Stares into ur soul

ur创始于2006年,总部位于白云区。第一家门店在广州正佳广场开业,开业即迎来消费热潮,日均人流量达到几千人,以快奢时尚dna作为运营和管理核心,凭借奢华大店面、丰富款式、快速更新、高性价比的快时尚特质,俘获年轻消费者的心。 含有ur的英语单词一、turnturn英 [tɜ:n] 美 [tɜ:rn] 第三人称单数:turns现在分词:turning过去分词:turned过去式:turnedturn 基本解释及物/不及物动词使转动; 旋转; 使改变方向; 使不适及物动词 - UR: Ultra Rare(极度稀有) 2. 稀有度体系是游戏王卡片游戏中的一个重要概念,它用来区分卡片在发售时的稀有程度,并通过不同的加工处理来体现。 ur认证是针对美国零部件的一种专门标准,它与ul的成品认证有所不同。ul认证包括cruus标志或rucru标志两种类型。rucru标志特别值得注意,它是ul为满足加拿大和美国双重认可要求而设计的,自1998年4月1日起生效。 ur与传统“快时尚”的不同在于一个“奢”字,将市场定位是在“快时尚”与“轻奢”之间。 传统‘ 快时尚 ’,一般服装质量差,但价格便宜,款式更新迅速,产品类型丰富;但 UR 倡导的新‘快奢时尚’是在此基础上升级。 电压Ue,Un,Ur分别代表什么电压?电压Ue通常指额定电压,是电气设备设计时参照的标准电压。UN表示电压的有效值,也就是标称电压,它是指交流电压的有效值。UN在一定程度上也可以等同于额定电压。Ur代表负载电压,其 UR&UTR:Ultra rare——极度稀有. 扩展资料: SSR是各种卡牌类游戏中,卡牌稀有度级别分类的一种。 稀有度级别一般为 UR>SSR>SR > R> N(部分游戏设定中最高级别为SSR)。 不限于某个或者某几个游戏特用名词,是一种被卡牌类游戏广泛使用的稀有度等级分类。 ur官网、微商城及app有权不予退还已使用的优惠券。 B、如果购买该商品时使用了优惠券且因商品质量问题退换的,UR官网、微商城及APP同意将已使用的优惠券返还至顾客的账户中,但通过UR 线下门店购买的商品因质量问题退换的除外。 因此,ur认证涵盖更广泛的评估指标,如减少有害物质、促进资源回收、提高能源效率等,旨在推动更可持续的产品设计与制造。 UR认证类别可能包括产品评估、供应链认证以及行业标准制定等,旨在为消费者提供更全面的评估信息,促进环保与健康产品的市场 ... 含有ur的单词有哪些?含有ur的单词有很多,常见的有:turn、sure、fur、our、purpose、turkey、burn、turkey、current。during、jury、lurk、pure、murder、nurse、nurture、nursery、hurt、hurricane、return、hurr

2025.01.22 04:52 SweetButDangerous_ Stares into ur soul

Stares into ur soul submitted by SweetButDangerous_ to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 Sea-Palpitation1325 Calculating ABV

Hello everyone,
I didn't take an OG measurement for my first 6 batches because I'm a dumb noob at this and also I couldn't figure out how to get my honey fully mixed in.
I was under the impression that I could calculate my ABV from a BRIX reading on a refractometer and a hydrometer, but now I'm reading that it may not be possible.
What are my options for determining ABV now? Also, how are you supposed to determine ABV normally with staggered honey additions (which I did with some)?
submitted by Sea-Palpitation1325 to mead [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 confused_screaming09 Any MPN achievement hunters able to help me?

I was thinking of using the Mercenary to try and get the Maximum Headquarters achievement, cash bonus seems pretty helpful and melee is overpowered. But one of his traits lowers the Hireling level cap from 30 to 25 — does this stop you from getting the achievement? If yes, what other Origins do you recommend for this achievement?
submitted by confused_screaming09 to madnesscombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 RudeCompetition7934 the rift actually SUCKS

finally started the rift becuz the admins r obsessed with forcing ppl to play it by adding vampire slayer 5 requirement for the dentist relic for some fucking reason and ts SUCKS bro i actually cant i dont think i can power through to vamp 5
submitted by RudeCompetition7934 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 bot_neen Se resisten a ser albergados; vigila Protección Civil a personas en la calle

Se resisten a ser albergados; vigila Protección Civil a personas en la calle submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 StellarMassJack Custom posed pit locust

Custom posed pit locust submitted by StellarMassJack to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 RHarrington89 500pt game

