Frosty done got the snow blasters tf do I do 💀

2025.01.19 15:05 Void_49 Frosty done got the snow blasters tf do I do 💀

Frosty done got the snow blasters tf do I do 💀 submitted by Void_49 to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Chibi-TEDDY Shinobu is saying hi to you..

submitted by Chibi-TEDDY to CultOfShinobu [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 jadax135 Advice on workouts for beginner - post spine surgery.

Ok so to get the important stuff out of the way, I'm a little over a year off from having gotten a laminectomy. I haven't excersied for well over 2 years and am a 5'10 175lb male.
I wanted to ask my original doctor what excersises he recommends I do to build muscle but he's gone to the US and I no longer have contact with him.
I live in a 3rd world country and the very few gyms here are not somewhere I can go with my work schedule. I'm hoping I can find some excersises to do for an hour before I leave for work at 5am and was thinking of what equipment(non expensive) you guys would recommend buying that doesn't put strain on the spine.
I'm really only looking to build arm and chest muscles as I already plan on getting a treadmill sometime soon.
Thanks a lot for any help you guys can provide, I appreciate it.
submitted by jadax135 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 HyperspaceBricks My LEGO Rhen Var MOC (WIP)

First slide is my original MOC that I had to disassemble as it was too big to fit through my door lol (should have planned it better.) since then I have decided to build in small sections and slot them together as seen in the second slide. I plan to build the Jedi temple behind the broken bridge section using the gates I have built on slide 3 . If you have any suggestions I will gladly take improvements.
submitted by HyperspaceBricks to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 BoldANDBrash318 Me as Captain America

Me as Captain America By Kaylainacosplay
submitted by BoldANDBrash318 to Cawwsplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Rafiq_Hasanov imtoke最新薇halchiouvisa代付 n代买需要的加微信

imtoke最新薇halchiouvisa代付 n代买需要的加微信
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Jilliton i want to extrude on all faces of a circle but im having some trouble could i get some help

i want to extrude on all faces of a circle but im having some trouble could i get some help
this is want happens when i extrude
this is what i kinda want but ive used the size tool so its going its increasing in diameter which i don't want
submitted by Jilliton to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Ok-Musician5858 Retuning Pi Filter & Antenna Matching for nRF52 BLE

Hi everyone,
I’m facing issues with my nRF52 BLE design due to a solder mask thickness change and grounding approach. I’d appreciate expert guidance on retuning the Pi filter, recalculating impedance, and resolving grounding concerns.
Issues Faced:

  1. Solder Mask Thickness Change:
    • Ref NRF52 DK design: Solder mask thickness = 0.0175 mm.
    • My design: Solder mask thickness = 0.035mm. See image 1.
    • Impact: Impedance mismatch and high resistance readings (~MΩ) at the decoupling capacitor near the antenna and radio ground pin.
  2. Grounding Concern:
    • Recommended Approach: Radio ground pin should connect to the decoupling capacitor via a trace before connecting to the ground plane. See image 2.
    • Current Design: The radio ground pin connects directly to the ground plane using vias, bypassing the decoupling capacitor.
  3. Impedance Mismatch:
    • Pi filter components (C1=0.8 pF, L=3.9 nH, C2=0.5 pF, C3=1.2 pF) were designed for the previous solder mask thickness. See image 3.
    • With the updated solder mask, the effective dielectric constant and parasitic values have changed, resulting in potential impedance mismatch at 2.4 GHz (BLE frequency).
What I Need Help With:
  1. How to recalculate C1,C2,C3,C_1, C_2, C_3,C1​,C2​,C3​, & LLL for 50 Ω matching? Tools/methods?
  2. How to adjust for 0.035 mm solder mask thickness and recalculate microstrip impedance?
Any guidance is appreciated!
  1. Should the radio ground pin route through the decoupling capacitor instead of direct via to the ground plane?
  2. Best way to validate updated design (e.g., S11, VNA settings)?
Additional Details: I’d really appreciate any advice, calculations, or recommendations on fixing these issues. Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by Ok-Musician5858 to rfelectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 ProductIllustrious95 Fresneda

We were after him a few years ago. Why not throw a 15 mil bid for him so we can stop this Partey RB nonsense
submitted by ProductIllustrious95 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Hopeful_Muffin_713 getting back into education, any advice?

I've always been scared of schools and teachers to the point where I'd barely go to school, only like 1-2 days a week. I hated everything about it but now i regret my decision bc i feel like i missed out on my formative years and my development growth is stunted. I am also very afraid of the approaching future and the idea that i may not have my life in control scares me so i HAVE to go back. But I'm scared I'd repeat the same patterns again. In 2023 i got into college and fucked up badly so instead of going back to fix my mistake i instead decided to dropout and leave everything. Idk if i can trust myself. Any advice?
submitted by Hopeful_Muffin_713 to AvPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 adam3aziz People who have netflix on ios 15.8.3 what netflix version are you running ?

People who have netflix on ios 15.8.3 what netflix version are you running ? submitted by adam3aziz to jailbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Ill_Cow_9639 You who are from the USA, answer this: Is it just me, or are songs from the 80s and 90s "nocturnal"?

