Cashier accidentally included my personal stapler with a patient’s prescriptions 😭

2025.01.22 08:52 squishmittenlol Cashier accidentally included my personal stapler with a patient’s prescriptions 😭

submitted by squishmittenlol to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Mmtorz I am genuinely so happy to be part of an era of history where we realize we were so wrong about dinosaurs

I grew up during the 00s and I remember being so infatuated by dinosaurs and it was pretty much all I read about as a kid. I went to dinosaur parks, watched every dinosaur-related movie and everything. So that part of me is genuinely really happy to be part of this era where we realize "Oh shit, we were very wrong about dinosaurs. They weren't even reptiles! And we've seen evidence that shows that they had feathers and were more closely related to birds, and we've probably not gotten their appearances right since we thought they were reptiles, not to mention their colors and the sounds they make" No flack to the scientific community at all, quite the opposite. I'm happy I am able to follow along in this journey where we discover new things about dinosaurs, that I used to be so obsessed with.
submitted by Mmtorz to ShowerThoughtsRejects [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 crafticharli How to plan - long form post

This is a worst case scenario situation.
Bear with me, I know it's long, but our country is FAR too big for us to organize on a national level before getting our communities in order. By community, I do not mean just the people you know, I mean your physical neighbors who may not share the same creed or color or values as you.
If You Know Who is going to try and become the next Mustache Man then we have to stand together as one voice. He has to start by Securing Power and that starts by getting Rid of the Competition and getting the military on his side. There my be a fabricated "w@r like incident" that could give him powers he does not yet have, so that gives us SOME time - but not much.
I've laid out a list of steps and what to do. This strategy requires an unprecedented amount of coming together far greater than any we have ever known. It is not Left vs Right. It is Up vs Down. We must BECOME the Neutral Party. We stand for the People and what is right for Them. We can no longer be red or blue. We must become Grey. We are the Melting Pot, and no one can tell us who to love or how to dress or which religion to follow or whether or not we should be able to defend our right to fair and equitable democracy with our arms.
This is what the forefathers saw and this is what they were trying to prevent when they added that ammendment.

  1. We need to start by organizing communities. Kitchen Diplomacy. - originally coined in Russia, the resistance met in kitchens. When you do this, turn off all cellphones, Alexas and potential listening devices.
  2. Take out 100 dollars in cash every single paycheck. I know that it's not affordable to most people - but if the worst happens and you and your families have to leave, you need to have a ready cash supply and the ability to spend it without being tracked.
  3. Start hording food. I mean go nuts with the cans, and learn how to cook with it. Learn how to turn hard wheat berries into flour etc.
  4. Start turning off the power to the house at night. Learn to live with intermittent power outages and plan accordingly. Prices might skyrocket and people might not be able to pay their bills - so Learn to cook on gas and propane stoves if you have them. If you don't have them, get them. If an EVENT happens that threatens national infrastructure, then you already know what to do.
  5. Keep a bug out bag in the house and one in the car. Keep enough water and water purification tablets to last your whole family more than a year. Learn to boil and filter water before drinking every single time.
  6. Focus on Nerighborhood Units and keep hidden places in your houses to hide people who may be on the run. It could be anyone from your sister who had a miscarriage and is now being charged with murder, (just passed in SC) to a trans who used their bathroom of choice (bounties in texas) to migrant who needs a place to hide for the night.
  7. Build trust in your communities - we're the most disconnected society in the history of the world because of US vs Them, blue vs red and none of that matters. It is Up vs Down. STAND TOGETHER.
  8. This year- focus on growing as much food as possible in your communities. Utilize all free space and all arable ground. Learn to Can and put away as much as possible because all aid is getting cut. I'm not even sure if things like food banks will be available. Organize with your communities to provide as much aid to the disenfranchised as possible.
  9. If they take away women's rights to work, then we'll have to figure out how to survive through mutual aid in our communities.
  10. If you live in an apartment - find or found local community gardens, not just for the vegetables but for meat as well. LEARN how to butcher meat. You will need it to survive.
  11. Learn to keep rabbits - 2 does and one buck will produce 720 lbs of meat per year.
  12. Get a sewing kit. If things go completely to shit, you're going to be wearing what you've got for a while.
  13. Create a militia for your neighborhood, and learn how to patrol it. Get the veterans involved and make it very clear to all that it is to protect the people AGAINST issues - because this could scare quite a few people. Have a code like a Pin or something so that you can easily identify eachother. I -personally- have ordered a Mokingjay Pin.
  14. We're fat, lazy, and unmotivated. We cannot be a resistance as we are. We must put all of our efforts into training our bodies and reading the banned books before they're not just banned from schools and libraries. Steal them if you have to, because if book burnings start, we know where we're headed. Workout every single day. 50 push-ups, 50 Jumping Jack's, 50 situps and Run.
  15. If our immigrants end up in prisons, we closely monitor the situation. If they start getting killed, malnourished or mistreated, we need to put together groups to get them out and get them hidden.
They have great science backed and proven method of correcting corruption. We have to do this NOW before he tries to keep power past his term.
submitted by crafticharli to TheResistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Gelatoni7 Best place to buy Sylvanian keychains/have lots in Osaka

I’m in Osaka right now and I was wondering if they have any good Sylvanian stores? I went to one in Daimaru Umeda but there were not many :( thank you!
submitted by Gelatoni7 to sylvanianfamilies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 SwordfishAltruistic4 An ever-growing colony with a booming population serving the elite class.

