LagSwitch in 2025 - is this still a thing ..even in Black Ops 6 ? 🤯 🙄 surely we can't still be dealing with this - this was captured in the last half hour .. if you skip to the end, once the game is 95% over and the opposite team have the win secured resumes like normal, and #1 opp is 72:21

2025.01.21 00:44 MrHaydnSir LagSwitch in 2025 - is this still a thing ..even in Black Ops 6 ? 🤯 🙄 surely we can't still be dealing with this - this was captured in the last half hour .. if you skip to the end, once the game is 95% over and the opposite team have the win secured resumes like normal, and #1 opp is 72:21

LagSwitch in 2025 - is this still a thing ..even in Black Ops 6 ? 🤯 🙄 surely we can't still be dealing with this - this was captured in the last half hour .. if you skip to the end, once the game is 95% over and the opposite team have the win secured resumes like normal, and #1 opp is 72:21 submitted by MrHaydnSir to Warzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 FUSeekMe69 Hodlers: an apology. A mea culpa to mark a BTC milestone

Hodlers: an apology. A mea culpa to mark a BTC milestone submitted by FUSeekMe69 to economy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Full-Mulberry5018 Grey Pearl And Diamond Earrings

Grey Pearl And Diamond Earrings submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to GreyColor [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 dinkpt Hearldo before you was sober you ever been this high?

Hearldo before you was sober you ever been this high? submitted by dinkpt to raccoon_tweeties [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 biking4jesus Old craftsmans power tools

Old craftsmans power tools Are these worth anything? I have a decent set of cordless 20v tools, these were my grandfathers.
submitted by biking4jesus to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 silly_keii Finally got my first proper running shoes

Finally got my first proper running shoes It's as the title says. I got myself Hoka Mach 6 and boy, I thought walang laman yung box after I received the parcel hahahahha it's super light. I tried it on and may 1cm pang extra space, and it's super comfy am loving it.
I can't wait to run later this afternoon!
submitted by silly_keii to PHRunners [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 DaddyShark427 Can Jerry Jones fire Jerry Jones?

Can Jerry Jones fire Jerry Jones? submitted by DaddyShark427 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 lemonsarethekey How do you miss so badly? Basically pissing on the divider.

submitted by lemonsarethekey to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 HoustonGT How long do you give a new stimulant if you are having side effects?

On day 5 of 75 mg of Sunosi. Have had a constant headache (no cold symptoms) since day 1. It's making me irritable and agitated at little things that normally don't bother me. Obviously not life threatening side effects but it's been a miserable 5 days. My doctor said to push through it if I can tolerate feeling this way as some people get over the side effects. Obviously will stop if the side effects get worse.
I don't feel as much wakefulness as I did on modafinil. Not that modafinil helped much but at least it was noticeable and made me a little more productive. Curious as to whether you all push through to give it more time to see if the side effects go away so you can increase the dosage? On one hand, I don't want to give up too early and not see if getting up to 150 mg will give me a boost. On the other hand, with the side effects and no help with wakefulness so far, is it worth torturing myself to continue?
submitted by HoustonGT to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Outrageous-Effect-85 What’s this coin?

What’s this coin? submitted by Outrageous-Effect-85 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 commerical_effect Got my Ethel tattoo last week ❤️

Got my Ethel tattoo last week ❤️ I know the song/story of PD has nothing to do with my interpretation of the song, but this is my lived experience with it, and I could not be happier with the outcome. 95% of my tattoos are done by my friend @k_inx on IG. 🥰
submitted by commerical_effect to Ethelcain [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 SenseCharacter3194 vorrei andare in vacanza con i miei amici, ma la mia ragazza…

