2025.01.22 07:51 2002vauxhallcorsa anyone else do auto shop jobs for customisation inspiration?
found too many that i like, being forced certain items and not having to pay to customise the car gives you some interesting outcomes submitted by 2002vauxhallcorsa to gtaonline [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Few_Breath_7239 Persian made the other guy rage quit
submitted by Few_Breath_7239 to PokemonTGCP [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 wankerzoo TikTok Shouldn’t Be Banned, But It Still Values Profit Over Privacy | A ban would be a nightmare for civil liberties. But TikTok, like all Big Tech platforms, is no friend to the left.
submitted by wankerzoo to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 HarryMishra Unrelated Comments on reddit be like 🥵😭
submitted by HarryMishra to 2bharat4you [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 neckofthedog Narrativas
submitted by neckofthedog to brasil [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 IcebergLounge Recommend me some movies based on my favorites
submitted by IcebergLounge to LetterboxdTopFour [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Ironmonger124 Bruh
submitted by Ironmonger124 to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 idgas01 Why are there so many collapsed comments?
Anytime I go to a thread, I see dozens of collapses comments but not every comment is collapsed. When I expand the comment, the person had received more upvotes than downvotes. It is really inconvenient to have to go through and click to expand each collapsed comment because there are so many of them.
submitted by idgas01 to help [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 CuteEntertainment173 Qimmah Russo
submitted by CuteEntertainment173 to Igdamn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 kennyblade_33 Pressing yes
submitted by kennyblade_33 to Akinator [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 Prizrak171980 Damm I love the game but..
After buying the game I nearly got fired, because I have no joke spent 4 literal days just sitting home and playing nonstop. I have a severe modding addiction which dragged over from Skyrim and was forced into downloading a few, after setting them up so they work properly and everything I was happy to play without any issues. That is until peak of my first playthrough I get some random non module crash that is unfixable. I spent 4-5h trying to resolve the issue, but even when removing all mods it was still there. I went into severe depression and started a new playthrough which cured it after maybe 5 minutes of gameplay. And there I am again at the peak of my playthrough, thousand man army and two fully garrisoned castles, and I get ready to storm enemy lands when BOOM. Another, completely different, random non module crash that cannot be bypassed by any damm way. That is so devastating that I even considered playing without mods, but that is impossible. I need atleast the armory mod for variety alongside a few others. I also started a third playthrough which also suffered the same fate with yet ANOTHER completely different and random module unrelated crash that was tied to an ingame event like the others. For some reason it's like always when I reach a specific day or moment in my playthrough and I'm unable to play past it, and for a different reason each and every time. First one I had was HeroComingOfAge missing references or something, second one was WageRecruitingNotable or something like that, and third one was CampaignTeleportationEvent or something like that. And each time it is so devastating that I get depressed to a point where I'm physically drained, which is not good because it's just a game but also what a game ey. So yeah, I don't know if y'all share similar experiences when playing with mods but let me know
submitted by Prizrak171980 to Bannerlord [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 NoodleCheeseThief Is it true? 😂
My wife sent me this. submitted by NoodleCheeseThief to alexa [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Illustrious_Lack_287 Diamonds are absolutely nothing 🥰
What's the point of saving diamonds? 🥰.............😭 submitted by Illustrious_Lack_287 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 nevertoolate1983 IRS Hiring Freeze
submitted by nevertoolate1983 to Ytqaz2019 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 kiwiretrogeek Why do some men value sexual and romantic flings with women over genuine deep friendships with either sex?
Is it because of sex drive or loneliness? I have noticed a lot of my male friends drifting away because they want to pursue women sexually, and it is disappointing. The only conclusion I can come to is that they value that over genuine friendship.
submitted by kiwiretrogeek to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 catgirlmvp AIO my friend and I think her cat has fleas
Please help! Ok so I go over to my friends house a lot and we notice how her cat has been scratching a lot and knawing at pieces of her skin. We’ve given her a flea bath and used a flea comb on her multiple times and nothing has come off. My friend continuously finds flea crap on her carpet and bed it’s looks just like the tiny little curled pieces when we looked it up. Today we used the flea comb on her and black dots came off and it tbh it looked like eggs were on it. I included close up photos of what some of the black dots look like. submitted by catgirlmvp to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Kooky_Amphibian6633 Je suis un peu confus, éclairez moi?