OK. The rules are simple. First reserve a fixed amount of tiles in the middle. You got walls, recreation room, theater, prestigious dining room, Pantheon, throne room, luxurious bedrooms, loads of statue... anything you can think of. And don't stop recruiting. Now, the population will slowly overflow. What should we do? We'll, just build a giant barrack with sleeping spots outside the wall. There is a tiny passage leading into the workshop. Need to dispose tox packs? Right into the slum. Need to wait a megaspider wake up before taming it? Right into the slum. Need to store some mortar shells? Right into the slum. Need some spare space for the shamblers? Right into the slum. Wait, we are running out of available rooms for temples. What should we do? Easy. Purge the worst ideoligion outside the wall. Just build a barely minimum temple outside and exile every follower of it into the slum.
Now, we got a utopia. In the walls, we got festivals, parties, and psychite tea. Every scars and conditions can be treated. Outside the wall, they got crippling wake up addiction and become merely biochemical slaves. You lost a limb? Oh, how miserable. Now give me your organs. Because bionics are researved for those inside the walls.
submitted by SwordfishAltruistic4 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 st4rphix Ftm pipeline

Ftm pipeline Not every ftm, i know!
submitted by st4rphix to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Fuehit 34 buaya lepas di Batam dievakuasi, bisakah yang masih berkeliaran bahayakan Singapura?

34 buaya lepas di Batam dievakuasi, bisakah yang masih berkeliaran bahayakan Singapura? submitted by Fuehit to indonesia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 EhukaiMaint Just landed in French Polynesia and my phone isn’t working… please?

Here is what Verizon sent me as soon as I landed:
Verizon Msg: Welcome to French Polynesia. You have unlimited calls back to the US and within French Polynesia, unlimited texts and 10 GB of high speed data included with your plan, then unlimited data at 2G speeds. For help, visit or call +1 908-559-4899. Enjoy your trip.
I am aware of the fact that I have an unlimited plan but how do I get it to work? Do I need to change some settings other than turning my roaming on?
Thank you guys. I’ll be on WiFi for the next 10 hours or so. Please feel free to give me any suggestions or answers. Thank you!
submitted by EhukaiMaint to verizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 LIAM0510omg02 NHL Streams Reddit>>NHLStreams

submitted by LIAM0510omg02 to RobloxPiggy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 putaanonima69 Enjoy

submitted by putaanonima69 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Ornery-Climate7857 Does Kai Language School have interview to move forward with the application?

After submitting application to Kai Language School, is there any interview to proceed?
submitted by Ornery-Climate7857 to movingtojapan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Due-Contribution-378 Looking for Apartment Recommendations in Gothenburg

Hi everyone,
I’ve just received a job opportunity in Gothenburg and have about 2 months to find an apartment. I’ve been registered on HomeQ and Alebyggen for around 350 days and on Heimstaden for about 3 years.
I’m open to living anywhere within a 20-30 minute drive or public transport commute from Gothenburg. Does anyone have recommendations or tips for finding a place? Any areas I should focus on or avoid?
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Due-Contribution-378 to Gothenburg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 adulting4kids Write Figures of Speech

