Dudas de herencia

2025.01.19 17:44 zenAndYogui Dudas de herencia

Hola gente, mi padre falleció hace dos días y viendo los papeles y todo eso nos enteramos que una de las propiedades que tenía (lugar donde vivía) está a nombre de dos personas, el y mi mamá (su ex). Ahora, mi papá vivía en esa casa con su pareja y aunque nunca se casaron ya tenían 10 años viviendo juntos y yo y mi hermana queremos que se quede ahí, ella ayudó mucho a mi papá y lo quería. La cosa es que queremos arreglar legalmente todo pero no sabemos cómo queda la distribución de la propiedad, es decir, me toca a mi y a mi hermana un porcentaje? O directamente es de ella ese 50%. O es 3/6 mi mamá, 1/6 yo, 1/6 mi hermana y un 1/6 la señora. O a ella no le toca? O a nosotros no nos toca. Ni yo ni mi hermana tenemos interés por la casa y solo queremos arreglar esto lo más rápido posible, nos interesa que queden las escrituras a nombre de la nueva pareja porque hemos escuchado que es difícil arreglar estás cosas si las dejamos pasar.
Somos de Ensenada B.C. por si eso ayuda en algo.
submitted by zenAndYogui to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 karloren24 🤍🧡🖤

submitted by karloren24 to CalicoKittys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Benfrank222 REMS LONZ found in a real estate listing photo - San Francisco

REMS LONZ found in a real estate listing photo - San Francisco submitted by Benfrank222 to Bombing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 FitDotaJuggernaut The feature Dolphin spenders need.

The feature Dolphin spenders need. Given that we don’t have dupe protection and that 2 ★ collecting can be a painful experience, even more so because we cannot trade them when we get 3+, I think this is a good middle ground.
It would still encourage the dolphins to spend as it acts as a way for them to chase the cards they want more efficiently and it deters them from using the underground WP discords which completely removes their spending.
Given that this is a system lifted from a much more popular gacha game (Genshin Impact), it’s been proven to work to encourage medium spenders to support the game while making the experience worthwhile and rewarding. As an added benefit, it also helps F2P and whales equally as well.
submitted by FitDotaJuggernaut to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Key_Membership1327 Can back here to flex one of my outfits :D

Can back here to flex one of my outfits :D submitted by Key_Membership1327 to FemboyFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 HAScollector Winchester’s elegant weapon of a more civilized age

Winchester’s elegant weapon of a more civilized age submitted by HAScollector to milsurp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Anchorman41 Dear mother of god

Dear mother of god submitted by Anchorman41 to theplanetcrafter [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 cat_with_internet What’s going on?

So we all know obviously tik tok was banned but for some reason my dad can still be on it? Me and my sister can’t go on on the app but the website is working perfectly fine. Did I miss something or?
submitted by cat_with_internet to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Beginning_Cicada_238 Housing Hours

Does anyone know if housing is open tomorrow? Or is it just a student holiday?
submitted by Beginning_Cicada_238 to rit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Decent-Use-2425 What’s your favorite thing about your body?

submitted by Decent-Use-2425 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 lonesomejohnnie First homemade King Cake of the season.

First homemade King Cake of the season. I use Emeril's recipe and it's filled with spiced pecans which is my Mother's recipe.
submitted by lonesomejohnnie to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Cuddlyy_Friends Wait for it …

submitted by Cuddlyy_Friends to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Aggressive-Job-7845 Algún cornudito de cdmx para partir en dos a su morrita??

Algún cornudito de cdmx para partir en dos a su morrita?? Aqui algunas putitas que me han dado 🔥
Solos serios o primerizos que quieran iniciar
submitted by Aggressive-Job-7845 to cornudoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Javier_Arts Pagando Pato momazos

Pagando Pato momazos submitted by Javier_Arts to Tsukis [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 GummyBearGremlin [For Hire] Illustrator looking for work! OC, fanart, DnD, characters and more (っ˘ω˘ς )

[For Hire] Illustrator looking for work! OC, fanart, DnD, characters and more (っ˘ω˘ς ) submitted by GummyBearGremlin to dndcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Which-Eye1621 DAD'S Dark Secret EXPOSED

DAD'S Dark Secret EXPOSED submitted by Which-Eye1621 to Promote_Your_Channel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 dreemsequence What kind of soap do you guys use before handling your cels? Can't find one that doesn't include either aloe or parfum, which are both oils/moisturizers. Or does it not really matter in your opinion?

