Atalanta vs. Sturm Graz – Live Soccer Action on Next4K!

2025.01.21 13:30 arroshine Atalanta vs. Sturm Graz – Live Soccer Action on Next4K!

Atalanta faces Sturm Graz in an exciting clash filled with European flair. Atalanta looks to dominate at home, while Sturm Graz aims to surprise with a strong performance. ⚽🔥
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Catch Atalanta vs. Sturm Graz live on Feel the thrill of European soccer with NEXT4K.COM! ⚽🔥
submitted by arroshine to WatchNext4k [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 HorrorDependent9824 Returning player

Hey, I used to practice NMG a few years ago and played hundreds of rando seeds in that time.
I've been getting back into randos again and a lot of muscle memory is coming back to me. I can do a few small tricks/optimizations and a few bigger glitches.
I kind of get bored around the back half of the run but I think it's because I'm forgetting how some of the logic works and some of the bigger tricks and where some of the checks are.
If anyones got any advice especially if you took a massive break from it and came back, what helped you refresh properly other than smashing seed after seed? Also what are the commonly run settings so I can practice for maybe a race at one point?
submitted by HorrorDependent9824 to alttpr [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 ESgoldfinger MUMI - Built like a marshmallow on steroids.

MUMI - Built like a marshmallow on steroids. submitted by ESgoldfinger to fonts [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 reddit_lss_2 CrossPost 21/1/2025 01:28:20

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to automationcrossposts2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 One_Cherry_3455 Wohnung

Hallo ich habe mal eine Frage ich wohne momentan in einer wg die ebenerdig ist es werden aber laut lebenshilfe also das is mein Vermieter Rollstuhl Fahrer bevorzugt und leute die nicht laufen können habe mein Mietvertrag verlängert bekommen aber nur ein jahr weil momentan kein Rollstuhl Fahrer keine wohnung suchst mein freund is aber herz krank und hat ein unbefristeten vertrag bekommen es werden geh behinderte bevorzugt ist das überhaupt so richtig was ist eure meinung dazu..
submitted by One_Cherry_3455 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 psychicbrocolli Please let me know if this is likely Prolactinoma and how likely is it for prolactinoma to progress into a malignant state

Female, 40yo, 45kg, non-smoker
-patient history:
-2020- joint pains, showed rh factor positive once but then all next tests showed negative -patient didn't take medication for rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain in joints and fatigue till present day
-constant waist pain
- 2023: starting of frequent headaches
-2024- beast pain once in a while, missed menstruation for a few months
-2024 end December: -sudden hospitalization due to vomiting, left ovary shows 28 by 41mm haemorrhagic cyst, put on contraceptives, menstruation starts, extremely painful menstruation like childbirth pain
-2025 starting - see new gynac, USG shows hypoechoic foci in uterus, no information on ovary, says normal, right breast shows fibroid nodule, prolactin level >200 ng/ml
(got the test results today, will see the gynac tomorrow)
submitted by psychicbrocolli to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 No-Acanthaceae-5488 How did I get the Caitlyn and Ambessa augment?

How did I get the Caitlyn and Ambessa augment? But I don't have the augment for it?
submitted by No-Acanthaceae-5488 to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Positive-Future3707 Looking to complete sets 1,2, and 5

Looking to complete sets 1,2, and 5 submitted by Positive-Future3707 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 iamrubberyouareglue9 Save some you know what for the rest of us.

Caught this beauty cruisin' in Delray Beach.
submitted by iamrubberyouareglue9 to SportWagon [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 MyProfessor-writing Movies either filmed in or about Vegas?

Any recommendations on movies based on Vegas? I’ve been on a movie kick watching anything related to Vegas. So far I’ve watched Casino, Hangover, Fear & Loathing and smoking aces.
submitted by MyProfessor-writing to vegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Inevitable-Fix-7420 Changing a university Qualification And Funding Concerns.

Hi guys so passing my matric year i had 5 distinctions in all the major subjects. And i was admitted for a BSc Computer Science at Wits and i failed my first year, repeated it then failed again.
The previous year i was not admitted at any university, but this year 2025 I applied for BPharm at NMU and i got accepted and a scholar merit bursary, now i feel so ashamed of the time I wasted and the resources since im only left with 4 year’s funding period from NSFAS and the degree is 4 years any advice on how i should cope with this situation.
submitted by Inevitable-Fix-7420 to Pretoria [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 inure_langour Dealing with PPD while my family runs me over

