2025.01.20 02:48 TrinityParks A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ranks amongst the most anticipated new shows of 2025: Reports
submitted by TrinityParks to AKnightoftheSeven [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 Trai60 Multi-image D&D Upload test 030
https://preview.redd.it/tmu0w0pqb2ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f406fe9c72d89713c73848789e71e5a9c88c93a5 https://preview.redd.it/h84f8xoqb2ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421e685af6db5e12e1278b985aba9b6ced1152b1 https://preview.redd.it/tkx4o4pqb2ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c8e51334333392534fb6f57d539774a5f39bb1 Processing img bbo471pqb2ee1... Processing img vs2so8pqb2ee1... https://preview.redd.it/4d4bvxoqb2ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46480731d3810e3387bd39e0f157d3c0e83a3d6 https://preview.redd.it/u634a0pqb2ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edf51db00be78023a5257d040ef8ac33db775db Do one thing every day that scares you. -Eleanor Roosevelt Well done is better than well said. -Benjamin Franklin The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston S. Churchill Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. -Henry David Thoreau If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. -J.M. Power If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time. -Steve Jobs The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well. -John D. Rockefeller Jr. submitted by Trai60 to RED2DIS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 Desperate-Mind1035 Chuzhao Camera Review: Legit or Scam?
Does the Chuzhao Camera deliver high-quality photography and advanced features as advertised, or are its claims exaggerated, leaving buyers disappointed? https://preview.redd.it/mozlh3fob2ee1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=0697823150beb53d3cd38506d8bbd5bbfcc7d3ba Edit: To know whether this product actually work or not watch this video ( https://youtu.be/iTrgKsWjigs?si=ha3ueYNnL1anjfNW ) submitted by Desperate-Mind1035 to Scam_Finder [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 otaku_babe9000 Opinions
So I'll start like this in 29 he's 22 and I already feel a type of way. Never really had a crush before let alone and age gap. However I feel it's important to note I grew up hyper religious and have not even had a first kiss. Please don't make fun of me. We met at an adult sports league and we hang out at least once a week now that the season is over for a open public pick up games We go with two others that played on the team when they can but we live close we always pick each other up and take turns when we go out to drink. I don't drink so I always drive those nights he almost always buys my soda. But he texted me thanksgiving. Christmas and called me on me new years eve
My friends think he likes me I don't think so but I've come to terms that I'm experiencing my first crush. (Also embarassing please don't make fun of me) One of them doesn't belive guys and girls can be friends so she already skewed Some things he does that have made them think so are He does silly.things and then asks me if I saw him do it. The picking each other up (which is a thing I'd offer any of my friends. Because I think riding with a friend is always more fun) He came to my open mic and I performed well but the place was dead and we met unworthy another of our group later and he still wants to come to another one. The whole group is coming to another one and we'll go to the pick up game again He's asked me to go Christmas shopping with him for one of his best friends and we go see movies together. I ended up going Christmas shopping with him for his parents and then recently he needed a suit and asked me to go with him and I'm a seamstress so I did to help him get the right fit and then he needed it quickly so after we went to the pick up game he came back to my house and I fitted his pants. A pin ended up falling out when he was changing so he called me over to help and left his entire fly down which my friend thinks was intentional but I kind of think he's just really comfortable around me. Is this weird to anyone? I got him a b day gift and made all my friend mini burr baskets so he's my friend so he was included and he got me a shirt that I got lots of compliments on when we we to the pick up games which I told him and he asked if I told them if he gave it to me and pointed him out (idk of this is important but the gym mostly has men there) I did in fact point him out and told them he gave it to me. He does talk about his past relationships to me and his grey area friends and people he's currently going on dates with which is why I'm sure he doesn't like me like that. I think we're really.good friends and he's just comfy around me I think he naturally a really good guy
submitted by otaku_babe9000 to Crushes [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 Western-Honeydew2129 War or Sham tank for easy groups?
In SoD which tank is gonna get easier invites for the new raids coming out? Warrior or Shammy tank? I haven’t played since S1 and am looking to get back into things.
submitted by Western-Honeydew2129 to classicwow [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 khatchadourian1 'Levantar' Vs 'Levantarse'
What's the difference between 'levantar' and 'levantarse'? I was taught the former until around section 3 unit 13ish. Now they're using the latter. But I don't know why. Can someone explain? Thanks!
submitted by khatchadourian1 to duolingospanish [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 CommercialLeek1429 [AU][H] Matrix Labs 1.2og McFlurry WKL, Geonworks F2-84 Black A-stock WKL [W] PayPal
Hi mm, today I want to offload two boards that are priced to sell. All prices are in USD + don't include shipping although happy to split.
