"Did I win?"

2025.01.21 13:50 Juicy-Cheddar-Reborn "Did I win?"

submitted by Juicy-Cheddar-Reborn to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Potato-chipsaregood “Someone“ reached out to me on Reddit

They wrote “hello friend I want to talk to you”. I checked their profile and they had one karma and had been in existence for 14 hours. Could it be a bot? What is happening?
submitted by Potato-chipsaregood to reddithelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 sugary-sweet98 [26F] people dont seem to notice me and I just want clarification on how people see me

[26F] people dont seem to notice me and I just want clarification on how people see me You don’t have to be nice, but don’t be mean please.
submitted by sugary-sweet98 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 RingTeam Playing Devil May Cry for the first time (Part 2). My face after killing everyone, including a giant griffin at the coliseum, with the grenadegun:

Playing Devil May Cry for the first time (Part 2). My face after killing everyone, including a giant griffin at the coliseum, with the grenadegun: submitted by RingTeam to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Lichfest Lichfest Paper Minis | Owlbear Variants

Lichfest Paper Minis | Owlbear Variants submitted by Lichfest to DnDart [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Salim_DZ_69 help me Improve This

help me Improve This Made a Simple Password Sign-Up Program, How I Can Improve it ?
submitted by Salim_DZ_69 to PythonLearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 PinkPearlBeauty Intranquil spirit results?

I have done this spell/ritual before so yes I know how severe it is.
I keep making/lighting new candles until I have reached my full goal, to keep feeding the spirit and reminding it I want more. So far I’m on candle 3 and this is what I noticed:
Candle 1. Came out of no contact, showed heavy sexual intrest. But wasn’t ready to see me again yet.
Candle 2. Finally came to see me, compliments me. Started having trouble sleeping.
Candle 3. Talks to me everyday, appears to be slightly jealous over other guys, is starting to get protective again when I say I’m going outside. Wants to take me out on trips/to eat somewhere.
Candle 3 isn’t done burning yet so I’ll see if I need a 4th one (also yes I know most people just use 1 candle and then forget about it but for me, getting a new one again and again speeds it up.
submitted by PinkPearlBeauty to Spells [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Hungry_Ad5456 Who would win if you put Jon Gruden and Ben Johnson of Football IQ Jeopardy?

I say F it, rehire Telesco, put Gru in charge of coaching and Tuner as his bitch
submitted by Hungry_Ad5456 to raiders [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 DarthMaddoxious I Have to Do a Side Quest Now.

I get zero xp, but I do get the time killer boost, and I keep MOTHER STATUS pleasant. Can you guess what I’m doing?
submitted by DarthMaddoxious to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Acrzyguy Trying to carry… (@eber_accebeR)

Trying to carry… (@eber_accebeR) submitted by Acrzyguy to BocchiTheRock [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Starr_bb Quest Partners LLC & $TBBB

Hello -
I am new to investing & studying the market. This year (2025) I have dedicated myself to researching and studying to feel comfortable participating myself.
In December I found Quest Partners LLC. They had just purchased $TBBB and it makes up a larger % of their portfolio. My question to more experienced folks is - what would be Quest Partners' interest in $TBBB? Has anyone else looked into $TBBB? Just struck me that their portfolio holds a large qty compared to their other holdings. Also, I haven't seen anyone on Reddit discuss $TBBB.
I recognize that question sounds very elementary but I'm interested in hearing experienced thoughts & rationality - even if the answer is simply that it's a place to put their money temporarily.
submitted by Starr_bb to stocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Lanky-Pie-6788 Need Tutors

I am looking for tutors who can make questions, check content and make content whether that’s sourcing flashcards, or writing notes, textbook etc. for an EduTech platform. We will pay by hour. WhatsApp me to apply +91-7506715215
submitted by Lanky-Pie-6788 to IBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Current_Paramedic_63 Solo traveller

Lf: kasama bukas magstroll. Pwede ding inom ngayon.
submitted by Current_Paramedic_63 to Bohol [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Mental-Emergency8602 How can I start game dev

I've been looking for a game engine to start game development. And I'm between unity and unreal. I know that there are a lot of videos about it. But i am still confused. And i think I have to learn c++ for unreal and c# for unity. Which one do you guys prefer. And both of them are free right?
submitted by Mental-Emergency8602 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Common_Salamander284 Give a broken mind suggestions

