Music Video Locations

2025.01.22 00:53 DirtyHarry3590 Music Video Locations

Hi all. I’ve gotten into Bananarama in the past year or so, and can’t believe how many great songs they have in their discography. While I had heard their hits like “Cruel Summer” and “Venus” while growing up, it wasn’t until I saw them with Fun Boy Three, that I really started to dive deeper into their music.
Something that has always been of interest to me are the locations of music videos. Obviously “Cruel Summer” was filmed in the Dumbo District of Brooklyn, but what of their other music videos? I think it’d be cool to see.
Thank you!
submitted by DirtyHarry3590 to Bananarama [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 Micron Technology is hiring a Intern - ETD Software Engineer!

📢 Micron Technology is hiring a Intern - ETD Software Engineer! Company: Micron Technology
Location: US 📍
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 incorrigibly_weird Let's settle this...

It's been suggested (or explicitly stated) that the majority of fans think Bela and Taylor have insanely great chemistry and should be together. I don't think that's true, but I'd be happy to admit otherwise if that if that's what the numbers show. It's been a hot topic of conversation this entire season. So let's finally settle this debate...
This is done in fun. Everyone be nice to each other.
(FYI- Hailey is the host of the storytelling show that Bela just met)
View Poll
submitted by incorrigibly_weird to SexLivesCollegeGirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 VermicelliMoney4431 l

submitted by VermicelliMoney4431 to MotivationalQuotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 ItsGege الكرم مايقتصر على ناس دون ناس!

اليوم شفت ناس وضعهم المادي فوق الكويس يتكلمون عن مطعم معين ويسبونه ويقولون ان اكله سيء جدًا. بعدين قال واحد منهم “من كثر ما هو سيء نشتري منه للعمال اللي يشتغلون في البيت” انقالت كمزحة، بس والله شبت نار بداخلي يعني معقولة فيه ناس كذا تفكيرهم؟ هالنوع من الكلام يعكس فكر مؤلم جدًا. الواحد اذا بغى يعطي المفروض يعطي من أجود ما عنده مو شيء ما يرضاه لنفسه! وش نقول اذا الموضوع عن ناس مغتربين جايين عشان لقمة العيش؟ حتى لو كانت المزحة مو مقصودة، مثل هالكلام يعكس نظرة فيها قلة احترام وتقدير.
وين كرم العرب وأصالتنا؟ المفروض نطبق اللي نعتز فيه على أرض الواقع مو مجرد كلام. الكلام هذا موجه للبعض وان شاء الله انها فئة قليلة ما تمثلنا.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه”
submitted by ItsGege to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 abused_blade my body felt a little low energy for like three hours, i must be cured (my mind is still busy asf and it's been almost three months of this bs)

my body felt a little low energy for like three hours, i must be cured (my mind is still busy asf and it's been almost three months of this bs) submitted by abused_blade to BipolarMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Formal-Swim-81 efficiency of an air purifier

submitted by Formal-Swim-81 to nextlevel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 GlueSniffingCat 30 male looking to enlist

I'm 30, about 330 and steadily losing. Some college with a technical background. No health concerns other than fat af i guess I mean i've got a slight astigmatism but other than that no health scares or anything else that I or my doctor knows about. Looking to lose more weight and enlist I guess either next year or the year after so 32. Any solid tips for losing weight faster while building a good foundation for military service would be great.
submitted by GlueSniffingCat to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Practical_Coach4595 New Player Tips. TYIA

I’ve downloaded ASA for the first time and I have no previous experience with the game. What is the best way to get familiar with game?
submitted by Practical_Coach4595 to ArkSurvivalAscended [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 kimocani Here it is, folks. They wasted no time

Here it is, folks. They wasted no time submitted by kimocani to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Heavy_Channel_7906 Restraining order help ?

Hey my ex and her friends have been harassing me with fake numbers and I got a temporary restraining order on them I just got another threatening text from a fake number what to do will they arrest her thank you.
submitted by Heavy_Channel_7906 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 A is hiring a Director of Tax!

