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2025.01.21 00:43 halamkem This has to count
Saw this as the sign language interpreter for the national championship football game. She did an amazing job! But the name.... that counts right? submitted by halamkem to tragedeigh [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 BaronVonSilver91 Falcons are back at it again, without the mask this time ...but it might not be a bad thing
We are covering the Falcons hire of Jeff Ulbrich submitted by BaronVonSilver91 to falcons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 BayonetTrenchFighter Does religion lead to more or less perfectionism?
submitted by BayonetTrenchFighter to religion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 armchairplane What do you do when you can't get your shit together?
I've been trying to get my life together for over 10 years and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I just cannot fucking do it. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to just give up and do nothing but sit around watching YouTube, but I know that's not really an option because if you don't do anything life gets even worse. I've tried getting outside help in the form of therapy, but I'm honestly tired of trying to find a competent therapist I can afford (BetterHelp for example is like $350 a month!).
What do?
submitted by armchairplane to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 gooseandfrog Haunting airbnbs?
Anyone stay at a haunted Airbnb or know of any actively renting? Looking to stay at one and google isn’t much help…
submitted by gooseandfrog to Ghoststories [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Glittering_Clerk5824 French cuff shirts for women?
Hi! I recently discovered a Monica Vinadeer x Amy Powney collab where it is a black women's buttondown shirt with gold and pearl cufflinks, but it is $495 for the set and also is unlikely to fit my really broad shoulders. I am trying to find a French cuff shirt for women that will fit a size 16 with a relaxed fit and to which I can add my own cufflinks but am struggling to find many French cuff shirts for women at all. The few I have found are very fitted and do not go up to size 16 or do not come in solid black or solid white. I ordered a custom shirt from Sumissura that fit but it arrived damaged and the fabric felt really thin Any leads on a size 16 relaxed fit button down for women with French cuffs, ideally in solid black? Or, Alternatively, a French cuff shirt with buttons that could be converted to wear with cufflinks at the tailor's? Thanks!
submitted by Glittering_Clerk5824 to findfashion [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 OrcaNinja_ Info check
Found this beauty at a local shop. submitted by OrcaNinja_ to uraniumglass [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 Unlucky_Connection96 Anyone else suffer from severe social anxiety?
I'm naturally a shy person. It was okay when I was a child, because I still had one or two good friends here and there despite being a total bundle of nerves. But it has gotten so much worse after I became a teenager, and now I'm an adult. It's literally the reason why I'm so lonely... My head hurts out of anxiety every time I go outside and I see people. I'm specially self-conscious about my appearance and what I say. There's really nothing wrong with how I look but I can't help but want to hide my face...
Wow. I missed out on being a teenager and all of that...
I spend all day in my own head entangled in my own self-doubting thoughts.
I'm kind of tired
This has to change
submitted by Unlucky_Connection96 to lonely [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 BatOk5803 Regulars - polar Virtex
Anyone else noticing that their regulars are not feeding during this extreme cold weather? My guys are eating very little. Pretty sure they are hunkered down in the shelters near the feeding station but it is just too cold on paws to come out. 😢
submitted by BatOk5803 to Feral_Cats [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Dark-Oak93 Hubert with snek
submitted by Dark-Oak93 to FireEmblemThreeHouses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 No-Character2017 Claudia Zambada (granddaughter of Ismael Zambada “El Mayo”)
submitted by No-Character2017 to NarcoWomen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 Intelligent_Bad_1536 Anybody know why this short look weird
I submitted by Intelligent_Bad_1536 to youtube [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 Feroset Why did Arnold stop going on Lettermans show, did he dislike Letterman?
I noticed he stopped going on the Letternan show after the early 90's. Letterman seemed to take shots at him and make fun of him in their interviews. It seemed tense. Then Letterman made fun of him at the 95 Oscars. Is it one of those things where two celebrities disliked each other just because they're personalities clashed? They never really said anything it's like after 1993 they both pretended neither existed.
submitted by Feroset to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Big-Potential-5773 Is it possible to achieve this more athletic + delicate look?
I looked for a reference with a similar body shape and aligned with what I want. I've been training for the last year and I've managed to improve a lot, but I ended up with a “rough look” - I gain weight easily, I think it gives me this bloated aspect.
I have a 19% body fat, most of the fat on my arms and thighs, but the more I train, the more I get this "strong" aesthetic, not the delicate one I want. What can I do? Can I achieve a physique like this or is it difficult because of my genetics?
submitted by Big-Potential-5773 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Powerful-End-4826 Help needed
Hi I am trying to write my own dark and physiological story anybody wants to help me
submitted by Powerful-End-4826 to authors [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 MrMollyMalal Flag
submitted by MrMollyMalal to Carcharodons40k [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 Only_Author_409 نحن الملحدون نجهل الإسلام
نبدأ من النقطة الأولى اللي بيرددها المسلمين بكل ثقة: الملحدين أطفال إلحادهم سببه الشهوات أو رغبتهم في أنهم يكونوا مختلفين أو مضحوك عليهم. الخطاب دا متكرر وبيعكس فقط فقر فكري وعجز عن مواجهة الواقع. لأن في بلد زي مصر كلنا سواء كنا مسلمين أو مسيحيين اتربينا على نفس المأساة. بنعرف كويس جدًا إن المرتد عن الإسلام مصيره القتل. المثلي يتقتل. العلاقات خارج إطار الزواج تتقابل بالجلد. والمسيحيين بيواجهوا كراهية وتحقير في كل مكان. بل حتى المسلمين نفسهم مفيش بينهم رحمة شيعة وسنّة شغالين تكفير وقتل. وفي ظل الكوارث دي يطلع عيل إسلامجي بضين ويقولك بكل ثقة: إنت كملحد مش فاهم الإسلام. طيب ممكن نعرف يا فقيه الزمان إيه اللي محتاجين نفهمه؟ هل محتاجين نعيد قراءة النصوص اللي بتدعو صراحة للقتل والكراهية؟ ولا نراجع تاريخ الدم والدمار اللي خلفته؟ الإسلام اللي بتروجوله مش محتاج فهم أكتر من اللي شفناه واتربينا عليه كلنا سمعنا خطب الجمعة اللي بتصب نار على المسيحيين واليهود وكلنا حضرنا دروس الدين اللي بتعلم الأطفال ازاي يحتقروا المختلف معاهم. وبعدين الكتاب المقرف اللي اسمه القرآن دا لو اتكتب النهارده كان هيتم حظره فورًا لانه بيحريض على الكراهية والعنف. كتاب بيقول: اضربوا، اقتلوا، اجلدوا، وعايزنا نحترمه؟ الإسلامجي دايما عايز يصدر صورة إن الدين جميل وإن الملحد جاهل. الحقيقة؟ الدين هو مصدر الجهل والتطرف. الدين هو اللي بيدعم العنف باسم الإله وهو اللي بيقنن القمع والإرهاب الفكري.
