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2025.01.20 21:50 SuperAtmosphere GDSA Practice Test(s) Needed!!

Hi all, I'm in the midst of preparing for the GDSA. If anyone has any practice tests that they won't be using or that are about to expire soon, I would be incredibly grateful if you could share them with me.
The exam has been much harder than I anticipated, and I would also appreciate any tips as well!
Wishing everyone good luck with their studies and any exams on the horizon!
submitted by SuperAtmosphere to GIAC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 TheManipulator_25 Michelle Trachtenberg

Michelle Trachtenberg submitted by TheManipulator_25 to NoseKink [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Uzxxlu21 This Week in Comedy Jan 20th-26th

Minnesota weather is really doing its thing right now, but don’t let that stop you from checking out these great shows!
If you spot any shows missing from this list, feel free to drop them in the comments, and I’ll make sure to update it throughout the week.
Some of these shows are free, with suggested donations to support the organizers and keep our comedy community thriving. These contributions make it possible for comedians from near and far to refine their craft right here in our city.
Without further ado, here’s your comedy lineup for the week:
Monday, January 20th

Tuesday, January 21st
Wednesday, January 22nd
Thursday, January 23rd
Friday, January 24th
Saturday, January 25th
Sunday, January 26th
Shows Outside the Twin Cities
Friday, January 24th
Saturday, January 25th
If you’re interested in signing up or getting into stand-up but don’t know where to start, or if you just want to support the comics and help provide an audience, please check out Mike Brody List
submitted by Uzxxlu21 to twincitiessocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 lbabinz [Fanatical] Lunar New Year Sale

[Fanatical] Lunar New Year Sale submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsUS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 RoundZookeepergame2 Elon Nazi salute

Elon Nazi salute submitted by RoundZookeepergame2 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 FireTyme The event that made me stop savescumming - a rimworld tale

This is the story of tony and slick. Toni fell to herself at a young age on the rim - naked and alone. A few months in and a genie comes among the colony. toni being a 16 year old stilll didnt share much interest, but slick proved himself to be a valuable researcher.
Being a small community still, there wasnt much socialisation, and at the age of 18, toni and slick felt themselves to become lovers. a 13 year age gap between them didnt seem to stop them. But being a calm individual slick proved himself over the months to be a loving person, and the couple decided to be engaged.
Then the day of the wedding came, slick came to his spot to exchange the vows.
As he spoke his first words at the alta, the alarm sounded, raiders seemed to fall from the sky. dropping in on slick and killing him instantly.
And me the player alt f4'd instantly out of habit, as my lvl 20 researcher in the early game dying hurt.
then i realised what an amazing tale it was, and reloading back the game seeing slick alive just felt fake. This made me realise that i was definitely handicapping myself. relying on reloads or alt f4's to solve every problem instead of getting actually better at the game. like i barely use xenogerms untill i got most genes, but honestly getting a few nice early game ones by the time i get better ones the genes have regrown easily.
so now i'm full on scumming. if something really stupid happens i might do the odd one here and there just because sometimes the game does have some odd mechanics and anti QoL stuff, but i definitely see the appeal now.
submitted by FireTyme to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Traditional-Buy203 Absolutely lovely

Absolutely lovely submitted by Traditional-Buy203 to SRHighlights [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 SergeantScoobered Tips

I started this game a while ago them let it sit and now I'm back and hooked on it. Is there any tips anyone has as far as getting more higher level kills or stuff like that?
submitted by SergeantScoobered to theHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 GaryWray Bizarre Fun Art by Gary Wray (me) 2015

Bizarre Fun Art by Gary Wray (me) 2015 submitted by GaryWray to SmorgasbordBizarre [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 theztormtrooper When did Emil delete his twitter?

I noticed that doesn't exist anymore. This is pretty recent i think, since I remember being able to see his posts a few months ago.
Does anyone know when he deleted it and why?
submitted by theztormtrooper to Fallout [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Horace-Pinkerr New To Game and Probably an Idiot but... How Do I Set Lubomir To Worker Without a Staging Ground?

I'm in the beginning where I first get Lubomir and the top quest/priority says to set him as a worker, but how? I can't figure out how to change his setting and it says on his overview screen that I need a staging ground to set him to worker? I'm stumped as the staging ground is locked and I can't research myself.
submitted by Horace-Pinkerr to Bellwright [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Swimming-Regular-416 I think I have low self-worth.

I've been checking for the symptoms for a while now, and I think it's safe to say that I have a low sense of self-worth. I have a short fuse and lash out sometimes, I always feel guilty of something, even when I don't know what, I think over past mistakes I've made, I don't think I'm good enough for my girlfriend, I always say sorry, and sometimes I don't eat as much as usual. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Swimming-Regular-416 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 l0ggs [US] [Selling] Robocop Limited Edition Arrow Blu Ray

[US] [Selling] Robocop Limited Edition Arrow Blu Ray 55 shipped Great shape aside from the little notch in the spine that came with shipping.
submitted by l0ggs to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Satevg and 2 players in playing on the board