What do you guys use
submitted by dreemsequence to AnimationCels [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Curious-Guest-1692 Clarification for a Newbie

Hey guys, I'm a little confused by new player access to the game.
The consensus seems to be that if you don't have CnC, Tunic & E-Strike, you're shit outta luck. Does your hero need those cards for their decks but you can't afford 'em? Well choose a new hero that might because until then it'll be hard to differentiate whether you lost because you misused your cards or because the cards you play are just so un-optimal compared to a kitted out deck. The same apply for certain class staples.
The other problem is the lack of updated budget lists. It's hard to find some if any on FaBrary which makes it hard to know where to start.
The only real answer I see as kinda stated before is to either just play a hero you might not care for that doesn't require those staples to at least have a chance or get dumpstered on until you can get those cards little by little.
The best solution LSS has made are the Armory Decks but once again if they aren't of a hero you enjoy, do you simply wait? Or play Talishar until you can afford the cards?
Little side note is I want to understand this stuff better so I can get new players into my local LGS and also the fact I'm canadian makes these card prices even more painful.
TLDR; Cardboard expensive, doesn't seem to have a lot of newplayer accesibility asides from Armory Decks and select few otber heroes.
submitted by Curious-Guest-1692 to FleshandBloodTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Random_username_1991 Some build that i made, more to give people food and fight in worst case

submitted by Random_username_1991 to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 jnpha Alpine fish

I got to thinking about fish in the high Alpine lakes and how they go there. In hindsight, that was a dumb question as the lakes connect to river systems.
But, here's the cool thing I've come across:
By comparing the biodiversity of "amphipods, fishes, amphibians, butterflies and flowering plants", only fish revealed a recent origin when the last ice age ended.
How cool is that? Quotes from the paper:

SADs [species age distribution] of endemic species were also similar among taxa (90% fell between 0.15 and 8 Ma), except for fish, which are younger than any other group of endemics (90% fell between 1.5 and 114 kyr; p < 0.0001; figure 2; electronic supplementary material, S11).
[...] While most of the Alp's endemics in the terrestrial groups originated in the Pleistocene, most endemic fishes arose after the LGM [Last Glacial Maximum] and re-establishment of permanent open water bodies in the formerly glaciated areas.
submitted by jnpha to evolution [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Due_Bottle1611 Enchanted Forest

Hey what's the last enemy in the Enchanted Forest dungeon, and what does it drop?
submitted by Due_Bottle1611 to IdleGuildMaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 heisenberg_yoo What Are the Common Problems You Face in Business Travel, Medical Travel, and Sustainable Travel?

I’m currently developing a B2B and B2C software solution for business travel, medical travel, and sustainable travel, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
What are the biggest challenges you face when planning business travel—whether you’re a frequent traveler, travel manager, or business owner?
For those organizing medical trips abroad, what aspects feel stressful or difficult in managing these trips?
In sustainable travel, what features or services would make green travel options more attractive to you?
Your feedback on your experiences and the gaps you’ve noticed in existing solutions could be invaluable in shaping a product that truly makes travel easier and more seamless.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
submitted by heisenberg_yoo to SaaS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 Worth-Oil-7819 GUYS IS 75% ATTENDANCE LEGIT?

GUYS IS 75% ATTENDANCE LEGIT? submitted by Worth-Oil-7819 to IPUniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 GameFlow88 [H] (Spotify Premium 3 Month Key EGYPT) [W] (Open to trades (3 month spotify india if possible)

PM offer
submitted by GameFlow88 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:44 BanksyWasHere Classic Oyster Skillet for under $60

Free shipping on $75+
submitted by BanksyWasHere to LeCreuset [link] [comments]
