What are we expecting for the Grand Slam card?

2025.01.20 10:36 K1ng_Canary What are we expecting for the Grand Slam card?

I was surprised to see that a couple of feuds I'd expected to culminate at Grand Slam are getting their matches earlier- Swerve v Ricochet and Hurt Syndicate vs Private Party.
So what are we expecting the card to look like?
Obviously we've Toni v Mariah, a few other potential matches that could happen...
Omega/Ospreay vs Takeshite/Fletcher (or break these out into two single matches with Kenny going for the international title and the Ospreay/Fletcher rubber match).
Mox v Cope
Harley vs anyone for a feelgood win (Deonna or Serena Deeb may be a good option?)
Death Riders vs FTR + 1 (not sure who at this point? Orange Cassidy maybe?) for the trios title
Mercedes Mone vs ?
submitted by K1ng_Canary to AEWOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Seapick Am I allowed/should I ask for proof of actions?

I already but in a complaint with the dept of human rights, but the reason my employer claimed I was let go was because of budget cuts. However, the company is all over my feed as having record increase in their Q4 profits. My manager had previously said that the reason for my hours being cut before I was fired was that their wasn’t enough work, but I know that is a lie and that my coworkers were asking for me to be brought back to help with specific projects. The manager basically lied a bunch to my face about if he was hiring, why he couldn’t hire me, he said he talked to HR but I think that’s BS as well. Anyway, I was hired as a contractor via a third party. Should I bring up my concerns with them and see if they can ask for evidence, or just wait and see what happens with my complaint with the department of human rights?
submitted by Seapick to AskLegal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Dry-Delay-2283 Outlier AI og skat

Hej allesammen.
Jeg har nu siddet i en måneds tid og lavet freelance arbejde på en platform, der hedder "Outlier AI". Arbejdet består mest i at være på forskellige projekter som freelancer, hvor man så bliver betalt en rate for det arbejde, som man yder.
I den forbindelse er jeg kommet i tvivl omkring beskatning af den indkomst, som jeg har modtaget. Det hele foregår nemlig over paypal, hvor pengene, som man har tjent igennem ugen, bliver sendt hver tirsdag. Der er ikke registreret nogen nemkonto.
Indtil videre har jeg skrabet omkring 3.000 $ sammen over 4 uger. Hvordan forholder det sig ift. beskatning af dette? Skal jeg selv indberette det inde på skats hjemmeside? Er det noget de har adgang til at kunne se inde på paypal? Hvordan ville i råde mig til at håndtere de her penge?
På forhånd tak!
submitted by Dry-Delay-2283 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Bleach Rebirth of Souls - System Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

🌐 24/7 Video Game | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Bleach Rebirth of Souls - System Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 DeepZoneScaphandre Hati hati molting timing incident.

Hati hati molting timing incident. Greetings community. I've recently acquired a Hati Hati, and I do have a little problem. You see, as unfortunate as it is, it just finished molting when I got it from the store (I had my eyes on it for a while). I was forced to re-house it right after because the plastic box he was in on display is not big enough to put in a water dish (which I know spiders need after molting instead of food that might damage it's softened fangs). Now, he is immobile (which is expected), but sitting in a webless enclosure. I was wondering what the best option is. 1) put it back in old plastic box even without water dish for web comfort 2) throw in its web in the new enclosure 3) wait because he's gonna be fine and will start webbing once he recovers from the molt I'll gladly take any pieces of advice from veteran T owners. Thank you! ( Pic attached)
submitted by DeepZoneScaphandre to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Frenchy98000 Let be silly

Let be silly submitted by Frenchy98000 to GooglyEyes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 No_Macaroon_7608 Facing this loading issue when trying to purchase solona from binance. How to solve this?

Facing this loading issue when trying to purchase solona from binance. How to solve this? submitted by No_Macaroon_7608 to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Bleach Rebirth of Souls - System Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

🏆 Game Professional | 📰 Gaming News | 🆕 Bleach Rebirth of Souls - System Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 LectureAny4133 How close to the moment of inauguration could the outgoing vice president become US president? Like if Biden was declared dead at 6 am on inauguration day, would Kamala become President for 6 hours?

submitted by LectureAny4133 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 cyberredcoat guess which country im from. winner gets a pat on the head :) bonus points if you get my interests right

guess which country im from. winner gets a pat on the head :) bonus points if you get my interests right submitted by cyberredcoat to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Blurstingwithemotion You can't kill this love! What we've got here is the eternal flame! The Bengals biatch!batch!! Circa '87!

