2025.01.20 22:31 FalleNeko2 Why my silly boy is sucking his fur?
I got worried since Richard started to suck his paws like a little kittens suck moms milk. I thought he's just washing himself but I can hear sucking sounds and the way his mouth is moving doesn't seem normal. Am I overthinking and he's just silly or it really isn't Normal.
submitted by FalleNeko2 to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Primary-Calendar-378 Blursed_Diss_Track
submitted by Primary-Calendar-378 to blursedimages [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 altissimoaccount go for it
submitted by altissimoaccount to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 iaminfinitecosmos from excitment to routine...
I've been playing this game since the beginning. At first, it was flashy and cool in unique ways that made me overlook all its flaws. But now, it feels like the entire game is just a character builder, repeating the same instances, without any relaxing space to simply enjoy playing. Do you think this game has a future?
submitted by iaminfinitecosmos to ZZZ_Discussion [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 hurstp21 Ok now curly mop or middle part?
submitted by hurstp21 to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 ImaginaryStrain8998 Please help identify this.
I’m needing help with identifying this critter. I find them around the house and I’ve pulled about 5 of them in total out of my skin. They would be about half of their body penetrating my skin when I found them and pulled them out. A few of them was in too deep and I couldn’t grab them with tweezers good enough to pull them out. They are very thin and kind of remind me of a tiny fish scale. Is it possibly scabies? I’m located very south of Alabama. A place called Dothan, Al. Thank you for looking.
submitted by ImaginaryStrain8998 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Morning_star04 Help me get a good price for the bulk of all these items
So yea someone is asking me what I am willing to sell him for my entire collection without any hassle of getting them authenticated. I do not know yet since I only have a price range for each individual piece, depending on variations like 500$ for one thing but if it’s authentic I could sell it for 760$ sort of deal. So my question is that for this entire collection I averaged every piece to 500$, I have 41 items so a total of 20,500$. Is that fair? Is that low considering how much it COULD auction for once authenticated or is it too high? And yes he said he wanted the fake yankees shirt with Mickey Mantle on it, so I also included it to the mix. All photos in the google drive link since it is 20+ photos
submitted by Morning_star04 to SportsMemorabilia [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Wonderful_001 Income has increased, so does spending. How to stop spending increase.
My wife and I reached HENRY status in 2022. Our income has doubled since 2016. But our per year saving in hand is almost the same. We did increase our 401k contributions, which has grown a lot. Inflation is up. But still expenses have increased a lot. Not sure how to reduce them.
Our per year saving in the bank has been almost same over the years. Any suggestions to reduce expenses and increase saving will be good.
submitted by Wonderful_001 to HENRYfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 brainrott7 Blox fruits 4th sea concept part 3 final
submitted by brainrott7 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Sea_Love_5281 What is the best team i can make?
I tried basically everything, and LF Daima Goku is my best unit by far, and tbh, i just want some way to counter beast gohan, as i find him much more op and annoying then UMV. So any suggestions would be appreciated. And don't mind the random I, II and III zenkai units. submitted by Sea_Love_5281 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Far-Flatworm-4731 ¿Conseguir dinero rápido ?
Me acaban de despedir de mi trabajo y aunque ya encontré otro empiezo hasta el siguiente mes, pero debo pagar la renta y mis gastos del mes. Ya estuve considerando vender cosas pero en realidad no tengo algo de mucho valor a excepción del teléfono que lo necesito para mi trabajo. Tengo 5 días para conseguir ese dinero, algún consejo?
submitted by Far-Flatworm-4731 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 snoopmt1 This sum up the event for you too?
submitted by snoopmt1 to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Successful-Edge-900 Is it too late to apply ?
Hi guys I am a masters in CS student and I am planning to apply to pursue a PhD in Machine learning I have two publications at AAAI conference as a workshop paper and with a presentation at ACS as well for drug discovery work experience in a biotech startup for 2 years as an AI researcher. My undergrad and masters gpa is 3.8/4.0 and 4.0/4.0 for masters do I still stand a chance to apply would appreciate any advice or can I apply for another masters ?.
submitted by Successful-Edge-900 to MBZUAI [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Longjumping-Job2381 Salris/vrije dagen leraren
Als ik de slarisschaal van VO leraren bekijk lijkt dit eigenlijk te mooi om waar te zijn, dik boven modaal met dubbel de vakantiedagen. Ik weet dat de werkdruk redelijk hoog ligt maar alsnog lijkt dit geweldig.
