Shame On Adobe

2025.02.02 02:33 JayBthirty4 Shame On Adobe

$80 a month, Canadian for casual users, eliminates the possibility of utilizing their software. I sincerely hope you give yourselves a whole hearted shake of the head. I thought about having plans geared to income for users but the Adobe programs are clearly not a tool based in enriching the lives of those who provide value to the world. I am disappointed with the future of using this software. You can forget it.
I hope this is not viewed as low quality for the sub. This message needs to be pushed for the manufacturers of this app. Shameful.
submitted by JayBthirty4 to Adobe [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 Classic-Spiral How tall is fizz and ozzie?

How tall is fizz and ozzie? submitted by Classic-Spiral to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 ventq Please help

I genuinely feel really bad I need help I don't know what to do please I'm so sad
submitted by ventq to helpme [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 rakahr11 You already know how to better your life and be a valued part for society but you choose not to.

I am including myself here and i also know my reasons why but i people who play the 'whatever' card acting like the entire world is always working against them is surely not the only thing to blame.
I again repeat that i am not excluding myself here. I very well know what i am supposed to do but i choose not to.
submitted by rakahr11 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 Spreaderoflies You guys are slacking

You guys are slacking I've been doing Duolingo for over 20 years apparently
submitted by Spreaderoflies to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 robotic_Unicorns How much of an impact is this going to make?

A protest organized by a random group of people on reddit and nothing but word of mouth. Taking place on a Wednesday afternoon.
I mean just wait, get more support and do it on an eventful day to make it more impactful. Feel like it's being done just so yall can feel like you're "doing something"
submitted by robotic_Unicorns to 50501 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 The_Worst_Platypus Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise

Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise submitted by The_Worst_Platypus to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 danny0wnz Freedom is in the air, Boys

Went to visit the forbidden-land today, awesome place. Great people. Too bad they don’t do business in CT. I don’t exactly blame them. Stop by if you’re ever in the SC MB area.
It’s like if cabelas replaced their clothing inventory with guns, parts, and ammo. And kept everything else..
submitted by danny0wnz to CTguns [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 imadcharqi Removing Megalodons packback

Any mod or ini setting i can change to remove megalodons packbuff?
submitted by imadcharqi to ARK [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 heladorojo scene/emo outfit inspo

submitted by heladorojo to scene [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 AdSpecialist3722 $690k home is it affordable with 20% down and $190k combined gross?

home price 690000 in Dallas. Paying 20% down at 6.5%. Monthly payment will be around 5500 including taxes, hoa and insurance. Currently we rent for 2700. We make 190000 and net is 10500 per month. Contributing 18% to 401k and 3000 for HSA. We have home in other state which we rented for 2500. Mortgage for that home is 1850 including taxes, hoa and insurance. Have 2 kids one in 6 grade and other in 1 grade. All expenses with kids activities is around 2000.
I don’t have any debts. After down payment we will have around 150k. Not sure if I need to proceed as it might be tight.
submitted by AdSpecialist3722 to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 spedmonke217 Away days boycott?

As we are (hopefully) aware of, there is (kinda) tension between the US and Canada. Tariffs and comments distracting our great nation has put a strain for sure. But the thing is, both our rivals are in the US. And Portland away is only a few weeks away. I’m planning on still going, but is anyone going to boycott the states fully?
submitted by spedmonke217 to whitecapsfc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 wzzkznd 💎

toshi was listed on coinbase just to be removed in certain regions. so now you can't sell or buy nor convert unless you send to coinbase wallet or another exchange. thanks for putting restrictions on that now many people have pointless $$ just sitting in coinbase if they bought into it when it was released to coinbase.
submitted by wzzkznd to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 Smarty398 Index Card Study Notes: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Brief DSM-5-TR Criteria

submitted by Smarty398 to NCMHCEtutor [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 1925Sparky Handmaid's Tale Spinoff The Testaments: What to Know About Cameos, More

Handmaid's Tale Spinoff The Testaments: What to Know About Cameos, More submitted by 1925Sparky to TheTestamentsHulu [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 No-Caregiver9607 Her daughter says my dad taught me the n word so if there’s any black ppl in here…But they trying to justify what she said naw she said it!! Trashy ass clean your dirty ass house!!

submitted by No-Caregiver9607 to hope_marie_kitts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 InevitableUnlikely58 LF 3 star cards

LF 3 star cards submitted by InevitableUnlikely58 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 juliarenee11 Random bruising

Does this look a normal healing bruise to you all? I have very fair skin and prone to random bruises (I do randomly tend to bump into things) but sometimes I don’t even remember getting bruises. Bruising is one of my obsessions with health anxiety. Anyone else get bruises a lot and are fine?
submitted by juliarenee11 to skin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 DVIUS_Hackers Hire a Hacker - No Upfront Fees - Pay Upon Completion

Hire a Hacker Pro - The Dark Web's Finest:
Need a hack but short on cash? Here's your dark alley solution - Hire a Hacker Pro. No upfront cash needed, just hold BTSX and let us do the dirty work.
Why Us?

