Job re-designation but pay remains the same

2025.01.19 12:53 yoyochanel Job re-designation but pay remains the same

Is it normal not to get any pay increase/salary adjustment? I was re-designated to a job grade higher. According to HR, it’s a change in job track so my pay remains the same.
What’s the reason ah? I honestly felt so cheated but there’s nothing I can do about it except to wait for the yearly increment. Does emailing the higher ops work?
FYI, public healthcare sector
submitted by yoyochanel to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 come-up-and-get-me Today's homily, from a Catholic church (19/1/25) – The wedding feast in Cana as the unity of the Church, from Jesus through Mary

I'll be sharing summaries of the homilies I hear at church... I sometimes visit Catholic and Protestant churches as well, so I'll post homilies from these also. I find it interesting to see what is actually taught in churches, rather than what is claimed online.
Today's readings:
Isaiah 62:1-5

For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, all and her salvation as a lamp that burns. The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory. You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
John 2:1-11
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.
With this Sunday, we are entering the ordinary time of the liturgical year. This year, it begins with the scene of the wedding in Cana. It is the third Epiphany that inaugurates the Lord's ministry; the first was to the magi, the second was in the Jordan river, and now it is to the disciples of Jesus. Once again, the glory of the One sent by God is revealed.
We find that it is the guests to the feast who find the solution to the lack of wine. Normally it would be the responsibility of the master of the feast to solve it, yet here, the solution comes from a guest, an outsider, and the people of Cana are given a simple yet profound joy by Jesus: thanks to Him the wedding feast is not spoiled, because there is enough wine for all.
We must go beyond appearances, beyond the mere fact of water being turned to wine. It is the beginning of the signs of Jesus by which He manifested His glory, and His disciples began to believe: as St. John says elsewhere in his Gospel, these signs were given to give birth to, and to grow, faith. In this first sign of Jesus, we notice it is Mary who causes it to be done. It is Mary who, like a watchful chief housekeeper, finds the solution to the issue at hand. She provides Jesus to solve it, acting like a caring mother to the other guests, as if she were the one responsible for the feast.
We have all received a particular spiritual gift from God. We, individually, do not have them all, but when we come together and unite them, everything becomes possible, on one condition: that we acknowledge God as the One who makes unity out of this diversity of gifts. We have all received a parcel of the mission to fructify the talents we were given.
Beyond the miracle of turning water into wine, God shows His care for human concerns: He likes us to feast, to be happy, to have our life illuminated by Him. The greatest sign is not that water became wine but that God joined Himself to us. Many perceive Jesus as a stern and boring person, but this wedding feast in Cana shows us that the opposite is true: Jesus likes feasting, He is one of us and shares in the joys and sorrows of human existence. In Cana, Jesus participates in the happiness of men and becomes one of the guests at the feast while secretly making sure the feast goes right.
For the guests to live together in harmony and respecting one another's differences: that is what the realization of the Kingdom of God is about. Let us develop from today's epistle reading: St. Paul is faced with the disputes and strifes dividing the parish of Corinth. But the Church, animated by the Holy Spirit, is called to realize a new and unified mankind where we all act for the sake of the good of all. This is the life of the evangelical message: there are many gifts, functions, activities, responsibilities, all varied within the Church, yet all come from the same Spirit and exist for the good of all. In the Church we encounter many different perspectives, yet they should all exist for the sake of the service of the same family of God.
This leads us to question ourselves on two points. First, are we sufficiently conscious of the fact we are the one community of and in Christ, with everything that implies? And second, do we use our gifts for the sake of the good of all, through the Spirit who lives in the heart of every baptized person? Only by living like this can we be the light and salt of the world, at the service of God.
The unity of gifts makes the wedding feast in Cana present again, which is unity in truth and Spirit. When Jesus was invited, He gifted the people of the feast about 600 liters or 160 gallons of wine! Let us therefore gladly invite Jesus and Mary into our house. Jesus was initially not a guest; only Mary was invited, but it would have been awkward to invite her without her son and her son's friends. It was an act of risky generosity, yet it brought along its reward. So, if we want to invite Jesus, let us first invite Mary, for she is the one who noticed there was no wine left, and by doing so began her Son's difficult and painful ministry. Let us invite her into our heart, and ask her to give us what is lacking to us. Then she will give us her Son and tell us to do whatever He asks.
Let the Eucharist today be the occasion for us to invite Christ and His Mother to enter our life more often; and, when they come, a miracle happens: it is we who become their guests. In Cana, Jesus began to work His miracles and opened the hearts of His disciples because of Mary, the first Christian. Let us invite her and, through her, Him. Let us pray: “Lord, open our hearts to the intelligence of faith, that we may let You make room for Yourself in our life.” God loves you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by come-up-and-get-me to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 shipofthissus How do you deal with one person not being able to handle the distance? (24F, 25M)

