2025.01.20 20:49 Embarrassed_Moose341 3 twisteds on floor 3?
So, I was in a run. And we got to floor 3 and there was 3 twisteds on floor 3. There was like 5 people. Is this a new update or something? I'm in the discord server and I didn't hear or see anything about it. I also had like 8 twisteds on floor 20 when I was by myself.
submitted by Embarrassed_Moose341 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 bluesn0wflake 2 week glow up! Is it a boy or girl? And any thoughts on type?
Was sold as a “baby boy betta”. Didn’t name it yet because wasn’t sure! submitted by bluesn0wflake to bettafish [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 dedzip Pretty skookum all-metal cig lighter adapter I’ve been using since I think the 90s
submitted by dedzip to Skookum [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Angry-YoungMen MF
submitted by Angry-YoungMen to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Far-Chain-7294 O que é pior na opinião de vocês: Positivo ou ThinkPad?
O que é pior na opinião de vocês como notebook para projetos: Positivo ou ThinkPad?
submitted by Far-Chain-7294 to brdev [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 Ready-Ad-5039 Clark acting like Mari his girl or somethin' smh
submitted by Ready-Ad-5039 to dccomicscirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 drop2on Inherited castiron
From my grandmother to my father to me. I use the smaller of the 2 almost daily. The larger almost never, although they appear to hook together? Thanks in advance for any info! submitted by drop2on to castiron [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Working-Performer568 Does 1999 enemies have their own faction mods?
And if yes do I get them by playing 1999 missions or sth else? It’s Been a long time since I played warframe and I have no idea about 1999 system
submitted by Working-Performer568 to Warframe [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 EngGerManagement Khorne Man and his whip C&C welcome
submitted by EngGerManagement to ageofsigmar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Yurtus Render Settings for Beginner
I have been messing around with blender for a bit for GTA 5 assets for a bit now, but I’d like to upgrade the way I showcase my models but whenever I try to render an image with a scene it looks grainy, every video I watch is not much help, so I come here to ask for tips for best render settings for just an image.
submitted by Yurtus to blender [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 astillzq Does she not look Arab?
She’s been getting hate for claiming KSA where she is from but ppl in the comments say she’s not. I know dark skin or African-featured khaleejis/yemenis will get told they’re not “pure” but this girl looks like Arab to me... am I missing something lol. submitted by astillzq to AskMiddleEast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Buttholecheeks Time traveller: kicks a rock. The timeline:
submitted by Buttholecheeks to CaptainUnderpants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Mammoth-Pool-3245 Where the houston people at !
submitted by Mammoth-Pool-3245 to CloudBlowersWanted [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 TheDoccyB Another Photoshoot
S submitted by TheDoccyB to shootingcars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 FederalDoor6744 Rate my Crusade list
Hey y'all, I made my 2000 point list of Black Templars so that I may crush the foes of The God Emperor. Feedback and ways to make it better are welcome and greatly appreciated
2025.01.20 20:49 wannonlikescheese Was the babies first night in the cage
I was really anxious whether or not they'd actually get along in the cage, but after a night of squeaks and squabbles last night, I found all five of my rats snuggled up together
submitted by wannonlikescheese to RATS [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 DesignerDirection389 29M - looking for a chat buddy!
Have you ever wanted someone to talk to? I mean really to talk to? To have a friend that won't judge you, listens and accepts you?
I am looking to be that person and also to have that person too! I want to be able talk to you most days, to talk about anything, be it politics, games, hobbies, personal issues, careers, relationships, fears and anything in-between.
I want us to be open-minded, accepting, non judgemental, understanding and also honest! The reason I am looking on Reddit, is because Reddit has a certain degree of anonymity that I like so I talk about the things I can't talk to those around me.
Is this you? Do you want this and can you provide this?
Be over 25, while I'm open to genders, I have lots of male friends online and would like a Female perspective sometimes so would particularly like to have F chat buddy! Send me your name, location and a colour!
Can do discord too
submitted by DesignerDirection389 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 Acrobatic-Fee-4287 LTB Ignus on F1’s Old Gen
submitted by Acrobatic-Fee-4287 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 GracilusEs Banned from the discord server
I said that naruto solos goku. Admin said to debate him, I told him I don't wanna vc and he said I concede. I told him I don't concede, I just don't want to vc. He said I'm breaking a rule. I look at the rules and lo and behold, nothing there about conceding, just that you have to drop the topic or agree to disagree if you deny a vc debate. So I did that- i said i agree to disagree. But he said I have to CONCEDE- admit I was wrong or get banned. told him to ss the rule and he did. To my face. Proved himself wrong. Then I was banned right after. Drakkontard is his name, I believe. Might be wrong about that.
Does anyone know how to appeal a ban if possible?
Ps I was joking about naruto, I know goku blitzes infinitely.
submitted by GracilusEs to PowerScaling [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 superchica81 A friend is organizing a retreat and wants me to be the massage therapist there. She hasn’t been able to fill all the spots, can I charge a finders fee for every one of my clients that signs up?
So basically the title. When she first advertised the retreat I offered to advertise it to my client list as I had a few that were keen to go. She said no because she wanted it to her clients first. It didn’t make sense to me but she was organizing so I didn’t mention anything more about it.
Now the retreat is a few months away, she hasn’t filled all the spots, and she’s asking me if I can help her by advertising with my clients. I run a busy practice and don’t work at retreats bc the few times I have I make the same as if I’d stayed in my office with less hassle of having to transport my gear.
Anyway, can I charge a finders fee and if so how much?
submitted by superchica81 to MassageTherapists [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 DizzyButterfly9102 Finizen evo
2025.01.20 20:49 Aggressive_Bite5931 Yeah... About elon...
submitted by Aggressive_Bite5931 to MAGANAZI [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 SweetestE 3 weeks positive?
Hi everyone! I took a test this AM, I am approximately 10-11 DPO, and I got a very obvious positive. My last menstrual was on 12/28, making me around 3w2d. Is it normal to get such a positive this early on? submitted by SweetestE to lineporn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:49 Bunny_Carrots_87 Is it a bad look as a BT to look tired when coming in to sessions (very tired) and to seem a bit forgetful?
To not remember each and every single target you and client scored 100 on today, and to look a little unkept when coming in for work. The family I work for are nice but I still worry sometimes, I filled in an extra 9-12:30 session today so I also kind of lost track of the time. I hope it doesn’t make them think that I’m bad at my job/that it isn’t a huge flaw!
submitted by Bunny_Carrots_87 to RBT [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:49 AKingIsHere AI / Chatbots in QS’ing
I’ve been using chat GPT to help me with excel templates and give initial QA’s (maths checking, spelling and grammar etc), but I’m sure it can be used for more.
Does anybody here use AI or chat bots to help them with their day to day? If so, what’s the most useful way you’ve used it?
submitted by AKingIsHere to quantitysurveying [link] [comments]