صارت مدينة مهمة بسبب موقعها على طريق القوافل التجارية بين جنوب الجزيرة العربية و البحر الابيض المتوسط. في سنة 2007 اصبحت واحدة من عجائب الدنيا السبع الجديدة.
بنى أحمد بن طولون الجامع ابن طولون في مصر. يشتهر بصحنه الواسع ومئذنته. بُني في عصر المماليك سنة م 876/ هـ 263. في العصر الأيوبي صار جامعة يدرس فيها الفقة والحديث والطب.
submitted by adulthoodisnotforme to ArabicStreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 wifiwithdrawn how i used to be a bad roommate

i want to share a few instances where i was a bad roommate.
i used to leave candles lit (like jumbo yankee candles) for WEEKENDS by accident when i would visit w family. i would come home and see i forgot to put them out, and blowthem out, the jars were always way too hot to touch.
i also used to have a “candle garden” with bottles and candle sticks and on two occasions they started a fire (once my friend was sleeping in my room while i was at work and he woke up to a blaze and put it out with beer and the other time a cieling fan was on full blast and really fanned the flames to where the entire apartment was full of noxious smoke)
it was very liberating to share and i hope i am not too harshly judged
submitted by wifiwithdrawn to badroommates [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Voxjockey I fixed my previous tierlist

I fixed my previous tierlist submitted by Voxjockey to OkBuddyZenlessZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Wolfi303 Need Help with Mikro Internet disconects

At First sry for my more than shitty english pls. Now i have a Gigabyte b450m gaming ,AMD ryzen 5-2600,16 Gig RAM ,1 TB SSD and since the beginning i have These Mikro disconects from my Internet Its Not in the Router IT must be in the PC where the prob Starts i disabled all Green Eco Option in the Network Adapter Changes dns Changes cables but still in lose the Connection for agout 3 sek Lobby disconects Internet Back Its so annoying anybody have any idea that i can try
submitted by Wolfi303 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Var_Iran با ترور محمد مقيسه ، على رازينى ، اعتراض به نظام شکلی متفاوت به خود گرفت. پایان این نظام آغاز شد و با بدترین شکل ممکن است . ‎#ترور ‎#ایران

با ترور محمد مقيسه ، على رازينى ، اعتراض به نظام شکلی متفاوت به خود گرفت. پایان این نظام آغاز شد و با بدترین شکل ممکن است . ‎#ترور ‎#ایران submitted by Var_Iran to IranianLGBT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 kamallday Literally why does Madonna sing like she has a cold at the start of God Control?

The song is pretty much the only song of hers post-CoaDF that I regularly listen to, and this is something that's bugged me for 2 years now (since I've started listening to her). I'd like the song so much more if she sang in a normal tone instead of this weird nasal one. Is there a reason for it?
submitted by kamallday to Madonna [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 HappyMetalViking i found that way too funny

submitted by HappyMetalViking to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 ConsciousFortune4458 Crash

Crash Salut j'ai built mon pc et quand j'ai installe windows j'ai eu ça sur mon écran quand j'arrive sur le bureau. Auriez vous des idées ?
7800xt 7600X 32 go ddr5
submitted by ConsciousFortune4458 to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 SunJin0001 Valuable Lesson

With the recent news of Tik Tok ban in the States.
Newer Trainers asking about social media.
This is why you need to have website and email list.
You're basically borrowing land when you rely too much on social media.You never know what type of government regulation will come out.
This is why it's important to have website because you own the land,no need to worry one day if the platform is shut down,you can rely on source where you own it.
submitted by SunJin0001 to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 sinhuh Maa ganga ghat bagbazar. which ghat you preferred Ahiritola or bagbazar?

Maa ganga ghat bagbazar. which ghat you preferred Ahiritola or bagbazar? i visit Ahiritola ghat more less crowded nd less couples good evening with friends with some litti chokha but but whenever when ever hanging out with some ladies , and they like Bagbazar.Ghat more
submitted by sinhuh to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 eidexe84 Kostenlose SMS verschicken, irgendwelche Tipps?