The older sister was explicitly excluded in the younger sister’s wedding registration and the younger sister later communicated that the younger sister only wanted her parents to attend it. The older sister was further aggravated by the fact that the parents supported the younger sister in her decision and did not try to make her see reason about her own sister being there in a family event. Instead, they tried to make the older sister see reason that the younger sister is stressed already.
Despite knowing the fact that the older sister has an infant and being told by the older sister that it will be inconvenient, the younger sister set an inconvenient date for her wedding that would require 10s of hours of flying. When the older sister expressed to her parents that she might not be able to make it, instead of understanding and trying to convince the younger sister her sister of moving the date out, they branded the older sister as “adamant” and went ahead with the choice of the date thereby prioritizing getting the younger sister married over the older daughter’s convenience and ability to attend.
The older daughter is territorial about her son. When she expressed to her parents that she would like for them to step back from interfering in her son’s food habits that she had carefully built up, and to step back from spending time with him when she is around, her mom took offense that her own pleasure is not prioritized and “cursed” the older daughter to not lead a good life. She also accused her older daughter of citing ppd and separation anxiety as “excuses” of her behavior of being curt on communication, thereby aggravating her ppd even more.
Her mother has barked at her adult daughter the only few times when she tried to talk to her about 1) not making sweets everyday, 2) to stop making breakfast, citing it’s her personality to talk like that. This has made the daughter even more afraid to talk to her parents, especially her mother.
These episodes have had a long-lasting impact on the older daughter’s mental health. Her anger spikes and shows up in random day-to-day affairs, her relationships have cracked, she randomly starts crying and loses sleep over these thoughts.
I'm the older daughter.
submitted by inure_langour to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 etherealforestbee New breakfast fail

New breakfast fail …for now. She did taste it and play with it, so I think after a few times, she’ll take to it. Like she has her other meals.
Anyway… This is porridge balls, mixed with fruit purée, butter milk and then rolled in coconut flakes. Some banana, apple purée on side and some unsweetened yoghurt. She also had some raspberries.
submitted by etherealforestbee to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Carrente How to make an EPIC Dragon encounter

OK so remember that dragons are VERY INTELLIGENT and so will, like all good examples of intelligent characters in fiction such as Dr House, people in heist movies and Balsamic Cucumberpatch as Sherlock, always be two Xanatos Gambits ahead of the party and Ozymandias'd whatever they did half an hour ago.
As a result it's very important to never play them like mindless sacks of HP or have them lose because quite simply there is no way any mere mortal that is not an extremely cool and handsome and intelligent Dragon could ever defeat the coolest and handsomest and most epic monster. So I've got some good advice about how to run PROPER dragon encounter.
Firstly a dragon can never be surprised and the party can never actually get an advantage on it. If the party finds it's lair just say it's not actually there because it used Scrying on them. Then when they don't actually go to it's lair have it be there fortifying it with minions like kobolds with traps, and taking away all the chandeliers.
Secondly have the dragon give out false leads like a trail of destruction and reports of a fire breathing creature somewhere so when the party goes to investigate it's not actually a dragon but something else, and the dragon actually attacks somewhere else completely so the party get there late and lose NPCs and items and the trust of the people.
Thirdly if the party actually try and fight the dragon I recommend basing the encounter on the best and most epic kind of boss fight, those helicopter gunship fights in video games where you have to stay in cover otherwise an instant hitting perfectly accurate minigun kills you. Have the dragon stay out of range of everything and just shoot the PCs, even better if you don't actually let them have any cover to use and have it attack in a completely open field. Everyone loves those helicopter chase fights in games because they're the best not being able to actually fight things in a game where you have combat tools to fight things with. They're almost as good as turret sections (and I recommend letting your players use a ballista or something to kill the dragon but in the name of realism it needs very good rolls and leave the person manning it completely open to attack).
Also if your party do find a way around this to fight the dragon just say it was a simulacrum/illusion and it wasn't actually there.
submitted by Carrente to DnDcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 urielsbow Mislabeled Dark Dragonite?

Mislabeled Dark Dragonite? Just wondering if this is a mislabeled PSA slab. It says it's from 1998 but I can't find any others that say this year. I think it's supposed to be 1997
submitted by urielsbow to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Patient_Specific_384 Germinating peas

Hey I'm doing a Biology IA on cellular respiration on germinating peas and was wondering what the optimal temperature was for C02 production/cellular respiration?
submitted by Patient_Specific_384 to outdoorgrowing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Weekly-Apple-9103 For everyone switching banks because of this mess, what banks are you switching to ?