Mijn vraag aan leraren, is het allemaal zo geweldig als dat ik het nu voor mij zie?
submitted by Longjumping-Job2381 to werkzaken [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 lieneeil Big SBC advice
Looking to do a big long term SBC that I can grind out. Only use prem players so that KDB looks nice but is he really that much better than WW Scholes. Also considering thunderstruck Vieira but also it he even better than WW Rice submitted by lieneeil to EAFC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Exotic-Mongoose-8996 Je to normální v našem vztahu?
Ahoj, mně je 18 a přítelovi je 22, jsme spolu už 3 roky. A oba máme rozdílný názory.
Přítelovi strašně vadí, že málo uklízím i přestože celý týden bývám ve škole do 5 hodin. A když se musí snažím vysvětlit, že jsem celej den ve škole, přijedu dlouho domů a jsem unavená, tak argumentuje tím, že on je celý den v práci i, když není zaměstnanej (často pomáhá rodičům a je pořád pryč). Stěžuje si na to, že semnou není taková zábava, jako by si on představoval. Nelíbí se mu intimní život (má pocit, že to musí řídit on a musí si o to pořád říkat). Od mých 17 let mě živí, platí mi školu a stará se o mě (mám špatný vztah s rodiči).
A co mě vadí na něm?
Vždy, když se mu snažím něco vysvětlit (co a jak je, nebo proč tak je) jeho odpověď je 'Já to chápu, ALE...', ale nechápe to a jede si prostě furt to svoje, má svůj názor a svoje argumenty. Například, s tím uklízením. Podle něho jsem ženská, tudíž bych měla dělat 'ženské práce ' (uklízení, vaření atd.), ale nedokáže pochopit, že vstávám každý den o půl páté ráno, odjíždím do školy, ze školy přijedu o půl šesté večer, já jsem unavená a vyčerpaná, musím se připravit na další den školy, ale on ještě požaduje úklid baráku a připravenou večeři přímo pod nos. Občas se cejtim, že chce, abych byla jeho druhá máma (sám to přiznal) :) Já to chápu, že jsem holka, ale abych dělala většinu prací, to pardon, ale ne e. Je pravda, že on se stará o věci ohledně baráku. Nedávno jsem mu říkala, že když jsem ženská a mám se starat o chod domácnosti, tak on by měl bejt chlap a chodit do práce a nosit peníze. No. Práci nemá. Ale peníze jsou, zatím. Práci údajně hledá. Já mu říkala, že bysme se na tom mohli podílet o domácí práce oba dva. No. Nesouhlasil. Další věc. Jeho humor. Neříkám, občas se mu to povede, ale kolikrát je to fakt trapný. Pořád si ze mě dělá srandu, kdyby jen z maličkostí, tak neřeknu půl slova, ale on si utahuje i z vážných věci, což mě opravdu dosti vysírá. Příklad: Po tom, co jsem si udělala řidičák, tak dva a půl měsíce jsem mu dělala řidiče (z nevážného důvodu, neměl řidičák). Kamkoliv potřeboval odvést, tak jsem ho odvezla, párkrát mě vzbudil brzo ráno, protože někam potřeboval, já šla a odvezla jsem ho, vozila jsem ho, když se někde opil s jeho tátou atd. Nedávno jsme byli na návštěvě u jeho kamaráda a jeho taťka naznačil, že ho budu vozit ještě dlouho a můj přítel na to odvětil, že už jenom to ne. Myslel to jako vtip, ale doslova se tomu smál jenom on. Všichni na něj jenom koukali. Nedokáže mě brát vážně, to mi taky vadí. Přijde mi, že on všechno bere na lehkou váhu. Taky mi docela vadí, že si na mě nedokáže udělat pořádně čas. Během pracovního týdne to chápu, ale ty víkendy mě mrzí. Rok pracoval v zahraničí a většinou, když se vrátil na 10 dní domů, polovinu času pomáhal svým rodičům, druhou polovinu z většiny věnoval svýmu nejlepšímu kamarádovi a na mě potom zbyl den, max dva dny. Argumentuje tím, že všechno vymýšlí on a že bych měla něco vymyslet i já. Když jsem něco vymyslela já, většinou se mu nechtělo, tudíž jsem pak už neměla chuť něco vymýšlet. A ještě taková třešnička na dortu. Když pracoval v zahraničí, používal účet na seznamce za účelem 'povídání', ale nepřišlo mu to ani malinko blbý z důvodu, že neměl zaječí úmysly. Přišlo mi to jako podvod. A i když se to snažil omezit, stejně to několikrát porušil (teď už ten účet nemá).