You can't kill this love! What we've got here is the eternal flame! The Bengals biatch!batch!! Circa '87! submitted by Blurstingwithemotion to americandad [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Pale_Cricket4373 刘少奇为什么要走上叛党叛国这条道路?

submitted by Pale_Cricket4373 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Maxi_Turbo92 How is the “male loneliness epidemic” defined, and how do we fix it?

For example, is it “loneliness” in any platonic sense, or just romantic? Could it be caused by the spread of “the manosphere,” or does the loneliness cause men to be tempted by that sort of specious reasoning?
Personally, I don’t blame one gender nor the other, but instead, people/culture in general. We’re so engrossed in trying to make things objective even when it’s something sentimental, so people are trying to “figure out” behaviors like there are cheat codes or something. I also think that anyone who claims to know what someone is gonna do next, let alone something as broad as an entire gender, is likely trying to sell you something.
Overall, I do feel like dating has gotten too complicated and over-engineered, and if I may be frank, I honestly only want to date not because anyone’s pressuring me, but because I assume it’ll make me happy since there’s seemingly always a romance plot in most movies, even when it isn’t particularly written well or doesn’t fit it at all. To me, dating is just something I’m “supposed to do,” and I do sometimes feel weird about being 32, not being aro/ace or anything, but still never really having had a romantic partner before - but I digress.
submitted by Maxi_Turbo92 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Dirt-Purple The Trump For Students PAC/Turning Point Action activist who rugged $19 million... his middle name is "Rugger" 🤣

The Trump For Students PAC/Turning Point Action activist who rugged $19 million... his middle name is submitted by Dirt-Purple to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Izayamilkywayhq Chani account for $40

Chani account for $40 submitted by Izayamilkywayhq to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 EthanWilliams_TG Elephant Charges at Biker in Kerala Forest in Heart-Stopping Viral Video

Elephant Charges at Biker in Kerala Forest in Heart-Stopping Viral Video submitted by EthanWilliams_TG to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Few-Carrot7113 At what age you have seen your parents having sex and how did you feel that time ?

submitted by Few-Carrot7113 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Upstairs-Dare9074 Rich little kid that's stealing his mom's credit card

Rich little kid that's stealing his mom's credit card God damn,my boy. You're rolling in cash!
submitted by Upstairs-Dare9074 to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Osaitt 28 WINNERS!! ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Power STATION, two get ALLPOWERS SP029 and 25 get ALLPOWERS Lifestyle Gift (02/03/2025) {NA} {EU} {AU}

28 WINNERS!! ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Power STATION, two get ALLPOWERS SP029 and 25 get ALLPOWERS Lifestyle Gift (02/03/2025) {NA} {EU} {AU} submitted by Osaitt to giveaways [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Emergency-Welcome-71 Monsters

Do you think Guns will ever release Monsters? I've seen little talk about the song in this sub but it's a great song, have people not heard the leak?
submitted by Emergency-Welcome-71 to GunsNRoses [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 Dargorod100 Anyone know why acorn physics can get so weird?

Anyone know why acorn physics can get so weird? submitted by Dargorod100 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 ogpizgar How to Refresh My Hacked Wii and Reset All Saves and Stats?

Hi everyone,
I have a hacked Wii that I used to share with a friend, and now I’d like to “refresh” it to make it entirely my own. Basically, I want to remove all the files, save data, stats (like play counts, game history, etc.), and anything that isn’t mine.
The Wii is modded, and we used a combination of files from both of us on the SD card. I’d like to clean up the system so it’s only my stuff without losing the ability to run homebrew or other hacks.
Here’s what I’d like to know: 1. Which files or folders should I delete from the SD card to reset everything (save data, stats, etc.)? 2. Are there any specific system files I need to clear or replace? 3. Is there a safe way to reset play counts and game stats for both physical and digital games? 4. Is there anything else I should back up or be aware of before starting this process?
I’m not looking to fully unhack the console—just clean it up and reset everything to a fresh start with only my files. Any advice or step-by-step guidance would be greatly appreciated!
TL;DR: I have a hacked Wii shared with a friend and want to reset it so it’s only mine. How can I safely remove save data, stats (like play counts), and shared files while keeping the hacks? What should I delete or back up to start fresh?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ogpizgar to wii [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 roadgb88 Dune GB Update

Dune GB Update submitted by roadgb88 to gbstudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 deathpacito_2 Post workout, what do you think?

submitted by deathpacito_2 to cuteguys [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:36 UziGlockz544 What would you guys wanted in both setting and game mechanics if you had to choose instead of AC:Shadows

Personally, i feel like they could’ve done a game within the Balkans that focus mostly on steath and have a hint of RPG combats having the setting take place in a nationalistic time period as the Balkans revolt against the Ottoman Empire or Possibly what i said but it being taken place in central asia
submitted by UziGlockz544 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]