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/RlPBZFv
Matrix 1.2og Mcflurry WKL - $750
Flawless, comes unbuilt
Comes with:
- Solder PCB (desoldered cleanly)
- Extra unused Solder PCB
- All original accessories and box
Can also provide a sound test if interested
Geonworks F2-84 Black WKL A-Stock- $350
Very small dot between F3/F4 but invisible when keycaps are on, otherwise flawless
Comes with:
- Plateless build - Hiney 87nu, Geon blacks (205g0, 55g xl TX, Deskey), Cherry clip-in stabs
- Aluminum plate
- PC plate
- All original accessories and Geon carrying bag
Feel free to ask any questions or send offers!
submitted by CommercialLeek1429 to mechmarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 CommissionBoth5374 Is The Nicene Trinity Found Anywhere in the New Testement?
I know that the Synoptics don't have this creed, and neither does John really, but what about the other books? What is the Christiology found in them?
submitted by CommissionBoth5374 to AcademicBiblical [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 JuliaX1984 Autistic roommate asked my jerk of a dad (a professional concrete finisher) to fix some loose tiles in his bathroom. Jerk just glued them in. How screwed am I?
I am in an unusual and untenable living situation. I'm not a tenant but a live-in caregiver for a paralyzed friend who's also on the ASD spectrum, and his family made us sign a shared living agreement that causes me to live in adject terror of being sued by them every time anything in the house needs repaired.
Like I said, my father is a professional concrete finisher. We had tile and mix and in the basement leftover from when Friend's bathroom was completely redone because the contractor his family hired to put it in did the job completely wrong. Some tiles on the edge came loose, and because his family are cheap as hell and believe A) you should be able to do everything yourself and B) if you can't, it's only safe to ask friends to do you favors, not hire professionals (worked out so well with his bathroom...), he just asked my dad to do it.
Since he said Yes instead of No, I expected him to cement them in with grout using the mix in the basement. Instead, he glued them in. He gets off on controlling people and making people stressed, hence why he said Yes and did this instead of just saying No, so he could have the satisfaction of making me more stressed. How long do we have until they come loose again?
submitted by JuliaX1984 to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 Milwaukee_Hikoki_40v Milwaukee Warranty Repair Completed
The first picture is after Milwaukee repaired the drywall gun the next couple pictures are before. It took about 2 weeks from the time that I shipped the tool till I got it back but it was fixed free of charge. Milwaukee has always been good about warranty work on my tools the few times I have had to send in tools. I did not have a receipt for the tool but it was made in 22 so they covered it no questions asked. Super happy with my experience just wanted to share it because so many people seem to be having problems with warranty work (this was USA direct repair). For those who were wondering the invoice said that Milwaukee spent $145 to repair the tool because they had to replace the motor assembly to get a new trigger cover. I posted this a couple minutes ago but deleted it because the text was not showing up. Just thought that I would share my experience submitted by Milwaukee_Hikoki_40v to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 No_Imagination5590 If Loona had an active role in Exes and Oohs and Chaz tried hitting on her, this is definitely what would’ve happened.
submitted by No_Imagination5590 to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 Mission-Bit2011 Perdi absolutamente todo.
Tengo 20 años, a los 17-18 deje mi casa sinceramente siempre e sido algo rebelde no estoy alineado con los ideales de mi familia durante este período trabajaba en un almacén cargando. Fue duro pero necesario por que estaría dispuesto hacer cualquier cosa por sentirme libre, durante mucho tiempo no sabia en que era bueno o que me gustaba entonces caí en malos pasos pero muy pronto conocí a una chica muy linda pero yo estaba perdido asi que decidí un cambio y en parte quería ser un buen niño para ella. Entonces cumpli 19 pero siempre tuve una fascinación por el aprendizaje en especial las matemáticas, filosofía, y la psicología entonces después de haber estado por tan malos pasos retome la lectura y muy rápido progrese, siempre me llamo la atención la economía como una pasión que hasta el dia de hoy me fascina, parte de ella heredada de mi papa asi que siempre alimento mi curiosidad, un dia por pura casualidad me inteoduje en el trading estudie bastante aveces hasta 8 horas al dia y no solo por compromiso si no por gusto, al año comencé a ver ganancias pero yo seguia trabajando, incluso mi nivel de vida creció solia sacar a mi novia a veces hasta diario al cine, al starbucks, al chillis, la consentia mucho, no solo eso, compraba mis videojuegos, libros, ya tenia para comer, me concenti con un reloj y por fin habia tenido esa libertad que tanto desee pero pronto todo acabaria, una mala gestión de riesgo y problemas en casa me cegaron y pronto cai en picada (Me quede sin casa, sin dinero, me robaron mi moto, sin novia, sin ropa) Solo tengo un par de tenis u en este momento es duro, quisiera tener esa chica conmigo pero ni eso y se que ella no estuvo por el dinero por que estaba conmigo cuando no tenia nd pero sinceramente me siento fatal
submitted by Mission-Bit2011 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 mutantcivil 📰 Latest News: Famous All-Carbon Superyacht Gets $2 Million More Knocked Off Price More on: https://gcaptain.com/famous-all-carbon-superyacht-gets-2-million-more-knocked-off-price/
submitted by mutantcivil to Cryptoons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 kucoin_official KuCoin Service Status (January 20 - January 26, 2025)
At KuCoin Crypto Exchange, we’d like to provide you with a continuous, stable, and secure trading experience, but sometimes system updates or maintenance is inevitable. In this post, we will summarize all the related info so that you can easily manage to stay up to date with KuCoin's services status.
