2025.01.22 08:43 ghiblisimp Software engineers who have gotten approved via an employer petition, what was your proposed endeavor?
submitted by ghiblisimp to EB2_NIW [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 swiss-hiker Optimizing splitting models for 3D-Printing
submitted by swiss-hiker to Onshape [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 indravc He-man Skeletor mash-up (Heletor? Skeleman?)
I was a leather worker before, but a sucker for new crafts and thought I'd give stained glass (Tiffany) a go.
I recently made this birthday present for a dear friend of mine. Say hello to.... Heletor! Or Skeleman.... Or ... ?? Anyone else made a He-man (or any other MotU) project? I'd love to see it!
I made over 12 patterns to get it right (with my limited knowledge) and eventually had the guts to give it a go. It's far from perfect, I've made some pieces too small and they've been gobbled up by the solder, but all in all, I'm very happy with the end-result. And most importantly: so is my friend 🥰
It's not an original design, I found the image on Pinterest as inspiration, but I havent been able to find the original artist. If anyone knows, please tell me :(
Realising how much I love making patterns, I thought I'd also put them up for sale, so if you're interested, check out my Etsy shop (I'm currently making an angry puppy with a spiked collar 😬).
submitted by indravc to StainedGlass [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 Phoxphite Iceberg Meme, But More Metal
NSFW because some band names get wacky. But I saw this trend and thought trying to find a name I recognized was pretty fun. Though I’ve had a lastfm for a few months, here’s my iceberg so far.
submitted by Phoxphite to lastfm [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 copeninja_69 RONIN owners assemble
this is my first bike so decided to go with TVS ronin, been two months and its great so far. how are other ronin riders feeling it? would love to hear your opinions. submitted by copeninja_69 to indianbikes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 Ryix_UO Addiction begins: A buddy of mine and his first kit
submitted by Ryix_UO to gamesworkshop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 wlfsen First EMG after 9 months. Good news!
Well, I made posts before, today at 10 am CET I had my EMG that I went to do privately, the neuromuscular specialist at the hospital who it the director of the entire EMG wing and who has done this for 10 or 20 years, don't remember. He does these tests for the hospital and for various specialists.
When he saw me I had zero fasics, literally none, he himself told me he did not see a single one and also explained "feeling" anything in not a als feature, and fasicultions can be a symptom of als but they are not indicative alone.
Thankfully I had videos of my muscles twitching that I did months ago at the height of the symptoms and he saw them and commented "these look very clearly to be BFS". Honestly I was shocked since I only saw general neuros who had no clue about anything muscle related and I felt so misunderstood.
But with him, since he was a specialist for EMG he was a muscular disease spec, I seemed like he was actually understanding of what I'm coming from and actually had answers.
He asked me which places are affected most and I told him my legs and my left arm. My legs chronically feel weak, like fatuige after the gym, even after waking up and my left elbow was a fasicultions hotspot for months in one muscle nonstop.
We agreed to do a EMG on my right thigh muscle and my left bicep. But he did mention that it is very stupid to even come to a conclusion that I may have als, and said he was very surprised why I'd even assume MND.
First he did the thigh and honestly I was just happy to get this test over with, he checked reflexes and ordered me to flex my leg with the needle and to resist his hand pushing my leg and just generally all sorts of tests, same was done on my bicep. He moved the needle and was looking very thoroughly. He said after doing the test that he is going to need 10 minutes to review the graphs, but calmed me down straight away that I had no signs of ALS.
30 minutes I waited in the hall and finally got the results, which came as following
Left biceps muscle: At rest, electrical silence. During slight voluntary contraction, the average PCJR values are within normal limits. Polyphasic index is normal. Effort recording is intermediate.
Right quadriceps muscle: At rest, electrical silence. During slight voluntary contraction, the average PCJR values are within normal limits. Polyphasic index is normal. Effort recording is intermediate.
Left Biceps
Mean Amplitude: 450
Mean Duration: 10.6
Poly: 6.9
Right Vastus Lat.
Mean Amplitude: 658
Mean Duration: 12.0
Poly: 8.9
submitted by wlfsen to MuscleTwitch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 TreeFromBFBsBigFan This is the glaze zone. Glaze your favourite tower. No negativity. (Image Unrelated)
Astral Eclipse is a masterpiece of a tower and nobody can convince me otherwise. It is 10/10 and incredible gameplay for it's difficulty. Defo being my first and only soul crushing. submitted by TreeFromBFBsBigFan to jukestowersofhell [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 lordschnulzbulz Motorbike with car license or no license?
So I have a B license and an international driving permit. Back home I am allowed to ride small scooters up to 45 km/h max speed. Is there any law like that in Thailand or, alternatively, any kind of scooter that anyone old enough can ride without a license? If so, the next problem would be finding a scooter like that, since rental places only seem to offer 125 cc + bikes. Any advice on one or both of these issues would be much appreciated
submitted by lordschnulzbulz to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 Cataclyzm7 After u hit the 3429 atk breakpoint, do u focus on Crit or AP (M0)
submitted by Cataclyzm7 to AstraYaoMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 kdbleeep Choose your catwalk.