Hello, please be warned this is going to be a rambling rant. This is emotions. This is I’m embarrassed to talk to anyone in person because I’m so embarrassed, ashamed, feel like a failure, keep digging my hole deeper trying to make it better so let me come to the internet where I can hide behind a screen and say what I want without feeling judged.
My wife and I have been together since late high school and now are in our 30s with a trio of children who we both love dearly. We both came from “broken homes” and have a lot of underlying issues that just have never got better with each other in the picture. We’ve tried to make this work for years.
We can never get on the same page. When I’m happy she’s not and when she’s happy I’m not type of situation. We’re terrible for each other but we’ve grown together more than half our lives now and have a family. Neither of us want to give up on that. Neither of us want to do this to our kids. As a kid with divorced parents while I was in grade school, I would’ve done anything to have them together. And for my wife whose parents split not too long ago, she never wants her kids to feel that pain either.
So we both have become numb and are parenting. What are healthy options. Therapy seems to get nowhere. It’s wasted tons of money just trying to find a therapist worth anything from in person, to faith based, to online therapy it’s just like all scandalous and stupid. If I want to fkng ask myself questions and answer them I’ll go to a mirror and have Siri read me questions.
I think I hate myself so much for feeling like a failure in life. Once my dad left our family I quit everything I had going for me in high school and turned to partying, drugs alcohol sex. Hindsight says I was numb and trying to just not feel anything or just trying to let go to leave this all behind. I’m glad I didn’t but I don’t feel any better today than I did then. I still cry about my childhood. I am numb all day. I have no happiness about anything real in life. I only get happiness from fantasy, non reality.
I just wish there was a pill I could take that would fix me and make me a normal functioning human with a brain that could be happy and show my kids how happy they can be.
TLDR; What are real life examples of what someone broken can start to do to fix themself and love themself so they can start to love their spouse
submitted by Common_Salamander284 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Embarrassed-Bar-2424 Babita hot legs

Babita hot legs submitted by Embarrassed-Bar-2424 to babitajihub [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 CristinaM900 Are there any specific questions I should be asking when meeting with ad sales people?

Hello! I own a small bakery business, and I'd like to do so paid advertising to locals. Our storefront has been open for 2 years now and we still have local people saying, "omg we didn't know you were here." I've relied heavily on Instagram & Facebook but don't like to put all my eggs in one basket. Plus I feel like social media only hits a small demographic.
I'm joining the chamber of commerce which I'm nervous about because I'm so awkward and not great at networking, and looking into local papers for adverts. Are there any tips, tricks and specific questions when I meet with ad salespeople? I hate feeling like someone is pulling one over on me. Thanks in advanced!
submitted by CristinaM900 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 CocksworthNEWS Hawk Tuah Girl Going to Prison?

submitted by CocksworthNEWS to comedic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 WeddlerZ Hypebeast HAUL 8KG (EastMallBuy shipping) (Ralph Lauren, Ami, CH, Burberry, Stussy, Carhartt, Acne)

Hypebeast HAUL 8KG (EastMallBuy shipping) (Ralph Lauren, Ami, CH, Burberry, Stussy, Carhartt, Acne) submitted by WeddlerZ to CoutureReps [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 niswank كيف تؤثر منتديات نسوانجي على سلوك الشباب في الوطن العربي؟ دراسة تحليلية حول تأثير المنتديات على التوجهات الاجتماعية والنفسية في 2025

تعد منتديات نسوانجي واحدة من أكثر المنصات الإلكترونية شهرة بين الشباب في الوطن العربي. تجمع هذه المنتديات بين النقاشات الاجتماعية، الثقافية، والجمالية، حيث تتيح للمستخدمين مناقشة مواضيع حساسة مثل العلاقات بين الجنسين والجمال. في هذا المقال، سنقدم دراسة تحليلية حول تأثير هذه المنتديات على سلوك الشباب في المنطقة، مع التركيز على كيفية تأثيرها على أفكارهم وتوجهاتهم الاجتماعية والنفسية. إذا كنت ترغب في التفاعل مع هذه النقاشات، يمكنك زيارة منتديات نسوانجي هنا.
1. نظرة عامة على منتديات نسوانجي​ منتدى نسوانجي هو واحد من المنتديات التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة في الوطن العربي، حيث يتيح للمستخدمين التفاعل حول مواضيع شتى تتعلق بالعلاقات الشخصية، الجمال، وقضايا اجتماعية أخرى. انطلقت هذه المنصة كمجتمع صغير، لكنها نمت لتصبح واحدة من أكبر المواقع التي تستقطب الشباب الباحثين عن مناقشة قضايا حياتية بطرق مفتوحة وصريحة.
2. جمع البيانات:​ في هذه الدراسة، تم جمع البيانات باستخدام عدة أدوات:

