2025.01.22 04:55 KristineTheBffCrew My emo looking oc,btw I have camera to take a pic! :33
submitted by KristineTheBffCrew to GachaLife2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 BigInfluence2365 Diluted antifreeze in 34°
Hey! I’m super new to mechanics; literally a week because I was sold a POS as is. First time ever not having a warranty. I did a poohalf az job at a coolant flush earlier today; ran out of time to finish before I had to leave for work. Came home and it hit me how low the temp is gonna be tonight. It’s still got old coolant in it by the color I burped out, I poured 4Q of new coolant in it before I left 9hrs ago and left it on an incline. I just burped it for about 15-20minutes so that no coolant/water came out and it maintained at operating temp for 10 minutes . Think I got it warm enough and into the engine enough to protect for another 8hrs when I can work on it again? I’ve gotta continue my water flush tomorrow, that’s why I’m hesitant to pour more money into that radiator.
submitted by BigInfluence2365 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 CareyThis Vehicle for family of 5?
Hi everyone! I’ve been up and down this sub and finally decided to post! We have a new baby and one of our cars was totaled (pre-baby) so it’s time for a new car! We currently drive a 2002 Acura Mdx and it’s about the right amount of space. We could even handle more!
We have 2 average size adults, a 4 month old, and 2 very small 11 and 14 yr old boys half the time.
I’ve owned Acuras, Hondas, and Volvos in the past. Love them all! And I’m really torn between wanting something that excites me and wanting something that is practical.
Our must haves: automatic trunk, automatic front seats, space, and longevity.
Wants: 3rd row, leather, moonroof, good in snow, heated seats, good mpg
We thought we’d buy a 2020 or so mdx, but there are all kinds of reliability issues and it’s actually much smaller than our current 2002.
Our budget is ideally less than $30k but looks like we might go to $35k.
Our main contenders so far: 2019 or so Toyota Highlander Hybrid Platinum 2021 or so Honda Pilot 2019 or so Volvo CX90 (this one is a vanity choice lol) Looked at the Lexus rx350 but it’s probably not big enough.. And I’m still kinda stuck on the mdx but I don’t think it will work.
And sorry, we just don’t want a minivan and we’ve tried but we can’t get over it.
What would you get and why? Are we missing some awesome option? We don’t get to buy new cars often so I’d love something I can actually be excited about but maybe that’s asking too much.
submitted by CareyThis to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 AndreaNewsHub Trump pardons Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht #WORLDNEWS #pardons #Trump #Silk #creator #Road
submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 pandaman777x Latest ColorOS update for OP11 caused green line
I used to think people were paranoid saying updates can cause the green line, but literally immediately after restarting my OP11 for a minor SOTA update a huge green line appeared...
The update was PHB110_15.0.0.203(CN01V30P01) so was only a minor system app update, so it's not as if the phone heated up or anything
I'll take it back to Oppo and get their opinion as they replaced the battery for me 2 weeks ago, but unfortunately I'm in China right now so hardly the strongest of consumer protections
submitted by pandaman777x to oneplus [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 Royal-Insurance-7534 Which mirrorless camera captures the best RAW for versatility in video?
I have enough money to switch ecosystems.
Yes Nikon Z9/8 prores raw is amazing, can Canon and Sony compete?
I am asking in scientific terms of percervable differenceced on the viewing platforms VS Sony? What should I switch to now that I have enough money to switch systemes.
Real question: I own an R5 should I upgrade to an r5 II or switch to Sony since most journalistic houses (Reauters/AP) adopted Sony?
submitted by Royal-Insurance-7534 to Cameras [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 BobLI Echinocactus grusonii university specimen
submitted by BobLI to cactusandsucculents [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 Specialist-Ad-4121 Great albums with horrible covers?
wtf is this submitted by Specialist-Ad-4121 to fantanoforever [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 nihlistgemini How to not get triggered over this
My ex broke up with me 100 ish days ago and we’ve been NC for 40. I can see he’s probably hanging out with girls from his social media. This is coming after he broke up with me because he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now. Obviously I know the answer for this is not to look at his social media but I messed up and I’m not going to check again, I blocked him on everything. I’m trying everyday to put myself back together after this but even the thought of him being with someone else makes me spiral. A lot of his friends are women which made me insecure and it’s now making me worry that my suspicions were true all along. I want to go out with new guys and find a rebound but my self esteem is horrible and i’m not mentally in the right place to do that right now.