System Adjustment & Upgrade
KuCoin Will Adjust the Spot Trading Fee Rates for the Official Trump (TRUMP) - Announcement
submitted by kucoin_official to kucoin [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 EssoGiftCard Coin discounts different at checkout?
A item might indicate that there's an 'Extra 50% off' if you use coins, but when you go to checkout, the discount ends up being 20% or 30%.
Why is that? It is always like this? Seems sketch.
submitted by EssoGiftCard to Aliexpress [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 Illustrious-Fox5135 Anime_irl
submitted by Illustrious-Fox5135 to anime_irl [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 Different_Crab_601 Recommend me decent cameras for video shooting in 4k 60fps, please. I’m only getting started in cinematography.
Budget: 1200-1400€ I plan on videographing landscapes, moving cars, city life and wildlife.
submitted by Different_Crab_601 to Cameras [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 stickyrag- Does it cost more to insure a salvage title car even if it’s just for liability?
submitted by stickyrag- to Insurance [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 vgadict A weary man goes into a shop...
...and he says, "I need a rubber. I can't afford anymore kids."
The shopkeeper gives him a regular condom.
The next day, the man returns looking disappointed and says, "I go ungh. Wife go ungh. Rubber go kapowiee!"
The shopkeeper gives him a larger, stronger condom.
The next day, the man returns looking annoyed and says, "I go ungh. Wife go ungh. Rubber go kapowiee!"
The shopkeeper, now desperate, gives him the biggest, strongest condom available.
The next day, the man returns, still looking upset and says, "I go ungh. Wife go ungh. Rubber go kapowiee!"
The shopkeeper is out of options and says, "That's all I have. For anything stronger, you'd need to check the industrial plant at the edge of town."
A few days later, the shopkeeper sees the man on the street, looking sadder than ever. The shopkeeper asks what happened.
The man says, "I went to that industrial plant and they gave me this." He holds up an enormous piece of thick rubber.
The shopkeeper asks, "Did it work?"
The man says, "I go ungh. Rubber go ungh. Wife go kapowiee!"
submitted by vgadict to Jokes [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 kmasterofdarkness I'm not Toothpaste-chan! I am MELON LORD! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
submitted by kmasterofdarkness to memesemblem [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 Odd-Turnip-9385 4.8 Vs 5.3 worth 2k more?
I found two 2006 Silverados that are very similar with 4.8(Green truck) and 5.3(Red truck). The 5.3 is in slightly better condition but is 11k out the door compared to the 4.8 being 9k before taxes and fees. What choice would you make for a daily driver with very occasional towing. 5.3 has 157k miles 4.8 has 146k miles 4.8 needs a new front bumper that will run me about $500 I have owned a 5.3 and 6.2 so just unfamiliar with the 4.8 I know I could probably find slightly lower prices but this just seems like the average in my area. I have looked everywhere I can think of with these being my options left over. submitted by Odd-Turnip-9385 to ChevyTrucks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 Aggressive-Island694 What’s the best team I can make with these current units?
submitted by Aggressive-Island694 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 HAD00_ken Beginners recommendations
I was wondering if you guys have any recommendations for a beginner runner and a person who workouts 4x a week?
I just bought an amazfit T Rex 3 but I been reading up on the Garmin and I was thinking about forerunner or epix gen 2 on sale right now for 380ish at Walmart.
submitted by HAD00_ken to GarminWatches [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 02:48 AZXCIV He came through !!!
submitted by AZXCIV to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 02:48 badassanator_ Now that's a keeper for sure
Keeper for sure submitted by badassanator_ to pokemongo [link] [comments] |