scusate se lo posto qua ma sono nuovo su reddit e non saprei dove scrivere. praticamente qualche mese fa avevo promesso alla mi ragazza (con cui sto da 2 anni) che saremmo andati in vacanza assieme quest’estate insieme ai miei amici, dando per scontato che anche loro portassero le loro fidanzate. Ho fatto i conti senza l’oste e vanno via solo i maschi. Io per correttezza ho chiesto ugualmente se fosse un problema o meno se venisse anche lei (che conoscono bene) e mi hanno giustamente fatto capire che si tratta di una vacanza tra solo ragazzi. Nella nostra relazione le promesse sono importanti e infrangerle non è proprio la migliore delle cose. Ne ho parlato con lei che mi ha detto “se vuoi andare vuoi” con un tono che tralasciava un sottinteso che ci rimarrebbe molto male se andassi. Alla base di questo c’è anche il fatto che lei è molto dispiaciuta di non essere venuta al nostro “viaggio post-maturità” perché quando lo abbiamo organizzato non conosceva ancora i miei amici e stavamo insieme da poco (gruppo al tempo composto si da ragazze che da ragazzi). Io le ho fatto capire che mi piacerebbe andarci ma non vorrei ferirla perché già solo quando le ho presentato l’idea di andare senza di lei ci stava già rimanendo uno schifo. Ho cambiato idea più volte se andare o meno confondendo anche i miei amici ma non so veramente come gestire questa situazione. Per concludere mi piacerebbe andare ma non so come dirlo a lei e cosa fare per non ferirla. Premetto inoltre che nonostante da questa storia non sembri è una relazione sana e felice. Mi piacerebbe sentire i pareri di ragazzi e ragazze se potete specificarlo in caso di risposta. Vi ringrazio tantissimo.
submitted by SenseCharacter3194 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 who-dini US to withdraw from Paris agreement, expand drilling

US to withdraw from Paris agreement, expand drilling submitted by who-dini to wearesofucked [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 letmyactions Attention plat and diamond gamers

So we have started a league (available for all ranks) for people who are looking for a community to play competitive overwatch without the limitations of platform and the hassle of jumping through the hoops of faceit and OWCS. We are looking for more Plat and Diamond players to compete and create teams in our Plat Diamond division, but it is open to all ranks! The discord server will be linked below!
submitted by letmyactions to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Noreck7 Why are estate agencies so useless?

I have been renting this place in London since Nov 2018- one bed flat. The estate agents managing the property are completely useless. For example, the bed frame broke and I replaced it - I requested a refund. After two months without an answer, after many e-mails and calls they finally e-mailed me saying to send them the receipt and they will contact the landlord. We got the green light from the landlord and then they disappeared. No answer for a month. I chased them, nothing. Few months later I called them, turns out the agent dealing with my case had left - noone picked up my case. The new person that got involved was even worse. Had to send her 10 chaser to get a reply back. Long story short, after a year and a half I got paid back for the frame. Now there was a washing machine leak that damaged one of the walls and some general wear and tear across the apartment. I have reported everything, as usual they replied a month later (Nov24) and said that they will send some contractors to fix the problems. Guess what? No one has called me or came to the flat. I am looking to buy and will move out soon, don’t want to get blamed for the damages when I leave because those fuks don’t do anything. Wtf is wrong with them? What can I do to fix the stuff in the flat if they reply with 3 months delay every time. Is that normal? I haven’t seen such bad service anywhere.
submitted by Noreck7 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 slimychoco8 Women’s Helly Hansen ski jacket recs

looking for a rec for which ski jacket to get from Helly Hansen (or any other brand).
Currently looking at Helly Hansen Alphelia Lifaloft jacket — but if anyone has any recs please drop them below!
submitted by slimychoco8 to skiing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Opening_Director_818 Will Allah punish me ?