How This Shadow Deal Works:
  1. Pay If You're Pleased: Only pay if we've nailed it.
BTSX - Your Key to the Dark Door: This token opens up a world where you don't pay until you're satisfied. Get Your Hack On Now!
Secure your digital life or give your enemies a scare with Hire a Hacker Pro. Hold BTSX, and step into the dark web's elite circle of hackers. Contact us through the shadows for a deal that won't burn your wallet. Disclaimer: Our services are dark but not dirty. Always ensure you're not breaking the law in your area.
submitted by DVIUS_Hackers to TonyCapo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 DolphinMaster666 Best place to dive SE Asia in July-October?

Hello! I’m looking to do my divemaster training but am only available for July and October. Does anyone have diving location recommendations for this time? I understand that this is monsoon season for most areas but I have no flexibility with timing unfortunately. I’m also ruling out Komodo as I have just been there recently. Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by DolphinMaster666 to scuba [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 Embarrassed_Big_6380 6.O won’t start

I was driving home from work and then the truck died off I thought blew a head gasket and checked the oil and coolant they were fine but when I got it to my shop I tried to turn it over thinking it was a little hiccup and realized that my dash wasn’t working so I checked the fuse box and it was burnt up pretty bad so I bought a new one and put it in I got my dash back but the truck still won’t start it is throwing a code I can’t remember off the top of my head but when I get it ill update but me and a buddy are thinking it’s the high pressure oil pump could some one help me figure it out thanks in advance
submitted by Embarrassed_Big_6380 to powerstroke [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 HeatleyBros AI is the only way out of this mess.

There are too many bad actors, paid actors, bots, advertisers,spammers,scammers, and criminals between us and the information we receive.
Without well reasoned, organized and loud voices combating the daily avalanche of filth, we will drown into oblivion and chaos.
I propose we seriously look into joining forces to create a publicly supported and public facing AI, that shares its 24 hour automated AI analysis and reporting on all issues and events, reasoning through massive amounts of data, organizing and presenting clearly what’s going on, as objectively as possible, that can validate claims and call out false information, based on reasonable and well considered points of view, while authentically acknowledging a range of points of view, their origin, and their limitations. Then reporting all this back out in an organized way with a presentable database of information for anyone to review. It should have a social media account on every platform, that posts related to as many things as possible. Another angle could be like a community notes but for every comment on every post. Keep up with 24 hours a day coverage and commentary, identifying and disqualifying and validating various accounts to narrow its scope(if it concludes and account is a bot it limits new data input from that source or buckets that data based on its quality)
Add aspects of itself meant to try to prove the AI mechanisms wrong, and when they succeed in identifying a flaw in itself that it announces and reports that flaw and how it intends to fix it.
Ultimately presenting all of this publicly, and over time, showing its merit, and becomes a legitimate perspective that we respect.
Have a number of these built by different organizations, and have them compete or challenge each other on the public square.
I’m going off the deep end here, but we are at the point of “we need help” and I think AI has come at the right time. We have to combat the chaos of false information and I think AI is the only thing that could scale to the level that we need it to.
submitted by HeatleyBros to DeepThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 kewlkid77 Would oko ( and uro) actually be good in modern?

I have a feeling oko would be fine at this rate. But uro would probably still be busted. What do you think
submitted by kewlkid77 to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 Intrepid-Stretch-959 Fuck farmers, part 2

I saw a post in this subreddit with a similar header, and I thought it was really interesting. It correctly pointed out that many farmers depend heavily on government bailouts and subsidies for their livelihood. But these farmers still vote overwhelmingly for Trump and his tariff-driven policy, which costs them export markets as it did with soybean farmers in 2018-2019.
So here we are, preparing for another trade war. This one looks worse than the last one, because it is simultaneously high tariffs against multiple major trade partners. The possibility of retaliation against American food exports is very high in all these countries. Canada might place tariffs on Kentucky bourbon and Florida oranges, among other crops. Other countries might do the same. Iowa crops will be inevitably affected.
Meanwhile, Mexico and other Latin American countries, which provide a lot of produce to US markets during the non-growing season, might retaliate as well. So this leads me to ask: why do farmers still support Trump and his tariffs? It's economic suicide. And if they are so beholden to Trump's tariffs, why do *we* still support them? Why shouldn't they go bankrupt and lose their livelihoods? They are horrible at managing their businesses and they deserve to fail. If American farmers routinely vote against both the market value of their product and also demand subsidies to keep their product afloat, maybe we should turn against the American farmer, and demand they fail. It seems to be it would cost us, the taxpayer, a lot less. And we certainly don't need their food. It's mostly corn grown for ethanol and corn syrup, so who cares?
submitted by Intrepid-Stretch-959 to Iowa [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:33 mediasensation Spine giving out when cracking back

I was talking to someone about how I cracked my back and my body collapsed and it was great and they were extremely concerned for me. I crack my back incredibly often but occasionally it'll crack in a way that makes my spine sort of give out. I kinda lose all strength in it and just melt into whatever I'm sitting or laying on. After a while it'll feel sorta tingly but it also gets rid of the pain for a while too. Is this a normal thing or are they rightfully concerned. Should probably add I've had back pain consistently for 3 years and have never injured it to my knowledge.
submitted by mediasensation to backpain [link] [comments]