2025.01.19 16:30 lutrixbeep Storm dice made me forget how it feels to lose
Bought this dice cause it looked cool and fun to play, didn’t realize that it can go to wave 18 and probably beyond (no one ever lasted this long against me) I feel like storm dice is a little strong down here submitted by lutrixbeep to randomdice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 TM87_1e17 You should give TCA a pass.
submitted by TM87_1e17 to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 sinvo Razer Wolverine V2 Chroma Wired Gaming Controller: RGB Lighting, Remappable Buttons & Triggers, Mecha-Tactile Buttons & D-Pad, Trigger Stop-Switches - for $71.17 (53% off)
submitted by sinvo to PCHardwareDeals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Study_Brave HO FATTO UNA CA**ATA, VERO?
Ho sempre pensato che ognuno dovrebbe avere tre auto: una berlina per l’uso quotidiano, un SUV per quando serve più spazio, e un’auto sportiva. Premetto che ho noleggiato diverse sportive per alcuni fine settimana (Huracán, AMG GT, GT3…), ma mi sono reso conto di non essere ancora pronto a guidare macchine del genere. Quando accelero a fondo, mi faccio prendere dall’adrenalina e mi ritrovo facilmente a 170/180 km/h su strade con limiti di 50 km/h, oppure a oltre 250 km/h in autostrada. Questo comportamento è estremamente pericoloso, sia per me che per gli altri, ho rischiato tante volte, mi è andata bene e adesso finché non raggiungo una maturità alla guida maggiore non penso di prenderne una tutta mia.
In più, queste auto attirano davvero troppa attenzione. A 25 anni, credo di non essere ancora mentalmente pronto per gestirle, né voglio correre rischi inutili. Anche economicamente, devo ammettere che, pur essendo benestante, un’auto sportiva da 300.000 euro rappresenterebbe una spesa che non posso affrontare con leggerezza al momento.
Perciò ho escluso la sportiva a prescindere e mi sono concentrato solo su Berlina e SUV. Venivo da una Serie 1 e, per il mio compleanno, esattamente il 18 ottobre, ho fatto un upgrade con una 420d da 190 CV: molto carina devo dire, mi sta regalando molte soddisfazioni. Come SUV, ho un X1i da un po’ di tempo (anche se tecnicamente è più un mini-SUV). A febbraio scade il contratto, quindi già da dicembre ho iniziato a muovermi per fare l’upgrade.
Mi sono fatto convincere dal mio consulente di fiducia BMW (lo stesso dal 2021) a prendere una BMW iX xDrive 40 Sport, con tutti gli optional migliori. È un SUV elettrico da 326 CV e, dopo aver fatto un giro di prova, sono rimasto colpito: è comodo, spazioso e con ottime sensazioni di guida.
Tutto entusiasta, ne parlo con un mio amico super appassionato di motori, ma lui mi smonta completamente: mi dice che la iX è un pachiderma brutto esteticamente e che, con lo stesso budget, avrei potuto scegliere un SUV nettamente migliore.
Secondo voi ? Fatemi capire meglio, discutiamone.
submitted by Study_Brave to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 frostytrance [Uplifting/Cinematic/Emotional] Doppenberg - Twice as Far (Extended Remix)
One of my absolute favorite songs. From the bassline to the epic/emotional stuff. 10/10. Hope Doppenberg in general will gain more popularity over the next years.
submitted by frostytrance to trance [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 alfkir_mtb More pictures of the crack
I posted a picture earlier of a bike with a crack in but wasn’t very clear so got some more pictures but still doesn’t really look like there’s a crack
submitted by alfkir_mtb to mountainbiking [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 Finn_Bird Whats the fastest you’ve seen opinions about a fighter change?
submitted by Finn_Bird to ufc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 ArtOfDivine We force one punt last night.