Hello, donc je vais essayer de faire ça de manière concise.
J'ai(28M) rencontré une fille(27F) il y a maintenant 3 semaines, on a pas mal parlé le feeling est super bien passé et j'ai en quelque sorte eu une espèce de coup de foudre pour elle, réellement, j'arretais pas de penser à elle jour et nuit, enfin bref vous voyez un peu le délire.
On continue de parler etc, le seul problème, c'est qu'elle habite assez loin. On décide de se voir, le feeling passe encore mieux, on b*ise, bref tout ça c'était vraiment incroyable, jusqu'au moment ou je lui pose la fameuse question:" Mais du coup est-ce qu'on est un couple?"
Ce à quoi elle m'a répondu qu'elle n'aimait pas les relations à distance quelle m'aimait beaucoup mais pas possible. Je n'ai pas cherché a forcer quoi que ce soit, me disant que la situation actuelle me suffisait pour le moment.
Problème, mes sentiments commençaient à grandir et grandir et ca commençait a devenir vraiment invivable pour moi, j'ai donc décidé daller la voir, et je lui ait dit face à face que je pensais commencer à ressentir des choses pour elle.
Elle a un peu pris peur et m'a répété qu'elle n'était pas à l'aise avec les relations à distance, que le soucis venait d'une expérience passée de son côté et qu'elle ne voulait pas trop en parler.
Suite à ça, bien sur ca m'a fait beaucoup de mal mais je me suis au moins senti soulagé, j'avais besoin je pense de ce "reality check". Donc bref, tout cela ne se stop pas, on continue quand même de se parler, de se voir régulièrement mais je n'espère plus rien de mon côté donc je réinstalle des applis de rencontres pour essayer de passer à autre chose.
Et maintenant voilà le gros soucis. Elle m'a demandé de désinstaller les applis de rencontres et commence à se montrer beaucoup plus affectueuse avec moi. Elle m'a avoué avoir déjà été jalouse de certaines filles à qui je parlais etc
Donc voilà ma question: J'aimerais beaucoup entreprendre une relation avec cette fille, j'ai des sentiments mais elle me fait comprendre à la fois que non ca ne se fera pas mais me montre des signes d'affection et d'attachement, voir de jalousie.
Je suis complètement perdu, si vous pouviez me dire ce que vous pensez de cette situation, peut-être que cela m'aiguillerait
submitted by Kooky_Amphibian6633 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 Freya-Catwoman03 The cat's like oh no, will he eat my food by mistake??
submitted by Freya-Catwoman03 to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Naive_Establishment2 My street ♥️
submitted by Naive_Establishment2 to Winter [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 Main_Treat_9641 Day: 4 so chris FINALLY got in, you know the deal at this point pick a user if your comment is the most upvoted they get a slot
submitted by Main_Treat_9641 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 Forgotmypass8008 Kya ye pehen ke ja sakta hun
submitted by Forgotmypass8008 to JEENEETards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 writeessaytoday Is Your Claim Defensible? How to Build a Strong Argument in Your Essay
When writing an essay, the strength of your claim is everything. A defensible claim is one that can be supported with strong evidence and logical reasoning. Without it, your essay risks falling flat. But how do you create a defensible claim?
First, make sure your claim is specific and debatable. Avoid vague statements that can’t be argued for or against. Then, back up your claim with credible evidence facts, data, and expert opinions. Each paragraph should contribute to defending your thesis.
Need help refining your claim or organizing your argument? Check out this essay writer online guide for expert tips!
A solid claim is the foundation of a persuasive essay. Ready to strengthen your argument? Lets discuss!
submitted by writeessaytoday to GetStudying [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:51 Visual_Aide_2477 Like this, has anyone made a video to promote the search for the original JTK image?
submitted by Visual_Aide_2477 to OriginalJTKImage [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 No_Tooth9108 Account closed, but payment will go through
If it’s any consolation to other people who have had their accounts closed, they will send your payments to you after about a month. I was very happy to receive this email today. My Depop account was banned for selling items from the Dolls Kill brand. (All my pictures were my own, but this brand is feisty) submitted by No_Tooth9108 to Depop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:51 MathematicianLast720 Ιωάννα Τζαβέλα - Survivor 2024
submitted by MathematicianLast720 to GreekSurvivorGirls [link] [comments] |