UC3M 是要求推荐人直接通过自己的电子邮箱将推荐表和推荐信发到项目的email地址,推荐信已经签了字了,推荐表上的signature可不可以像网申系统那样打字上去?(主要是之前没注意到,再找推荐人签字并扫描,还要让他们发信比较麻烦老师。 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。 收到了CEMFI 以及UC3M Master of Analysis Economic 的全奖,不知道该如何抉择。 请了解这两个项目的大牛与前辈们给与建议。想了解中国大陆毕业于cemfi的大牛们的毕业去向。 非常感谢! 知道UC3M的Econ很好,之前申了Master in Economics(1 year)的,拿到了录取,后来把它拒了,想申个有奖的,不想自费到西班牙读书。 除了Econ两年研究型的硕士外,还有一个研究式的硕士,两个比起来,我对Business的更感兴趣些。 没。我是渣渣。只不过这个项目开的早,我就早把资料发过去了,但是这个项目我不确定好不好,因为之前隶属于 the Erasmus Mundus programme,结果从去年就不是了,然后我问完这个问题后负责人就发邮件录取我了,所以反而让我很纠结,而且卡三的收费确实很高,要是拿不到奖就费了。 申请UC3M的master in business and finance有戏么? ,寄托家园留学论坛提供最有用的出国留学资讯和最热心的留学交流论坛 已签到,明天再来 uc3m 发表于 2023-5-24 23:15 哦哦 感谢您,它系统里phd和master的申请是分开的吧好像,那我还是不懂master这个early round的意义何在. ... Bonn的PhD和MSc Economic Research是一个项目(那个MSc Economics不是research oriented的)。 你都已经有英国G5硕士文凭了,建议申请去欧陆或者英国高校做一年RA,不一定非要读二硕,RA期间多积累文章,一年不够做两年,反正时间上也和你读Mphil毕业出来差不多。 UC3M是我之后投的,我觉得这个项目蛮好的,但是了解的还不够充分,只是看以往的job market candidate里做corporate finance的多。 还有关于项目Placement的问题,Leuven那边金融方向这几年毕业的好像没有中国的学生,有其他专业的同学去了厦大、中国政法,很久以前有中国的金融学博士,去了厦大、央财之类。 卡三(uc3m)mea 面试求问(刚刚发现之前的帖子好像不小心设置成投币可见了? ),寄托家园留学论坛提供最有用的出国留学资讯和最热心的留学交流论坛
2025.01.20 11:15 Similar_Helicopter27 Uc3m as international student
Hello, I am considering to apply to uc3m for mechanical engineering bachelor. What about english studies. I have heard that some unis in Spain suggest 1 year english studies and later you have to study in spanish. Is it the same in uc3m?
submitted by Similar_Helicopter27 to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 FamousCoconut69 Who is the final version Mita ? Cus the reset didn't work
submitted by FamousCoconut69 to MiSideReddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 11:15 Throwaway123647478 Single throughout uni, is there still chance?
About to graduate soon, still single. Is there still chance for me to get attached?
submitted by Throwaway123647478 to NTU [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 One_Ant_6652 11 dpo - is this a vvvvfl or am I seeing things?
submitted by One_Ant_6652 to lineporn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 11:15 summingly Virtual shifting on the Kickr Core without Zwift?
New Wahoo Kickr Core Zwift One user here.
Is there a way to use the virtual shifting feature of the core without a Zwift subscription?
I know this question has been asked a few times, but I'd like to know the latest on this.
submitted by summingly to Zwift [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 theainchentwither Slice of life Romance isekai
Looking for a slice of life romance isekai that is good like the mc and his class get teleported to another world mc gets outcast and goes to live a normal life get a girlfriend have a family type thing
submitted by theainchentwither to anime [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 Jolly-Interview3531 Let’s all be a little bit smarter! Some thoughts on Egg, woo and our attitude…
We are getting caught up on the fact that it’s egg shaped. If it were any other shape, a cube, a sphere, rectangular prism, cigar, whatever, we likely wouldn’t be so dismissive. Just because an egg happens to be something we comically associate with bad smell, or lack of intelligence in insult form, a ‘funny’ shape etc. (Not the same connotations from a historical, cultural perspective or non-memeified symbolic perspective - a symbol of life or new life, new beginnings, purity, auspiciousness, origin of the universe in creation myths, fertility) shouldn’t be grounds for dismissal . The phenomenon is far too strange and absurd to write off something that’s only mildly strange if not simply just familiar looking.
Considering the aspect of absurdity within the phenomenon, by seeking the literal and the material, could we be missing the bigger picture? What if the 'purpose' of it, whatever it may be, is to make us aware or question our understanding of our perception? Similarly, the phenomena/high strangeness/psychadelic experiences have a well documented 'trickster' element, a sense of humour even.