I feel horrible, I keep beating myself up. Not to mention one of his girl friends that I know he hooked up with before is hanging around him a lot now and it makes me sick. She’s also blocked me on everything. I hate myself and I can’t stop crying.
submitted by nihlistgemini to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 BlackberryWest7686 Smokescreen deck
I have literally never seen a smokescreen deck in match-up before, so I am here to share and possibly unleash some chaos. This is a mid-range deck that require a bit of set up, but it is certainly a fun deck. Be aware that this deck can certainly be improved or adjusted, and I don't recommend playing rank with this deck. With all that being said, have fun with this deck!
p.s. you can do stupid things with this deck such as pushing 4/8 signal regiment to frontline
Japan smokescreen
Major power: Japan
Ally: Soviet
3x (1K) TYPE 92 Jyu-Shokosha
3x (3K) AICHI D3A-2
2x (4K) P1Y1 MODEL 11
2x (4K) TYPE 4 Ho-Ro
2x (1K) 16th RIFLES
1x (3K) 76 mm HOWITZER 1939
submitted by BlackberryWest7686 to kards [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 -FLIP777 151 always wins
Had some pretty bad luck with my prismatic preorders. Got 20 poster collections. 10 to rip 10 to save/sell to offset costs. Instead I ripped all but 1. Best I got was a trainer sir in all 57 packs😭 Decided to open my 3 151 poster collections I had in the closet because I’m a filthy degen. 9 packs and got these 4 hits. submitted by -FLIP777 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 mesoptamia705 Itto Nuke Team
So I am about to hit AR 60, and wanted to do an Itto nuke showcase to celebrate. I don't know what the best team would be, and I don't have Furina. Any help would be much appreciated.
submitted by mesoptamia705 to IttoMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 SeaSwim5248 Help! Is this a problem?
I recently bought this online. It’s an MM pochette that comes with a Neverfull. I needed to get one and have been searching forever. I thought I finally found a good one but then.. it arrived like this. She said it was used only twice. However, when I received the item it looks like there’s heavy cracking on both sides. I’m new to luxury. Help a sister out. Will this become a bigger problem in the future? Should I return it or keep it? submitted by SeaSwim5248 to Louisvuitton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 Nanni-banani1 Money talks or I’m walk. You know what to do money slave. Snap snap 🫰🏽
submitted by Nanni-banani1 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 MasonJar0000 Vehicle not starting properly
submitted by MasonJar0000 to carproblems [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 Verbull710 What is your political ideology, /r/Oregon Redditor?
View Poll
submitted by Verbull710 to oregon [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 MMCommunity mods make everything better
2025.01.22 04:55 NextAbbreviations359 🫥
really..? this has 254.4 MILLION chats and like 34 THOUSAND likes… i’m done ☠️🙏 submitted by NextAbbreviations359 to CharacterAI [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 westerlo4 Fanart - Jessica Jones mockup covers
submitted by westerlo4 to JessicaJones [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 Upset-University1881 Can we construct theories of physics as formal theories and consider them in the context of Model theory?
I know, maybe it's a silly question,I'm not an expert on this but I couldn't stop myself from asking. Can we construct theories of physics as a formal theory and consider these theories in the context of model theory?
I will call the formal theory of Newtonian Mechanics as NM. but I will refer to the formal theory of simple Newtonian mechanics without calculus operations as NM₀. and I think that the standard model of NM₀ formal theory is real vector space (V; +, ., 0, 1). I don't know if these analyses can give us something useful. that's why I wanted to ask you.