Jaký na to máte názor vy? :) Rozejít se nechceme, ale zajímá nás názor i ostatním lidí, protože na to máme oba svůj názor.
submitted by Exotic-Mongoose-8996 to czech [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 FeistyZombie956 cold day off(?)
yall tomorrow is in the negetives- i mean im a michigander but like even today >5 minutes outside and i cant feel my fingers and toes
upperclassmen and alumni: have u ever had a cold day? and do u think it is possible we will have one tomorrow?
submitted by FeistyZombie956 to uofm [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 According-Middle7020 “Vocal Insanity”. Jay Kay Vs Hatsune Miku (Jamiroquai Vs Vocaloid)
submitted by According-Middle7020 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Nikalz Bought this early 2000s book to study design and I didn't realize I struck Y2K gold until I flipped through
Please excuse the glare on the pics lol. There's lots of great stuff in this book, probably some of the most satisfying photography I've ever seen. Some of the photos kinda give me "I Spy" vibes. The actual text of the book isn't super interesting, a lot of it is just repeating "Design is very important in the future 🤓☝️" but the quotes and pics definitely make it worth it. Also, the variety of books this publisher has caught me off guard when I read the back flap 💀
If anyone wants to get HQ scans, it's still available on Amazon.
submitted by Nikalz to FrutigerAero [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 Dang12345678901234 From a high school student in Hyogo to a idol that has her 1st Photobook. Congratulations to you Ioki Mao-chan! 🥳🎉❤️
submitted by Dang12345678901234 to Nogizaka46 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Opening-Branch-7732 M26 - rock hard already, make me cum hard!!!
submitted by Opening-Branch-7732 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 huckabucks Time for a new back wheel?
Got a flat out in the desert and had to ride back to camp on it.
Is it toast? Or can I keep using it? Photos are of both sides of the wheel.
submitted by huckabucks to Dirtbike_Help [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 pink_saalt IroIro black dye problems?
I've been using IroIro for over a year, but I've only used Neon Pink and Pink. I decided to do pink and black hair, but wanted to use a semi-permanent black as I wasn't sure I wanted to commit that heavily to the color.
The black bleeds everywhere. Even when my hair is dry. It bleeds onto my neck, all my clothes, my blankets and it is turning what use to be hot pink purple. I have some weird pink purple black hair now instead of the, very tedious, sectioning I had before. The pink hasn't done this to me before, it barely bled when I washed it let alone in daily life.
I wanted to know if anyone knows ways I can prevent this, as right now it's ruining so many of my belongings. Is it the brand? Are all semi-permanent blacks like this? I wash in water so cold I'm shivering when I'm done. I section my hair to wash, I wash my hair once a week so it can keep color. I didn't bleach my hair on the black sections because black is darker than brown (my virgin color) and the pink dye I had before. Any help appreciated!
submitted by pink_saalt to HairDye [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:31 No_Employ3477 Repost, Lf wishcoins, sapphire offers or party fav pots. NAME YOUR PRICE.
submitted by No_Employ3477 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:31 Pretty_Protection_60 relationship ended with BF over p0rn
I made it clear 4 years ago that it hurt my trust and killed my want to have sex when I found a folder on his computer that had a list of his favorite actresses and saw his TikTok was full of thirst traps. I know it is common, but it made me feel betrayed and inferior and just an object to him during sex. I also don't watch it and in a relationship I try my best to have eyes for just that person.
He said it would never happen again after seeing how hurt I was and it seemed like his files, fyp, and history were clear. I sent lots of pictures and videos and sexted when we weren't together.
We've ups and down though in our relationship and we haven't had as much sex lately, there has been a lot of resentment of emotional needs not being met and fighting but just a week ago we had been intimate.
This weekend I noticed his fyp had some kind of suggestive things and he assured me again that it wasn't anything and that he wasn't like that and wouldn't ever be looking at women like that again knowing how it had affected me. I used his computer today to sign a document and noticed he was being shady, he was trying to delete videos off of it before I saw.
It hurts more especially when it is specific women and they don't look anything like you. It sucks when someone gives you their word and doesn't honor it, not only with this but other things. It makes me feel like I can never trust what they say.
This time he didn't even try to cover it up, basically said "well you can't really be surprised, you haven't been meeting my needs for 3 years."
I didn't want to talk so I just left. He sent a text essentially saying goodbye. It hurt that he didn't really seem to apologize this time. I feel worthless and like I will never be enough. I wanted to be enough and somehow always fell short.
I don't want to keep feeling this way, I don't want to feel like he never loved and cared about me and he was just a dishonest liar. I know he has a point but I still didn't do that to him.
It hurts, I didn't want it to be over and I don't want to be alone. I also don't want to be lied to. I don't want to feel inferior in every relationship.
Please help me navigate it, I know it might be dumb or trivial but it hurts regardless.
submitted by Pretty_Protection_60 to BreakUps [link] [comments]