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 joon-baby guys i need your help.
hi guys, i had brought tiks for both the shows of AMD but due to some serious emergency, i am not able to attend the 26th show. hence, i wts the passes for 26th show as i really don’t want it to go to waste. i don’t intend to make any stupid profit or gulp a huge amount of money. i am willing to give it to you at a decent price. it’s my sincere request to help me help your friend/relative or you to make the most of 26th show. feel free to reach out in dms. i am happy to provide you with all the proofs
tikt details: 26th Jan - K Block - One Ttkt
submitted by joon-baby to coldplayindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 GertieDirtyShirtyCat It's A Matter Of Time: T.H.E. Cat, Episodes 6&7... (With Matt Riggs)!
submitted by GertieDirtyShirtyCat to KnowledgeFight [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 _QLFON_ Worth to buy?
Found locally:
2025.01.22 08:43 Nederland5 Succesvolle subsidieregeling ‘Bewonersinitiatieven’ opnieuw open in 2025
submitted by Nederland5 to Nieuwsuitdrenthe [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 FarBattle8462 The outline on the svg file doesn't work on the inner shape. How do I fix this?
I have this problem with an svg file.
I need to extrude all the outlines to design a 3D printed text, but I cannot find a way to fix this.
thank you all
submitted by FarBattle8462 to tinkercad [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 NotOfYourKind3721 Whoops.
I apologize to everyone for mistakenly assuming that the January Contest post I made was taken down. Knowing that I made an error in judgement is the best conclusion. Please forgive me for thinking that anyone in this community would do something like taking down a post I made, I’m only human. The contest runs thought the 25th and I appreciate all who have participated as well as those who remain to do so. I’m glad I am so silly and skeptically presumptuous
submitted by NotOfYourKind3721 to WisdomWriters [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 Eugene_Creamer Daiwa 24 Emeraldas X LT2500-XH-DH
submitted by Eugene_Creamer to JDMreelclub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 gowiden Blessings, fortune, and peace arrive with the Little New Year.
小年福至 [Blessing] 祥瑞平安 [Gift] 🎁🧧 Little New Year brings blessings, Auspiciousness and peace~ submitted by gowiden to coolplants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 ZookeepergameOk2150 Arcane S2 Early Storyboard Designs for Viktor's Commune
submitted by ZookeepergameOk2150 to arcane [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 K_GS1111 Stack for OCD (Heavy rumination and rituals), ADHD and maybe speech blocks. Can't live my life
Diagnosed with OCD and ADHD, i also have speech blocks, which is a form of stuttering.
My OCD is mainly rumination. It excaberates especially when I'm excited or happy in general. Example: Talking with an interesting friend, winning a match in fifa, doing well in classroom and understanding everything. That is especially when the ocd flares up. It is sort of like anticipatory grief but worse.
I get stuck in compulsive loops. No matter the logic i give, my mind will not have that "Ok got it" feeling. And what happens afterwards? The anxiety takes over and depletes the interest and motivation.
For speech blocks, this one is cheeky. It goes away in certain situations or for a short period, but then comes back. This overly flares up when I'm excited aswell as normal situations.
For example, i won 3 debates in my school. But would stutter or block over telling this to my family.
My dad has a stutter problem too, but he consistently stutters, whereas i do not stutter or block AT ALL when I'm talking alone, invested in gaming with friends, or when i feel overly confident.
It has gotten pretty worse now. Imagine not being able to communicate without blocking every 2-3 words and replacing them with something else, and sometimes the replacement is an obnoxious word that ruins the setting and tone, leading to even arguments.
My stack that i'm considering: 1800mg NAC, Magnesium biglycinate, 10-12g Inisitol, and omega 3
I'm also taking Ritalin XR, which works on my ocd and adhd for 3 hours, but then stops working, it should last 8 hours right? (Although i take addwize)
I have tried lexapro and fluvoxamine and it didn't have any effect. L thenaine didn't work too.
Should i add taurine to my stack? since i need something that is instant because all of the things above will take time to work
submitted by K_GS1111 to Supplements [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 Themtgdude486 Best Horror Film of the 90s?
I’ll start, I watch Candyman every year during spooky season. The Blair Witch Project and Silence of the Lambs is up there for me as well. What’s yours? submitted by Themtgdude486 to Letterboxd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 Anna_9104 Don't know if my rabbits are lazy or just sad
I heard that rabbits don't hibernate so I don't think they're hibernatin. I don't think they're sad either both are free roam and would play whole day. They would run or play at most 4-5 hours and also blinky but they're sleeping more than usual. Day, night, noon, however they're still active on those 4-5 hours. Are they sad or something? I got them checked last week and the vet said they're fine. For info, Luca is about 1-1.3year old And coco is unknown but she's been here from 5 months so I'm guessing She's about 7-8 months.
Am I doing something wrong? Are they okay?
submitted by Anna_9104 to Rabbits [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 08:43 IdentifiesAsGreenPud Just me who didn't read the toilet paper as 22p per 100 #/sheet ?
submitted by IdentifiesAsGreenPud to tesco [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 08:43 PLACE-H0LDER I'll hop on the trend, what do my waifus say about me?
Mods please don't remove my balls submitted by PLACE-H0LDER to hazbin [link] [comments] |