Adorable Nina und Alina day 1,634: smol

2025.01.19 16:21 Battlezone1 Adorable Nina und Alina day 1,634: smol

Adorable Nina und Alina day 1,634: smol submitted by Battlezone1 to Nina_und_Alina [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 PlAyHoUsE-305 Little Singham In Multiverse Shakti Singham Digital Drawing

Little Singham In Multiverse Shakti Singham Digital Drawing submitted by PlAyHoUsE-305 to fanart [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 millhausy EasySMX Arion 9013

Hello, I bought an EasySMX Arion 9013 control and unfortunately I lost the dongle, how can I purchase another one so I don't have to lose the joystick?
submitted by millhausy to EasySMX [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 Shaolin_Lu [WTB] tx22 holster

Looking for a holster for the tx22 gen 2 (not comp or compact) preferably owb, red dot ready, and open ended, I’ll consider iwb holsters too. $30? Show me what you got.
submitted by Shaolin_Lu to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 slwswmmrdrowning Please share my friends new pest control business!
Over 12.5 years of experience. Has always been a very kind, careful, thorough, detailed, professional type of person whom i have known for 25+ years. A truly exceptional and dedicated guy, and i expect your experience to be amongst the best you could ever have.
Thank you!
submitted by slwswmmrdrowning to newjersey [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 Patient-Run-6477 [ps5] W: runes and rellanas twin blade H: Karma

submitted by Patient-Run-6477 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 Adventurous-Cry6973 Feeling pretty confident about this one

Feeling pretty confident about this one submitted by Adventurous-Cry6973 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:21 Thin-Limit7697 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Thin-Limit7697 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 StockEntertainment58 Dead pixels - Boox Go Color 7

Dead pixels - Boox Go Color 7 Received the Boox GC7 from Amazon yesterday and noticed 2 dead pixels after reading with dark background. I ordered a replacement. Hopefully it's good because I love the device otherwise. If not, I'm probably gonna get the Kobo Libra Color. Has anyone else experienced dead pixels?
submitted by StockEntertainment58 to Onyx_Boox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 FireMike69 30 [M4F] looking forward a relationship. Recently single

I posted my pic to my profile. Feel free to dm if interested. Looking to date someone who is into working out, is smart and easy to talk to. I’m pretty open to all kinds of people.
submitted by FireMike69 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Goochstraps Hose under kitchen sink blew off, Help!

Kitchen sink was running and a hose blew off when the toilet was flushed? Water was spraying everywhere under the sink.
I took some pictures of the line that blew off, someone had wrapped it in foil tape previously and I had to peel that off.
How can I reattach this hose (1st and 2nd pic) to this connection? (3rd pic) What tools/materials/other things to know? Thanks!!
submitted by Goochstraps to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Dismal-Ad-528 Reunited after 7 years. Went on a date and clicked so well. After a great first date turns out he leaves the country.

Hey there.
Id appreciate some advice on my situation. Here’s the story:
I (23F) recently reconnected with a guy(23M) we met during university, we both liked each other and he even asked me out but I didnt feel ready back in the time and then we just lost the connection.
Now after 7 years we came across on a dating app and he asked me on a date. The date went great and we really clicked. I think if we had gone on more dates we would actually start dating. This time the problem is now he studies and works in another country. So it was just 2 days before he would go back. He told me i should come to the country he lives in but i dont see it happening in near future. Now that we have a distance between each other, i feel like the connection is dying. We occasionally hit up each other but don’t have a deeper communication.
So my question is: does lack of communication and pursuing mean he doesn’t take it on a deeper level or because of the distance this is not going anywhere? Should i try to keep the contact or leave it to him?
submitted by Dismal-Ad-528 to RomanticAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 CardiologistLocal299 Daisy wardrobe in shop?

Does anyone have the Daisy Wardrobe in their shop today? 🥲
submitted by CardiologistLocal299 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 LowExternal5322 Quick Email Question

A colleague bought two tickets in the GJ Sale for friends but mistakenly used his own email instead of one friend’s email. Shortly after, another friend purchased tickets for him and someone else, correctly using his email. Now, two tickets are tied to his email address. Will this work? Thank youuu🫶🏻
submitted by LowExternal5322 to Tomorrowland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 xtinaxtina18 Had to repost this in honor of Ash's birthday

submitted by xtinaxtina18 to nebelung [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 incumbui Top Gear - Dark Souls 1/2/3 Special

Top Gear - Dark Souls 1/2/3 Special submitted by incumbui to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 tall_asian The amount of mental gymnastics is astounding. Maybe it’s because it isn’t actually rigged you knobs 😂

The amount of mental gymnastics is astounding. Maybe it’s because it isn’t actually rigged you knobs 😂 submitted by tall_asian to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 ecidna Found this under a wooden snowman decoration my mom got at a craft fair.