Basically what the title says. He says he can't handle the distance anymore. Logically I know it doesn't work unless both people are wholeheartedly invested in making it work, but I'm clinging on desperately to a sliver of hope. Is there anything I can do to make it easier for him? The problem is lack of physical affection, which is obviously hard to substitute. I don't know what to do, I really love him but don't want him to be miserable
submitted by shipofthissus to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 davidbmattingly 2 painting by New Jersey artist David Mattingly

2 painting by New Jersey artist David Mattingly I have two more paintings on sale on Heritage, this time one for a book by Martin Caiden and the other from Douglas Hill’s “Exiles of Colsec” series.
Once again I have some stories that go along with the paintings.
The first is from Martin Caiden’s “Beam Riders”. It was a big deal for Baen Books to get Caiden away from this previous publisher, Bantam Books, and it was done with the understanding that Caiden’s books would receive no editorial interference. However, when Jim Baen got Caiden’s manuscript in, he balked at some of the extreme sex and violence that Bantam had objected to. He had made the deal with Caiden to not edit his manuscripts, so, with Caiden’s permission, he put the particularly objectionable stuff in a special type so readers who might be offended could skip over it. So, of course I, and I suspect a lot of readers, went right to the “special” sections, read them, then went and read the rest of the book.
Since I was illustrating Caiden’s books for Baen Books (I ultimately did 4 of them), I met and had dinner with him a few times. I found him to be a big, gruff, cigar-chomping guy, but also warm, amiable and very talkative. I immediately loved him. However, his view of woman was, to put it bluntly, not super liberated. My mom, Phyllis Mattingly, was a liberated woman before there was that term. She had her own business, and started a community theater in my hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado. I was raised by a strong, liberated woman. Martin thought he had a liberal view of the female sex, but his female characters tended to be the kind who were drop dead gorgeous, had three PHD’s, were virgins (of course), and just waiting for the hero of his books to unleash the sexual tigress inside. My mom would have taken issue with his female characters, to say the least. But I loved his books since they were chock-full of illustratable scenes. For some books I have to really dig to find a scene that will sell the book, but with Martin I had a hard time figuring out which scene to paint.
The other cover is for Douglas Hill’s “Exiles of Colsec” series. This was for the third and last book in the series, “Colsec Rebellion”. The art director on this book was Jamie Warren Youll, then Jamie Warren. I was super happy when I got the assignment since it was a chance to work for Bantam, whose budgets were higher than most other publishers. Jamie is also a fantastic designer. There is nothing worse than turning in what you think is a pretty good cover, only to have it spoiled by a bad design. Jamie was one of the two or three designers I could always count on to make me look good. One mistake that self published authors make is not hiring a professional designer to design their book. A good designer can be expensive, and a lot of authors figure they can save that fee and have their nephew design their book, or do it themselves. The result is uniformly execrable, and one only need to look on Amazon for self publishing to see examples or terrible, unprofessional looking books. Here are two great designers that work freelance:
Jamie married Stephen Youll, a fellow cover artist and one of my best friends. Steve has a twin bother, Paul, and they worked together early in their careers. When Steve married Jamie and moved to the states, it broke up the band so to speak, and they pursued separate careers. Both turned out to be terrific artists independently.
Jamie and Steve used to live near us in New Jersey, and my wife and I spent many happy summer days lounging around their pool. They moved to Florida to get away from New Jersey’s horrifying property taxes and to be nearer Jamie’s family. I still miss them…
submitted by davidbmattingly to newjersey [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Freeman_gaming_fc My first Gleba bot base with my own blueprint design

My first Gleba bot base with my own blueprint design submitted by Freeman_gaming_fc to factorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 yes_here How many keys you can customize in MK270 keyboard ?

may I know, how many and which keys exactly I would be able to change its functions?
submitted by yes_here to logitech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 AvaMonroe2 And then they kissed and I got out of iron in ranked and the world was better place.

And then they kissed and I got out of iron in ranked and the world was better place. submitted by AvaMonroe2 to Arcanememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Chikibrikiboi Honestly, I'll prob die as a virgin.

submitted by Chikibrikiboi to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 daspectacularspidey [The Last of Us Part I] First platinum of 2025 and #11 overall.