I think at least 80% of the music from that time is like "love songs" even mainstream rock and hip-hop. American radio stations must have made a lot of money back then. Am I crazy or right? Haha
submitted by Ill_Cow_9639 to MariahCarey [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 ddeadmaus Need help opening Nolvus

Hello, I searched high and low for a solution and this is my last option. I installed nolvus with the auto installer and did the page file thing. When I press Run Nolvus in mod organizer it takes a second to open the game but i just get a black screen and then the game suddenly closes and in the mod organizer it unlocks. The only error I have in the notifications is "There are files in your overwrite mod directory" and in there are NetScriptFramework and SKSE. No idea how to get it running so does anyone have any ideas what to do?
submitted by ddeadmaus to Nolvus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 kyawzallthwin4415 Technical Error while speaking test

Today I did the speaking test and while I was doing the speaking part 1 the computer just frozed and shut down. I had to do the test again completely from the start. So, will all the topics I talked about before the computer shut down not consider in marking?
submitted by kyawzallthwin4415 to IELTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Comfortable-Bug-2 Crypto Ho oh 354105831957

submitted by Comfortable-Bug-2 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 gryff42 Sadly this is also part of the truth

Sadly this is also part of the truth submitted by gryff42 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 AbirKhalil Thoughts on my hamster artwork? ( Process on my page)

Thoughts on my hamster artwork? ( Process on my page) submitted by AbirKhalil to painting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 gameboishon69 Something's wrong but idk how to fix it

Something's wrong but idk how to fix it I am having perfect prints but the only problem I have this under extrusion on my seams, I am using the contoured and hole scarf seams but it causes this anomaly, I think I can fix it by lowering the speed but for that I think I will have to do some extrusion rate smoothening, could anyone tell me how to do that
submitted by gameboishon69 to OrcaSlicer [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Great-Glove-6521 How likely is it to get a likely letter

So I just heard about likely letters and now I’m unreasonably subconsciously expecting to receive one even though I don’t think I’m a star applicant by any means. How likely is it to get one and does it mean that you are 1000000% admitted or..
Hope u guys get into ur dream schools btw!!
submitted by Great-Glove-6521 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Domi_sama TSF fanart by me

TSF fanart by me F-5 freedom fighter UN.
submitted by Domi_sama to MuvLuv [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 ShoulderMobile7608 Should I get Intel Arc B580 or an RTX3070

So I've been thinking about getting a new GPU for my PC. I've heard that Intels new Arc B580 is the best budget GPU on market rn. But I can get a RTX3070 for a slightly cheaper price. But still i don't know which one of these is better. I kind of care about DLSS upscaling since I own a 1440p 144hz monitor. Is there any new specific advantages to B580?
submitted by ShoulderMobile7608 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 drilon_b Become obsessed,the only purpose of the mind is to find yourself

submitted by drilon_b to enlightenment [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Legitimate_Bath_9143 Trying to walking

submitted by Legitimate_Bath_9143 to funnygifs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 cranialnerve12 chick fil a spicy grilled filet

chick fil a spicy grilled filet no butter white bun + the filet is about 270/300 cals.
submitted by cranialnerve12 to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:05 Visual_Bandicoot_311 Хрюнчик и Секреты Закупок Без Дронов

Хрюнчик и Секреты Закупок Без Дронов Прошло уже пару недель как я вышел из кратковременного отпуска, в принципе уже неплохо влился в рабочие процессы, и стал на путь водоплавающих хрюнчиков.
Так воть что может измениться за 10 дней отпуска ?
Ну начнем с закупок ФПВ дронов. Так Зе дал наказ увеличит закупку витчизняных дронов в частях, то естественно все пошло как всегда, а точнее по пизде.
"20 грудня 2024 року Кабінет Міністрів України своєю постановою №1450 вніс зміни до Постанови від 11.11.2022 №1275. Серед головних змін – було затверджено Порядок здійснення закупівлі безпілотних систем, засобів радіоелектронної боротьби тактичного рівня вітчизняного виробництва та їх складових частин, який суттєво змінив правила гри в цій сфері. Новації спричинили активні дискусії в експертному середовищі та серед практиків-закупівельників."
Переведу на суржик, никто, нихуя не может закупить так как попросту не знают как, и что такое витчизняный дрон, бо само государство никаких объяснений пока не выкатило. Так же витчизняни виробники також в душе не ебут какие им документы нужно предъявить при такой закупке.
Я же узнав про це от нашей уповнаваженої особи з закупівель, естественно блядь не поверил этой ленивой жопе, и в свойственно Хрюнчику манере, сначала загуглил че там захуйня, а потом когда нихуя не нашел, записался на новосозданый курс по оборонним закупівлям, и естественно успешно его прошел и сдал. Но, как оказалось создатели курса сами в душе не ебут как покупать нынче дроны, и слезно обещают выкатить пояснение к закупкам десь к концу января.
"Експерти курсу ретельно працюють над оновленою відеолекцією з цієї теми, тож вже до кінця січня ви матимете можливість ознайомитися з усіма нюансами закупівель вітчизняних БПЛА та РЕБ тактичного рівня за новим Порядком. Щойно оновлені матеріали стануть доступними, ви отримаєте додаткове повідомлення на електронну пошту, яку вказали під час реєстрації."
Короче закупка дронов пішла по пизде.
Что грустно конечно, но волонтеров, субвенции и ебалы (не шутка) не отменял так что хоть какой-то просвет в этой тьме есть. Но очень он блять блеклый :D
Бонусом Ген штаб от нас таки не отъебался и запросил перевода дохуя людей с нашей части в морпехи. Что тоже не особо радует. Бо це грозит тем что все налаженные процессы пойдут по пизде, а хрюнчик в морпехи :D
Но есть и позитивные места, водоплавающие хрюнчики сначала года уже неплохо так нахуярили оккупантам, как FPV дронами так и другими видами озброення.
Так что как-то прорвемся хуль печалится :)
Вот вам видосик разъебаной антены для поднятия настроения и короткого отчета
Мирного вам неба и хорошего настроения, а если хотите помочь водоплавающим хрюнчикам то можете поучаствовать в сборе на FPV:
На FPV та прилади водоплаваючим
🎯 Ціль: 50 000 ₴
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submitted by Visual_Bandicoot_311 to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]