I lost my job had to leave the country and go back with my parents at 32 years old. I will never get married or have a family or go to university which is my dream. I’ve been making dua and waking for tahajjud and left haram. I’m getting intense thoughts of suicide and don’t want to live anymore. I will Not act on this as this is very haram but I’m in so much deep at how a failure my life is . Will Allah punish me for feeling this way and having these thoughts. I’m happy with his degree .
I can’t control control these thoughts of suicide that tell me to harm myself . Even if I will not do anything.
I’m scared Allah is punishing me and I will go to jahannam . I repented and asked for forgiveness but I’m very scared now that Allah doenst love me
Please Help it’s urgent
submitted by Opening_Director_818 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 combatsak Just got my y70 looking to do a theme build I wanted to see some of yours for inspiration

submitted by combatsak to Hyte [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 VolibearOClock Hamburger com bom custo-benefĂ­cio?

Basicamente o tĂ­tulo... Procuro os restaurantes de melhor custo benefĂ­cio pra filar aquele burgĂŁo.
Qualquer contribuição vai ser muito bem vinda. Se você comentou, muito obrigado 🫶🏻
submitted by VolibearOClock to BeloHorizonte [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 GrumpyAvocado Got weezered...

Got weezered... With two other visual references as a bonus. This manga is a really fun read, glad that I've given it a chance!
submitted by GrumpyAvocado to GirlMeetsRock [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Apprehensive-Kick443 Cost Estimate for an Addition

I am looking to add 1. 24’ x 14’ (340 sq ft) living room in front of an existing two-story house. 2. On top of that area in first floor, looking to add master bedroom and bathroom in the second floor addition. 3. Move the stove and sink, add a kitchen island. Change out the kitchen cabinets. 4. Change the backyard door to a larger one 5. Reposition a large window in living space.
Land is flat. In the second floor, will need a take down a closet space to have entracne to the master bed. Looking to get rough estimates. Nothing extravagant finishes, just livable. Sucked dry by just buying the house. :(
submitted by Apprehensive-Kick443 to BayAreaRealEstate [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Visible_Employer_769 Cuál es el punto de tener una mascota?

Soy la única que conozco que tiene esta postura respecto a las mascotas. Me parecen molestas y una pérdida de dinero. Honestamente, no veo el punto de tener una mascota, además de que la mayoría del tiempo están encerradas en un lugar cerrado. ¿Cuál es el punto? Tal vez puedan ayudarte si te sientes solo/sola, pero generalmente no me siento así. Y no es que no haya tenido mascotas nunca; en su tiempo tuve 2 perros y tres gatos, pero simplemente nunca logré establecer una conexión de ningún tipo con esos animales. Los perros me parecían molestos, siempre encima de mí y haciendo sus necesidades en cualquier lado, además del costo que implica mantenerlos. Los gatos, a pesar de que son un poco más independientes, me parecen igual de molestos. Las veces que se acercaban a mí en busca de afecto me sentía indiferente en el mejor de los casos, y cuando inevitablemente fallecían me sentía apática al respecto, por lo cual me parece una pérdida total tener un animal en casa. No he tenido ni pájaros, ni conejos u otros animales; tuve peces, pero siempre morían. ¿Alguien más tiene una perspectiva diferente?
submitted by Visible_Employer_769 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 Sharkbate211 Can Fault warnings show up on head units?

Hi, I’ve installed android units on older cars, but my current car has things like parking sensors and warnings come up on its stereo screen. Low fuel, seatbelt warnings etc.
I was wondering if I installed an android screen, whether they could show up on there? I know they can run OBD but that would mean I’d have to have it open all the time.
Many thanks
submitted by Sharkbate211 to Androidheadunits [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 BombshellCollective Erin B.

Erin B. submitted by BombshellCollective to mmababes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:44 QueenJen_of_Eve Connection

I just wanted to make a small post. So we all know that drains, and big sends get us hot and ready. BUT nothing makes me happier than those first couple conversations with a new potential submissive when you realize that you two work REALLY well together. When your conversations just flow, and you can talk about everything and anything all the time. Then when you two are able to create your own little inside jokes? Literally not much is better than that
submitted by QueenJen_of_Eve to findommes [link] [comments]