Drew my buddies Gali

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2025.01.22 10:52 Ok_Room7774 Drew my buddies Gali

Drew my buddies Gali submitted by Ok_Room7774 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 IntelligentStrain829 How can I screen mirror my iPhone screen to cox cable? The cox is on a non smart vizio tv

submitted by IntelligentStrain829 to CoxCommunications [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 rvps2001 EU Risks Letting Russia Sanctions Expire as Orban Stalls Renewal

EU Risks Letting Russia Sanctions Expire as Orban Stalls Renewal submitted by rvps2001 to RussiaUkraineBriefing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 freeusername2 Themen ETF und Portfolio

Moin liebe Finanzen-Bubble! Ich (in meinen 20ern) habe kürzlich angefangen, einen kleineren Betrag in verschiedene ETF und Aktien (nur zwei) zu investieren. Sprich, aktuell noch kein Sparplan. Aufgrund der boomenden KI Situation habe ich unter anderem 4% meiner bescheidenen Investitionssumme in den AI & Big Data ETF (über Trade Republic) investiert. Nun habe ich gelesen, dass das für manche Bereiche sinnvoll sein kann, für passives und langfristiges Anlegen vielleicht dann doch nicht und hohe Kosten verursacht etc...
Auszug aus meinem Portfolio: - insg. 57 % bilden FTSE All World (Acc) und S&P 500 EUR (Acc) - 15 % FTSE All World (Dist) - 8 % MSCI World Inform. Techn. (Acc) - 8 % FTSE All World High Dividend (Dist)
...und eben die 4 % im AI & Big Data + restliche 8 % in Einzelaktien
Ich habe schon mitbekommen, dass man hier eher Fan von einfach 1 bis 2 World ETFs im Portfolio zu sein scheint. Mein Ziel ist in erster Linie das Sparen an sich, sowie über die Jahre mein Geld passiv zu vermehren über ETFs und wenige Einzelaktien. Aktuell habe ich die Hälfte meines Bargelds auf das neue Girokonto bei Trade Rep. gepackt, weils hier 3% Zinsen gibt und ich bisher bei der Sparkasse war (hierüber laufen aktuell alle meine Einnahmen und Ausgaben). Da bin ich mir aktuell irgendwie noch unsicher, ob ich nicht komplett zu TR umziehen soll.
Jetzt meine Fragen: 1. Wie seht ihr das mit dem AI & Big Data Themen-ETF? 2. Habt ihr andere Empfehlungen, in KI zu investieren oder weitere Vorschläge für sinnvolle Einzelaktien-Investitionen (Ich hätte da Microsoft, Alphabet, NVIDIA oder ASML im Sinn) Mal dumm gefragt - Macht es hier Sinn, zu warten, bis bspw. Microsoft billiger wird, um dann zu kaufen? 3. Welche Vorschläge habt ihr für mein Portfolio oder generell meine Lage?
Ich bin noch ziemlich unerfahren, und bin deshalb auf euer Feedback gespannt und danke jetzt schon mal, falls sich Leute zu diesem Post verirren!
submitted by freeusername2 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Internal_Weekend_984 Man Dust??

Man Dust?? submitted by Internal_Weekend_984 to ObviousPlant [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Krapfenmann Can't stop moving while begging for treats.

submitted by Krapfenmann to blurrypicturesofbuns [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 anynamewillbegood Ransomware gangs pose as IT support in Microsoft Teams phishing attacks

Ransomware gangs pose as IT support in Microsoft Teams phishing attacks submitted by anynamewillbegood to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 BigYakBo Why did I receive a $0.00 SOL transaction , is it a scam attack or somethig?

Why did I receive a $0.00 SOL transaction , is it a scam attack or somethig? submitted by BigYakBo to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Angiefwuffybootz When was this implemented??

