2025.01.22 06:51 JaxThane Pre-Orders in early.
So I got a couple of buddies into DT recently, which I'm all for. One of them pre-ordered Deadpool on Miniature Market in early January. He just got his today.
I'm still waiting on my Kickstarter goodies to ship.🥲He is so happy to have it though. And I'm happy for him too. Can't wait for mine.
Anyone else get pre-orders yet?
submitted by JaxThane to DiceThrone [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 TheSheDM I'm obsessed with these, but I don't remember where I got them. Anyone know who makes these?
submitted by TheSheDM to dice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 ickyrikki About to start Kindgdom of Ash
haha…. i’m scared!!!! I need to know how others got through it. I LOVE this series but i’m so worried for all the characters and like it’s HUGE! How did you guys get through this book?
submitted by ickyrikki to throneofglassseries [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Tauntaunt Rákosrendező: Central Park helyett luxus negyed
Vincent első törvényétől eltekintve, felmerült bennem a kérdés, hogy egy ekkora területen (850 hektár ~ 300*3000 méter) miért nem egy a Central parkhoz hasonló közhasználatú zöldterületet hoznak létre tájelemekkel, rengeteg fával, tavakkal, pavilonokkal és mindennel ami egy ilyenhez kell (lásd pl. CP).
Oké, egy ekkora terület kiépítése órási összeg, de a parlament sem egy év alatt épült (15).
Karácsony ugye most - elővételi jogával élve - felajánlotta az 50 milliárdot - amennyiért az arabnak akarják átjátszani a területet -, lázár viszont cinikusan 5000 milliárdot kér a fővárostól ugyanazért. Ez így nem triggerel senkit Pesten? Ezt úgy hívják hogy hazaárulás és leszarom hogy a btk. megfogalmazása szerint nem az.
Hozzáértőktől kérdezném: Érvek és ellenérvek egy ilyen park mellett/ellen?
submitted by Tauntaunt to hungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 flush101 Displaying predicted totals using dates
I’m trying to create a graph that displays activity over time with predicted totals. I have activity name, start date, end date and number of people on that activity.
I can’t seem to figure out how to have the graph display this or display it in power BI. I expect it would have to add the number of people to the total on the start date then remove them on the end date but I can’t think of a simple way of doing this.
submitted by flush101 to excel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Subject-Quail-3796 الصورة النمطية عن الخليج
شفت البوست الليبي يسالكم عن الصورة النمطية اللي في بالكم عنهم. ف ودي اسوي نفس الشيء بس عننا الخليجين والسعوديين خاصة. واذا عندكم اي سؤال اسئلوا
submitted by Subject-Quail-3796 to Tunisia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Makokk Banned randomly
Hello! Proud user of WME for keys for a few months now and LOVE the community. Tonight I joined a +11 and informed the group that I was in a voice discord channel. Apparently this channel was soon joined by several raiders whom I had jovial conversations with not knowing it was a building raid channel.
After only a few minutes of casual chat an effeminate sounding male told me to “have a good life”, booted me from discord and left me without means to find like minded m plus groups.
It is my understanding that this discord group is an inclusive group to accomplish like minded goals. It has become apparent that at least one mod of this discord has an agenda that does not represent what WME is all about.
I cannot understate the rudeness of this individual and can only guess that I am not the first person to draw attention to the fact of their blatant disregard for the fundamentals of WME.
I love the ppl I grouped with in keys and felt i was both a student and a teacher in the long process of learning to maximize keys.
My goal of this post is to have someone of high ranking within WME to reach out and discuss this matter, it is atrocious that a mod on this discord acts in such arrogant disregard for what WME stands for.
submitted by Makokk to wowmadeeasy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Reasonable-Option673 Miért kell ez az embereknek?
Szembe jött velem egyik nap ez a “csoda” munka. Egyszerűen elképesztő, hogy mik mennek ilyen helyeken. Ennek a helynek egy kuruzsló a tulajdonosa, aki szintén töltöget boldog boldogtalant, úgy, hogy még egy kozmetikusi végzettsége sincs. Ezt a csodát éppen egy alkalmazott orvosa csinálta, aki szintén nem plasztikai sebész. Mikor lesz már vége ennek a kóklerkodásnak az országban? Nem hiszem el, hogy nem tudnak törvényileg fellépni vagy senkit nem érdekel, hogy minden sarkon ilyen kuruzslók végeznek ilyen beavatkozásokat? A törvényes adózási részéről már ne is beszéljünk… submitted by Reasonable-Option673 to csakcsajok [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 Dry_Economy_2701 [H] $25 RedRobin gc [W] $25 paypal, vemo, visa
submitted by Dry_Economy_2701 to GCTrading [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 LogicalEducator6679 30M soon to be PhD facing some serious troubles. How can I address them?