Been dying to play The Last of Us ever since it came out on PS3. Loved the story. No wonder why everyone speaks highly of this game. The platinum is pretty easy. I recommend having multiple save drafts so it’s easier to go back to certain points in the chapters. Now that i’ve played the game, I can finally watch the series lol.
submitted by daspectacularspidey to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Captain_titch Stitching sole query

Stitching sole query I recently bought a pair of Dallas Roper boots from shoe Bank at a great discount and I am very happy with them. My only concern is on one boot, stitching in one small section is quite close to the edge of the sole, see picture attached. Does this look okay or is it something you would be very concerned about? Also would it affect getting a resole done in the future? Thanks
submitted by Captain_titch to allenedmonds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Kaizen5793 Plant's Harmonica Playing

Wondering what everyone thinks of Robert as a harmonica player? He gets raves for his singing (obviously justified) but I feel he is a very underrated harmonica player. It added a lot to the songs it was on, especially When the Levee Breaks for me.
Anyone have any opinions on where they rate Robert as a Harmonica player?
submitted by Kaizen5793 to ledzeppelin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 femboy-El Enjoy your weekend 🩷🐾

Enjoy your weekend 🩷🐾 submitted by femboy-El to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 prettyfflackojoyde Finland trip

Can someone help me plan an itinerary to visit Finland? I’ll probably land in Helsinki on August 11 and return to my country from Helsinki on August 26. I was thinking about this itinerary: Helsinki - Lappeenranta - Savonlinna - Kuopio - Oulu - Kokkola - Vaasa - Tampere - Turku - Helsinki. Does this seem like a good trip, or is it too difficult to do? Thank you, and sorry for my bad English.
submitted by prettyfflackojoyde to Finland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 saltys0uls i cant bring myself to like ff7 remake

its my first entry to the final fantasy series, and i cant like it. its just so boring to me and very slow. so how do i start the ff series? drop your recommendations pls
submitted by saltys0uls to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 ReceptionAway7435 lol

lol submitted by ReceptionAway7435 to Infintecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 pat_laFleur exposed to a lot of car-brain today, so I processed my feelings

submitted by pat_laFleur to lowcar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 ZaBlancJake (KAFU) collaboration with Synthesizer V AI / The Right Stuff ver launching has been cancelled

(KAFU) collaboration with Synthesizer V AI / The Right Stuff ver launching has been cancelled submitted by ZaBlancJake to Kamitsubaki [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Apprehensive_Iron156 Rs11 and sunset sherbet

Rs11 and sunset sherbet submitted by Apprehensive_Iron156 to LondonCaviarRefugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Disastrous_Walk6313 Help me find the right Bulldozer Boots size for me

Hi dear Balenciaga enthusiasts, I am planning on buying the Bulldozer boots with laces. My normal Balenciaga shoe size for runners or x-panders is 42. I have never worn a Balenciaga boot tho. So my question is what size should I get?
submitted by Disastrous_Walk6313 to Balenciaga [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Livid_Rise_8965 What's the next dlc torpor is working on?

submitted by Livid_Rise_8965 to suzerain [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Salt-Wrongdoer-3261 Cars parked outside Gothenburg’s oldest building, built 1642-1654 [OC]

Cars parked outside Gothenburg’s oldest building, built 1642-1654 [OC] submitted by Salt-Wrongdoer-3261 to CityPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 lucidfetus NIB Scraps Stitched n Sewn

NIB Scraps Stitched n Sewn I have a new in-box Scraps on my depop for $65 + shipping, this is likely the best price you'll find her in-box, there are pricier listings for her out-of-box. Snag her at this price before someone else does! My depop username is zerobeatsperminute
submitted by lucidfetus to LalaloopsyDolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 spamandpeanutbutt Mt. Pulag - Questions I had that have not been answered by searching the sub or at least not in full