When was this implemented?? I have to spend 100 gems to change my name?? What kind of bull is that??? Did I miss an update, when the hell was this??
submitted by Angiefwuffybootz to SuitU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Inevitable-Pause-777 دليلك الشامل لاختيار افضل منسق حدائق الرياض | تاج الحدائق

دليلك الشامل لاختيار افضل منسق حدائق الرياض | تاج الحدائق submitted by Inevitable-Pause-777 to abyatproparty2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 targus691914 Today's office special - Nasi Goreng Belacan

Today's office special - Nasi Goreng Belacan submitted by targus691914 to MalaysianFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Strange_Budget2204 خلصت الترم

اعمل ايه في الاجازه؟ لسه شهر
submitted by Strange_Budget2204 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 icebox43 @binance @SlothanaCoin $SLOTH

@binance @SlothanaCoin $SLOTH submitted by icebox43 to Slothana [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 kinmdo Seiwald oder Klostermann

Kann nur einen behalten
View Poll
submitted by kinmdo to kickbasemanager [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Senior_Ingenuity_746 Mark Nonoy to SMB

After this ala prime Damian Lillard performance niya against TNT, I won't be surprised if he gets traded to SMB next conference for a bag of chips
submitted by Senior_Ingenuity_746 to PBA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Funny-Elk-8170 What do you make of a potential 100% property tax for non-EU residents? (Journalism request!)

Hi all - I work for a BBC Radio Programme in the UK and I'm looking to speak to locals who can tell me either why they think this property tax is necessary to address Spain's housing crisis, or why it might be a bad idea.
Keen to hear what you all think regardless, but if you'd be up for coming on air please drop me a DM and I'll give you a ring!
Muchas gracias
submitted by Funny-Elk-8170 to askspain [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 CalendarDesperate531 Razor Pages + HTMX + Alpine.js for Scalable Frontend Applications

Is anyone using Razor Pages + HTMX + Alpine.js for the front end? How is it? Can someone explain the pros and cons of using this stack for mid to large applications?
submitted by CalendarDesperate531 to dotnet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 JuliaStout 2meirl4meirl

submitted by JuliaStout to 2meirl4meirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 SmokeNo4035 Tired of dry hair, help please

Tired of dry hair, help please submitted by SmokeNo4035 to curlygirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Profess0r-Oak Pokemon TCG S&V 151 Booster Bundles - Legit check

Pokemon TCG S&V 151 Booster Bundles - Legit check Purchased these 5 boxes at market price. Cross referenced with a few boxes online. Seal looks good, but just looking for a second opinion. Thank you for your input in advance.
submitted by Profess0r-Oak to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 armyreco Everything you need to know about South Africa Milkor 380 MALE UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technical Review

Everything you need to know about South Africa Milkor 380 MALE UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technical Review The Milkor 380 UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by Milkor (Pty) Ltd, a South African defense manufacturer. This medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) UAV is designed for multi-role applications, including surveillance, reconnaissance, and light precision strike capabilities. The Milkor 380 has been developed to meet the demands of both military and security forces, offering a versatile, cost-effective solution capable of extended operations across diverse environments. With advanced sensors, long endurance, and high payload capacity, it stands out as a reliable platform for tactical and strategic missions. Read Milkor 380 Technical Review at this link ...
The Milkor 380 is a South African medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) designed for multi-role missions, including surveillance, reconnaissance, and precision strike operations.
submitted by armyreco to WorldDefenseNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 TechnicalAd6118 Crushed E2 - Help

I think i crushed my estrogen. I AM having all low estrogen side effects, like low líbido, ED, tireness, sleepy all The time, joints pain. I am doing 700mg cypio/week, 600mg EQ/ week and I did for about 4 weeks aromasin (exemestan) 25mg twice per week. My bloodwork: Total test: 1566ng/dl Esteogen: 32.4 pg/ml
With ratio arround 18:1 or 20:1 estrogen should be arround 70-80. Did I crushed my E2? Should I start HCG 1500ui twice week and dbol 20mg/30mg a day? Drop EQ? Thanks.
submitted by TechnicalAd6118 to SteroidsUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 VoidGamingPro Is it normal if I meet this after door 50?

Is it normal if I meet this after door 50? submitted by VoidGamingPro to doors_roblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 senbonzakura01 Ilang araw bago nyo matupi ang mga tuyong damit?

5-7 business days? 😆
submitted by senbonzakura01 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:52 Kustilane How to promote a server?

How do you promote a Minecraft server? Does anyone have tips or tricks? Where can I post my server? I know about voting sites, but are there any other ways to promote a server?
submitted by Kustilane to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]