Found this under a wooden snowman decoration my mom got at a craft fair. submitted by ecidna to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Financial-Ladder-249 Does / did anyone else feel "not trans" but would transition anytime if it was that easy?

I'm 14, female (? for now?), and I've always felt like I'd rather be male, always looked up at men in my life, but then sometimes realization just hits and I realize that I'll never be a father, an uncle, a brother, a male friend, or just be a man, look like a man, and anything like that. I sometimes don't "mind" being female, but it's more of a "it's easier than dealing with transitioning and coming out" thing. It feel like im putting on an act to survive on an easier life difficulty. There's more to it like always imagining myself in the future doing things, but it's automatically in a male body / "persona", or imagining myself being a father or father figure to my children, or doing ordinary things like driving a car or going to the store but when I "look down" I'm in a male body. However I dress very feminine and enhance my femininity, do my hair, etc. etc. - do I have time to figure this out?
submitted by Financial-Ladder-249 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 National-Animal9844 [H] $250 [W] 85% PP

comment first
submitted by National-Animal9844 to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Traditional_Pair_415 The purgatory kids at Lucifer’s Lu Lu world

The purgatory kids at Lucifer’s Lu Lu world “I finally found some good friends! Caddy is a bit bossy to Matty and vamps but she’s nice to me!” -Betty-Ann
submitted by Traditional_Pair_415 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Valorant_Steve Which method do you use to sideload?

Tell me these 4 things:
Which method do you use to sideload?
Why did you choose that method?
What are the Pros and Cons of it?
What is your most and least favorite thing about that method?
submitted by Valorant_Steve to sideloaded [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 hothempire9 Where the magic happens…

Where the magic happens… Thanks to this community for all of the support and advice over the last many years as I made my way into the hobby.
Wanted to share the space I created in our home to escape into this amazing hobby. I primarily play solo and when possible with a buddy, co-op - challenging with schedules (we have a 12 yr old who keeps us busy!)
Gaming table as shown is in the midst of completing the Scarlett Keys expansion for AHLCG and I just (yesterday) started Ashes Reborn Red Rains!
Thanks again all for your support!
submitted by hothempire9 to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 creatureoflight_11 Schwanger in 34 und körperliche Beschwerden

ich bin schwanger in der 34 Woche und habe mittlerweile starke körperliche Beschwerden. Der Bauch ist viel zu groß und hängt vorne wie ein Backstein, ich kann kaum noch herumlaufen oder sitzen weil er Schmerzen im Rücken verursacht und in den Abdominalmuskeln. Ich habe ein starkes Drückgefühl in der Bauchgegend. Beim Laufen drückt mir das Baby sehr auf die Blase, welches sich durch Schmerzen in der Blase äußert nach ca. 10 Minuten laufen und alle 30 Minuten muss ich auf Klo. Nachts kann ich nicht schlafen, weil meine Hüfte wehtut und außerdem habe ich eine Hormonumstellung, sodass ich die ganze Nacht wach bin (hatte vor der SS nie Schlafprobleme). Ist das normal, dass die Beschwerden solche Ausmaße annehmen? War bei der FA und sie meinte man könne nichts machen. Die normalen Schmerzmittel wie Metamizol usw die ich normalerweise wegen Migräne nehme kann ich jetzt nicht nehmen, weil es deutlich nach der 28 SSW ist.
submitted by creatureoflight_11 to schwanger [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Unlikely_Slip327 guys im from TN , always wanted to go on a solo trip recommend some places

hi guys im from tamil nadu , planning to go for a solo trip long time , im 20 - male , i have saved around 70K inr , please recommend some places to visit either in india or places like vietnam , cambodia and thailand , i always wanted to visit some uniques places in india , till now lived my entire life in the same city so want some fresh experience .
submitted by Unlikely_Slip327 to SoloTravel_India [link] [comments]