Hallo, meine Frau hat einen neuen Handyvertrag, wir haben beim Abschluss leider auf eine Kleinigkeit nicht geachtet. Er beinhaltet keine kostenlosen SMS (Freenet 8GB D1Netz für 4,99€). Jetzt muss meine Frau leider doch paar mal Monat eine SMS schreiben da der Kontakt im Kindergarten keine Messenger akzeptiert sondern nur Anruf oder SMS, aber grade morgens ist Anruf schwer wenn dauerbesetzt.
Gibt es noch seriöse Anbieter wo man kostenlose SMS aus dem Internet oder von einer APP aus verschicken kann? Der Kindergarten sollte im Anschluss nicht mit Spam bombardiert werden.
Welche Anbieter könnt ihr empfehlen?
Vielen Dank
submitted by eidexe84 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Jbvox Whaddya wearin’ today?

submitted by Jbvox to Jordans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Hungry-Chair7699 Help

Went back and reread all of my applications last night. Why do they genuinely suck. IM FREAKING OUT SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING COMFORTING I BEG U😭😭😭😭
submitted by Hungry-Chair7699 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Accomplished_Ask4841 Advice / info

I’m in year 12 and i am looking at my options. Also, u could skip to my questions if u can’t be bothered to read all my context stuff.
(Just for context i do completely understand how student finance works so when i refer to debt in the rest of this i do know this is dependent on ur salary and all the rest of it)
For some more context, I’m Dojng politics (A), Economics (B), Core maths(B) and geography (They gave grade differently to everyone else, so i got a D but that’s not acc my predicted, tbh i don’t understand it but i’m getting like 17/20 on my first essay soo)
So anyway, i was really really set on doing some sort of degree apprenticeship in a sort of business kinda area, was looking at like a manager apprenticeship a bit ago. But i have now looked at unis and looked at doing a politics / geog degree and was looking at some sort of political advisory work, political research or analysis, which u have to do at uni.
So my questions are firstly
How does a masters, bachelors and phd work, i really don’t understand any of it.
Did those of you doing a degree at uni compared to apprenticeship feel behind ur peers doing an apprenticeship?
Thirdly (this is more aimed at apprentices)
I would do a degree apprenticeship , but i’d kinda get fomo and i feel it would be a very isolating experience where i’d have a lot of work, not much free time and not much of a social life.
Thanks, any advice would be gratefully needed
submitted by Accomplished_Ask4841 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Alternative_Wave_542 People who always got good scores in tests, what’s your secret?

submitted by Alternative_Wave_542 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 carddata Hmm............

Hmm............ submitted by carddata to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Harambe007_ Blueberry Pancakes(Preferred)

Blueberry Pancakes(Preferred) Picked this up from lit for my first purchase two weeks ago and now its gone I wish i bought more! This strain trips me out because it smells like a sweet blueberry pancake batter with a slight diesel hint on the end and tastes sweet/gassy. Gives me a good stone very relaxing body high and makes me sleepy after a couple sessions. Also absolutely love the bag appeal looks super dank deep dark purple completely covered in forests of orange hairs. Easily shot straight up to the top of my favorites list. I have to personally give this one a 9.3/10.
submitted by Harambe007_ to LitFarms [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 Arch_Ford Shadow Ho-Oh 10 Locals in Kuwait 085360236160 ClaytonBigbsy4

Shadow Ho-Oh 10 Locals in Kuwait 085360236160 ClaytonBigbsy4 submitted by Arch_Ford to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:20 raniaserine A good movie with sexual tension?

I realised what im missing from most romantic movies. Its the sexual tension, the build up. Im not interested in sex scenes, and do not mind them either. But i like the movies that make you feel something. Well portrayed jealousy is also a thing.
I do like the enemy to lovers trope, but i struggle to find movies i havent seen within that category. Any help here?
submitted by raniaserine to romancemovies [link] [comments]