submitted by Only_Author_409 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Memessohorny2 Hot yoga guy -jim jones- so many more cults got land off others- here sean says he going to dig in come to the ranch 100 percent control of the cult
submitted by Memessohorny2 to LionsNotSheepFrauds [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 sicktaker2 This is the ideal PC gaming form. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
submitted by sicktaker2 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 uncutlife Expertise quests a waste of time
Started doing these but they are so pointless, the grinding you need to do to get to level 5 of each one is ridiculous and then you have to do 5 kills and then win a match which is near impossible unless you get that goddam mythic sword first. Previous seasons I would get 20 odd victory royales in solo, after 2 months of this I've gotten 5. To top it all off after you complete the quest you've got to keep going back and buying shotguns or smgs to keep the ability to purchase a gold gun. Epic....get rid of the medallions and mythic weapons as it's creates a ridiculous bias.
submitted by uncutlife to Fortnite_Over40 [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Mysterious-Serve-965 Palestinians discover dozens of civilian bodies under rubble murdered by Israel
2023 - 2025 The Palestinian holocaust
submitted by Mysterious-Serve-965 to UnitedNations [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 imapassenger1 Invasive creeping weed in buffalo lawn, grows strongly in summer, dormant winter (east coast Australia)
submitted by imapassenger1 to whatsthisplant [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 00:43 thereluctantpoet Great Again
Great again. Great like ball games And road trips, American flags And church potlucks. Great like a home-cooked meal at six Respect for your elders And actual conversation. Great like homecoming dances And the national anthem; Love for Flag, God and Country, To thee, I pledge. Great like soda fountains, And Drive-Thru movies The Ten Commandments And those damn commie bastards. Great like The perpetual and proud roll of White-walled wheels Before Detroit Became a punchline.
Great again like Living the American Dream Presented on a Blasphemy-free beaming box Of blissful hope And life-changing appliances. Great like late-night shows And Rebels without a Cause Rat Pack rhymes And Blues That still had soul. Great like sacrosanct springing suburbs With two-car garages And no bursting bubbles Of greed, overflown. Great like the astral aspirations Of an entire generation And a race to the stars.
Great again Like the mad men days Of slinging a two-bit smile at some broad And then a slap on the ass as she walks by Her inner rage subdued By the echoes of her high-heeled retreat And practice. Great like the end of the wife’s Goddamn nagging Being found at the beginning of a thumb Tightly grasping four fingers and delivered On the rocks.
Great like choice found On the end Of a coat-hanger.
Great again like the good old days Of white picket fences, made in the U.S.A. And white picket neighbours who were as well.
Great like nuclear families With Nuclear dreams And a God-given right To 9mm of salvation. Great like the annihilation of ancestral abodes The promise of restitution Now just pipe dreams and tears.
Great like the right kind over here And “your kind” over there Did you hear what I said to you, boy? Great like segregated schools for segregated homes, No unnatural unions of this or that nature None of that devil’s music and improper gyration No bathroom bills or gender improvisation All fixed behind closed doors with enforced reformation To Protect and to Serve just one population, And helped by the business end Of a truncheon.
Great again like good ol’ boy justice Served by shrouded mob And hooded robes Out of a dusty pickup at 2 am.
They shoulda’ known their place, In this ‘great again’ nation.
submitted by thereluctantpoet to OCPoetry [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 00:43 Vathy 36 [M4F] NYC/US - Still seeking a girly girl for a loving, in person relationship (eventually). I bring lots of conversation and positive energy, and would love to find my match!
hi! It feels like I've been searching for a good bit, and though I do receive responses, a lot of these seem to fizzle out out of seemingly no fault of my own with the random ghosting when I consider myself to be pretty transparent with this! I'd love to have you read through if you open this and hear from you if you think we'd vibe :)
I know this is a little long, so bear with me in advance! I'm just trying to leave it out there so I can get all the difficult stuff out the way, and hopefully the transparency is appreciated :)
Anyways! I'm writing this out because as someone whose hacking away at my new field (tech as an SWE) recently, I'm again realizing that working without someone to be excited for at the end of my shift isn't as enjoyable, so I'd love to find someone to call my own!
However, I've realized in my search, no matter how much I know I bring to the table, nobody (on or offline) seems to care if the attraction isn't there apparently, so here's me to put it out there (with a few links of me doing dumb stuff) to let you decide.
2025.01.21 00:43 Space-Floater What did you do this weekend? I made a map [With 2MT assets]