Making my official jump into 40k with an escalation league. I have played a handful of friendly games that were more narrative based so this will be a new experience. Right now we are operating under the index until the codex has been out a while. No epic heros allowed in the first round.
I can use bridgehead strike detachment; should I focus my list around this?
I have a pretty expansive collection of guard and can cover most items.
Should I take a Russ? I figured 500 points is a little too low to take a Dorn.
I was thinking militarum tempestus command squad w/ bombast class vox array enhancement, 3 units of scions, 2 scout sentinels, 1 armoured sentinel, heavy weapon team running mortars for 500 points.
submitted by RHarrington89 to astramilitarum [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 churro951 [WIP] 47%. The goal is to finish it this year, if i can maintain an average of atleast 207 stitches a day. That may or may not be feasible, depending on how my summer goes

[WIP] 47%. The goal is to finish it this year, if i can maintain an average of atleast 207 stitches a day. That may or may not be feasible, depending on how my summer goes submitted by churro951 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 No-Pumpkin7768 Johnny Silver Hand - Travel into "The Matrix" (indie animation)

Johnny Silver Hand - Travel into submitted by No-Pumpkin7768 to Animey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 aptaylorco Second doubts on Dog Euthanasia

We are putting my husband’s dog down tomorrow of 12 years. I’ve been part of this sweet boys life for 10. I’m at a loss. On one hand I want to postpone the euthanasia and on the other hand I know it is the right thing to do. He’s suffering. I can’t believe we have less than 24 hours left with him. How will we be able to do this / be okay after? We always joked about how much of a stubborn dick he was his whole life (bulldog) but the thought of his gassy / drooly self not here tomorrow is incomprehensible.
submitted by aptaylorco to Petloss [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 thomasan1945pro Rate my Setup!

Rate my Setup! submitted by thomasan1945pro to thomasthetankengine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 hygonews Trump Gives Barron A Shout Out: Unexpected Response is Pure Gold! To shake hands of Biden & Kamala

|| || |1/21/2025:| |Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:| |Trump Gives Barron A Shout Out: Unexpected Response is Pure Gold! To shake hands of Biden & Kamala|
submitted by hygonews to USAPoliticsNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 sinsini5678 TWICE - Sana

submitted by sinsini5678 to Korean_hotties [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 epicforestfire What is this abscess under hand? Not a bone

What is this abscess under hand? Not a bone submitted by epicforestfire to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 GraveGhoul_ New look!

New look! I haven't posted anything for ages so I just wanna show off my new photo! I think it's super cute~
submitted by GraveGhoul_ to fashiondreamer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 Bossy_Aussie_ Are mammoth plushies worth anything like others?

Sorry I’m still bad at values. I just casually pulled a mammoth plushie, and I know mammoth sizes in other species are somewhat valuable, is it the same for plushies?
submitted by Bossy_Aussie_ to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 pinkpantiesholly1 Toilets flushing opposite direction in the southern half of the globe?

Is this a true statement?
submitted by pinkpantiesholly1 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 freshlyintellectual Is competing in my first competition worth it? (CPAC)

I've been pole dancing for a year and I have a very solid concept I'm excited about putting together. I have a strong background in performing and acting and while I do see that the pole comp videos are a lot more technically strong than what I'm used to, I do think I'd be bringing in something really valuable and unique with my theatre and dance background.
The comp in March and I'm doubting my ability to perfect all my skills in time. I really want to perform and compete and I don't mind if I'm not the best in the room because I'M happy with my concept and I want it to be seen and judged. I've created many routines in the past year within only a week that turned out good, but could've been great if I had more time and guidance like I have now. However, I have two major issues:
#1: I've been paid to perform before because I'm a go-go dancer, so I have to compete at Level 2 and will be judged against competitors with much more experience and skills than I have, and
#2: It's $400 to compete and pay for photos and videos. Which. . . why the fuck are these prices separate??? Insane you have to pay for the video they're taking anyways to have the rights to share something of you.
The comp is also pretty anti-SW and I feel somewhat of an ideological difference in how this comp views pole. I wanna showcase what I have and I don't want to wait the whole year or hop on a plane to do so. But these concerns have me wondering if it's worth it or not. Once again, I am very confident in my ability to perform. I think the winners I've seen online have amazing skill, but I really think I have a better eye for artistic performance and facials, movement, etc.
No shade to the pole competitors btw! I imagine the competition environment likes a certain kind of performer and I worry I don't fit into that. I just think the comp setting can be quite restrictive and see how it might create less entertainment and creativity in favour of perfection and technique. I want to bring in something I think is cool and unique. Do they even like that? I've looked at the score cards, but I'm also not wild about some of the first place videos I've seen in the artistic category online, they seem. . . not that artistic I guess?
If anyone has more experience with competitions, I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice.
submitted by freshlyintellectual to poledancing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 Hobbitfollower All X/Twitter Links are now added to our domain blacklist.