  1. Simile: Her smile was as bright as the sun.
  2. Metaphor: Time is a thief.
  3. Hyperbole: I've told you a million times.
  4. Personification: The wind whispered through the trees.
  5. Alliteration: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  6. Assonance: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
  7. Onomatopoeia: The bee buzzed around the garden.
  8. Oxymoron: Deafening silence filled the room.
  9. Irony: The fire station burned down.
  10. Pun: I used to be a baker because I kneaded dough.
  11. Euphemism: He passed away peacefully in his sleep.
  12. Juxtaposition: The old house stood next to the modern skyscraper.
  13. Anaphora: I have a dream...
  14. Epiphora: Love, love, love – that's what it's all about.
  15. Zeugma: He stole my heart and my wallet.
  16. Chiasmus: You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.
  17. Litotes: The test was not a total disaster.
  18. Synecdoche: All hands on deck.
  19. Antithesis: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
  20. Paradox: Less is more.
  21. Allegory: Animal Farm by George Orwell.
  22. Metonymy: The White House issued a statement.
  23. Sarcasm: Nice job on the presentation – if you were aiming for confusion.
  24. Understatement: The hurricane disrupted some outdoor activities.
  25. Cliché: Time heals all wounds.
  26. Anthropomorphism: The clock seemed to mock him as it ticked away.
  27. Symbolism: The dove is a symbol of peace.
  28. Paronomasia: I used to be a baker because I kneaded dough.
  29. Malapropism: I'm going to the store to buy some orangutans.
  30. Homophone: They're going to their house over there.
  31. Epanalepsis: Blood hath bought blood, and blows have answered blows.
  32. Polyptoton: Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.
  33. Catachresis: I could feel the darkness wrapping its cold arms around me.
  34. Epistrophe: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
  35. Hypophora: What is the meaning of life? It's a question we all ponder.
  36. Anadiplosis: The strength of the team is the team.
  37. Ellipsis: Some people prefer cats; others, dogs.
  38. Asyndeton: I came, I saw, I conquered.
  39. Polysyndeton: They laughed and talked and danced and sang.
  40. Enjambment: The moon was high, casting a silver glow on the water, as I walked along the shore.
  41. Caesura: To be or not to be, that is the question.
  42. Meiosis: It's just a scratch; I don't need a bandage.
  43. Epizeuxis: Never, never, never give up.
  44. Antimetabole: I know what I like, and I like what I know.
  45. Aposiopesis: If you don't stop that, I'll—
  46. Paralipsis: I won't mention his previous mistakes, but...
  47. Hendiadys: Let's go for a walk and a talk.
  48. Apophasis: I won't even mention the rumors about his past.
  49. Prosopopoeia: The storm howled as if it were an angry beast.
  50. Acrostic: Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 slothman3878 Third class cs major’s pathway to a masters

Back in 2020 I barely got out of a math&cs bachelors with a third class. I have a couple of lame excuses for my failure such as mental breakdown due to imposter syndrome and Covid.
Since then i’ve been working in the us as an sde at a small a startup for roughly three years. Recently i’ve been wanting to redo the studying I had missed out on and was hoping to going to grad school for cs or ds (or maybe statistics). I understand that my grades make it nigh impossible to get into a decent cs grad school program especially at a time when new grads are finding difficulty in the job market. That being said I was hoping if anyone could give me insight into the kind of options I could explore.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by slothman3878 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 dizzy-dai Small cinnamoroll collection ☁️🥺🫶🏻

Small cinnamoroll collection ☁️🥺🫶🏻 I love all my stuffies so much but this small collection has a huge place in my heart bc my cg always searches for him for me, even when they’re in a different state they’re always thinking of me 🥺🫶🏻
Sfw agere tumblr
submitted by dizzy-dai to ageregression [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 MommyLex_ Treatment for brown no tethered scars ?

Treatment for brown no tethered scars ? I’ve been told subscision and filler but i also saw that subcision is for tethered scars when i pull stretch my skin they mostly disappear so i assume there not tethered? i herd c02 laser but im brown skin so thats not an option ive here microneedling doesn’t work im lost now any advice helps thanks.
submitted by MommyLex_ to AcneScars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 io_er the game

submitted by io_er to Io_er_game [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Agitated_Leek_8585 CBBE Underwear Issue

Hello everyone. I just wanted to ask if it was possible to use CBBE Amazing body preset and still show underwear for dead people. While nothing for flower girls
submitted by Agitated_Leek_8585 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 patrickokrrr SF view from the East Peak at Mt. Tam

submitted by patrickokrrr to FromAfar [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 ImmediateLeg6929 Ce truc vu en Belgique flamande

submitted by ImmediateLeg6929 to trucsmoches [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 jeremy_feng Vector Search for Intelligent Similarity Data Querying

Hi community, I‘m one of the founder of an open-source time-series database which has vector capability for data similarity search. In our latest release, we introduced vector search feature to efficiently and accurately extract semantically similar information from vast amounts of data.
In an age where data is abundant, traditional search methods often struggle to deliver relevant results. This is where vector search can make a significant difference by understanding the context and relationships between data points.
I shared detailed tutorial on how to write data to the database and conduct vector search, as well as the actual difference between vector search and full-text search result in my latest blog.
Check it out and you're welcomed to share your thoughts:
submitted by jeremy_feng to vectordatabase [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 sahargr108 Help me identify some parts

Help me identify some parts I have never seen a black Pegasus 2 ring without gold markings, also the face bolt is blue? Overall I am really not sure where it is from so I just used a regular galaxy ring, but I would love to build it's stock
submitted by sahargr108 to BeybladeMetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 -Red-Rum- So did Extreme get easier while I've been away? I notice the DBs on Extreme don't swipe your long passes as much as they used to. The A.I. doesn't seem as dirty as it was nearly two years ago. I'm breaking gains that I didn't think imaginable back then more often than not.

submitted by -Red-Rum- to RetroBowl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Nohan07 Chez les enseignants, on se prépare à accueillir les élèves

Chez les enseignants, on se prépare à accueillir les élèves submitted by Nohan07 to Mayotte [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:52 Windsurfer2023 Sisters, how do you expect to find your husband?

Assalamo aleikom.
Which ways are acceptable and not acceptable for you?. Do you expect to find him by yourself? Through family or some other way?.
submitted by Windsurfer2023 to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]