3. تحليل سلوك الشباب:​ تم تقسيم الشباب المشاركين في الاستطلاع إلى مجموعات حسب اهتماماتهم في المنتدى، وكانت النتائج كالتالي:
4. تأثير المنتدى على الصحة النفسية:​ كشفت نتائج التحليل أن هناك تأثيرات متفاوتة على الصحة النفسية للمشاركين:
5. نتائج استطلاع الرأي:​ تم إجراء استطلاع رأي شمل 500 شاب من مختلف الدول العربية حول استخدام منتديات نسوانجي. وكانت النتائج كالتالي:
6. التوصيات:​ بناءً على الدراسة، نقدم التوصيات التالية:
خاتمة:​ منتديات نسوانجي قد تركت تأثيرًا كبيرًا على الشباب في الوطن العربي. وبينما قد يكون هناك تأثيرات إيجابية، مثل تحسين الثقة بالنفس، إلا أن هناك أيضًا تأثيرات سلبية تتعلق بالصحة النفسية بسبب المواضيع المثيرة للجدل. وبناءً على هذه الدراسة، من الضروري تحسين طريقة استخدام هذه المنصات لتعزيز الفوائد وتقليل الأضرار.
submitted by niswank to Arab_trend [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 ineedaglowup2021 Period blood smell is soo strong , makes me want to puke.

Today is my Day 2 , and the blood smells soo strong , very metallic, this is the first time I'm feeling very very gross about periods.
submitted by ineedaglowup2021 to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 castiellangels Found an old printer and have managed to get it working. Question is, how can I decrease label length so there’s not loads of unused space?

Found an old printer and have managed to get it working. Question is, how can I decrease label length so there’s not loads of unused space? Have managed to print some labels out but it always prints a really long label when the text is only on a bit of it, need to decrease the amount of label used otherwise I’m going to be spending loads of money on this thing. Also the software, I can’t decrease the length to less than 25mm but the text box also decreases in size. Attached images of the labels printed, the printer itself, and the settings at the bottom of the ‘DYMO label light’ software. Thank you
submitted by castiellangels to dymo [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 AutoModerator 2025: The Year of IPTV - Transforming Entertainment Like Never Before 📺⚡

The world of television is changing fast, and IPTV services have emerged as the future of entertainment. In 2024, thousands of viewers made the switch from outdated cable and overcrowded streaming apps to IPTV subscriptions, and now, in 2025, this wave has become a global revolution.
Forget long contracts, expensive bundles, or limited content. With IPTV, you get everything you need in one simple, flexible subscription. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a movie lover, or someone who loves variety, the best IPTV providers have something for everyone.
What Is IPTV? Before diving into the top providers and benefits, let’s understand what IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is all about:
💡 IPTV delivers live TV, on-demand shows, and movies through the internet rather than traditional satellite or cable connections. Here’s why it’s so popular:

Now let’s explore why IPTV services are dominating 2025.
The IPTV Revolution in 2025 2024 was just the beginning. As technology advances, IPTV services in 2025 offer:
1. All-in-One Entertainment With IPTV subscriptions, there’s no need for multiple streaming apps. You get:
2. Unlimited On-Demand Library Imagine having access to a digital library with 120,000+ movies and TV shows. Whether it’s the latest blockbuster or a nostalgic classic, the best IPTV providers have it all.
3. Anytime, Anywhere Access IPTV services are built for the modern viewer:
Choosing the Best IPTV Providers in 2025 The market is packed with options, but not all IPTV subscriptions are created equal. Below are the top IPTV providers that continue to lead the pack:
IPTVFOLLOW IPTVGREAT IPTVRESALE IPTVGANG 2025: The Year IPTV Gets Even Better The best IPTV subscriptions are constantly improving. Here’s what you can expect this year:
FAQs About IPTV in 2025 Q1. What’s the best IPTV subscription for 2025?
Q2. How do I subscribe to IPTV?
Q3. Can I watch IPTV while traveling?
Q4. How does IPTV compare to cable?
Final Thoughts: Why IPTV Is the Future of TV As we move deeper into 2025, IPTV services are no longer just an alternative—they’re the preferred choice for modern entertainment. With access to live TV, on-demand content, and global programming, IPTV provides everything you need in one seamless package.
Whether you’re a sports fanatic, a movie lover, or someone who just wants hassle-free TV, providers like IPTVFOLLOW, IPTVGREAT, and IPTVRESALE have you covered.
👉 Don’t wait—start your IPTV journey today and experience the future of entertainment.
submitted by AutoModerator to comunidadespanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 DaHamBros Day 51 of Cylon Jiggy

Day 51 of Cylon Jiggy submitted by DaHamBros to CylonJiggy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:50 Altruistic_Fall_9917 Beat the shit out of the nazi G.I. Robot

Beat the shit out of the nazi G.I. Robot submitted by Altruistic_Fall_9917 to CreatureCommandos [link] [comments]