Hi everyone, I'm considering buying Go or Air. Watched couple videos, and I see, it's possible to play opponent online and so on, registering your game on But, is that possible to play a rated game between 2 players if they both have accounts, physically moving the pieces? I mean both players would do this, not one playing from phone and another on the board.
submitted by Satevg to Chessnuteboard [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 AspenStarr Fleeing the US, wanting to move to the UK:

I need advice. Truthfully…I’ve always loved the idea of moving to the UK, as I’ve always felt rather out of place here in the US, and the UK just always seems like the best option for me. Recent events however, have made it a rather urgent decision…and I need to leave as soon as possible, before I fear I can’t.
I have very little knowledge about immigration. I’m only 25, and I grew up quite sheltered (long, abusive story)…I tend to have a metric ton of anxiety and CPTSD, so I would definitely need some kind of program or something with someone who could help me along during the process? I’m hoping my partner (24) will be coming with me, if he does, it would be us and our 2 cats. If he doesn’ would just be me. By myself.
There seems to be only 2 valid options from what I’ve looked into. The first being the “youth mobility scheme”, which I can get up to 3 years..and then from there, I could transfer over to a skilled workers visa, if I understand that correctly? Otherwise, I could go straight to the skilled workers visa through my job, possibly…because I work with IHG hotels, and they’re a global branch. However, if my partner were to come with me, he does not work with a global company, so I don’t believe he would qualify?
submitted by AspenStarr to immigration [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Skylarr59 *Your* oc’s rate *mine!*

*Your* oc’s rate *mine!* Post how your oc’s would rate both of mine and I’ll show their reactions! :3
submitted by Skylarr59 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 B1ddaum What’s with the march in DT Raleigh near Davie Street

Anyone have an idea what’s going on?
submitted by B1ddaum to raleigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Clear-Ad-8332 Ari

Ari submitted by Clear-Ad-8332 to FamosasTwtich__LO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 princeofnc Lili reinhart

Lili reinhart submitted by princeofnc to babesfromRiverdale [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 jordanamesgaming Reality RP - Fly in and create your own story | PD, EMS, DOJ Hiring | Cool Cars, Weapons, Drugs, Active Staff

Good afternoon,
I hope you all are doing well. My name is Jordan Ames, and I am the Police Chief in Reality RP. If you are looking for a city that has cool cars, cool people, and an active staff team, look no further. Let me cut to the chase though…this is not a city that is 100k or die, pay to win, has a broken economy, or whack people. If you are interested fly in, and have fun.
Make sure to clear your cache/recycle bin before flying in…
This Friday we are having a mechanical bull event!
submitted by jordanamesgaming to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 2gkfcxs How tf does one kill a cruiser or even a frigate

I've spent the past few days trying every weapon combo of the fa18 to kill a destroyer but notated what the omnipotent aa just shoots everything down I've tried saturation attacks I've tried very close range harpoon pop up attacks I've tried fireing distracting the ships with talds while my slam-er's come in from the opposite direction and nothing has worked
submitted by 2gkfcxs to dcsworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Mecha_Artist NTB-K? (New tobot K?)

NTB-K? (New tobot K?) As you can see K is a Hyundai GrandeuAzera
submitted by Mecha_Artist to Tobot [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 keeper13 Considering leaving after restructure while WFH remains

Our company went through some major restructuring this last year and many key members have been laid off or have left. I’m a specialist so in theory my job is safe - without specialists we would have no clients so we would be the last to go..
Some specialists have left recently while those who have stayed have been put on even more pressure/stress and are overworked and burnt out. Raises/bonuses have been put on freeze. I haven’t had a raise in almost 2 years while I’ve almost doubled my output. Now losing my savings each month due to inflation/rent increases over the years as I do live in an area with a high COL. It’s not the same company anymore.
I’m beginning to look elsewhere as other opportunities pay more and likely less stress. It just blows my mind that leadership is not coming to me with at least a 25% increase in salary to come on board. It just doesn’t even cross their mind. If I were to leave and even another then the entire dept would be absolutely fucked and could cripple the company. I would stay here but I’m not being taken care of and have nothing more extra I can give. Now extra pressure and more work has been put on me. It’s obviously not easy to find a job right now in my field and many others.
Just do whatever I can to push for a raise as I have the leverage with current company or just make a part time job out of applying for other roles while staying put?
submitted by keeper13 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 StayHidden12345678 Convinced I wasn't equipped to handle the BPD even though I loved her endlessly

It started so fast. She was clingy, constantly wanted to be around me and in communication. When we moved in together, I couldn't walk in the room without having to hug, kiss, dance, etc. with her. It felt like a requirement as opposed to something I desired after a while. Like a second full time job.
I told her it was unrealistic and she said "I shouldn't have to put a limit on love."
It made me feel like shit. I blamed myself for being inadequate. She convinced me my love language wasn't physical touch, although I know it is. It was just too much. I began to pull away.
Once I pulled away, she devalued and cheated. I still blame myself. "Why couldn't you just have kissed her everytime she asked? Why couldn't you have gone out of your comfort zone so she would stay and you wouldn't have to feel so alone now?"
Is this a commonality?
submitted by StayHidden12345678 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Own-Pirate6111 GC to Byron Bay

Hello everyone, I’m planning on visiting Byron Bay on late Feb, and I was wondering what it the best way to get there (same day trip)
submitted by Own-Pirate6111 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]