As much as it seems easier to dismiss the 'woo', it is such a big part of the phenomena that I don't believe it can be adequately seperated - it is the phenomena, like it or not. We have much more (publically available) documentation recorded throughout history of how it affects us transpersonally than we have accessible, agreeable physical evidence in a material sense. We are more likely to have experienced, or know someone who has experienced something strange (in the high strangeness, paranormal, beyond explainable life experience etc sense) than we are to having evidence that would collectively convince us (this is another myth, we all have different thresholds of what we would consider the smoking gun based on experience, there can't exist evidence that will make everyone happy!) - note: what if the phenomena in it's evasive nature is trying to teach us to not search for it in the ways we currently do? how is this transferable to the ways in which we live as humans? what if asking these questions is the point?
We must realize that nearly all of the credible people in ufology who go into this beyond surface level recognize the spiritual/psychic/transpersonal/woo or whatever we can call it as something integral to it, and interesting enough to put preconceptions aside to entertain the concept. Not doing so perhaps speaks to misunderstanding the phenomena and getting information only from YouTube videos, Reddit and so on. Read some books! Take some psychedelics [if safe and legal etc]! Recognize the absurdity in life and our very existence and observe how the phenomena in all of its weirdness is not that strange, but perhaps quite natural.
Seek out perhaps some of these experiences rather than waiting for it to be handed to you. Instead of being so emotionally invested and then saying 'welp thats it' when something doesn't align with an expectation, follow up with more questions! let's not be so complacent!
Here's an analogy (perhaps not so great but I'm sure you will get my point), the sun being placeholder for the phenomena or a UAP in material sense. Try to understand it from an implications perspective - for example, it’s not wise to stare at the sun, it would damage you and there isn’t much to be understood by staring straight at it. Literally just a blinding orb, with some heat. In fact staring at it really gives an absence of information, a lack of vision, if done for too long, possibly permanently.
But the sun allows us to see what’s all around, creates the life around us, makes our planet move a certain way, can give us illness, skin cancer, health, wellness, affects our literal daily mood (as in happy when the sun is out, sad when its covered, soft when its down etc), creates shadows, reflections, refractions, colours, all of which influences and is the basis in a consequential way of all of our art, our philosophy, our culture, our linguistic conceptions of light and dark, therefore warm and cool, happy and sad, good and evil, the very concept of duality itself …
the implications of the sun are massive, core to our existence - staring at the sun in comparison gives us very little , and it’s not something that we can do productively, without super specialized equipment and an understanding of Physics. You can't really get a nice photo of it with your phone. What we are doing by waiting to be given the photo that will change all (allegedly) would be akin to waiting for NASA to release a nice picture of the sun and not realising we can reflect on all the above concepts and implications, in a way that could change us in a much more beautiful way than a photograph ever could.
We are too focused on the nuts and bolts. What if the purpose of the phenomena is in all the implications of it as opposed to the phenomena itself as a directly observable thing!
In regards to the Egg UAP, I am also intrigued (positively and negatively) by the format of delivery by Ross, but ultimately if they are being honest, dressing down the 'woo' element would be dishonest to the experience. So that combined with the super sensationalized aspect makes for something that seems too unserious to be serious, and yet there is still something very intriguing about it all. And again, however legit you believe it to be, instead of having a tantrum and memeifying it excessively, think about the impliations and purpose in the longer term, and why it was presented in such a way. Some things make more sense retrospectively.
If it’s too alien we dismiss it, if it’s too familiar we dismiss it, then perhaps we are too dismissive. Let’s simply observe without getting too attached - see what feels true and what doesn’t. People saying ‘that’s it I’m done with ufology’ , why does your interest start and end with a photograph or short clip? Why are you putting all of your eggs (lol) in one basket? There is so much more to explore! Blaming others for being fooled/ calling them this and that speaks more to you fearing that feeling of being exposed for your credulity. We have more agency than that. We have the ability to observe and engage in a more level headed way!
Another thought, the way the cable holding the egg moves/bends/warps (idk the correct term) seems accurate to how a heavy duty cable of such length would move. As in if you put a real egg on a short to scale piece of string, it will be completely straight under the weight, not ripple as it does in the video, which also speaks to considerable weight (?). Perhaps the shadow from the egg and visible ground texture speaks to strong artifical lighting that you would expect in a base. You can't really be mad at such a news channel for sensationalising the story either - this is quite literally the purpose of this form of media.
I haven't even seen any honest attempts to debunk, only memeifying. Quite surprising actually. It seems a lot like you’re personally hurt that Ross or Lue or whoever ‘led you on’ so to speak, it’s become a bit parasocial. We don’t know these people. Such dissappointment speaks to blind faith and trust in people which is dangerous. And if something is wrong doesn’t mean everything is wrong - let’s not be so all or nothing!