The offense can’t win the Super Bowl this way
submitted by ArtOfDivine to detroitlions [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 AutoModerator r/IndianTeenagers Late Night Discussion Thread (Share Your Days!!!) [January 19, 2025]
Keep the following points in mind:
2025.01.19 16:30 Electronic-Sand4901 Mordheim by night
I made a start on an undead warband. These are the heroes. Now I just need to find some henchmen models I’m happy with submitted by Electronic-Sand4901 to mordheim [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Zillachow A word from your meme coin president, Donald PLATH
https://preview.redd.it/yxjm20wu8zde1.jpg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795aeba1d98ba933e38a16b2857a218064ca54fb Ladies and Gentlemen, Holders and Future Believers, Let me tell you, let me tell you—nobody knows meme coins better than me, okay? People say, “Donald Plath, how do you always pick the winners?” And I tell them, it’s simple. You pick greatness. And folks, [$PLATH]() is greatness. It’s the best. It’s fantastic. Now, some people—sad people—are chasing all these other coins. Trump coins, copycats, garbage projects. They’re out there losing money while we’re here, winning big. Huge wins. Tremendous wins. I’ve been watching [$PLATH](), and let me tell you, this project is unstoppable. [$PLATH]() is different. It’s not like the other coins, folks. It’s classy, it’s real, and it’s got a community so strong, even the bears are shaking in their boots. They’re saying, “We can’t touch this.” And they’re right. The chart? Beautiful. Gorgeous. Nobody has a chart like [$PLATH](). You’ve seen it: steady, organic, and going up like a rocket. From 300k to 1.3 million market cap in no time, and we’re just getting started. Some coins hit 1M and collapse. Not [$PLATH](). No, no, no. This project is built to last. Strong community. Unshakable. Do you know what I love about [$PLATH]()? It’s not just a coin; it’s a mission. These people are out there adopting platypuses. Platypuses! Thirteen of them so far. Saving the world, wonderful. Folks, when was the last time your fart coin did anything like that? And the NFTs that are coming—wow. Incredible, hand-drawn art. No AI junk, no stock images. Real, beautiful NFTs coming soon. People are already saying, “Donald Plath, these are going to change the game.” And I tell them they’re right. Very smart people. They say when [$PLATH]() hits $10 million, $100 million, and then $1 billion, you’re going to wish you got in now. Very smart people. So here’s what we need to do. Stop wasting time with those copy cat pump and dump coins. They’re losers. You know it, I know it. We're winners. Get into [$PLATH]() now. Be part of the greatest crypto story of all time. Contract Address: 7wMutxpCdP3GbKaoMWoPVf2sFLCeV7a9ox25v1h2QsTp Telegram: @ PlathPortal Together, we’re taking [$PLATH]() to $1 billion market cap. It’s going to be yuge. Don’t miss it. Thank you, God bless you, God bless $PLATH and God bless the Platypuses submitted by Zillachow to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 SnooHesitations3709 Uncharted 4 freezing and crashing
Has anyone had this problem with Uncharted 4 on the Rog Ally. I played for about 6 hours into the game and now whenever I play the game freezes right away. Sometimes I can bring up the task bar to close the game and other times the Rog Ally freezes and I have to hard reset it. I tried everything I could think of including verifying the game files on Steam. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by SnooHesitations3709 to ROGAlly [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 BelowZilch Combo Spirit + Combo Mastery + Diego is pretty OP
submitted by BelowZilch to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Guts_Philosopher Most strategic approach to learn business fundamentals? Could really use your help - thanks!
I want to brush on the business fundamentals because i am interested in going into management consulting, but am not sure on the most strategic approach to do this (I don't just want to take a course on each topic since that'd take forever and I'm sure there would be loads of fluff material with minimal substance).
May not be directly related to strategy, but I'm sure many of you on here are business professionals or executives with careers that are fairly lucrative, so I could use your advice.
Ideally, I do not want to spend more than a week on each topic:
Topics below:
Case Analysis Accounting Marketing Finance Economics Operations Licensing and IP Law Pharma Market Access Entrepreneurship Business Design
Any advice would be fantastic!
submitted by Guts_Philosopher to strategy [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 vesanialearti You wish Vein would pat your head too...
I'm keeping this gif of Vein patting Xia Fei's head in the inventory so I can send it to anyone who needs some motivational push along with the subtle message that "you'll do fine... and if you don't, well, we don't want to see what I can do about that, right?" 😵 HAHAHAHA Give them the head flicks followed by head pats. One of them common carrot and stick and I'm sure I've seen that practiced in the plots of some...uh...em...unique bedtime stories. submitted by vesanialearti to LinkClick [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Physical_Tea_4929 How do I cover mold? Black spots all over ceiling
We rent and we’re actually moving out next month but I need my security deposit back so I’m wondering how we can cover these black spots??? Idk if it is black mold, this is in our bathroom and there isn’t any air flow/vents in here. Will regular paint cover it???
submitted by Physical_Tea_4929 to Mold [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 pnw_its_really_me What are these huge mushrooms. PNW
On my property in SW Washington state.
submitted by pnw_its_really_me to mushroomID [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 greypaint717 How to split dose?