Context: During the planning stage of my Pulag climb, I searched the sub regarding some questions (gear, orgs, what to expect, etc) and there were some follow up questions that I couldn't find answers to. Dahil hindi naman sila make or break it questions, I decided that the best teacher is experience and so I just waited for the day and hoped for the best. Below are the questions and answers I found out for myself that may be on your mind as well. Hopefully, I help the mods need less time replying "Search the sub" or "this has already been answered here xxx" sa mga first-time Pulag-related inquiries.
Ano yung other alternative sa Uniqlo heattech na effective parin sa lamig? - Having worked for Decathlon before, I was surprised to know na meron pala kaming inooffer na base layers that are HALF the price of uniqlo heattech; 390 each for top and bottom layers vs 790 each ng uniqlo. I tolerate cold temps pretty well I would say. 10°C yung limit ko where a shirt and a jacket plus no inner layer sa bottoms (underwear + pajama lang) was uncomfortable enough to not get sleep, pero during the camp sa Pulag, it reached below 9°C. I had a drifit shirt + decathlon base layer + fleece jacket and for bottom naman it was just drifit underwear (decathlon kalenji running boxer briefs) + base layer leggings + my hiking/trekking pants (gifted lang sakin di ko alam brand at the top of my head). It was like a normal chilly manila midnight sleeping temp.
Pwede kayang i-thrift ko nalang yung clothes ko for the climb? - Jackets are a no brainer; madami niyan sa ukay. As long as you make sure that no material in the jacket is COTTON, then you are golden (cotton plus wet weather sa pulag equals sopping wet jacket; sopping wet layer equals colder core temp which means 💀, possibly). Polyester or nylon usually nakikita ko materials ng jackets that are light and protects from the wind. Emphasis on the windbreaking part. As for the layers, most long sleeves you find in ukays are cotton. Same as above, if you can halukay properly and check materials, you're golden (look for 100% polyester para moisture wicking). Fyi, pwedeng 100% polyester material pero the tela itself LOOKS like cotton. I mean nagulat ako kasi yung Deca base layer pag tinignan mo, parang normal na long sleeve lang, pero pag hinawakan mo at tinignan mo tag, polyester pala material. So TLDR, look at the tags, mahirap iguesstimate ang material by look and feel (unless you are in the fashion/clothes industry I guess). Tip, use the google translate app for korean, japanese, or chinese tags on clothes. Oh, bonus tip, if hindi ko afford mag dala ng jacket otw to baguio (possible pickup point to pulag and home of many ukays) kasi mabigat sa bag or limited space etc., there are actually jackets for sale sa stores around the jump off point sa Pulag mismo. Nag bebenta locals ng jackets dun, some as low as 150 PHP (bawal sa maarte, emphasis on bili then suot no frills)
Pano yun? Isusuot ko na ba agad yung hiking clothes ko sa Day 1? Gano kadami bang damit dadalhin ko? Makakaligo ba ako? (All kinda related questions) - My hike was January 16 to 17. Since pickup ko ay Baguio, my Pulag trip started at 5am ng January 16 - if from Manila ka (MOA, Cubao, Greenfield, etc. ang pickup) then your Pulag trip starts at Day 0, in this example, January 15. - Kapag pickup sayo at from Manila ka, wear what is comfortable to you FOR THE TRIP. From manila to baguio is a long drive and yun ang una mo dapat prio, comfortable sa trip. Pagdating mo ng baguio (usually stopover or pickups like ako nun) pwede ka na magpalit ng longer bottoms or mag dagdag ng layers ng top depende gaano ka kalamigin. By this logic, the closer you are to the hike/jump off point, the less you need to care about the travel up to the jump off; meaning mas reasonable na naka hiking pants, shoes, etc ka na. Shempre same principle applies parin if lamigin ka more layers, if hindi your first/base layer would suffice. - Kapag ang pinili mo is homestay, matic makakaligo ka pa before the hike up to Mt. Pulag. It will go like this; pickup ng van > daan sa med cert plus breakfast > arrive at jump off point/ranger station registration office/lugar kung san kayo mag homestay > tambay/kain/tulog hanggang gisingin kayo ng e.g. 12am para kumain ng light breakfast then begin hike up to Camp 2 ng 1am (example lang yan, actual may vary depende sa org). Diyan sa crude breakdown, makikita niyo na agad na pwede ka pa maligo, mag fashowm, mag makeup, etc bago ang mismong hike. - Kapag camping ang pinili mo, hindi ka dapat maselan. It will go like this; pickup sa pickup point > daan medcert plus almusal > arrove at jump off point > intayin mag settle in ang homestay people tapos ikaw sitting pretty ka muna sa van then after some time, short orientation na kayo (sino mga mag cacamping, sino mag poporter, sino need mag rent ng tents etc.). Walang opportunity mag ayos bukod sa konting freshen up siguro, punas ng tuyong laway, toothbrush ganon, kasi pag ginather na kayo for orientation, sunod nun ay hakot bags and lezzgo na.