📢 A is hiring a Director of Tax! Company: A
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Sad_Cow_577 The ______ has gone extinct. With only 17 known to be left in the wild.

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Chewie109 Dreamlight Valley Elimination Game ROUND 39- Directive: EVE's Elimination VOTE LINK IN IMAGE AND IN COMMENTS

Dreamlight Valley Elimination Game ROUND 39- Directive: EVE's Elimination VOTE LINK IN IMAGE AND IN COMMENTS submitted by Chewie109 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 xVarmkorv2 Lying in wait (れおえん)

Lying in wait (れおえん) submitted by xVarmkorv2 to Varmkorv_Tva [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 PhantomLimb06 Ripjaws V 3600MTs cl 16 timings

alright ive decided to lower my timings, so far ive gotten relaxed timings and they are stable,
14 18 18 19 39 i could only achieve this with volts at 1.47v, my ram isnt hot either the surface temp was only 30c
i also did a latency test on aida64 i got 60ns
currently im testing Trcfdrd 17, its stable so far
do yall think im doing good so far
i will say 1.47v seems high for me but ive seen kits and ppl do 1.5v, soo i suppose its safe let me know
submitted by PhantomLimb06 to overclocking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 General_Advance7621 What’s going on in my mouth 😀?

submitted by General_Advance7621 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Ique-guaxi Everyday Your Opinion!: Every day we will hear your opinion about a SOAD song! Day 2: Know

Everyday Your Opinion!: Every day we will hear your opinion about a SOAD song! Day 2: Know submitted by Ique-guaxi to systemofadown [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 InsideLaw6501 I have tickets available if interested please just let me know which date your looking for! Two express passes in-person 800 for both ! #sundance

submitted by InsideLaw6501 to Sundance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 MyNeighborSmokesWeed Behold! Mount Cartimanjaro.

Behold! Mount Cartimanjaro. The local
submitted by MyNeighborSmokesWeed to walmart [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Business-Worry-2982 Libros que cambian la forma de ver la vida

Que libros le cambiaron la forma de ver algo en la vida?
Cual recomendarían y alguna anécdota que les haya pasado gracias a lo aprendido en el libro?
Sea del tema que sea, creen que un libro les pueda cambiar? Creen plenamente en el autor?
En lo personalmente a veces me cuesta adentrarme en el libro, por ejemplo en uno de desarrollo personal, puede ser porque esté negado, pero en el dia a dia llevar a la práctica lo considero bastante difícil.
submitted by Business-Worry-2982 to libros [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Huge_Plankton_3441 R6 not working ps5

R6 not working ps5 I’m streaming R6 with PlayStation premium and after the recent update on siege I cannot play anymore I don’t know if it’s an error on the PlayStations side or Ubisoft’s side. Is there any way to fix this
submitted by Huge_Plankton_3441 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Pedal-On Vivity Toric IOLs - RLE - 9 weeks after surgery

