Why do people buy sapphire potions for so expensive?

2025.01.19 17:40 jeager_YT Why do people buy sapphire potions for so expensive?

I kinda get why people buy sapphire potions..
But why do people buy them for such expensive prices for like 100 sapphires and 50 Sapphires??
Just feels illogical that you're paying 50 sapphires for 10
It's like paying hundreds of dollars for a 5 dollar bill to give out
If the prices were equal or something like.
10 sapphires for a potion then that's understandable
But why is 50 the cheapest and why are people willing to pay for that?
submitted by jeager_YT to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Realistic-Buy-9589 Nån rp?

submitted by Realistic-Buy-9589 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 W8kingNightmare PubG mobile isn't using the full screen. Help

Just wondering if anyone plays PubG on their fold and how you get it to use the full screen because I simply cannot figure it out. Mobile Legends does use full screen (so I know it isn't my phone)
I'm on Pixel 9 Pro Fold
submitted by W8kingNightmare to PixelFold [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Dazzling-Cress-6908 Goodbye everyone! ❤️

I've been playing DTI since early may-april of 2024. But now I feel like it's coming high time for me to quit! Recently, one of my accounts was terminated out of the blue. It was tied back to a reason that was, in my opinion, irrelevant. My appeal was not accepted. I'm not going to spend money on this game anymore, and I hope you all understand. Keep being you, love you guys! Bye!
submitted by Dazzling-Cress-6908 to DTI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 PizzaThePanda Haruomi Hosono depicted on the cover of Japan’s Bass Magazine as one of the top 100 bass players

submitted by PizzaThePanda to YMO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 PachiMc Do I need both cpu power cable connected?

Hello. I am planning to buy msi tomahawk x670 for my Ryzen 7 9800x3d. The problem my psu of 750w have only 1 8 pin cpu cable. The motherboard manual don’t specify if can work with one. What you think? Not planning to over lock, only using for gaming
submitted by PachiMc to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 JustDreamItMedia How To Add Product Search In WordPress

How To Add Product Search In WordPress submitted by JustDreamItMedia to marketingonlinetips [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 JustDreamItMedia How To Add Product Search In WordPress

How To Add Product Search In WordPress submitted by JustDreamItMedia to marketingonlinetips [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 the_official_coRn thoughts on the bacon dunks? what color laces do you think would make them pop even more?

submitted by the_official_coRn to DunksNotDead [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 romano1274 Aflac

Anyone here work for Aflac? I have questions.
submitted by romano1274 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 No_Sea_1455 If Slenderman was the March killer, what would be your reaction?

If Slenderman was the March killer, what would be your reaction? submitted by No_Sea_1455 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Raliks9 Czy tylko ja uważam, że dorosłe życie jest o niebo lepsze od dzieciństwa?

Wydaje mi się, że wielu ludzi przecenia dzieciństwo w swoich wspomnieniach. Kiedyś nienawidziłem szkoły, a teraz wspominam ją dobrze, bo generalnie pamięta się raczej te fajne chwile, te złe w większości idą w niepamięć.
Ja w dzieciństwie nie widzę nic fajnego i dobrego. Jedna wielka musztra, podporządkowywanie się i niemoc. W dorosłym życiu żyje mi się o niebo lepiej. 8h pracy i mam od groma czasu dla siebie, w dzieciństwie po 8h szkoły, musiałem jeszcze robić zadania domowe i uczyć się. Do tego dochodziły obowiązki domowe i tak naprawdę nic czasu dla siebie. Najbardziej nienawidziłem chodzenia do kościoła, po dziś dzień nie wierzę i jestem daleko od wiary przez przymus, bo co ludzie powiedzą. Nigdy nie można było być tak naprawdę sobą, jak cokolwiek się wielce szlachetnym i dobrodziejskim rodzicom nie spodobało, to typowy tekst o mieszkaniu u nich i wydziwianiu. Życie po swojemu to najlepsza rzecz, jaką doznałem.
Stąd moje pytanie - jak to jest, że tak wielu ludzi tęskni za tym? Chodzi o to, że wielu nie chce się pracować? Odpowiedzialność przytłacza? Chcą być wyręczani non stop? Nie jestem w stanie pojąć tego fenomenu dzieciństwa. Wiele traum powstaje właśnie w tym okresie. Jedyne, co wspominam dobrze z dzieciństwa, to znajomi, choć i z nimi bywało bardzo różnie.
submitted by Raliks9 to Polska [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 User1946943 I have this m1 helmet with a lieutenant marking but looks weird cause it has rust around it, how can I fix it ?

submitted by User1946943 to M1Helmet [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 TopperHarley345 Reddit: Umar exposed! Couldn’t handle the cardio and gassed out in the later rounds! Fraud checked!

Reddit: Umar exposed! Couldn’t handle the cardio and gassed out in the later rounds! Fraud checked! submitted by TopperHarley345 to mmamemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 pixel_producer testing

submitted by pixel_producer to SVGCutFileDownloads [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Icookrealfood Feedback on this Build for my Stepson

It's his first build and would love to hear any feedback
submitted by Icookrealfood to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Secure_Feedback1054 Looking for Dragon token

Looking for Dragon token submitted by Secure_Feedback1054 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 AndreaNewsHub SEN BERNIE SANDERS: My plan for the Trump presidency. What I will--and won't--do #WORLDNEWS #BERNIE #SEN #SANDERS: #plan #My

SEN BERNIE SANDERS: My plan for the Trump presidency. What I will--and won't--do #WORLDNEWS #BERNIE #SEN #SANDERS: #plan #My submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 EffectivePay3870 Don't mate to complete a set?

Don't mate to complete a set? Need to get the emdice to assist with the Greek event
submitted by EffectivePay3870 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 idontcareaboutmynick Urlaub im Hotel?

Könnt ihr ein Hotel empfehlen, wo man als Zölli wirklich unbedenklich alles essen kann? Ich habe einige glutenfreie Restaurants gefunden, aber nichts für Zöllis. Danke ❤️
submitted by idontcareaboutmynick to Zoeliakie [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 bird-is-here What am I looking at?

What am I looking at? I started growing dragon fruit from seed recently and it’s been growing these weird branches(?) it almost looks like aerial roots? I’d like some help identifying it. They are sticking out of the center of the flesh, about as far from the spines as you can get. This cactus and particular came up with three original leaves before getting cactus growth, which is why it’s in such a weird pot (yellow dragonfruit if that helps)
submitted by bird-is-here to DragonFruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Grand-Aspect1551 That one friend who refuses to dress up.

That one friend who refuses to dress up. It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.
submitted by Grand-Aspect1551 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Sea-Spend7742 Each one is a different species, collected seeds myself.

Each one is a different species, collected seeds myself. submitted by Sea-Spend7742 to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Parasitepaladin Nintendo Finally Shows the Switch 2 - Easy Allies Podcast - Jan 17, 2025

Nintendo Finally Shows the Switch 2 - Easy Allies Podcast - Jan 17, 2025 submitted by Parasitepaladin to UnofficialAlliance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 NoEstablishment5524 oh brother…. I go back to church one time…

oh brother…. I go back to church one time… submitted by NoEstablishment5524 to exmormon [link] [comments]