Total beginner ako, kaya ko ba ang Pulag? Total beginner ako, dapat ba ako mag camp or mag homestay? Paano pag wala pa akong gear kasi beginner palang ako pero gusto ko Pulag na agad? - Umakyat ako ng Pulag na walang ibang bundok na naaakyat at walang camping experience na baon. Jan 16 to 17 ang hike, nag pa-add ako sa GC as a joiner Aug/sept palang ata. Between Aug to Dec, nag bbike ako once or twice a week tapos lift ng weights thrice a week (pinag palit ko around nov). Pero nung december wala na yun lahat. Dec 25 to January 1 ay walang exercise or healthy living na naganap, puro lamon lang. The week prior to the hike lang ako ulit naging somewhat active, nag wawalking ako for 45 mins a day. Yun ng baon kong "activeness" sa Pulag, pero I think may isa pa dapat - "mentality". Sabe nung isa naming guide, si Ate Lani, madali nga daw ang Ambangeg in terms of yung trail, pero bukod sa preparedness sa gear, dapat may baon ka ding tamang mentality. Mental fortitude. Hindi ko maidedescribe paano yung nakukuha or kung ano yun per se, pero in my case, yung mental fortitude na nabubuild up when you are in situations na nachachallenge yung will mo, yung determination mo, at naoovercome mo yung instinct to give up or to abandon the goal, yun yon. Ako nakuha ko yun sa pag bbike ng 100/200km at a time (i.e. Audax 200 or Sierra Madre loop or Laguna loop). - Kung adventurous ka at you wouldn't mind peeing in an unmaintained (or poorly maintained) shed with the toilet on the ground and mud everywhere, go camp. If you are blessed with good or great weather, it will be one hell of a memory. Literal na the stars are shining down on you best case scenario, worst case scenario, you experience shit weather and are pushed to become closer with your campmates and become a little less than strangers. If the thought of shitting in a squat position over a hole, or wiping your pits with antibac wipes instead of a bath disgusts you, consider homestay. But be warned may pros and cons yan (see below). - Ang gear ay pamatong sa katawan mo. Ang unahing isipin talaga dapat is ready ba yung gagalaw, yung katawan mo. Pag oks na yun (or committed enough ka na to consistently be training in a way), tsaka mo isipin gear. There is cheap gear threads on here with plenty of feedback from people. I just added to one question recently regarding Camel shoes for hiking. Also, to add to the above tidbit on locals selling jackets near the ranger station, there are also gloves, bonnets, jackets, emergency blankets sa DENR office (kung san kayo mag orientation) tapos meron ding ibang products yung locals saay ramger station (tulad ng rent ng tent, walking stick, ground sheet, benta ng socks, butane, headlamp, bonamine, etc.). Kahit dun mo na bilin lahat, kahit brip at panty lang dala mo rak na.
Ano yung step-by-step ng mangyayare? - Aside sa breakdown ko dun sa above (regarding pickup > medcert etc), the following (or something of the sort) ang mangyayare; if homestay ka, let's say you get to the homestay at 11am or 12noon, after lunch makakapag unpack ka ng dinala mo for the hike. Ayos outfit, double check ng battery ng headlamp/cellphone/camera, etc. Then, you get dinner (usually kasama sa org package) then socials if u wanna be chummy chummy (or chismis etc) then light out let's say 10pm (at best let's say 9pm). Gigising ka ng 12am for light breakfast (u make tusok some hotdogs or maybe make bread with some eggs) then hike up to camp 2 (usually rest yun before going up to the summit). At best 3hours of sleep, worst, 2. Depende pa yun kung makatulog ka agad ng 9/10PM. To quote from our trip (nakalimutan ko sino nagsabe sorry), "sila combo sila, puyat pagod gutom pag akyat. Kayong mga camp, kumpleto tulog. - Pag camp ka kasi, pag akyat mo sa camp 2, ideally sunset na yan. So by the time your tents are set up, nakapag ikot ka na sa camp and nireready na yung dinner niyo by 730 or 8PM. Sa dinner na ang socials/chika chika niyo, edi by 9pm nakapag wipes ka na ng pits and singits, and nakapag lagay ka na ng layers. Kame gising namin nung mga 330AM. By 4am kumakain na kame or yung ib samin, tapos start ng climb to summit ng 4:15. Kumpleto tulog, fresh, busog magsisimula ng hike.
Sana makatulong sa mga people na planning to hike Pulag as their mother mountain. Sana makatulong din sa mods na less people post the same questions haha.
submitted by spamandpeanutbutt to PHikingAndBackpacking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 Kumargtut Bruh

I claimed 2 advance health and dange perk on Friday on the dragoncity web redeem, today j checked They just removed one of the damage perk from my inventory?
submitted by Kumargtut to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:53 69Philosopher69 What is the best way to invest 25k monthly for a beginner?

I am 29 years old living in delhi. After my monthly expenses, I save about 25k per month. How and where to invest them for best returns.
submitted by 69Philosopher69 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]