Biggest (and oldest) misprint I've ever found.

2025.01.22 04:50 TK421isAFK Biggest (and oldest) misprint I've ever found.

Biggest (and oldest) misprint I've ever found. submitted by TK421isAFK to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 DankMemeLordFireGing 26M from Canada, Restless Night Boredom Chats

Hello there, just got home from the gym and not feeling tired yet, so I figured I'd make a post and see who wants to chat
Anyone can feel free, my hobbies mainly consist of gaming, fitness, writing, comics, streaming, editing, hiking, and chatting with friends
We can talk about anything at all, feel free to ask any question you might have about me and I can pretty much guarantee I'll answer it
Come introduce yourself! Hope to see ya soon ✌️
submitted by DankMemeLordFireGing to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Potential_Bobcat3820 Got laid off in Nov 2023. Still unemployed. Will I have a career again?

Got laid off in Nov 2023. Still unemployed. Will I have a career again? I was laid off in Nov 2023. I have been applying for jobs since then. I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and really worried what will Happen to my career with such a long gap on my resume. Can anyone look at my chart and tell me anything about my career? When or if I will ever get a job again?
submitted by Potential_Bobcat3820 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 jvc72 Buy Signal Cream Finance USD - 21 Jan 2025 @ 23:47 -> USD9.84

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 21 Jan 2025 @ 23:47
Price: USD9.84
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 RedRaiderrFaithful Season 4 Fan Cast + Simulation

Season 4 Fan Cast + Simulation submitted by RedRaiderrFaithful to TheTraitorsUS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 csfaa Heart Rate Recovery

I’ve a question. How soon you all hit back to your normal heart rate post moderate to intense workout or running? My stats are as below so I’m worried if I’m over doing it Pre-workout : 70-80bpm Workout: 50mins to 1 hour Peak HR: 170 bpm Avg HR: 143 bpm Recovery 1st 2 mins : 40-48bpm Post 1 hour: 80-95bpm
submitted by csfaa to AppleWatchFitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 queshu22 Acheron at the maids Cafe (By 魚)

Acheron at the maids Cafe (By 魚) submitted by queshu22 to AcheronMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Noodles_fluffy It feels like literally everything in life is getting worse

Every product is becoming more expensive and removing free features while increasing the amount of ads
We are losing more and more regulations and backtracking on our steps to have a safer, greener earth
The job market sucks for my field and a lot of fields are getting replaced by AI
Propaganda and misinformation are running rampant
submitted by Noodles_fluffy to rant [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 LunaMaven Rewards points on flights

New to QFF so I’ve never booked flights through my rewards points. I’m going from Perth to Vancouver in Jan 2026. I recently saw some Classic Rewards available for business class for flights next month but now it’s gone back to Rewards Plus.
There were business class tickets up for grabs for about 140,000pts + a couple hundred. Where did this go? I was hoping to buy my Jan 2026 tickets as soon as they became available at this rate but is this not usually the norm?
When would be the best time to buy my tickets for the best chance at getting this deal again?
submitted by LunaMaven to QantasFrequentFlyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 EngineCertain1189 NOW PLAY OFF THE GRIDDD

submitted by EngineCertain1189 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Nikkie_Tarre Wierdest ships and their best fanfic's?

Finnick × Gale
All that I desire
Simple gf sent me the link and I read hate the ship but whatever it was short and little spicy
Finnick × Haymitch
Life of a victor
18+ I read wierd sh!t when I'm Bored okay! Don't judge It has Peeta, katniss, haymitch, effie, Finnick, and a lot more characters really well written 1 chapter
Finnick × Gloss
Role Playing
I SWEAR ON GODS HOLY NAME It makes sence it is a ship I hate PASSIONATELY but I ADORE this fanfic please give it a chance its 14yo Finnick and kinda his start to the being "sold" sh!t 29 chapters I believe so well written my favorite fanfic ever
Thats it for now what are yours?
submitted by Nikkie_Tarre to Hungergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 spyalien Measure twice cut once

Measure twice cut once submitted by spyalien to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Fine-Speaker-9465 Help me choose!

If both of these denim jackets are the same price, which one would you choose?
submitted by Fine-Speaker-9465 to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Anok_32 Has there been any drone sightings in Moreno Valley ?

submitted by Anok_32 to InlandEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 RedApplesForBreak Horror with elevator death scene (not Final Destination)

My kiddo needs help remembering the name of something she says she saw me watching (I can’t remember this at all). It may have been a horror movie or tv series or who knows what. She says that the characters had some idea who was going to die next (a newspaper from tomorrow maybe?) and they were trying to prevent the death. One girl got her hair stuck in an elevator and died. There may or may not have been a dog involved, and the dog may or may not have survived.
It wasn’t one of the FD movies. We were actually talking about the first FD movie when this conversation came up.
submitted by RedApplesForBreak to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 hglzm Char Bazaar Question

Hi there,
I'm a returning player that's learning about the char bazaar the hard way. I recently bid a char and found that I could not cancel my bid and ended up winning the auction. Thankfully I did not have enough TCs to pay for the auction and I no longer have the intention of paying that auction since the character is in an Optional PvP server and my friends play in Open PvP.
I'm trying to buy a character in an Open PvP server but I'm unsure what will happen if I buy more TCs to bid a new character. Will these TCs be automatically deducted and used to pay the outstanding and already won auction, or is there a manual step that I need to perform to complete that auction and pay it out.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by hglzm to TibiaMMO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 ThatWrestlingDude93 Happy Janice Week as we celebrate her mutated uvula growth

For context, this is for Muppet 70 week where it’s celebrated one Muppet each week as she’s 22/70 muppets. P.S. she was my childhood crush when I was 9-10 back when I first watched Glove and Boots.
submitted by ThatWrestlingDude93 to gloveandboots [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Wind-UpBird1973 Грустный и злой

submitted by Wind-UpBird1973 to Escapism_is_my_realm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Jaig_23 Who’s who?

Who’s who? After the recent spoilers,but I’ve always knew/thought it wasn’t shanks, it seems very obvious to me that shanks wasn’t the one at Mariejois
But some people think the opposite still, what do you think?
I mean the fact he has only shown one side of the face and his dialogue seems likes it’s obvious he’s hiding who he is
submitted by Jaig_23 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 bertwitt Twilio is hiring a Staff Product Designer (L4) in Remote Canada
submitted by bertwitt to productdesignjobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Im_yor_boi Nah I'd win

Nah I'd win submitted by Im_yor_boi to TerrariaMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 chelsah10 One week in and I’m hooked

One week in and I’m hooked My new favorite pastime is coloring my doodles on here and then checking the app to see how they turned out. It’s bringing me so much joy! I have been journaling, doodling, working/note-taking, and even have started re-writing old notes in here because I just LOVE writing on this thing. I truly thought I’d miss paper but I’m never looking back… and the calligraphy pen chefs kiss
submitted by chelsah10 to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:50 Fit-Effective-3262 New Resource on All Things LO

New Resource on All Things LO This is a new website that contains translated interviews, bio links, playlists and more.
Also adding to the megathread:
submitted by Fit-Effective-3262 to LingOrm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:49 NoPack4545 Yugioh vs pokemon

Yugioh vs pokemon Credit:
  • all official material except jump force
  • nuterual location
  • prime
submitted by NoPack4545 to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:49 ai0xf Requesting r/gateda ; abandoned, no moderator active for that sub.

I own and certified educator to helping students for GATE aptitude exam in DA . So need help to Admin that subreddit.
submitted by ai0xf to redditrequest [link] [comments]