submitted by Jolly-Interview3531 to UFOs [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 riddleman01 Ondiepte in de Noordzee ten noordwesten van Nederland waar natuurclubs een verbod op sleepnetvisserij willen afdwingen. (11) letters
Antwoord: https://www.puzzelwoordenboeknu.com/ondiepte-in-de-noordzee-ten-noordwesten-van-nederland-waar-natuurclubs-een-verbod-op-sleepnetvisserij-willen-afdwingen-11-letters/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 Dilmor_ Quick sketch
submitted by Dilmor_ to Illustration [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 11:15 kaktus1939 how do i hit him
i wanna punch him so bad submitted by kaktus1939 to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 11:15 StIcKy_02 What should i do
I just gkt an email from school with the message that there will be a schooltrip to another country but i dont want to go cus i have no one to go with. How can i convince my mom to stay here
submitted by StIcKy_02 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 promobloguiador #Promorreseña
➡️ Ya que el Foro Económico Mundial de este 2025 empieza, te puede interesar conocer lo que dio de sí el del año pasado. Para ello cuentas con este libro de Tomás C. Sánchez: 'Foro Económico Mundial, Davos 2024' ✅
submitted by promobloguiador to lomejorenpromos [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 akin975 Ich_iel
submitted by akin975 to ich_iel [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 11:15 reddit_lss_1 Title
Multiple report report test 20/1/2025 11:14:17
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to AutomodAutomationTest [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 skeakysquid95 Self-promotion Thread
Use this thread to post your progress!
submitted by skeakysquid95 to bootybuilders [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 0xInfo Expanding CTF Team (Crypto/Forensics/RE)
RaptX is looking for intermediate to advanced CTF players specializing in cryptography, forensics, and reverse engineering. We've placed competitively in recent CTFs and are focused on taking on challenging competitions with a collaborative approach.
If you're experienced in these areas and want to join a dedicated team, feel free to DM me. Let’s compete and grow together!
submitted by 0xInfo to securityCTF [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 wewdwtnizrub Krkcco Discount Code January 2025
Check here for Krkcco Discount Code January 2025
Want to save money at Krkcco in January 2025? Score the best promo codes, coupons, and more deals to get what you want for less!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to WalmartCouponCode [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 kawaiipikachu86 Couldn't Nintendo come up with a Better name?
If all the rumors are true what they show in the trailer, it's going to be a full on Successor yet they called it a Switch 2.
With a name like that, it only says that it's another switch instead of it being a successor.
Pretty much like how the DSi is just another DS & 3DS is just another 3DS, not successors.
Even the DSi had a more meaningful name hence why some people thought it was a successor & it didn't helped the 3DS launch when it shown to be a true successor
So in other words there be a lot of confusion about the Switch 2 about being just another Switch or a Switch Successor.
submitted by kawaiipikachu86 to nintendo [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 FPLModerator Rate My Team, Quick Questions & General Advice Daily Thread
We have a reputation system. Reply !thanks to someone who has helped you and this rewards them with a point, shown next to their username.
This thread is for:
!fplbot vs.
2025.01.20 11:15 Kchan02 Maybe Arthur will finally get some action he deserves
submitted by Kchan02 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 Deep_Tap6269 Is this from termites?
Is this from flying ants or termites?
https://ibb.co/JdGm9S4 https://ibb.co/YX3Z3dS https://ibb.co/mRBx1vP https://ibb.co/hWGnbqK https://ibb.co/d4rDLFv https://ibb.co/1MrM2gx
submitted by Deep_Tap6269 to pestcontrol [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 Savurgan-Kaplan0761 Question about mods
I got into Total War series and they are surprisingly easy to make simple tweaks and edits. I wondered is there a tutorial or modders community like Total War Center or something. Maybe there is a way to edit bannerlord like those too?
submitted by Savurgan-Kaplan0761 to mountandblade [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 TreeThrowAway-fgh Trees poisoned in Tree Preservation Order area (new home owner)
throw away to preserve anonymity, England
Moved into a new house 3 months ago, it's got a massive garden, old owners had planning permission to build houses in the garden (it was a long fight with multiple rejections from council)
we have no plan to build anything in the garden
we're in a tree preservation order area, as part of their old planning permission there's a full map of the garden with every tree marked on it, old stumps marked on it, what type, some sizes and a bunch of stuff about trees I know nothing about.
looking at planning permission history online, neighbours have needed permission to cut down dead trees or even trim living ones
We've got no intention of cutting any trees down, but I've found some will holes drilled in, looks like they've been poisoned, it's winter so no leaves on, I've got no idea if the trees are dead or alive
what's going to happen when we have a bunch of dead trees that need cutting down? will we be in the shit for it?
we have no proof it wasn't us, I have no idea how we could even prove that
submitted by TreeThrowAway-fgh to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 babababronsky Jailton is a massive buy!
Almeida is still young for the HW division at 33yo and just got an impressive and very exciting finish over tough competition in Spivac. He called out Gane (#2 HW) and the fight makes complete sense. A Gane fight would likely happen around the same time as the Aspinall-Jones super fight, assuming it happens. Those two are the only HWs above Gane, so Almeida might be closer to a title shot than people realize, at least judging by his prices on eBay.
submitted by babababronsky to ufccards [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 11:15 ManyTax1099 Russian peasant with Kreat.AI Image Generator
submitted by ManyTax1099 to RealAIGirls [link] [comments] |