If i want to split dose of 105mg testosterone 3 times a week how should i split it? Can i do Monday 40 mg/ Wednesday 25 mg/ Friday 40mg?
submitted by greypaint717 to trt [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 Background_Note_2110 Can anybody advise me as to re-selling cigarettes?
A chain-smoker relative passed away recently, leaving us with an abundance of cigarettes. Nobody else in the family smokes, and we're not sure how to sell them on, or where we could do so. Does anybody have any advice regarding this matter? We don't want to throw them away, it would be a huge waste of money. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Background_Note_2110 to AskUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 CJSM-935 DRDR Help
Hey so is their anyway to start a new save (level 1 start) but keep my unlockables like the infinite durability book mega buster etc???
submitted by CJSM-935 to deadrising [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 Proper-Anywhere-4816 You've reached sam
Idk wht to say nd where to start. This book made my heart so heavy, I was literally sobbing like a child. At first i thought i wouldn't like it but here I'm talking bout it. I'm still in shock like wtf Dustin Thao wrote!! 🫶🏽 submitted by Proper-Anywhere-4816 to readwithme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Early_Celebration_97 if tiktok open its api and let third parties use it in usa would they still be banned ?
submitted by Early_Celebration_97 to Regulation [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:30 Live_Structure_2357 Weird experience at a church when I was a kid
I used to go to this mega church when I was a kid. This isn't a molestation story, relax. The pastor was cool, he played an electric guitar. I have no issues with this church, my main issue was my dad.
One Sunday he takes us to church like usual. My dad isn't a "Christian" Christian. He's one of those people who doesn't really take his faith seriously, he uses it as an excuse to be a man child because "the lord provides". A few years ago we got kicked out of our old place. We had some money, $3000. Instead of using it to get a new place for us, he gave a bunch of it to this church because "the spirit told him to". Our grocery money, our food money for the day, a few hundred bucks, gone like that.
It cannot be underrepresented how much I loathe this guy.
Anyway, he takes us to church and forces us to partake in whatever the church was doing that day. The day I'm talking about, they happened to be "speaking in tongues". I didn't want to do that because that was 100% buttfuck insane. But my dad forced us because he too was 100% buttfuck insane. He would make me my brother and my sister sing songs otherwise he'd hurt my mom because "a man must castigate his wife, according to the Bible. I mean, I also heard this man tell my mom that he would "rip her arm off and beat her to death with it". Must be on the old testament.
(I ended up joining the Army when I was 18. My favorite part about basic was cadence)
I didn't know how to speak in tongues anyway. Dad told us we'd be "possessed by the Spirit". All I knew was if I just moved my lips rapidly, he wouldn't get angry when we got home. I was like Stewie in that one scene where he didn't know his ABC'S and was faking it.
Since it's Sunday, another church related story. I got baptized at that church, so did my brother and sister. My sister wanted to get baptized because at the time she was going through a religious phase. The church had a concert baptism. Food, music, water, Jesus. I had a good time, despite everything that happened afterwards.
After we got baptized, we went to Wendy's. At the Wendy's drive thru, he started accusing mom of cheating on him "with a n****r". His best friend was a black guy btw. On the way home, he just wouldn't stop screaming. At us, at mom. At the world.
My father is now homeless. Seeing him suffer every day in the cold, starving, getting his shit rocked by store owners for loitering in front of their business, brings a tear in my eye.
That's usually what happens when you laugh too hard. At this point I'm waiting for the cops to Daniel Kelly this guy.
submitted by Live_Structure_2357 to GenZ [link] [comments]
DM me for more information! submitted by L0VELY_VALENTIN0 to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:30 Inner_Outervoice Conid Minimalistica next drop date
Does anyone know the date for the next Conid Minimalistica drop? I have subscribed for the restock notification but it has been crickets since some time.
submitted by Inner_Outervoice to fountainpens [link] [comments]