Sharing my experience with refractive lens exchange (RLE). I have learned a lot visiting this subreddit over the past few months, thank you!
TL;DR: Very good vision and very satisfied with the Vivity lens. While my original treatment plan was follow-up laser surgery on right eye to address residual astigmatism and bring eye to plano, I am delaying the decision to proceed until late Spring.
Background: 49 years old. I have worn glasses since I was 5 years old. Wore toric contacts for a few years in my early 20s but never fully adjusted to them. I inquired about Lasik in my late 20s but was told I was not a candidate based on my level of astigmatism. Began wearing glasses with progressive lens (+1.5 add) for reading at the age of 45. 6 months ago I decided to have a consult for Lasik to see if anything had changed in the technology that would make me a candidate now 20 years later but they recommended I consider RLE over Lasik. I thought about it for about three months and then set a date for measurements and consultation with surgeon.
Lens selection: After asking me a series of questions on my lifestyle, the surgeon reviewed options (pros/cons) and I decided on Vivity Toric in both eyes. My left eye was targeted for plano and my right eye was targeted for -1.0 as I was expected to have residual astigmatism in that eye (even after using the maximum toric lens available for Vivity) that would be adjusted later with Lasik or PRK.
Surgery and Post Surgery: I had the left eye surgery first, and the right eye a week later. My vision changed a lot in the first week, some more over the first month, and much less over the second month. Distance vision came in clear much sooner than intermediate and near which everyone assured me was normal but it was still concerning. It has taken some time for my brain to adjust as I never trialed mono vision, but as of now, I am glasses-free in nearly all situations and may not proceed with laser surgery. Agreed to wait until May for next appointment to assess vision and consider next steps.
Eye Exam at 9 weeks:
Right: Sp -1.00 Cyl +1.25 Axis 85
Left: Sp Plano Cyl +.25 Axis 120
Here is my subjective assessment (on a 10-pt scale compared to my previous corrected vision with progressive eyeglasses):

  1. Near
    • Phone (12in away) - 10/10 when in well lit location (shopping mall, outside, indoors on a sunny day). Note this was 6/10 at 4 weeks. In lower light (living room and bedroom in the evening lit with table lamps) 6/10 (a 4/10 at 4 weeks);
    • Small font (product packaging, a printed letter), - 10/10 in bathroom with bright lighting and 7/10 in kitchen with dimmer lighting.
    • I am using interchangeably +1.25 and +1.5 readers in the lower light situations.
  2. Intermediate - Computer monitor (24in away), Car dashboard, items on countertops - 10/10 - as good or better than with glasses.
  3. Distance (inside) - TV across the room, pictures on the wall - 10/10 - TV picture clarity and the vibrancy of the colors seems even better than before with glasses. When I first got progressive lenses in my eyeglasses four years ago, I could not believe the improvement in my iPhone screen quality. Similar effect now for TV viewing with these IOLs, it looks like I got a brand new TV
  4. Distance (outside) - looking at a static scene - 9/10, scene is very clear, maybe just not as clear as I remember with glasses but very similar.
  5. Distance (driving) - 7/10, when in motion, not as clear as I am accustomed to with corrected vision with glasses, this vision has improved from 5/10 a month ago but I do notice I need to be closer than before to read upcoming roadsigns. Likely will try a pair of prescription glasses for long drives
  6. Distance (night driving) - 10/10, minimal halos; no glare or starbursts. I had more starbursts and glare when I wore astigmatism-correcting eyeglasses even with the anti-glare/anti-reflective coatings. This has been surprising to me with all the warnings about halos with these lenses. Technically, I know I am losing some contrast in low light but not something I can say I have been able to notice compared to the dramatic improvement I notice with oncoming headlights. Dashboard is still clear even in the lower light situation but maybe 8/10 vs 10/10 in daylight
Random flickering when in bright light has gone away. It was a few times a day after surgery to a few times a week a month ago, now I can’t recall last time it happened.
I still have dry eyes but improving; I no longer wake up in the morning with hazy vision like a month ago. Using gel drops in evening before bed and PF drops throughout the day.
submitted by Pedal-On to CataractSurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 FIS is hiring a Senior Software Development Engineer II (Atelio)!

📢 FIS is hiring a Senior Software Development Engineer II (Atelio)! Company: FIS
Location: US 📍
Salary: 136K - 228K 💰
Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅
Level: Senior 👵
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 TranslatorUpbeat923 2013 Malibu lt car gets no power

Lately my car randomly Won’t catch any power even from the key fob I can’t unlock. The key gets stuck in the ignition, steering wheel doesn’t move. Sometimes when driving the ambient lights dim out or the radio completely shuts off. We ran the computer and it says the battery and alternator are good. Curious to know what the problem can be if anyone knows a thing or a 2 please inform me so I can get this resolved
submitted by TranslatorUpbeat923 to chevymalibu [link] [comments]