I can't sleep and that's part of the reason I'm making this post. I'm (30M) a guy who has become infamous in the academic subreddits for post on various accounts after my karma got too low. My life is a huge mess right now and I'm trying to get it together.
I'll start with some of the good parts. I should be graduating by this May with my PhD in Experimental Psychology (this field is purely research focused and I don't so therapy. I specialize in cognition). I'll be 31 by then. All sections of my dissertation are written at this point and my advisor told me that it's "getting closer" to where it should be in this case. I also have around $14k saved right now, which is savings from my previous position as a visiting full time instructor last year and $11k for fellowship money (that I get to keep by going to fellowship events and graduating with my PhD).
Now, for the not so hot parts. First, I'm not a "self made PhD" at all. In 2017 and 2019, I worked with a coach my parents connected me with and paid for to help proofread application materials. I should note that they never wrote anything for me or anything like that. They also helped me write emails and tell me how to be professional in emails and interviews. I reconnected with this coach in 2022 after I was supposed to graduate in 3 years with my first PhD advisor. Unfortunately, I had a falling out with my first PhD advisor and my coach's role shifted to helping me through the process and with applications for outside jobs I could get after I learned my stipend would be cut in half on the 2022-2023 academic year. I bring this up since academic subreddits bash me for this outside help constantly. I even had a life coach my parents paid for that helped me all throughout undergrad from 2013-2017 to develop study habits and help me socially (subreddits also give me flak for this).
Second, my resume and CV are bland for someone soon to have a PhD in hand. Feel free to see my post on PhDStress for the full details, although it's not necessary. The TLDR of that post is that I'm graduating with the bare minimum and didn't do any projects with other faculty at all nor get any publications really.
Third, I have major dental issues where my parents spent around $30k getting my teeth urgent dental care that are only going to get worse as time goes on because I'm high risk for them, even with giving myself the best toothpaste and floss possible. A dentist I met for an emergency root canal three years old told me based on my scans that three of molars are going to need root canals years from now. This stinks since I have over a dozen fillings (lost track of how many), 4 crowns, and 3 root canals already. This particular dentist in my hometown is also the only one I've met who doesn't make judgmental comments about my teeth at all.
Fourth, finances down the road. I'm going for research assistant and research associate jobs that are normally post bacc jobs. I don't want to go for faculty positions (I rejected one actually because teaching as a visiting instructor made me miserable) nor any post doc positions. I've learned through the PhD process that I'm more of a supporter than a leader. Given my dental care, therapy, and medications are all a decent cost... I don't know how I'm going to make it on a post bacc salary ($40k if I'm lucky). I'm living rent and utility free with my parents, but it ducks having no active income right now somewhere that's safe for me. I also have around $52k in student loans right now that are in forbearance until May because I was under the Biden SAVE plan that was under legal battles until recently. I'm taking extension credits as well so I'm not enrolled full time and will need to pay them back ASAP after I graduate.
What can I do to help myself here? I'm not keen on moving since I have an incredible support system in my home as I'm recovering from my traumatic PhD experience, cost of living is sky high, and I want to get the best preventative care for my teeth as possible without waiting for the other shoe to drop first (i.e., optional care that can prevent issues down the road like dental implants). I just wish someone told me about how using a PhD means I co-sign no choice over where I live if I want to use it at all. Sucks so much.
submitted by LogicalEducator6679 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 strykerhawke_86 Newbie help
Recently got into console sto from PC, any tips on how to increasing dps would be helpful.
submitted by strykerhawke_86 to stobuilds [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 imalik780 30-Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge: Enhance Power and Fat Loss
submitted by imalik780 to FitnessVolt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 Chance_Ingenuity4415 I Love This Games Weird Progression Leaps
https://preview.redd.it/o09815v9shee1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=00adb8ce22438582fc48abab62fb774c65fb5982 Less than a month ago I finally beat GR1 18 because I pulled Aeris and he carried me hard for dmg, now I can clear it with just Greed at A5 doing dmg with Aeon for debuff, Elowyn, Dolores, and Durza for buffs. However I get mostly pooped on in GR1 19 lol with Aeris, Khamet, Greed, and Valkyra doing dmg lol. It's really just a matter of I need to put Aeris and Valkyra in the same quality/level of gear as Greed and Aeris, but I just find it comedic I can solo GR1 18 which used to feel impossible, yet can't with several dmg dealers on 19 lol. submitted by Chance_Ingenuity4415 to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 kyuketsukiii For women, is sex tiring for you or is it a case to case basis?