Anyone going to use a brick and mortar with an online high savings? Or just an online bank.
submitted by Weekly-Apple-9103 to CapitalOne_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 -Quad-Zilla- ME Lower: SSB Free Squat

No video, at big gym today, told me no filming. Lame. Whatever.
430# in Inzer Iron Z wraps. This is an SSB PR.
The 2 new girls on my team (new as in just just started powerlifting and lifting in general) spotted me, racks here have no spotter arms or straps. Had 100% faith in them. They are putting in the work, attentive, ask lots of questions, and are super curious.
Good day.
submitted by -Quad-Zilla- to WestsideBarbell [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 NewEnglandPrepper2 [Amazon] Cheerios Oat Crunch Cinnamon Oat Cereal, Family Size 24 oz. - $2.79 (was $4.93)
submitted by NewEnglandPrepper2 to preppersales [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 EmphasisBorn2379 de interes pentru studenti si tineri profesionisti: completeaza si castiga.

S-a lansat noua ediție a studiului salarial destinat studenților și tinerilor profesioniști. Ne dorim să colectăm răspunsurile a peste 7.000 de tineri la nivel național pentru a avea o perspectiva cât mai complexă.
Nostalgia susține tinerii care investesc în cariera lor și oferă abonamente full days gratuite. Completează studiul în perioada 15 ianuarie - 15 februarie și castiga unul dintre cele 3 abonamente duble!
Poți completa aici:
Completarea acestuia este anonimă și durează aproximativ 3 minute. La finalul completării, participanții vor avea acces la cea mai recentă versiune a studiului (lansată în februarie 2024), dar și la raportul Piața Forței de Muncă 2024 în care sunt analizate perspectivele angajatorilor în privința recrutării, salarii și beneficii, dar și criterii în selecția candidaților.
De asemenea, la finalul perioadei de colectare, vom reveni cu noua ediție către participanti, astfel încât să rămână la curent cu cele mai recente tendințe din piața muncii.
Daca esti student si esti interesat, te rog sa completezi acest studiu.
Multumesc! Sper sa fie de folos!:)
submitted by EmphasisBorn2379 to Romania2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Incubus-Dao-Emperor Reverse-Isekaied as an Alien Disease on Earth

submitted by Incubus-Dao-Emperor to IsekaiTitles [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 sangeluse head idea

idk about you guys but i love the character design for Jaidus from the hammer & bolter episode, assuming we don't get a similar head in the new range how would you go about making this head? i origionally though flesh eater courts but i can't find a perfect one, and i'm hopeless with green stuff lmao.
submitted by sangeluse to EmperorsChildren [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 OneOffReturn Its a shame i cant re-act this Simpsons joke in this game :-(
At one of the holes on the East Lake course in Atlanta Georgia, there is a car park right behind the green lol. But unfortunately when the ball is on the green in this game, you cant select a 3 wood, you can only select putter or pitcher. Shame, otherwise i could have re-created that joke.
submitted by OneOffReturn to EASportsPGATour [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 KingOfMuscle King of Muscle

King of Muscle submitted by KingOfMuscle to ThickMuscles [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:30 Coach_Istvanovszki Road to 2400: The Opening That’s Bad with Both Colors

This Sunday, I finally made my debut playing for my new French team in Cannes. Now, I’m not here to settle the eternal debate about which city is more beautiful, Nice or Cannes, but Cannes definitely has a unique vibe that’s hard to beat.
I was beyond excited to don the Cannes Echecs jersey, where some of my teammates include reigning world champion Gukesh and Praggnanandha, along with his sister Vaishali, who has been my favorite female chess player since Judit Polgár. Naturally, I was “only” playing for the second team, but fingers crossed for some future encounters with the superstars.🙂
In my debut game, I faced a Candidate Master, a solid 2200-rated player. Holding the white pieces, I was feeling confident, especially since February will mark (or should I say would mark?) three years since my last classical loss with white. The Modern Defense landed on the board. And, well… embarrassing as it is to admit, I hate playing against it. Ironically, I’ve been playing the Modern myself as Black since I was a kid.
Since I hadn’t prepared for this opening, I focused on playing solid, principled moves. Despite the engine’s optimistic evaluations, I felt uncomfortable by move 10. The funny thing? I feel the exact same discomfort when I’m playing this as Black. The even funnier thing? Despite how much I dislike these kinds of positions, my results in it are actually insane. Go figure.
I’d say the game turned out to be high-quality overall, both of us played at around 95% accuracy, and after a tense battle, we ended in a repetition. It wasn’t boring, though, I promise!
For me, a draw isn’t the most satisfying result, but as my childhood coach always said: “You can only get out of a game what’s in it.” If this game had to be a draw, then so be it. As long as you feel you gave your all and left everything on the board, there’s no reason to feel disappointed.
You can check out the full game analysis here:
After a few days of rest, I’ll be hitting the road again, this time for a double round in the Danish league. Fingers crossed that the results go my way there!
Stay tuned and keep grinding! 👊
submitted by Coach_Istvanovszki to TournamentChess [link] [comments]