(V; +, ., 0, 1) ⊨ NM₀
submitted by Upset-University1881 to mathematics [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 Thick_Gap_7499 Trump béketerve paródiába fulladhat: Putyin szabotál, Trump főtárgyalója csak szócső lehet
A Wall Street Journal mai cikke Keith Kellogg nyugalmazott altábornagy ukrajnai különmegbízotti kinevezéséről számol be, aki Donald Trump felkérésére száz napon belül próbálja lezárni az ukrajnai háborút. Bár Trump kampányában azt ígérte, hogy gyorsan véget vet a konfliktusnak, az orosz fél egyértelművé tette, hogy nem sürgeti a békét. Vlagyimir Putyin a héten kijelentette: „A cél nem lehet egy rövid tűzszünet… hanem egy hosszú távú béke, amely tiszteletben tartja minden ember legitim érdekeit, akik a régióban élnek.” Trump élesen bírálta az orosz inváziót, mondván, Putyin „tönkreteszi Oroszországot” azzal, hogy nem köt megállapodást. A szankciók lehetőségét is megemlítette, ha Putyin nem hajlandó tárgyalni. Kellogg, Trump különmegbízottja, tanácsokat adna a tárgyalásokhoz, de korábbi munkatársai szerint Trump ritkán kér tanácsot, és Kellogg inkább végrehajtó szerepet tölt be. John Bolton, Trump volt nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadója szerint Trump azért kedveli Kelloggot, mert „nem mond véleményt, csak ha kérdezik”. Kellogg katonai pályafutása impozáns, de diplomáciai tapasztalat híján van. Korábban a Trump-kormányzat Nemzetbiztonsági Tanácsának tagjaként gyakran jelen volt az Ovális Irodában, bár nem volt érdemi hatása a politikai döntésekre. Egy korábbi kollégája szerint „Trump élvezi Kellogg társaságát, de nem számít tőle önálló politikai befolyásra.” A cikk kitér Kellogg béketervére is, amelyet a pro-Trump America First Policy Institute támogatásával dolgozott ki. A terv szerint a NATO halassza el Ukrajna csatlakozását, és Oroszország szankcióenyhítést kapna a békemegállapodásért cserébe. Ugyanakkor katonai segélyek megvonását helyezte kilátásba Ukrajnával szemben, ha Kijev nem lenne hajlandó tárgyalni. A tervet Moszkvában teljes mértékben elutasították; a Kreml szócsövei „mézesmadzag és korbács” taktikának nevezték, amely nem motiválja Oroszországot. A Komszomolszkaja Pravda Kelloggot a hidegháborús amerikai katonai-ipari komplexum megtestesítőjeként bírálta, hozzátéve, hogy „a Pentagon és a republikánus párt hús-vére, aki a pénzt szereti.” Az orosz állami média még személyes szálakat is behozott a kritikába, kiemelve, hogy Kellogg lánya, Meaghan Mobbs, humanitárius segélyeket szállít Ukrajnába, ami az orosz szemszögből Kellogg elfogultságát bizonyítja. Az orosz Tass hírügynökség szerint Mobbs alapítványa, a Weatherman Foundation, amerikai önkéntesek holttesteit is hazaszállította Ukrajnából, ami tovább súlyosbította a helyzetet Moszkva szemében. A cikk Seth Jones véleményét is idézi, aki szerint Kellogg kinevezése Trump döntéseit erősítheti, de az orosz fél személyeskedő támadásai és elutasító hozzáállása már a tárgyalások előtt előrevetíti a nehézségeket. Az orosz fél nem mutat hajlandóságot a tárgyalásokra, és Putyin szavai szerint a béke csak akkor valósulhat meg, ha „az érintett népek legitim érdekei” érvényesülnek. Cikk fordítása, kivonatolása AI. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/trumps-ukraine-envoy-has-a-hard-climb-to-any-peace-deal-ac728e58 submitted by Thick_Gap_7499 to hungary [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 04:55 ZanderZero1234 The thing keeping me back….
I’m going through a journey of deciding whether to be Eastern Orthodox or Catholic and something holding me back from Catholicism is what it’s done, things like how it treated people in South America burning there religious artifacts and stealing riches from other nations or there was a Catholic in Asia rejected for some reason for over 40 years, it seems like historically the church has acted more as an imperialist state that wishes to convert people by sword kinda like jihad than a place to bring you towards Christ and his grace.
TLDR: my struggle with being Catholic is all the bad imperialism or so it seems they have done in nations historically
submitted by ZanderZero1234 to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 CaribouCarter Is it OK to throw trash in someone else's bin? The players weigh in...
submitted by CaribouCarter to Coyotes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 04:55 xBooks_4_Lifex Need helping finding a Wattpad Book
I recall reading a Wattpad romance some time ago and hope someone might recognize it. Here are the details I remember:
2025.01.22 04:55 Tengo-Sueno Be careful! Don't get lost amidst this Misterious mist
submitted by Tengo-Sueno to customyugioh [link] [comments] |