For guys mostly.. including me, after a long gruesome day of tiresome work, sex its very rejuvenating and takes away all of that built up stress for the day. Also afterwards, It doesn't matter what chore the wife asks me to do i feel like 100% recharged and wouldnt mind doing anything.
I want to confirm if its the same for women or is it the opposite? For my wife, even if she enjoys it, its tiresome for her. There are times that sex does not happen because she straightly says shes tired and stressed lately. And im like "its a stress reliever should it help?". I want to understand if this is generally the case or is she an isolated case? Either way, if its tiring for women-and her then i would respect that and would just jerk off to adult movies instead.
submitted by kyuketsukiii to Marriage [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 SourceConsistent6234 NIKE X NOCTA TRACKSUITS ( MANY COLOURWAYS ) - 48$
submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 JaspBurner This is a worm.
submitted by JaspBurner to lies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 emni13 Gothic island name that fits a non Gothic island too?
Hi! I'm going to restart my island soon and was thinking to make a victorian Gothic island. Problem is of course that I can't think of a name. I'm also known for changing my theme often and would dislike a too Gothic name for a non Gothic island so it would be great if the name fit a non Gothic island just in case. But all recommendations are welcome. So far I was thinking of flowers maybe Nightshade or Belladonna or Hemlock. Please help me pick a name!
submitted by emni13 to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 VisualAd7144 Welp I just found all his accounts on instagram
My husband has been “free” of porn since I first caught him 8 years ago. We were just married and I found out about his addiction. He supposedly went to our pastor and did counseling, but I was young and dumb and didn’t know any better to take extra steps.
I checked his whole phone and only found stuff on instagram. Tik tok girls with OF links. The way I found it was searching letters like “a” and so on. I know this works cause I checked my own and the only accounts that popped up I’ve searched myself.
I’m pregnant 20w and we have a 4yo and 18mo. Im just absolutely pissed and heartbroken. I took pics of it all so I have proof. Also he had accounts blocked.
Something really weird though is on FB he has like 40 accounts blocked…but they are all local people? A lot of females and some males. Does anyone know if that could be something bad?? I mean I’ve never ever seen so many people blocked. I have like 5 screenshots of that.
submitted by VisualAd7144 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Aromatic_Anybody969 Your IT Career Starts Here—No Waiting, No Hassle! ✔ Offer Letter Guaranteed Before Training Starts 📞 Contact us at: 7306542853 🌐 Apply to know more : https://forms.gle/Su8MJM12cUs8g4ycA
submitted by Aromatic_Anybody969 to jobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 devincurz845 Elon Musk's new criteria for coding jobs
submitted by devincurz845 to InsightCompass [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 bot_neen ¿Qué pasará con los mexicanos deportados? - Primera Plana
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 kokandy_7 Home security cameras.
Can I get some recommendations for a company to come and install some security cameras to my daughter’s house. She lives in Salisbury and I’m wanting to get 4-6 cameras installed for her. I work full time and I just don’t have the time to do it myself when I have me time and my daughter is life dumb but needs them, so I’d rather just get someone to set it up for her. Northern suburbs please. Thanks!
submitted by kokandy_7 to Adelaide [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 murphyscreek Crumbed Lamb Cutlets - Keto Style
submitted by murphyscreek to cookingvideos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 Top_Day2394 baseball card storage box For USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks
submitted by Top_Day2394 to AMZreviewTrader [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 Hot_Salamander_2891 Should i choose a hive color now?
I was wondering if i should pick a hive color now since i have about 44-45 bees now. i don’t think im making much money off of my hive i have now my hive is mixed and i dont have supreme star yet. i have 31 gifted bees. Im not getting lucky with getting new gifted bees my RNG is just terrible. I cant really macro because i play on a console and Iphone i cant download auto clickers on my phone. This is a picture of my hive if i don’t need to change to a hive color. please tell me know what i should change in my hive. submitted by Hot_Salamander_2891 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments] |