Pretty simple, we are going to rip the Band-Aid on this and not allow links to tweets anymore. I'll be updating the rules in the morning to reflect this but for now we will continue to allow screenshots. If you are posting a real twitter screenshot use the Social Media tag, if you're posting a satirical/doctored screenshot please use the Satire/Fake News.
We've tried to find ways to make social media posting work here and this is just a step towards not supporting the bile that we've tried to avoid. The news portion of the social media rule will remain how it is, X/Twitter "Breaking News" posts will continue to be removed. Please continue to post news from reputable sources.
Any attempt to circumvent this rule will lead to your post being removed.
submitted by Hobbitfollower to Destiny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 h0neybadger2003 Should I write a cover letter for a promotion I'm applying to at my current job?

Sorry if advice posts arent allowed, I just had a question for managers about what theyd expect in this situation. I work in a lab (in my current position for 3 months). My manager told me they have a position open for a job thats definitely a step up in terms of responsibility, technical skill, and pay (6$ raise!). Since I'd be an internal hire, she said I'd get priority (its also for a night shift position, so the fact that I already work night shifts would also give me a little bump). Obviously I still have to apply for the job, and I was wondering if I should write a cover letter for it? The thing is, I don't have much experience, so I really don't know what I'd talk about in the cover letter. Also, writing a formal cover letter seems like a little overkill to me, since I see her often and she already knows what my skills are (she interviewed & hired me for this job, and since its only been 3 months since I was hired, not a whole lot has changed). However, this is my first "real" job in my desired field; all my other jobs have been very casual and informal (delivery driver, student labor positions, etc) so I don't have much experience in applying to actual serious jobs (I interviewed at 1 other place before I got this job, so I also don't have much experience in cover letters).
Basically, would you expect a cover letter in this situation? Should I write it as if she isnt my boss (i.e. under the assumption she doesnt know what I do in my current position, doesnt know my background, etc)? I really want this position and don't want it to seem like I'm not serious about if I don't write a letter, but I don't want to seem...over zealous either.
submitted by h0neybadger2003 to managers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 Wild-Independent3171 Ready to crush your 2025 fitness goals? 💪

I’m a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian & Fitness Coach offering:
✅ Personalized fitness & nutrition plans ✅ Online coaching ✅ Weekly check-ins
With 10+ years of experience, I specialize in weight management and am here to help you succeed!
DM me to start your journey! 📩
submitted by Wild-Independent3171 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 Front-Cherry-8322 why use toilet paper when u can use a BIDET🚰

submitted by Front-Cherry-8322 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 darkbluepens IB music

hello everyone!
im a student looking to take the IBDP this year! I was wondering if anyone who has taken music as a subject before could share their experiences on how it went and how difficult it is to get a 7 in the end.
For context: i took O-Level music last year and got an A for it. I play the piano at the ATCL level and violin at grade 8 level. i’m part of my schools percussion ensemble too! however, i struggled a lot with O-Level music and I spent more than half my time trying to grasp the theory and work on my compositions/ performing (glad my efforts paid off though!) Hence, i wouldn’t say i’m the strongest at music as compared to my peers who may be more naturally talented at music - especially in composing and music theory.
would i be able to cope in IB music? as I do think my other subjects are relatively stronger, I would not want my music grade to pull down my overall score. however, im still willing to try as i have the passion for it!
hope to hear your thoughts on this! thank you:)
submitted by darkbluepens to IBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 My1Thought Trump orders all federal DEI employees placed on paid leave effective Wednesday Jan 22

Guess he needs to make room for all those unemployed J6 traitors he pardoned.
submitted by My1Thought to WeirdGOP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:52 MonsterLover2021 Can I keep isopods under my bed?

Probably a dumb question but I wanna get isopods and keep them as pets but my mom hates bugs and finds isopods creepy(I did mention they aren’t insects but she doesn’t believe me) and I was thinking if I just got a sterilite container I could keep them under my bed but idk if that’s okay or not since they’d be closer to the vent(I keep it closed but it still generates a lotta heat) or could I keep them in my closet? I dunno. And does anyone have any tips on keeping them in secret? lol. Sorry if this is a dumb question or something.
submitted by MonsterLover2021 to isopods [link] [comments]